/* * A git credential helper that interface with Windows' Credential Manager * */ #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* common helpers */ static void die(const char *err, ...) { char msg[4096]; va_list params; va_start(params, err); vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), err, params); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); va_end(params); exit(1); } static void *xmalloc(size_t size) { void *ret = malloc(size); if (!ret && !size) ret = malloc(1); if (!ret) die("Out of memory"); return ret; } static char *xstrdup(const char *str) { char *ret = strdup(str); if (!ret) die("Out of memory"); return ret; } /* MinGW doesn't have wincred.h, so we need to define stuff */ typedef struct _CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW { LPWSTR Keyword; DWORD Flags; DWORD ValueSize; LPBYTE Value; } CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW, *PCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW; typedef struct _CREDENTIALW { DWORD Flags; DWORD Type; LPWSTR TargetName; LPWSTR Comment; FILETIME LastWritten; DWORD CredentialBlobSize; LPBYTE CredentialBlob; DWORD Persist; DWORD AttributeCount; PCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW Attributes; LPWSTR TargetAlias; LPWSTR UserName; } CREDENTIALW, *PCREDENTIALW; #define CRED_TYPE_GENERIC 1 #define CRED_PERSIST_LOCAL_MACHINE 2 #define CRED_MAX_ATTRIBUTES 64 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CredWriteWT)(PCREDENTIALW, DWORD); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferWT)(DWORD, PVOID, DWORD, LPWSTR, DWORD *, LPWSTR, DWORD *, LPWSTR, DWORD *); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CredEnumerateWT)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, DWORD *, PCREDENTIALW **); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CredPackAuthenticationBufferWT)(DWORD, LPWSTR, LPWSTR, PBYTE, DWORD *); typedef VOID (WINAPI *CredFreeT)(PVOID); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CredDeleteWT)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, DWORD); static HMODULE advapi, credui; static CredWriteWT CredWriteW; static CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferWT CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW; static CredEnumerateWT CredEnumerateW; static CredPackAuthenticationBufferWT CredPackAuthenticationBufferW; static CredFreeT CredFree; static CredDeleteWT CredDeleteW; static void load_cred_funcs(void) { /* load DLLs */ advapi = LoadLibrary("advapi32.dll"); credui = LoadLibrary("credui.dll"); if (!advapi || !credui) die("failed to load DLLs"); /* get function pointers */ CredWriteW = (CredWriteWT)GetProcAddress(advapi, "CredWriteW"); CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW = (CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferWT) GetProcAddress(credui, "CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW"); CredEnumerateW = (CredEnumerateWT)GetProcAddress(advapi, "CredEnumerateW"); CredPackAuthenticationBufferW = (CredPackAuthenticationBufferWT) GetProcAddress(credui, "CredPackAuthenticationBufferW"); CredFree = (CredFreeT)GetProcAddress(advapi, "CredFree"); CredDeleteW = (CredDeleteWT)GetProcAddress(advapi, "CredDeleteW"); if (!CredWriteW || !CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW || !CredEnumerateW || !CredPackAuthenticationBufferW || !CredFree || !CredDeleteW) die("failed to load functions"); } static char target_buf[1024]; static char *protocol, *host, *path, *username; static WCHAR *wusername, *password, *target; static void write_item(const char *what, WCHAR *wbuf) { char *buf; int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wbuf, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, FALSE); buf = xmalloc(len); if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wbuf, -1, buf, len, NULL, FALSE)) die("WideCharToMultiByte failed!"); printf("%s=", what); fwrite(buf, 1, len - 1, stdout); putchar('\n'); free(buf); } static int match_attr(const CREDENTIALW *cred, const WCHAR *keyword, const char *want) { int i; if (!want) return 1; for (i = 0; i < cred->AttributeCount; ++i) if (!wcscmp(cred->Attributes[i].Keyword, keyword)) return !strcmp((const char *)cred->Attributes[i].Value, want); return 0; /* not found */ } static int match_cred(const CREDENTIALW *cred) { return (!wusername || !wcscmp(wusername, cred->UserName)) && match_attr(cred, L"git_protocol", protocol) && match_attr(cred, L"git_host", host) && match_attr(cred, L"git_path", path); } static void get_credential(void) { WCHAR *user_buf, *pass_buf; DWORD user_buf_size = 0, pass_buf_size = 0; CREDENTIALW **creds, *cred = NULL; DWORD num_creds; int i; if (!CredEnumerateW(L"git:*", 0, &num_creds, &creds)) return; /* search for the first credential that matches username */ for (i = 0; i < num_creds; ++i) if (match_cred(creds[i])) { cred = creds[i]; break; } if (!cred) return; CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW(0, cred->CredentialBlob, cred->CredentialBlobSize, NULL, &user_buf_size, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pass_buf_size); user_buf = xmalloc(user_buf_size * sizeof(WCHAR)); pass_buf = xmalloc(pass_buf_size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW(0, cred->CredentialBlob, cred->CredentialBlobSize, user_buf, &user_buf_size, NULL, NULL, pass_buf, &pass_buf_size)) die("CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer failed"); CredFree(creds); /* zero-terminate (sizes include zero-termination) */ user_buf[user_buf_size - 1] = L'\0'; pass_buf[pass_buf_size - 1] = L'\0'; write_item("username", user_buf); write_item("password", pass_buf); free(user_buf); free(pass_buf); } static void write_attr(CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW *attr, const WCHAR *keyword, const char *value) { attr->Keyword = (LPWSTR)keyword; attr->Flags = 0; attr->ValueSize = strlen(value) + 1; /* store zero-termination */ attr->Value = (LPBYTE)value; } static void store_credential(void) { CREDENTIALW cred; BYTE *auth_buf; DWORD auth_buf_size = 0; CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW attrs[CRED_MAX_ATTRIBUTES]; if (!wusername || !password) return; /* query buffer size */ CredPackAuthenticationBufferW(0, wusername, password, NULL, &auth_buf_size); auth_buf = xmalloc(auth_buf_size); if (!CredPackAuthenticationBufferW(0, wusername, password, auth_buf, &auth_buf_size)) die("CredPackAuthenticationBuffer failed"); cred.Flags = 0; cred.Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC; cred.TargetName = target; cred.Comment = L"saved by git-credential-wincred"; cred.CredentialBlobSize = auth_buf_size; cred.CredentialBlob = auth_buf; cred.Persist = CRED_PERSIST_LOCAL_MACHINE; cred.AttributeCount = 1; cred.Attributes = attrs; cred.TargetAlias = NULL; cred.UserName = wusername; write_attr(attrs, L"git_protocol", protocol); if (host) { write_attr(attrs + cred.AttributeCount, L"git_host", host); cred.AttributeCount++; } if (path) { write_attr(attrs + cred.AttributeCount, L"git_path", path); cred.AttributeCount++; } if (!CredWriteW(&cred, 0)) die("CredWrite failed"); } static void erase_credential(void) { CREDENTIALW **creds; DWORD num_creds; int i; if (!CredEnumerateW(L"git:*", 0, &num_creds, &creds)) return; for (i = 0; i < num_creds; ++i) { if (match_cred(creds[i])) CredDeleteW(creds[i]->TargetName, creds[i]->Type, 0); } CredFree(creds); } static WCHAR *utf8_to_utf16_dup(const char *str) { int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0); WCHAR *wstr = xmalloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * wlen); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, wstr, wlen); return wstr; } static void read_credential(void) { char buf[1024]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { char *v; if (!strcmp(buf, "\n")) break; buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; v = strchr(buf, '='); if (!v) die("bad input: %s", buf); *v++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(buf, "protocol")) protocol = xstrdup(v); else if (!strcmp(buf, "host")) host = xstrdup(v); else if (!strcmp(buf, "path")) path = xstrdup(v); else if (!strcmp(buf, "username")) { username = xstrdup(v); wusername = utf8_to_utf16_dup(v); } else if (!strcmp(buf, "password")) password = utf8_to_utf16_dup(v); else die("unrecognized input"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *usage = "Usage: git credential-wincred <get|store|erase>\n"; if (!argv[1]) die(usage); /* git use binary pipes to avoid CRLF-issues */ _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); read_credential(); load_cred_funcs(); if (!protocol || !(host || path)) return 0; /* prepare 'target', the unique key for the credential */ strncat(target_buf, "git:", sizeof(target_buf)); strncat(target_buf, protocol, sizeof(target_buf)); strncat(target_buf, "://", sizeof(target_buf)); if (username) { strncat(target_buf, username, sizeof(target_buf)); strncat(target_buf, "@", sizeof(target_buf)); } if (host) strncat(target_buf, host, sizeof(target_buf)); if (path) { strncat(target_buf, "/", sizeof(target_buf)); strncat(target_buf, path, sizeof(target_buf)); } target = utf8_to_utf16_dup(target_buf); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "get")) get_credential(); else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "store")) store_credential(); else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "erase")) erase_credential(); /* otherwise, ignore unknown action */ return 0; }