#!/usr/bin/python # # p4-fast-export.py # # Author: Simon Hausmann # License: MIT # # TODO: # - support integrations (at least p4i) # - support p4 submit (hah!) # import os, string, sys, time import marshal, popen2, getopt branch = "refs/heads/p4" prefix = previousDepotPath = os.popen("git-repo-config --get p4.depotpath").read() if len(prefix) != 0: prefix = prefix[:-1] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", [ "branch=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "fixme, syntax error" sys.exit(1) for o, a in opts: if o == "--branch": branch = "refs/heads/" + a if len(args) == 0 and len(prefix) != 0: print "[using previously specified depot path %s]" % prefix elif len(args) != 1: print "usage: %s //depot/path[@revRange]" % sys.argv[0] print "\n example:" print " %s //depot/my/project/ -- to import the current head" print " %s //depot/my/project/@all -- to import everything" print " %s //depot/my/project/@1,6 -- to import only from revision 1 to 6" print "" print " (a ... is not needed in the path p4 specification, it's added implicitly)" print "" sys.exit(1) else: if len(prefix) != 0 and prefix != args[0]: print "previous import used depot path %s and now %s was specified. this doesn't work!" % (prefix, args[0]) sys.exit(1) prefix = args[0] changeRange = "" revision = "" users = {} initialParent = "" if prefix.find("@") != -1: atIdx = prefix.index("@") changeRange = prefix[atIdx:] if changeRange == "@all": changeRange = "" elif changeRange.find(",") == -1: revision = changeRange changeRange = "" prefix = prefix[0:atIdx] elif prefix.find("#") != -1: hashIdx = prefix.index("#") revision = prefix[hashIdx:] prefix = prefix[0:hashIdx] elif len(previousDepotPath) == 0: revision = "#head" if prefix.endswith("..."): prefix = prefix[:-3] if not prefix.endswith("/"): prefix += "/" def p4CmdList(cmd): pipe = os.popen("p4 -G %s" % cmd, "rb") result = [] try: while True: entry = marshal.load(pipe) result.append(entry) except EOFError: pass pipe.close() return result def p4Cmd(cmd): list = p4CmdList(cmd) result = {} for entry in list: result.update(entry) return result; def commit(details): global initialParent global users epoch = details["time"] author = details["user"] gitStream.write("commit %s\n" % branch) committer = "" if author in users: committer = "%s %s %s" % (users[author], epoch, tz) else: committer = "%s %s %s" % (author, epoch, tz) gitStream.write("committer %s\n" % committer) gitStream.write("data < 0: gitStream.write("from %s\n" % initialParent) initialParent = "" fnum = 0 while details.has_key("depotFile%s" % fnum): path = details["depotFile%s" % fnum] if not path.startswith(prefix): print "\nchanged files: ignoring path %s outside of %s in change %s" % (path, prefix, change) fnum = fnum + 1 continue rev = details["rev%s" % fnum] depotPath = path + "#" + rev relPath = path[len(prefix):] action = details["action%s" % fnum] if action == "delete": gitStream.write("D %s\n" % relPath) else: mode = 644 if details["type%s" % fnum].startswith("x"): mode = 755 data = os.popen("p4 print -q \"%s\"" % depotPath, "rb").read() gitStream.write("M %s inline %s\n" % (mode, relPath)) gitStream.write("data %s\n" % len(data)) gitStream.write(data) gitStream.write("\n") fnum = fnum + 1 gitStream.write("\n") gitStream.write("tag p4/%s\n" % details["change"]) gitStream.write("from %s\n" % branch); gitStream.write("tagger %s\n" % committer); gitStream.write("data 0\n\n") def getUserMap(): users = {} for output in p4CmdList("users"): if not output.has_key("User"): continue users[output["User"]] = output["FullName"] + " <" + output["Email"] + ">" return users users = getUserMap() if len(changeRange) == 0: try: sout, sin, serr = popen2.popen3("git-name-rev --tags `git-rev-parse %s`" % branch) output = sout.read() tagIdx = output.index(" tags/p4/") caretIdx = output.index("^") rev = int(output[tagIdx + 9 : caretIdx]) + 1 changeRange = "@%s,#head" % rev initialParent = os.popen("git-rev-parse %s" % branch).read()[:-1] except: pass sys.stderr.write("\n") tz = - time.timezone / 36 tzsign = ("%s" % tz)[0] if tzsign != '+' and tzsign != '-': tz = "+" + ("%s" % tz) if len(revision) > 0: print "Doing initial import of %s from revision %s" % (prefix, revision) details = { "user" : "git perforce import user", "time" : int(time.time()) } details["desc"] = "Initial import of %s from the state at revision %s" % (prefix, revision) details["change"] = revision newestRevision = 0 fileCnt = 0 for info in p4CmdList("files %s...%s" % (prefix, revision)): change = int(info["change"]) if change > newestRevision: newestRevision = change if info["action"] == "delete": continue for prop in [ "depotFile", "rev", "action", "type" ]: details["%s%s" % (prop, fileCnt)] = info[prop] fileCnt = fileCnt + 1 details["change"] = newestRevision gitOutput, gitStream, gitError = popen2.popen3("git-fast-import") try: commit(details) except: print gitError.read() gitStream.close() gitOutput.close() gitError.close() else: output = os.popen("p4 changes %s...%s" % (prefix, changeRange)).readlines() changes = [] for line in output: changeNum = line.split(" ")[1] changes.append(changeNum) changes.reverse() if len(changes) == 0: print "no changes to import!" sys.exit(1) gitOutput, gitStream, gitError = popen2.popen3("git-fast-import") cnt = 1 for change in changes: description = p4Cmd("describe %s" % change) sys.stdout.write("\rimporting revision %s (%s%%)" % (change, cnt * 100 / len(changes))) sys.stdout.flush() cnt = cnt + 1 try: commit(description) except: print gitError.read() sys.exit(1) gitStream.close() gitOutput.close() gitError.close() print "" os.popen("git-repo-config p4.depotpath %s" % prefix).read() sys.exit(0)