#include "cache.h" #include "run-command.h" #include "exec_cmd.h" static inline void close_pair(int fd[2]) { close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); } static inline void dup_devnull(int to) { int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); dup2(fd, to); close(fd); } #ifndef WIN32 static int child_err = 2; static NORETURN void die_child(const char *err, va_list params) { char msg[4096]; int len = vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), err, params); if (len > sizeof(msg)) len = sizeof(msg); write(child_err, "fatal: ", 7); write(child_err, msg, len); write(child_err, "\n", 1); exit(128); } static inline void set_cloexec(int fd) { int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); if (flags >= 0) fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC); } #endif int start_command(struct child_process *cmd) { int need_in, need_out, need_err; int fdin[2], fdout[2], fderr[2]; int failed_errno = failed_errno; /* * In case of errors we must keep the promise to close FDs * that have been passed in via ->in and ->out. */ need_in = !cmd->no_stdin && cmd->in < 0; if (need_in) { if (pipe(fdin) < 0) { failed_errno = errno; if (cmd->out > 0) close(cmd->out); goto fail_pipe; } cmd->in = fdin[1]; } need_out = !cmd->no_stdout && !cmd->stdout_to_stderr && cmd->out < 0; if (need_out) { if (pipe(fdout) < 0) { failed_errno = errno; if (need_in) close_pair(fdin); else if (cmd->in) close(cmd->in); goto fail_pipe; } cmd->out = fdout[0]; } need_err = !cmd->no_stderr && cmd->err < 0; if (need_err) { if (pipe(fderr) < 0) { failed_errno = errno; if (need_in) close_pair(fdin); else if (cmd->in) close(cmd->in); if (need_out) close_pair(fdout); else if (cmd->out) close(cmd->out); fail_pipe: error("cannot create pipe for %s: %s", cmd->argv[0], strerror(failed_errno)); errno = failed_errno; return -1; } cmd->err = fderr[0]; } trace_argv_printf(cmd->argv, "trace: run_command:"); #ifndef WIN32 fflush(NULL); cmd->pid = fork(); if (!cmd->pid) { /* * Redirect the channel to write syscall error messages to * before redirecting the process's stderr so that all die() * in subsequent call paths use the parent's stderr. */ if (cmd->no_stderr || need_err) { child_err = dup(2); set_cloexec(child_err); } set_die_routine(die_child); if (cmd->no_stdin) dup_devnull(0); else if (need_in) { dup2(fdin[0], 0); close_pair(fdin); } else if (cmd->in) { dup2(cmd->in, 0); close(cmd->in); } if (cmd->no_stderr) dup_devnull(2); else if (need_err) { dup2(fderr[1], 2); close_pair(fderr); } if (cmd->no_stdout) dup_devnull(1); else if (cmd->stdout_to_stderr) dup2(2, 1); else if (need_out) { dup2(fdout[1], 1); close_pair(fdout); } else if (cmd->out > 1) { dup2(cmd->out, 1); close(cmd->out); } if (cmd->dir && chdir(cmd->dir)) die_errno("exec '%s': cd to '%s' failed", cmd->argv[0], cmd->dir); if (cmd->env) { for (; *cmd->env; cmd->env++) { if (strchr(*cmd->env, '=')) putenv((char *)*cmd->env); else unsetenv(*cmd->env); } } if (cmd->preexec_cb) cmd->preexec_cb(); if (cmd->git_cmd) { execv_git_cmd(cmd->argv); } else { execvp(cmd->argv[0], (char *const*) cmd->argv); } /* * Do not check for cmd->silent_exec_failure; the parent * process will check it when it sees this exit code. */ if (errno == ENOENT) exit(127); else die_errno("cannot exec '%s'", cmd->argv[0]); } if (cmd->pid < 0) error("cannot fork() for %s: %s", cmd->argv[0], strerror(failed_errno = errno)); #else { int s0 = -1, s1 = -1, s2 = -1; /* backups of stdin, stdout, stderr */ const char **sargv = cmd->argv; char **env = environ; if (cmd->no_stdin) { s0 = dup(0); dup_devnull(0); } else if (need_in) { s0 = dup(0); dup2(fdin[0], 0); } else if (cmd->in) { s0 = dup(0); dup2(cmd->in, 0); } if (cmd->no_stderr) { s2 = dup(2); dup_devnull(2); } else if (need_err) { s2 = dup(2); dup2(fderr[1], 2); } if (cmd->no_stdout) { s1 = dup(1); dup_devnull(1); } else if (cmd->stdout_to_stderr) { s1 = dup(1); dup2(2, 1); } else if (need_out) { s1 = dup(1); dup2(fdout[1], 1); } else if (cmd->out > 1) { s1 = dup(1); dup2(cmd->out, 1); } if (cmd->dir) die("chdir in start_command() not implemented"); if (cmd->env) env = make_augmented_environ(cmd->env); if (cmd->git_cmd) { cmd->argv = prepare_git_cmd(cmd->argv); } cmd->pid = mingw_spawnvpe(cmd->argv[0], cmd->argv, env); failed_errno = errno; if (cmd->pid < 0 && (!cmd->silent_exec_failure || errno != ENOENT)) error("cannot spawn %s: %s", cmd->argv[0], strerror(errno)); if (cmd->env) free_environ(env); if (cmd->git_cmd) free(cmd->argv); cmd->argv = sargv; if (s0 >= 0) dup2(s0, 0), close(s0); if (s1 >= 0) dup2(s1, 1), close(s1); if (s2 >= 0) dup2(s2, 2), close(s2); } #endif if (cmd->pid < 0) { if (need_in) close_pair(fdin); else if (cmd->in) close(cmd->in); if (need_out) close_pair(fdout); else if (cmd->out) close(cmd->out); if (need_err) close_pair(fderr); errno = failed_errno; return -1; } if (need_in) close(fdin[0]); else if (cmd->in) close(cmd->in); if (need_out) close(fdout[1]); else if (cmd->out) close(cmd->out); if (need_err) close(fderr[1]); return 0; } static int wait_or_whine(pid_t pid, const char *argv0, int silent_exec_failure) { int status, code = -1; pid_t waiting; int failed_errno = 0; while ((waiting = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) < 0 && errno == EINTR) ; /* nothing */ if (waiting < 0) { failed_errno = errno; error("waitpid for %s failed: %s", argv0, strerror(errno)); } else if (waiting != pid) { error("waitpid is confused (%s)", argv0); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { code = WTERMSIG(status); error("%s died of signal %d", argv0, code); /* * This return value is chosen so that code & 0xff * mimics the exit code that a POSIX shell would report for * a program that died from this signal. */ code -= 128; } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { code = WEXITSTATUS(status); /* * Convert special exit code when execvp failed. */ if (code == 127) { code = -1; failed_errno = ENOENT; if (!silent_exec_failure) error("cannot run %s: %s", argv0, strerror(ENOENT)); } } else { error("waitpid is confused (%s)", argv0); } errno = failed_errno; return code; } int finish_command(struct child_process *cmd) { return wait_or_whine(cmd->pid, cmd->argv[0], cmd->silent_exec_failure); } int run_command(struct child_process *cmd) { int code = start_command(cmd); if (code) return code; return finish_command(cmd); } static void prepare_run_command_v_opt(struct child_process *cmd, const char **argv, int opt) { memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); cmd->argv = argv; cmd->no_stdin = opt & RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN ? 1 : 0; cmd->git_cmd = opt & RUN_GIT_CMD ? 1 : 0; cmd->stdout_to_stderr = opt & RUN_COMMAND_STDOUT_TO_STDERR ? 1 : 0; cmd->silent_exec_failure = opt & RUN_SILENT_EXEC_FAILURE ? 1 : 0; } int run_command_v_opt(const char **argv, int opt) { struct child_process cmd; prepare_run_command_v_opt(&cmd, argv, opt); return run_command(&cmd); } int run_command_v_opt_cd_env(const char **argv, int opt, const char *dir, const char *const *env) { struct child_process cmd; prepare_run_command_v_opt(&cmd, argv, opt); cmd.dir = dir; cmd.env = env; return run_command(&cmd); } #ifdef WIN32 static unsigned __stdcall run_thread(void *data) { struct async *async = data; return async->proc(async->fd_for_proc, async->data); } #endif int start_async(struct async *async) { int pipe_out[2]; if (pipe(pipe_out) < 0) return error("cannot create pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); async->out = pipe_out[0]; #ifndef WIN32 /* Flush stdio before fork() to avoid cloning buffers */ fflush(NULL); async->pid = fork(); if (async->pid < 0) { error("fork (async) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close_pair(pipe_out); return -1; } if (!async->pid) { close(pipe_out[0]); exit(!!async->proc(pipe_out[1], async->data)); } close(pipe_out[1]); #else async->fd_for_proc = pipe_out[1]; async->tid = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, run_thread, async, 0, NULL); if (!async->tid) { error("cannot create thread: %s", strerror(errno)); close_pair(pipe_out); return -1; } #endif return 0; } int finish_async(struct async *async) { #ifndef WIN32 int ret = wait_or_whine(async->pid, "child process", 0); #else DWORD ret = 0; if (WaitForSingleObject(async->tid, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) ret = error("waiting for thread failed: %lu", GetLastError()); else if (!GetExitCodeThread(async->tid, &ret)) ret = error("cannot get thread exit code: %lu", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(async->tid); #endif return ret; } int run_hook(const char *index_file, const char *name, ...) { struct child_process hook; const char **argv = NULL, *env[2]; char index[PATH_MAX]; va_list args; int ret; size_t i = 0, alloc = 0; if (access(git_path("hooks/%s", name), X_OK) < 0) return 0; va_start(args, name); ALLOC_GROW(argv, i + 1, alloc); argv[i++] = git_path("hooks/%s", name); while (argv[i-1]) { ALLOC_GROW(argv, i + 1, alloc); argv[i++] = va_arg(args, const char *); } va_end(args); memset(&hook, 0, sizeof(hook)); hook.argv = argv; hook.no_stdin = 1; hook.stdout_to_stderr = 1; if (index_file) { snprintf(index, sizeof(index), "GIT_INDEX_FILE=%s", index_file); env[0] = index; env[1] = NULL; hook.env = env; } ret = run_command(&hook); free(argv); return ret; }