   1From: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
   2Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 16:32:55 -0800
   3Subject: Addendum to "MaintNotes"
   4Abstract: Imagine that git development is racing along as usual, when our friendly
   5 neighborhood maintainer is struck down by a wayward bus. Out of the
   6 hordes of suckers (loyal developers), you have been tricked (chosen) to
   7 step up as the new maintainer. This howto will show you "how to" do it.
  12The maintainer's git time is spent on three activities.
  14 - Communication (45%)
  16   Mailing list discussions on general design, fielding user
  17   questions, diagnosing bug reports; reviewing, commenting on,
  18   suggesting alternatives to, and rejecting patches.
  20 - Integration (50%)
  22   Applying new patches from the contributors while spotting and
  23   correcting minor mistakes, shuffling the integration and
  24   testing branches, pushing the results out, cutting the
  25   releases, and making announcements.
  27 - Own development (5%)
  29   Scratching my own itch and sending proposed patch series out.
  31The Policy
  34The policy on Integration is informally mentioned in "A Note
  35from the maintainer" message, which is periodically posted to
  36this mailing list after each feature release is made.
  38 - Feature releases are numbered as vX.Y.Z and are meant to
  39   contain bugfixes and enhancements in any area, including
  40   functionality, performance and usability, without regression.
  42 - One release cycle for a feature release is expected to last for
  43   eight to ten weeks.
  45 - Maintenance releases are numbered as vX.Y.Z.W and are meant
  46   to contain only bugfixes for the corresponding vX.Y.Z feature
  47   release and earlier maintenance releases vX.Y.Z.V (V < W).
  49 - 'master' branch is used to prepare for the next feature
  50   release. In other words, at some point, the tip of 'master'
  51   branch is tagged with vX.Y.Z.
  53 - 'maint' branch is used to prepare for the next maintenance
  54   release.  After the feature release vX.Y.Z is made, the tip
  55   of 'maint' branch is set to that release, and bugfixes will
  56   accumulate on the branch, and at some point, the tip of the
  57   branch is tagged with vX.Y.Z.1, vX.Y.Z.2, and so on.
  59 - 'next' branch is used to publish changes (both enhancements
  60   and fixes) that (1) have worthwhile goal, (2) are in a fairly
  61   good shape suitable for everyday use, (3) but have not yet
  62   demonstrated to be regression free.  New changes are tested
  63   in 'next' before merged to 'master'.
  65 - 'pu' branch is used to publish other proposed changes that do
  66   not yet pass the criteria set for 'next'.
  68 - The tips of 'master' and 'maint' branches will not be rewound to
  69   allow people to build their own customization on top of them.
  70   Early in a new development cycle, 'next' is rewound to the tip of
  71   'master' once, but otherwise it will not be rewound until the end
  72   of the cycle.
  74 - Usually 'master' contains all of 'maint' and 'next' contains all
  75   of 'master'.  'pu' contains all the topics merged to 'next', but
  76   is rebuilt directly on 'master'.
  78 - The tip of 'master' is meant to be more stable than any
  79   tagged releases, and the users are encouraged to follow it.
  81 - The 'next' branch is where new action takes place, and the
  82   users are encouraged to test it so that regressions and bugs
  83   are found before new topics are merged to 'master'.
  86A Typical Git Day
  89A typical git day for the maintainer implements the above policy
  90by doing the following:
  92 - Scan mailing list.  Respond with review comments, suggestions
  93   etc.  Kibitz.  Collect potentially usable patches from the
  94   mailing list.  Patches about a single topic go to one mailbox (I
  95   read my mail in Gnus, and type \C-o to save/append messages in
  96   files in mbox format).
  98 - Write his own patches to address issues raised on the list but
  99   nobody has stepped up solving.  Send it out just like other
 100   contributors do, and pick them up just like patches from other
 101   contributors (see above).
 103 - Review the patches in the saved mailboxes.  Edit proposed log
 104   message for typofixes and clarifications, and add Acks
 105   collected from the list.  Edit patch to incorporate "Oops,
 106   that should have been like this" fixes from the discussion.
 108 - Classify the collected patches and handle 'master' and
 109   'maint' updates:
 111   - Obviously correct fixes that pertain to the tip of 'maint'
 112     are directly applied to 'maint'.
 114   - Obviously correct fixes that pertain to the tip of 'master'
 115     are directly applied to 'master'.
 117   - Other topics are not handled in this step.
 119   This step is done with "git am".
 121     $ git checkout master    ;# or "git checkout maint"
 122     $ git am -sc3 mailbox
 123     $ make test
 125   In practice, almost no patch directly goes to 'master' or
 126   'maint'.
 128 - Review the last issue of "What's cooking" message, review the
 129   topics ready for merging (topic->master and topic->maint).  Use
 130   "Meta/cook -w" script (where Meta/ contains a checkout of the
 131   'todo' branch) to aid this step.
 133   And perform the merge.  Use "Meta/Reintegrate -e" script (see
 134   later) to aid this step.
 136     $ Meta/cook -w last-issue-of-whats-cooking.mbox
 138     $ git checkout master    ;# or "git checkout maint"
 139     $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate -e ;# "git merge ai/topic"
 140     $ git log -p ORIG_HEAD.. ;# final review
 141     $ git diff ORIG_HEAD..   ;# final review
 142     $ make test              ;# final review
 144 - Handle the remaining patches:
 146   - Anything unobvious that is applicable to 'master' (in other
 147     words, does not depend on anything that is still in 'next'
 148     and not in 'master') is applied to a new topic branch that
 149     is forked from the tip of 'master'.  This includes both
 150     enhancements and unobvious fixes to 'master'.  A topic
 151     branch is named as ai/topic where "ai" is two-letter string
 152     named after author's initial and "topic" is a descriptive name
 153     of the topic (in other words, "what's the series is about").
 155   - An unobvious fix meant for 'maint' is applied to a new
 156     topic branch that is forked from the tip of 'maint'.  The
 157     topic is named as ai/maint-topic.
 159   - Changes that pertain to an existing topic are applied to
 160     the branch, but:
 162     - obviously correct ones are applied first;
 164     - questionable ones are discarded or applied to near the tip;
 166   - Replacement patches to an existing topic are accepted only
 167     for commits not in 'next'.
 169   The above except the "replacement" are all done with:
 171     $ git checkout ai/topic ;# or "git checkout -b ai/topic master"
 172     $ git am -sc3 mailbox
 174   while patch replacement is often done by:
 176     $ git format-patch ai/topic~$n..ai/topic ;# export existing
 178   then replace some parts with the new patch, and reapplying:
 180     $ git checkout ai/topic
 181     $ git reset --hard ai/topic~$n
 182     $ git am -sc3 -s 000*.txt
 184   The full test suite is always run for 'maint' and 'master'
 185   after patch application; for topic branches the tests are run
 186   as time permits.
 188 - Merge maint to master as needed:
 190     $ git checkout master
 191     $ git merge maint
 192     $ make test
 194 - Merge master to next as needed:
 196     $ git checkout next
 197     $ git merge master
 198     $ make test
 200 - Review the last issue of "What's cooking" again and see if topics
 201   that are ready to be merged to 'next' are still in good shape
 202   (e.g. has there any new issue identified on the list with the
 203   series?)
 205 - Prepare 'jch' branch, which is used to represent somewhere
 206   between 'master' and 'pu' and often is slightly ahead of 'next'.
 208     $ Meta/Reintegrate master..pu >Meta/redo-jch.sh
 210   The result is a script that lists topics to be merged in order to
 211   rebuild 'pu' as the input to Meta/Reintegrate script.  Remove
 212   later topics that should not be in 'jch' yet.  Add a line that
 213   consists of '###' before the name of the first topic in the output
 214   that should be in 'jch' but not in 'next' yet.
 216 - Now we are ready to start merging topics to 'next'.  For each
 217   branch whose tip is not merged to 'next', one of three things can
 218   happen:
 220   - The commits are all next-worthy; merge the topic to next;
 221   - The new parts are of mixed quality, but earlier ones are
 222     next-worthy; merge the early parts to next;
 223   - Nothing is next-worthy; do not do anything.
 225   This step is aided with Meta/redo-jch.sh script created earlier.
 226   If a topic that was already in 'next' gained a patch, the script
 227   would list it as "ai/topic~1".  To include the new patch to the
 228   updated 'next', drop the "~1" part; to keep it excluded, do not
 229   touch the line.  If a topic that was not in 'next' should be
 230   merged to 'next', add it at the end of the list.  Then:
 232     $ git checkout -B jch master
 233     $ Meta/redo-jch.sh -c1
 235   to rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch.  "-c1" tells the script
 236   to stop merging at the '###' line you added earlier.
 238   At this point, build-test the result.  It may reveal semantic
 239   conflicts (e.g. a topic renamed a variable, another added a new
 240   reference to the variable under its old name), in which case
 241   prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see appendix), and
 242   rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch, starting at the tip of
 243   'master'.
 245   Then do the same to 'next'
 247     $ git checkout next
 248     $ sh Meta/redo-jch.sh -c1 -e
 250   The "-e" option allows the merge message that comes from the
 251   history of the topic and the comments in the "What's cooking" to
 252   be edited.  The resulting tree should match 'jch' as the same set
 253   of topics are merged on 'master'; otherwise there is a mismerge.
 254   Investigate why and do not proceed until the mismerge is found
 255   and rectified.
 257     $ git diff jch next
 259   When all is well, clean up the redo-jch.sh script with
 261     $ sh Meta/redo-jch.sh -u
 263   This removes topics listed in the script that have already been
 264   merged to 'master'.  This unfortunately loses the "###" marker,
 265   so add it again to the appropriate place.
 267 - Rebuild 'pu'.
 269     $ Meta/Reintegrate master..pu >Meta/redo-pu.sh
 271   Edit the result by adding new topics that are not still in 'pu'
 272   in the script.  Then
 274     $ git checkout -B pu jch
 275     $ sh Meta/redo-pu.sh
 277   When all is well, clean up the redo-pu.sh script with
 279     $ sh Meta/redo-pu.sh -u
 281   Double check by running
 283     $ git branch --no-merged pu
 285   to see there is no unexpected leftover topics.
 287   At this point, build-test the result for semantic conflicts, and
 288   if there are, prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see
 289   appendix), and rebuild the 'pu' branch from scratch, starting at
 290   the tip of 'jch'.
 292 - Update "What's cooking" message to review the updates to
 293   existing topics, newly added topics and graduated topics.
 295   This step is helped with Meta/cook script.
 297     $ Meta/cook
 299   This script inspects the history between master..pu, finds tips
 300   of topic branches, compares what it found with the current
 301   contents in Meta/whats-cooking.txt, and updates that file.
 302   Topics not listed in the file but are found in master..pu are
 303   added to the "New topics" section, topics listed in the file that
 304   are no longer found in master..pu are moved to the "Graduated to
 305   master" section, and topics whose commits changed their states
 306   (e.g. used to be only in 'pu', now merged to 'next') are updated
 307   with change markers "<<" and ">>".
 309   Look for lines enclosed in "<<" and ">>"; they hold contents from
 310   old file that are replaced by this integration round.  After
 311   verifying them, remove the old part.  Review the description for
 312   each topic and update its doneness and plan as needed.  To review
 313   the updated plan, run
 315     $ Meta/cook -w
 317   which will pick up comments given to the topics, such as "Will
 318   merge to 'next'", etc. (see Meta/cook script to learn what kind
 319   of phrases are supported).
 321 - Compile, test and install all four (five) integration branches;
 322   Meta/Dothem script may aid this step.
 324 - Format documentation if the 'master' branch was updated;
 325   Meta/dodoc.sh script may aid this step.
 327 - Push the integration branches out to public places; Meta/pushall
 328   script may aid this step.
 333Some observations to be made.
 335 * Each topic is tested individually, and also together with other
 336   topics cooking first in 'pu', then in 'jch' and then in 'next'.
 337   Until it matures, no part of it is merged to 'master'.
 339 * A topic already in 'next' can get fixes while still in
 340   'next'.  Such a topic will have many merges to 'next' (in
 341   other words, "git log --first-parent next" will show many
 342   "Merge branch 'ai/topic' to next" for the same topic.
 344 * An unobvious fix for 'maint' is cooked in 'next' and then
 345   merged to 'master' to make extra sure it is Ok and then
 346   merged to 'maint'.
 348 * Even when 'next' becomes empty (in other words, all topics
 349   prove stable and are merged to 'master' and "git diff master
 350   next" shows empty), it has tons of merge commits that will
 351   never be in 'master'.
 353 * In principle, "git log --first-parent master..next" should
 354   show nothing but merges (in practice, there are fixup commits
 355   and reverts that are not merges).
 357 * Commits near the tip of a topic branch that are not in 'next'
 358   are fair game to be discarded, replaced or rewritten.
 359   Commits already merged to 'next' will not be.
 361 * Being in the 'next' branch is not a guarantee for a topic to
 362   be included in the next feature release.  Being in the
 363   'master' branch typically is.
 369Preparing a "merge-fix"
 372A merge of two topics may not textually conflict but still have
 373conflict at the semantic level. A classic example is for one topic
 374to rename an variable and all its uses, while another topic adds a
 375new use of the variable under its old name. When these two topics
 376are merged together, the reference to the variable newly added by
 377the latter topic will still use the old name in the result.
 379The Meta/Reintegrate script that is used by redo-jch and redo-pu
 380scripts implements a crude but usable way to work this issue around.
 381When the script merges branch $X, it checks if "refs/merge-fix/$X"
 382exists, and if so, the effect of it is squashed into the result of
 383the mechanical merge.  In other words,
 385     $ echo $X | Meta/Reintegrate
 387is roughly equivalent to this sequence:
 389     $ git merge --rerere-autoupdate $X
 390     $ git commit
 391     $ git cherry-pick -n refs/merge-fix/$X
 392     $ git commit --amend
 394The goal of this "prepare a merge-fix" step is to come up with a
 395commit that can be squashed into a result of mechanical merge to
 396correct semantic conflicts.
 398After finding that the result of merging branch "ai/topic" to an
 399integration branch had such a semantic conflict, say pu~4, check the
 400problematic merge out on a detached HEAD, edit the working tree to
 401fix the semantic conflict, and make a separate commit to record the
 404     $ git checkout pu~4
 405     $ git show -s --pretty=%s ;# double check
 406     Merge branch 'ai/topic' to pu
 407     $ edit
 408     $ git commit -m 'merge-fix/ai/topic' -a
 410Then make a reference "refs/merge-fix/ai/topic" to point at this
 413     $ git update-ref refs/merge-fix/ai/topic HEAD
 415Then double check the result by asking Meta/Reintegrate to redo the
 418     $ git checkout pu~5 ;# the parent of the problem merge
 419     $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate
 420     $ git diff pu~4
 422This time, because you prepared refs/merge-fix/ai/topic, the
 423resulting merge should have been tweaked to include the fix for the
 424semantic conflict.
 426Note that this assumes that the order in which conflicting branches
 427are merged does not change.  If the reason why merging ai/topic
 428branch needs this merge-fix is because another branch merged earlier
 429to the integration branch changed the underlying assumption ai/topic
 430branch made (e.g. ai/topic branch added a site to refer to a
 431variable, while the other branch renamed that variable and adjusted
 432existing use sites), and if you changed redo-jch (or redo-pu) script
 433to merge ai/topic branch before the other branch, then the above
 434merge-fix should not be applied while merging ai/topic, but should
 435instead be applied while merging the other branch.  You would need
 436to move the fix to apply to the other branch, perhaps like this:
 438      $ mf=refs/merge-fix
 439      $ git update-ref $mf/$the_other_branch $mf/ai/topic
 440      $ git update-ref -d $mf/ai/topic