# -DCOLLISION_CHECK if you believe that SHA1's # 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976 hashes do not give you # enough guarantees about no collisions between objects ever hapenning. # # -DNSEC if you want git to care about sub-second file mtimes and ctimes. # Note that you need some new glibc (at least >2.2.4) for this, and it will # BREAK YOUR LOCAL DIFFS! show-diff and anything using it will likely randomly # break unless your underlying filesystem supports those sub-second times # (my ext3 doesn't). CFLAGS=-g -O2 -Wall CC=gcc AR=ar PROG= update-cache show-diff init-db write-tree read-tree commit-tree \ cat-file fsck-cache checkout-cache diff-tree rev-tree show-files \ check-files ls-tree merge-base merge-cache unpack-file git-export \ diff-cache convert-cache all: $(PROG) install: $(PROG) install $(PROG) $(HOME)/bin/ LIB_OBJS=read-cache.o sha1_file.o usage.o object.o commit.o tree.o blob.o LIB_FILE=libgit.a LIB_H=cache.h object.h LIBS = $(LIB_FILE) LIBS += -lz ifdef MOZILLA_SHA1 SHA1_HEADER="mozilla-sha1/sha1.h" LIB_OBJS += mozilla-sha1/sha1.o else ifdef PPC_SHA1 SHA1_HEADER="ppc/sha1.h" LIB_OBJS += ppc/sha1.o ppc/sha1ppc.o else SHA1_HEADER=<openssl/sha.h> LIBS += -lssl endif endif CFLAGS += '-DSHA1_HEADER=$(SHA1_HEADER)' $(LIB_FILE): $(LIB_OBJS) $(AR) rcs $@ $(LIB_OBJS) init-db: init-db.o %: %.o $(LIB_FILE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBS) blob.o: $(LIB_H) cat-file.o: $(LIB_H) check-files.o: $(LIB_H) checkout-cache.o: $(LIB_H) commit.o: $(LIB_H) commit-tree.o: $(LIB_H) convert-cache.o: $(LIB_H) diff-cache.o: $(LIB_H) diff-tree.o: $(LIB_H) fsck-cache.o: $(LIB_H) git-export.o: $(LIB_H) init-db.o: $(LIB_H) ls-tree.o: $(LIB_H) merge-base.o: $(LIB_H) merge-cache.o: $(LIB_H) object.o: $(LIB_H) read-cache.o: $(LIB_H) read-tree.o: $(LIB_H) rev-tree.o: $(LIB_H) sha1_file.o: $(LIB_H) show-diff.o: $(LIB_H) show-files.o: $(LIB_H) tree.o: $(LIB_H) update-cache.o: $(LIB_H) usage.o: $(LIB_H) unpack-file.o: $(LIB_H) write-tree.o: $(LIB_H) clean: rm -f *.o mozilla-sha1/*.o ppc/*.o $(PROG) $(LIB_FILE) backup: clean cd .. ; tar czvf dircache.tar.gz dir-cache