#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2012 Felipe Contreras # # Inspired by Rocco Rutte's hg-fast-export # Just copy to your ~/bin, or anywhere in your $PATH. # Then you can clone with: # git clone hg::/path/to/mercurial/repo/ # # For remote repositories a local clone is stored in # "$GIT_DIR/hg/origin/clone/.hg/". from mercurial import hg, ui, bookmarks, context, encoding, node, error, extensions, discovery, util import re import sys import os import json import shutil import subprocess import urllib import atexit import urlparse, hashlib # # If you are not in hg-git-compat mode and want to disable the tracking of # named branches: # git config --global remote-hg.track-branches false # # If you want the equivalent of hg's clone/pull--insecure option: # git config --global remote-hg.insecure true # # If you want to switch to hg-git compatibility mode: # git config --global remote-hg.hg-git-compat true # # git: # Sensible defaults for git. # hg bookmarks are exported as git branches, hg branches are prefixed # with 'branches/', HEAD is a special case. # # hg: # Emulate hg-git. # Only hg bookmarks are exported as git branches. # Commits are modified to preserve hg information and allow bidirectionality. # NAME_RE = re.compile('^([^<>]+)') AUTHOR_RE = re.compile('^([^<>]+?)? ?<([^<>]*)>$') EMAIL_RE = re.compile('^([^<>]+[^ \\\t<>])?\\b(?:[ \\t<>]*?)\\b([^ \\t<>]+@[^ \\t<>]+)') AUTHOR_HG_RE = re.compile('^(.*?) ?<(.*?)(?:>(.+)?)?$') RAW_AUTHOR_RE = re.compile('^(\w+) (?:(.+)? )?<(.*)> (\d+) ([+-]\d+)') VERSION = 2 def die(msg, *args): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % (msg % args)) sys.exit(1) def warn(msg, *args): sys.stderr.write('WARNING: %s\n' % (msg % args)) def gitmode(flags): return 'l' in flags and '120000' or 'x' in flags and '100755' or '100644' def gittz(tz): return '%+03d%02d' % (-tz / 3600, -tz % 3600 / 60) def hgmode(mode): m = { '100755': 'x', '120000': 'l' } return m.get(mode, '') def hghex(n): return node.hex(n) def hgbin(n): return node.bin(n) def hgref(ref): return ref.replace('___', ' ') def gitref(ref): return ref.replace(' ', '___') def check_version(*check): if not hg_version: return True return hg_version >= check def get_config(config): cmd = ['git', 'config', '--get', config] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output def get_config_bool(config, default=False): value = get_config(config).rstrip('\n') if value == "true": return True elif value == "false": return False else: return default class Marks: def __init__(self, path, repo): self.path = path self.repo = repo self.clear() self.load() if self.version < VERSION: if self.version == 1: self.upgrade_one() # upgraded? if self.version < VERSION: self.clear() self.version = VERSION def clear(self): self.tips = {} self.marks = {} self.rev_marks = {} self.last_mark = 0 self.version = 0 def load(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path): return tmp = json.load(open(self.path)) self.tips = tmp['tips'] self.marks = tmp['marks'] self.last_mark = tmp['last-mark'] self.version = tmp.get('version', 1) for rev, mark in self.marks.iteritems(): self.rev_marks[mark] = rev def upgrade_one(self): def get_id(rev): return hghex(self.repo.changelog.node(int(rev))) self.tips = dict((name, get_id(rev)) for name, rev in self.tips.iteritems()) self.marks = dict((get_id(rev), mark) for rev, mark in self.marks.iteritems()) self.rev_marks = dict((mark, get_id(rev)) for mark, rev in self.rev_marks.iteritems()) self.version = 2 def dict(self): return { 'tips': self.tips, 'marks': self.marks, 'last-mark' : self.last_mark, 'version' : self.version } def store(self): json.dump(self.dict(), open(self.path, 'w')) def __str__(self): return str(self.dict()) def from_rev(self, rev): return self.marks[rev] def to_rev(self, mark): return str(self.rev_marks[mark]) def next_mark(self): self.last_mark += 1 return self.last_mark def get_mark(self, rev): self.last_mark += 1 self.marks[rev] = self.last_mark return self.last_mark def new_mark(self, rev, mark): self.marks[rev] = mark self.rev_marks[mark] = rev self.last_mark = mark def is_marked(self, rev): return rev in self.marks def get_tip(self, branch): return str(self.tips[branch]) def set_tip(self, branch, tip): self.tips[branch] = tip class Parser: def __init__(self, repo): self.repo = repo self.line = self.get_line() def get_line(self): return sys.stdin.readline().strip() def __getitem__(self, i): return self.line.split()[i] def check(self, word): return self.line.startswith(word) def each_block(self, separator): while self.line != separator: yield self.line self.line = self.get_line() def __iter__(self): return self.each_block('') def next(self): self.line = self.get_line() if self.line == 'done': self.line = None def get_mark(self): i = self.line.index(':') + 1 return int(self.line[i:]) def get_data(self): if not self.check('data'): return None i = self.line.index(' ') + 1 size = int(self.line[i:]) return sys.stdin.read(size) def get_author(self): global bad_mail ex = None m = RAW_AUTHOR_RE.match(self.line) if not m: return None _, name, email, date, tz = m.groups() if name and 'ext:' in name: m = re.match('^(.+?) ext:\((.+)\)$', name) if m: name = m.group(1) ex = urllib.unquote(m.group(2)) if email != bad_mail: if name: user = '%s <%s>' % (name, email) else: user = '<%s>' % (email) else: user = name if ex: user += ex tz = int(tz) tz = ((tz / 100) * 3600) + ((tz % 100) * 60) return (user, int(date), -tz) def fix_file_path(path): if not os.path.isabs(path): return path return os.path.relpath(path, '/') def export_files(files): global marks, filenodes final = [] for f in files: fid = node.hex(f.filenode()) if fid in filenodes: mark = filenodes[fid] else: mark = marks.next_mark() filenodes[fid] = mark d = f.data() print "blob" print "mark :%u" % mark print "data %d" % len(d) print d path = fix_file_path(f.path()) final.append((gitmode(f.flags()), mark, path)) return final def get_filechanges(repo, ctx, parent): modified = set() added = set() removed = set() # load earliest manifest first for caching reasons prev = parent.manifest().copy() cur = ctx.manifest() for fn in cur: if fn in prev: if (cur.flags(fn) != prev.flags(fn) or cur[fn] != prev[fn]): modified.add(fn) del prev[fn] else: added.add(fn) removed |= set(prev.keys()) return added | modified, removed def fixup_user_git(user): name = mail = None user = user.replace('"', '') m = AUTHOR_RE.match(user) if m: name = m.group(1) mail = m.group(2).strip() else: m = EMAIL_RE.match(user) if m: name = m.group(1) mail = m.group(2) else: m = NAME_RE.match(user) if m: name = m.group(1).strip() return (name, mail) def fixup_user_hg(user): def sanitize(name): # stole this from hg-git return re.sub('[<>\n]', '?', name.lstrip('< ').rstrip('> ')) m = AUTHOR_HG_RE.match(user) if m: name = sanitize(m.group(1)) mail = sanitize(m.group(2)) ex = m.group(3) if ex: name += ' ext:(' + urllib.quote(ex) + ')' else: name = sanitize(user) if '@' in user: mail = name else: mail = None return (name, mail) def fixup_user(user): global mode, bad_mail if mode == 'git': name, mail = fixup_user_git(user) else: name, mail = fixup_user_hg(user) if not name: name = bad_name if not mail: mail = bad_mail return '%s <%s>' % (name, mail) def updatebookmarks(repo, peer): remotemarks = peer.listkeys('bookmarks') localmarks = repo._bookmarks if not remotemarks: return for k, v in remotemarks.iteritems(): localmarks[k] = hgbin(v) if hasattr(localmarks, 'write'): localmarks.write() else: bookmarks.write(repo) def get_repo(url, alias): global dirname, peer myui = ui.ui() myui.setconfig('ui', 'interactive', 'off') myui.fout = sys.stderr if get_config_bool('remote-hg.insecure'): myui.setconfig('web', 'cacerts', '') extensions.loadall(myui) if hg.islocal(url) and not os.environ.get('GIT_REMOTE_HG_TEST_REMOTE'): repo = hg.repository(myui, url) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) else: shared_path = os.path.join(gitdir, 'hg') if not os.path.exists(shared_path): try: hg.clone(myui, {}, url, shared_path, update=False, pull=True) except: die('Repository error') if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) local_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'clone') if not os.path.exists(local_path): hg.share(myui, shared_path, local_path, update=False) repo = hg.repository(myui, local_path) try: peer = hg.peer(myui, {}, url) except: die('Repository error') repo.pull(peer, heads=None, force=True) updatebookmarks(repo, peer) return repo def rev_to_mark(rev): global marks return marks.from_rev(rev.hex()) def mark_to_rev(mark): global marks return marks.to_rev(mark) def export_ref(repo, name, kind, head): global prefix, marks, mode ename = '%s/%s' % (kind, name) try: tip = marks.get_tip(ename) tip = repo[tip].rev() except: tip = 0 revs = xrange(tip, head.rev() + 1) total = len(revs) for rev in revs: c = repo[rev] node = c.node() if marks.is_marked(c.hex()): continue (manifest, user, (time, tz), files, desc, extra) = repo.changelog.read(node) rev_branch = extra['branch'] author = "%s %d %s" % (fixup_user(user), time, gittz(tz)) if 'committer' in extra: user, time, tz = extra['committer'].rsplit(' ', 2) committer = "%s %s %s" % (user, time, gittz(int(tz))) else: committer = author parents = [repo[p] for p in repo.changelog.parentrevs(rev) if p >= 0] if len(parents) == 0: modified = c.manifest().keys() removed = [] else: modified, removed = get_filechanges(repo, c, parents[0]) desc += '\n' if mode == 'hg': extra_msg = '' if rev_branch != 'default': extra_msg += 'branch : %s\n' % rev_branch renames = [] for f in c.files(): if f not in c.manifest(): continue rename = c.filectx(f).renamed() if rename: renames.append((rename[0], f)) for e in renames: extra_msg += "rename : %s => %s\n" % e for key, value in extra.iteritems(): if key in ('author', 'committer', 'encoding', 'message', 'branch', 'hg-git'): continue else: extra_msg += "extra : %s : %s\n" % (key, urllib.quote(value)) if extra_msg: desc += '\n--HG--\n' + extra_msg if len(parents) == 0 and rev: print 'reset %s/%s' % (prefix, ename) modified_final = export_files(c.filectx(f) for f in modified) print "commit %s/%s" % (prefix, ename) print "mark :%d" % (marks.get_mark(c.hex())) print "author %s" % (author) print "committer %s" % (committer) print "data %d" % (len(desc)) print desc if len(parents) > 0: print "from :%s" % (rev_to_mark(parents[0])) if len(parents) > 1: print "merge :%s" % (rev_to_mark(parents[1])) for f in removed: print "D %s" % (fix_file_path(f)) for f in modified_final: print "M %s :%u %s" % f print progress = (rev - tip) if (progress % 100 == 0): print "progress revision %d '%s' (%d/%d)" % (rev, name, progress, total) # make sure the ref is updated print "reset %s/%s" % (prefix, ename) print "from :%u" % rev_to_mark(head) print marks.set_tip(ename, head.hex()) def export_tag(repo, tag): export_ref(repo, tag, 'tags', repo[hgref(tag)]) def export_bookmark(repo, bmark): head = bmarks[hgref(bmark)] export_ref(repo, bmark, 'bookmarks', head) def export_branch(repo, branch): tip = get_branch_tip(repo, branch) head = repo[tip] export_ref(repo, branch, 'branches', head) def export_head(repo): global g_head export_ref(repo, g_head[0], 'bookmarks', g_head[1]) def do_capabilities(parser): global prefix, dirname print "import" print "export" print "refspec refs/heads/branches/*:%s/branches/*" % prefix print "refspec refs/heads/*:%s/bookmarks/*" % prefix print "refspec refs/tags/*:%s/tags/*" % prefix path = os.path.join(dirname, 'marks-git') if os.path.exists(path): print "*import-marks %s" % path print "*export-marks %s" % path print "option" print def branch_tip(branch): return branches[branch][-1] def get_branch_tip(repo, branch): global branches heads = branches.get(hgref(branch), None) if not heads: return None # verify there's only one head if (len(heads) > 1): warn("Branch '%s' has more than one head, consider merging" % branch) return branch_tip(hgref(branch)) return heads[0] def list_head(repo, cur): global g_head, bmarks, fake_bmark if 'default' not in branches: # empty repo return node = repo[branch_tip('default')] head = 'master' if not 'master' in bmarks else 'default' fake_bmark = head bmarks[head] = node head = gitref(head) print "@refs/heads/%s HEAD" % head g_head = (head, node) def do_list(parser): global branches, bmarks, track_branches repo = parser.repo for bmark, node in bookmarks.listbookmarks(repo).iteritems(): bmarks[bmark] = repo[node] cur = repo.dirstate.branch() orig = peer if peer else repo for branch, heads in orig.branchmap().iteritems(): # only open heads heads = [h for h in heads if 'close' not in repo.changelog.read(h)[5]] if heads: branches[branch] = heads list_head(repo, cur) if track_branches: for branch in branches: print "? refs/heads/branches/%s" % gitref(branch) for bmark in bmarks: print "? refs/heads/%s" % gitref(bmark) for tag, node in repo.tagslist(): if tag == 'tip': continue print "? refs/tags/%s" % gitref(tag) print def do_import(parser): repo = parser.repo path = os.path.join(dirname, 'marks-git') print "feature done" if os.path.exists(path): print "feature import-marks=%s" % path print "feature export-marks=%s" % path print "feature force" sys.stdout.flush() tmp = encoding.encoding encoding.encoding = 'utf-8' # lets get all the import lines while parser.check('import'): ref = parser[1] if (ref == 'HEAD'): export_head(repo) elif ref.startswith('refs/heads/branches/'): branch = ref[len('refs/heads/branches/'):] export_branch(repo, branch) elif ref.startswith('refs/heads/'): bmark = ref[len('refs/heads/'):] export_bookmark(repo, bmark) elif ref.startswith('refs/tags/'): tag = ref[len('refs/tags/'):] export_tag(repo, tag) parser.next() encoding.encoding = tmp print 'done' def parse_blob(parser): global blob_marks parser.next() mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() data = parser.get_data() blob_marks[mark] = data parser.next() def get_merge_files(repo, p1, p2, files): for e in repo[p1].files(): if e not in files: if e not in repo[p1].manifest(): continue f = { 'ctx' : repo[p1][e] } files[e] = f def parse_commit(parser): global marks, blob_marks, parsed_refs global mode from_mark = merge_mark = None ref = parser[1] parser.next() commit_mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() author = parser.get_author() parser.next() committer = parser.get_author() parser.next() data = parser.get_data() parser.next() if parser.check('from'): from_mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() if parser.check('merge'): merge_mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() if parser.check('merge'): die('octopus merges are not supported yet') # fast-export adds an extra newline if data[-1] == '\n': data = data[:-1] files = {} for line in parser: if parser.check('M'): t, m, mark_ref, path = line.split(' ', 3) mark = int(mark_ref[1:]) f = { 'mode' : hgmode(m), 'data' : blob_marks[mark] } elif parser.check('D'): t, path = line.split(' ', 1) f = { 'deleted' : True } else: die('Unknown file command: %s' % line) files[path] = f # only export the commits if we are on an internal proxy repo if dry_run and not peer: parsed_refs[ref] = None return def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f): of = files[f] if 'deleted' in of: raise IOError if 'ctx' in of: return of['ctx'] is_exec = of['mode'] == 'x' is_link = of['mode'] == 'l' rename = of.get('rename', None) return context.memfilectx(f, of['data'], is_link, is_exec, rename) repo = parser.repo user, date, tz = author extra = {} if committer != author: extra['committer'] = "%s %u %u" % committer if from_mark: p1 = mark_to_rev(from_mark) else: p1 = '0' * 40 if merge_mark: p2 = mark_to_rev(merge_mark) else: p2 = '0' * 40 # # If files changed from any of the parents, hg wants to know, but in git if # nothing changed from the first parent, nothing changed. # if merge_mark: get_merge_files(repo, p1, p2, files) # Check if the ref is supposed to be a named branch if ref.startswith('refs/heads/branches/'): branch = ref[len('refs/heads/branches/'):] extra['branch'] = hgref(branch) if mode == 'hg': i = data.find('\n--HG--\n') if i >= 0: tmp = data[i + len('\n--HG--\n'):].strip() for k, v in [e.split(' : ', 1) for e in tmp.split('\n')]: if k == 'rename': old, new = v.split(' => ', 1) files[new]['rename'] = old elif k == 'branch': extra[k] = v elif k == 'extra': ek, ev = v.split(' : ', 1) extra[ek] = urllib.unquote(ev) data = data[:i] ctx = context.memctx(repo, (p1, p2), data, files.keys(), getfilectx, user, (date, tz), extra) tmp = encoding.encoding encoding.encoding = 'utf-8' node = hghex(repo.commitctx(ctx)) encoding.encoding = tmp parsed_refs[ref] = node marks.new_mark(node, commit_mark) def parse_reset(parser): global parsed_refs ref = parser[1] parser.next() # ugh if parser.check('commit'): parse_commit(parser) return if not parser.check('from'): return from_mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() try: rev = mark_to_rev(from_mark) except KeyError: rev = None parsed_refs[ref] = rev def parse_tag(parser): name = parser[1] parser.next() from_mark = parser.get_mark() parser.next() tagger = parser.get_author() parser.next() data = parser.get_data() parser.next() parsed_tags[name] = (tagger, data) def write_tag(repo, tag, node, msg, author): branch = repo[node].branch() tip = branch_tip(branch) tip = repo[tip] def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f): try: fctx = tip.filectx(f) data = fctx.data() except error.ManifestLookupError: data = "" content = data + "%s %s\n" % (node, tag) return context.memfilectx(f, content, False, False, None) p1 = tip.hex() p2 = '0' * 40 if author: user, date, tz = author date_tz = (date, tz) else: cmd = ['git', 'var', 'GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT'] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() m = re.match('^.* <.*>', output) if m: user = m.group(0) else: user = repo.ui.username() date_tz = None ctx = context.memctx(repo, (p1, p2), msg, ['.hgtags'], getfilectx, user, date_tz, {'branch' : branch}) tmp = encoding.encoding encoding.encoding = 'utf-8' tagnode = repo.commitctx(ctx) encoding.encoding = tmp return (tagnode, branch) def checkheads_bmark(repo, ref, ctx): bmark = ref[len('refs/heads/'):] if not bmark in bmarks: # new bmark return True ctx_old = bmarks[bmark] ctx_new = ctx if not repo.changelog.descendant(ctx_old.rev(), ctx_new.rev()): if force_push: print "ok %s forced update" % ref else: print "error %s non-fast forward" % ref return False return True def checkheads(repo, remote, p_revs): remotemap = remote.branchmap() if not remotemap: # empty repo return True new = {} ret = True for node, ref in p_revs.iteritems(): ctx = repo[node] branch = ctx.branch() if not branch in remotemap: # new branch continue if not ref.startswith('refs/heads/branches'): if ref.startswith('refs/heads/'): if not checkheads_bmark(repo, ref, ctx): ret = False # only check branches continue new.setdefault(branch, []).append(ctx.rev()) for branch, heads in new.iteritems(): old = [repo.changelog.rev(x) for x in remotemap[branch]] for rev in heads: if check_version(2, 3): ancestors = repo.changelog.ancestors([rev], stoprev=min(old)) else: ancestors = repo.changelog.ancestors(rev) found = False for x in old: if x in ancestors: found = True break if found: continue node = repo.changelog.node(rev) ref = p_revs[node] if force_push: print "ok %s forced update" % ref else: print "error %s non-fast forward" % ref ret = False return ret def push_unsafe(repo, remote, parsed_refs, p_revs): force = force_push fci = discovery.findcommonincoming commoninc = fci(repo, remote, force=force) common, _, remoteheads = commoninc if not checkheads(repo, remote, p_revs): return None cg = repo.getbundle('push', heads=list(p_revs), common=common) unbundle = remote.capable('unbundle') if unbundle: if force: remoteheads = ['force'] return remote.unbundle(cg, remoteheads, 'push') else: return remote.addchangegroup(cg, 'push', repo.url()) def push(repo, remote, parsed_refs, p_revs): if hasattr(remote, 'canpush') and not remote.canpush(): print "error cannot push" if not p_revs: # nothing to push return lock = None unbundle = remote.capable('unbundle') if not unbundle: lock = remote.lock() try: ret = push_unsafe(repo, remote, parsed_refs, p_revs) finally: if lock is not None: lock.release() return ret def check_tip(ref, kind, name, heads): try: ename = '%s/%s' % (kind, name) tip = marks.get_tip(ename) except KeyError: return True else: return tip in heads def do_export(parser): global parsed_refs, bmarks, peer p_bmarks = [] p_revs = {} parser.next() for line in parser.each_block('done'): if parser.check('blob'): parse_blob(parser) elif parser.check('commit'): parse_commit(parser) elif parser.check('reset'): parse_reset(parser) elif parser.check('tag'): parse_tag(parser) elif parser.check('feature'): pass else: die('unhandled export command: %s' % line) need_fetch = False for ref, node in parsed_refs.iteritems(): bnode = hgbin(node) if node else None if ref.startswith('refs/heads/branches'): branch = ref[len('refs/heads/branches/'):] if branch in branches and bnode in branches[branch]: # up to date continue if peer: remotemap = peer.branchmap() if remotemap and branch in remotemap: heads = [hghex(e) for e in remotemap[branch]] if not check_tip(ref, 'branches', branch, heads): print "error %s fetch first" % ref need_fetch = True continue p_revs[bnode] = ref print "ok %s" % ref elif ref.startswith('refs/heads/'): bmark = ref[len('refs/heads/'):] new = node old = bmarks[bmark].hex() if bmark in bmarks else '' if old == new: continue print "ok %s" % ref if bmark != fake_bmark and \ not (bmark == 'master' and bmark not in parser.repo._bookmarks): p_bmarks.append((ref, bmark, old, new)) if peer: remote_old = peer.listkeys('bookmarks').get(bmark) if remote_old: if not check_tip(ref, 'bookmarks', bmark, remote_old): print "error %s fetch first" % ref need_fetch = True continue p_revs[bnode] = ref elif ref.startswith('refs/tags/'): if dry_run: print "ok %s" % ref continue tag = ref[len('refs/tags/'):] tag = hgref(tag) author, msg = parsed_tags.get(tag, (None, None)) if mode == 'git': if not msg: msg = 'Added tag %s for changeset %s' % (tag, node[:12]) tagnode, branch = write_tag(parser.repo, tag, node, msg, author) p_revs[tagnode] = 'refs/heads/branches/' + gitref(branch) else: fp = parser.repo.opener('localtags', 'a') fp.write('%s %s\n' % (node, tag)) fp.close() p_revs[bnode] = ref print "ok %s" % ref else: # transport-helper/fast-export bugs continue if need_fetch: print return if dry_run: if peer and not force_push: checkheads(parser.repo, peer, p_revs) print return if peer: if not push(parser.repo, peer, parsed_refs, p_revs): # do not update bookmarks print return # update remote bookmarks remote_bmarks = peer.listkeys('bookmarks') for ref, bmark, old, new in p_bmarks: if force_push: old = remote_bmarks.get(bmark, '') if not peer.pushkey('bookmarks', bmark, old, new): print "error %s" % ref else: # update local bookmarks for ref, bmark, old, new in p_bmarks: if not bookmarks.pushbookmark(parser.repo, bmark, old, new): print "error %s" % ref print def do_option(parser): global dry_run, force_push _, key, value = parser.line.split(' ') if key == 'dry-run': dry_run = (value == 'true') print 'ok' elif key == 'force': force_push = (value == 'true') print 'ok' else: print 'unsupported' def fix_path(alias, repo, orig_url): url = urlparse.urlparse(orig_url, 'file') if url.scheme != 'file' or os.path.isabs(url.path): return abs_url = urlparse.urljoin("%s/" % os.getcwd(), orig_url) cmd = ['git', 'config', 'remote.%s.url' % alias, "hg::%s" % abs_url] subprocess.call(cmd) def main(args): global prefix, gitdir, dirname, branches, bmarks global marks, blob_marks, parsed_refs global peer, mode, bad_mail, bad_name global track_branches, force_push, is_tmp global parsed_tags global filenodes global fake_bmark, hg_version global dry_run alias = args[1] url = args[2] peer = None hg_git_compat = get_config_bool('remote-hg.hg-git-compat') track_branches = get_config_bool('remote-hg.track-branches', True) force_push = False if hg_git_compat: mode = 'hg' bad_mail = 'none@none' bad_name = '' else: mode = 'git' bad_mail = 'unknown' bad_name = 'Unknown' if alias[4:] == url: is_tmp = True alias = hashlib.sha1(alias).hexdigest() else: is_tmp = False gitdir = os.environ['GIT_DIR'] dirname = os.path.join(gitdir, 'hg', alias) branches = {} bmarks = {} blob_marks = {} parsed_refs = {} marks = None parsed_tags = {} filenodes = {} fake_bmark = None try: hg_version = tuple(int(e) for e in util.version().split('.')) except: hg_version = None dry_run = False repo = get_repo(url, alias) prefix = 'refs/hg/%s' % alias if not is_tmp: fix_path(alias, peer or repo, url) marks_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'marks-hg') marks = Marks(marks_path, repo) if sys.platform == 'win32': import msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) parser = Parser(repo) for line in parser: if parser.check('capabilities'): do_capabilities(parser) elif parser.check('list'): do_list(parser) elif parser.check('import'): do_import(parser) elif parser.check('export'): do_export(parser) elif parser.check('option'): do_option(parser) else: die('unhandled command: %s' % line) sys.stdout.flush() def bye(): if not marks: return if not is_tmp: marks.store() else: shutil.rmtree(dirname) atexit.register(bye) sys.exit(main(sys.argv))