git-rev-list(1) =============== NAME ---- git-rev-list - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'git-rev-list' [ \--max-count=number ] [ \--skip=number ] [ \--max-age=timestamp ] [ \--min-age=timestamp ] [ \--sparse ] [ \--no-merges ] [ \--first-parent ] [ \--remove-empty ] [ \--full-history ] [ \--not ] [ \--all ] [ \--branches ] [ \--tags ] [ \--remotes ] [ \--stdin ] [ \--quiet ] [ \--topo-order ] [ \--parents ] [ \--timestamp ] [ \--left-right ] [ \--cherry-pick ] [ \--encoding[=<encoding>] ] [ \--(author|committer|grep)=<pattern> ] [ \--regexp-ignore-case | \-i ] [ \--extended-regexp | \-E ] [ \--fixed-strings | \-F ] [ \--date={local|relative|default|iso|rfc|short} ] [ [\--objects | \--objects-edge] [ \--unpacked ] ] [ \--pretty | \--header ] [ \--bisect ] [ \--bisect-vars ] [ \--bisect-all ] [ \--merge ] [ \--reverse ] [ \--walk-reflogs ] [ \--no-walk ] [ \--do-walk ] <commit>... [ \-- <paths>... ] DESCRIPTION ----------- Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order starting at the given commit(s), taking ancestry relationship into account. This is useful to produce human-readable log output. Commits which are stated with a preceding '{caret}' cause listing to stop at that point. Their parents are implied. Thus the following command: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ git-rev-list foo bar ^baz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- means "list all the commits which are included in 'foo' and 'bar', but not in 'baz'". A special notation "'<commit1>'..'<commit2>'" can be used as a short-hand for "{caret}'<commit1>' '<commit2>'". For example, either of the following may be used interchangeably: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ git-rev-list origin..HEAD $ git-rev-list HEAD ^origin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Another special notation is "'<commit1>'...'<commit2>'" which is useful for merges. The resulting set of commits is the symmetric difference between the two operands. The following two commands are equivalent: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ git-rev-list A B --not $(git-merge-base --all A B) $ git-rev-list A...B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- linkgit:git-rev-list[1] is a very essential git program, since it provides the ability to build and traverse commit ancestry graphs. For this reason, it has a lot of different options that enables it to be used by commands as different as linkgit:git-bisect[1] and linkgit:git-repack[1]. OPTIONS ------- :git-rev-list: 1 include::rev-list-options.txt[] include::pretty-formats.txt[] Author ------ Written by Linus Torvalds <> Documentation -------------- Documentation by David Greaves, Junio C Hamano, Jonas Fonseca and the git-list <>. GIT --- Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite