# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
-# Copyright © 2005-2008 Paul Mackerras. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright © 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-proc gitdir {} {
- global env
- if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
- return $env(GIT_DIR)
- } else {
- return [exec git rev-parse --git-dir]
+package require Tk
+proc hasworktree {} {
+ return [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-bare-repository] == "false" &&
+ [exec git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir] == "false"}]
+proc reponame {} {
+ global gitdir
+ set n [file normalize $gitdir]
+ if {[string match "*/.git" $n]} {
+ set n [string range $n 0 end-5]
+ }
+ return [file tail $n]
+proc gitworktree {} {
+ variable _gitworktree
+ if {[info exists _gitworktree]} {
+ return $_gitworktree
+ # v1.7.0 introduced --show-toplevel to return the canonical work-tree
+ if {[catch {set _gitworktree [exec git rev-parse --show-toplevel]}]} {
+ # try to set work tree from environment, core.worktree or use
+ # cdup to obtain a relative path to the top of the worktree. If
+ # run from the top, the ./ prefix ensures normalize expands pwd.
+ if {[catch { set _gitworktree $env(GIT_WORK_TREE) }]} {
+ catch {set _gitworktree [exec git config --get core.worktree]}
+ if {$_gitworktree eq ""} {
+ set _gitworktree [file normalize ./[exec git rev-parse --show-cdup]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $_gitworktree
# A simple scheduler for compute-intensive stuff.
proc parseviewargs {n arglist} {
- global vdatemode vmergeonly vflags vdflags vrevs vfiltered vorigargs
+ global vdatemode vmergeonly vflags vdflags vrevs vfiltered vorigargs env
+ global vinlinediff
+ global worddiff git_version
set vdatemode($n) 0
set vmergeonly($n) 0
+ set vinlinediff($n) 0
set glflags {}
set diffargs {}
set nextisval 0
lappend diffargs $arg
"--raw" - "--patch-with-raw" - "--patch-with-stat" -
- "--name-only" - "--name-status" - "--color" - "--color-words" -
+ "--name-only" - "--name-status" - "--color" -
"--log-size" - "--pretty=*" - "--decorate" - "--abbrev-commit" -
"--cc" - "-z" - "--header" - "--parents" - "--boundary" -
"--no-color" - "-g" - "--walk-reflogs" - "--no-walk" -
# These cause our parsing of git log's output to fail, or else
# they're options we want to set ourselves, so ignore them.
+ "--color-words*" - "--word-diff=color" {
+ # These trigger a word diff in the console interface,
+ # so help the user by enabling our own support
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set worddiff [mc "Color words"]
+ }
+ }
+ "--word-diff*" {
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set worddiff [mc "Markup words"]
+ }
+ }
"--stat=*" - "--numstat" - "--shortstat" - "--summary" -
"--check" - "--exit-code" - "--quiet" - "--topo-order" -
"--full-history" - "--dense" - "--sparse" -
"--until=*" - "--before=*" - "--max-age=*" - "--min-age=*" -
"--author=*" - "--committer=*" - "--grep=*" - "-[iE]" -
"--remove-empty" - "--first-parent" - "--cherry-pick" -
- "-S*" - "--pickaxe-all" - "--pickaxe-regex" {
+ "-S*" - "-G*" - "--pickaxe-all" - "--pickaxe-regex" -
+ "--simplify-by-decoration" {
# These mean that we get a subset of the commits
set filtered 1
lappend glflags $arg
+ "-L*" {
+ # Line-log with 'stuck' argument (unstuck form is
+ # not supported)
+ set filtered 1
+ set vinlinediff($n) 1
+ set allknown 0
+ lappend glflags $arg
+ }
"-n" {
# This appears to be the only one that has a value as a
# separate word following it
# git rev-parse doesn't understand --merge
lappend revargs --gitk-symmetric-diff-marker MERGE_HEAD...HEAD
+ "--no-replace-objects" {
+ }
"-*" {
# Other flag arguments including -<n>
if {[string is digit -strict [string range $arg 1 end]]} {
if {$revs eq {}} {
set revs HEAD
+ } elseif {[lsearch -exact $revs --all] >= 0} {
+ lappend revs HEAD
if {[catch {set ids [eval exec git rev-parse $revs]} err]} {
# we get stdout followed by stderr in $err
lappend badrev $line
- }
+ }
error_popup "[mc "Error parsing revisions:"] $err"
return {}
if {$sdm != 2} {
lappend ret $id
} else {
- lset ret end [lindex $ret end]...$id
+ lset ret end $id...[lindex $ret end]
lappend pos $id
global viewactive viewinstances vmergeonly
global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig
global vcanopt vflags vrevs vorigargs
+ global show_notes
set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set commitidx($view) 0
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
- --boundary $args "--" $files] r]
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \
+ --parents --boundary $args "--" $files] r]
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err"
return 0
set pid [pid $fd]
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
- exec kill -f $pid
+ exec taskkill /pid $pid
} else {
exec kill $pid
global viewactive viewcomplete tclencoding
global startmsecs showneartags showlocalchanges
global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig pending_select
- global isworktree
+ global hasworktree
global varcid vposids vnegids vflags vrevs
+ global show_notes
- set isworktree [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}]
+ set hasworktree [hasworktree]
set view $curview
if {$mainheadid ne $viewmainheadid_orig($view)} {
set args $vorigargs($view)
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
- --boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r]
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \
+ --parents --boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r]
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err"
incr viewactive($view)
set viewcomplete($view) 0
reset_pending_select {}
- nowbusy $view "Reading"
+ nowbusy $view [mc "Reading"]
if {$showneartags} {
resetvarcs $curview
set selectedline {}
- catch {unset currentid}
- catch {unset thickerline}
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain currentid
+ unset -nocomplain thickerline
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {$showneartags} {
- catch {unset commitinterest}
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
- catch {unset targetid}
+ unset -nocomplain commitinterest
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
+ unset -nocomplain targetid
getcommits $selid
return 0
proc resetvarcs {view} {
global varcid varccommits parents children vseedcount ordertok
+ global vshortids
foreach vid [array names varcid $view,*] {
unset varcid($vid)
unset children($vid)
unset parents($vid)
+ foreach vid [array names vshortids $view,*] {
+ unset vshortids($vid)
+ }
# some commits might have children but haven't been seen yet
foreach vid [array names children $view,*] {
unset children($vid)
foreach vd [array names vseedcount $view,*] {
unset vseedcount($vd)
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
# returns a list of the commits with no children
if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
parsecommit $id $commitdata($id) 1
- set cdate [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4]
+ set cdate [lindex [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4] 0]
if {![string is integer -strict $cdate]} {
set cdate 0
proc insertrow {id p v} {
global cmitlisted children parents varcid varctok vtokmod
global varccommits ordertok commitidx numcommits curview
- global targetid targetrow
+ global targetid targetrow vshortids
readcommit $id
set vid $v,$id
set parents($vid) [list $p]
set a [newvarc $v $id]
set varcid($vid) $a
+ lappend vshortids($v,[string range $id 0 3]) $id
if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
modify_arc $v $a
set vp $v,$p
if {[llength [lappend children($vp) $id]] > 1} {
set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] $children($vp)]
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
fix_reversal $p $a $v
incr commitidx($v)
+proc real_children {vp} {
+ global children nullid nullid2
+ set kids {}
+ foreach id $children($vp) {
+ if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
+ lappend kids $id
+ }
+ }
+ return $kids
proc first_real_child {vp} {
global children nullid nullid2
set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
set narctot [expr {[llength $varctok($v)] - 1}]
set a $varcmod($v)
proc closevarcs {v} {
global varctok varccommits varcid parents children
- global cmitlisted commitidx vtokmod
+ global cmitlisted commitidx vtokmod curview numcommits
set missing_parents 0
set scripts {}
lappend varccommits($v,$b) $p
incr commitidx($v)
+ if {$v == $curview} {
+ set numcommits $commitidx($v)
+ }
set scripts [check_interest $p $scripts]
global commitidx commitdata vdatemode
global parents children curview hlview
global idpending ordertok
- global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod vfilelimit
+ global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod vfilelimit vshortids
set stuff [read $fd 500000]
# git log doesn't terminate the last commit with a null...
if {[string range $err 0 4] == "usage"} {
set err "Gitk: error reading commits$fv:\
bad arguments to git log."
- if {$viewname($view) eq "Command line"} {
+ if {$viewname($view) eq [mc "Command line"]} {
append err \
" (Note: arguments to gitk are passed to git log\
to allow selection of commits to be displayed.)"
set id [lindex $ids 0]
set vid $view,$id
+ lappend vshortids($view,[string range $id 0 3]) $id
if {!$listed && $updating && ![info exists varcid($vid)] &&
$vfilelimit($view) ne {}} {
# git log doesn't rewrite parents for unlisted commits
[vtokcmp $view [lindex $children($vp) end-1] $id] > 0} {
set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $view] \
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
if {[info exists varcid($view,$p)]} {
fix_reversal $p $a $view
proc parsecommit {id contents listed} {
- global commitinfo cdate
+ global commitinfo
set inhdr 1
set comment {}
set line [split $line " "]
set tag [lindex $line 0]
if {$tag == "author"} {
- set audate [lindex $line end-1]
+ set audate [lrange $line end-1 end]
set auname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
} elseif {$tag == "committer"} {
- set comdate [lindex $line end-1]
+ set comdate [lrange $line end-1 end]
set comname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
set comment $newcomment
- if {$comdate != {}} {
- set cdate($id) $comdate
+ set hasnote [string first "\nNotes:\n" $contents]
+ set diff ""
+ # If there is diff output shown in the git-log stream, split it
+ # out. But get rid of the empty line that always precedes the
+ # diff.
+ set i [string first "\n\ndiff" $comment]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set diff [string range $comment $i+1 end]
+ set comment [string range $comment 0 $i-1]
set commitinfo($id) [list $headline $auname $audate \
- $comname $comdate $comment]
+ $comname $comdate $comment $hasnote $diff]
proc getcommit {id} {
# and are present in the current view.
# This is fairly slow...
proc longid {prefix} {
- global varcid curview
+ global varcid curview vshortids
set ids {}
- foreach match [array names varcid "$curview,$prefix*"] {
- lappend ids [lindex [split $match ","] 1]
+ if {[string length $prefix] >= 4} {
+ set vshortid $curview,[string range $prefix 0 3]
+ if {[info exists vshortids($vshortid)]} {
+ foreach id $vshortids($vshortid) {
+ if {[string match "$prefix*" $id]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $ids $id] < 0} {
+ lappend ids $id
+ if {[llength $ids] >= 2} break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach match [array names varcid "$curview,$prefix*"] {
+ lappend ids [lindex [split $match ","] 1]
+ if {[llength $ids] >= 2} break
+ }
return $ids
global tagids idtags headids idheads tagobjid
global otherrefids idotherrefs mainhead mainheadid
global selecthead selectheadid
+ global hideremotes
foreach v {tagids idtags headids idheads otherrefids idotherrefs} {
- catch {unset $v}
+ unset -nocomplain $v
set refd [open [list | git show-ref -d] r]
while {[gets $refd line] >= 0} {
if {![string match "refs/*" $ref]} continue
set name [string range $ref 5 end]
if {[string match "remotes/*" $name]} {
- if {![string match "*/HEAD" $name]} {
+ if {![string match "*/HEAD" $name] && !$hideremotes} {
set headids($name) $id
lappend idheads($id) $name
unset headids($name)
+proc ttk_toplevel {w args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ eval [linsert $args 0 ::toplevel $w]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ place [ttk::frame $w._toplevel_background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
+ }
+ return $w
proc make_transient {window origin} {
global have_tk85
proc show_error {w top msg} {
+ global NS
+ if {![info exists NS]} {set NS ""}
+ if {[wm state $top] eq "withdrawn"} { wm deiconify $top }
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "destroy $top"
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -default active -text [mc OK] -command "destroy $top"
pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
proc error_popup {msg {owner .}} {
- set w .error
- toplevel $w
- make_transient $w $owner
- show_error $w $w $msg
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title [wm title .] \
+ -parent $owner -message $msg
+ } else {
+ set w .error
+ ttk_toplevel $w
+ make_transient $w $owner
+ show_error $w $w $msg
+ }
proc confirm_popup {msg {owner .}} {
- global confirm_ok
+ global confirm_ok NS
set confirm_ok 0
set w .confirm
- toplevel $w
+ ttk_toplevel $w
make_transient $w $owner
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side left -fill x
- button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
+ ${NS}::button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-space> "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ tk::PlaceWindow $w widget $owner
tkwait window $w
return $confirm_ok
proc setoptions {} {
- option add *Panedwindow.showHandle 1 startupFile
- option add *Panedwindow.sashRelief raised startupFile
+ global use_ttk
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} {
+ option add *Panedwindow.showHandle 1 startupFile
+ option add *Panedwindow.sashRelief raised startupFile
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
+ option add *Menu.font uifont startupFile
+ }
+ } else {
+ option add *Menu.TearOff 0 startupFile
+ }
option add *Button.font uifont startupFile
option add *Checkbutton.font uifont startupFile
option add *Radiobutton.font uifont startupFile
- if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
- option add *Menu.font uifont startupFile
- }
option add *Menubutton.font uifont startupFile
option add *Label.font uifont startupFile
option add *Message.font uifont startupFile
- option add *Entry.font uifont startupFile
+ option add *Entry.font textfont startupFile
+ option add *Text.font textfont startupFile
+ option add *Labelframe.font uifont startupFile
+ option add *Spinbox.font textfont startupFile
+ option add *Listbox.font mainfont startupFile
+proc setttkstyle {} {
+ eval font configure TkDefaultFont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure TkTextFont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure TkHeadingFont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure TkCaptionFont [fontflags mainfont] -weight bold
+ eval font configure TkTooltipFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkFixedFont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure TkIconFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkMenuFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkSmallCaptionFont [fontflags uifont]
# Make a menu and submenus.
return [string map {&& & & {}} [mc $str]]
+proc cleardropsel {w} {
+ $w selection clear
+proc makedroplist {w varname args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set width 0
+ foreach label $args {
+ set cx [string length $label]
+ if {$cx > $width} {set width $cx}
+ }
+ set gm [ttk::combobox $w -width $width -state readonly\
+ -textvariable $varname -values $args \
+ -exportselection false]
+ bind $gm <<ComboboxSelected>> [list $gm selection clear]
+ } else {
+ set gm [eval [linsert $args 0 tk_optionMenu $w $varname]]
+ }
+ return $gm
proc makewindow {} {
global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist cscroll
global tabstop
global highlight_files gdttype
global searchstring sstring
global bgcolor fgcolor bglist fglist diffcolors selectbgcolor
+ global uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor
+ global filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor
+ global mergecolors foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
global headctxmenu progresscanv progressitem progresscoords statusw
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
global rprogitem rprogcoord rownumsel numcommits
- global have_tk85
+ global have_tk85 use_ttk NS
+ global git_version
+ global worddiff
# The "mc" arguments here are purely so that xgettext
# sees the following string as needing to be translated
set file {
- mc "File" cascade {
- {mc "Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5}
- {mc "Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Meta1-F5}
- {mc "Reread references" command rereadrefs}
- {mc "List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2}
+ mc "&File" cascade {
+ {mc "&Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5}
+ {mc "&Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Shift-F5}
+ {mc "Reread re&ferences" command rereadrefs}
+ {mc "&List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "Start git gui" command {exec git gui &}}
+ {mc "Start git &gui" command {exec git gui &}}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q}
+ {mc "&Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q}
set edit {
- mc "Edit" cascade {
- {mc "Preferences" command doprefs}
+ mc "&Edit" cascade {
+ {mc "&Preferences" command doprefs}
set view {
- mc "View" cascade {
- {mc "New view..." command {newview 0} -accelerator Shift-F4}
- {mc "Edit view..." command editview -state disabled -accelerator F4}
- {mc "Delete view" command delview -state disabled}
+ mc "&View" cascade {
+ {mc "&New view..." command {newview 0} -accelerator Shift-F4}
+ {mc "&Edit view..." command editview -state disabled -accelerator F4}
+ {mc "&Delete view" command delview -state disabled}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}}
+ {mc "&All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}}
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
set help {
- mc "Help" cascade {
- {mc "About gitk" command about}
- {mc "Key bindings" command keys}
+ mc "&Help" cascade {
+ {mc "&About gitk" command about}
+ {mc "&Key bindings" command keys}
set bar [list $file $edit $view $help]
} else {
proc ::tk::mac::Quit {} {doquit}
lset file end [lreplace [lindex $file end] end-1 end]
set apple {
- xx "Apple" cascade {
- {mc "About gitk" command about}
+ xx "&Apple" cascade {
+ {mc "&About gitk" command about}
{xx "" separator}
set help {
- mc "Help" cascade {
- {mc "Key bindings" command keys}
+ mc "&Help" cascade {
+ {mc "&Key bindings" command keys}
set bar [list $apple $file $view $help]
makemenu .bar $bar
. configure -menu .bar
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ # cover the non-themed toplevel with a themed frame.
+ place [ttk::frame ._main_background] -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
+ }
# the gui has upper and lower half, parts of a paned window.
- panedwindow .ctop -orient vertical
+ ${NS}::panedwindow .ctop -orient vertical
# possibly use assumed geometry
if {![info exists geometry(pwsash0)]} {
set geometry(topwidth) [expr {80 * $charspc}]
set geometry(botheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}]
set geometry(botwidth) [expr {50 * $charspc}]
- set geometry(pwsash0) "[expr {40 * $charspc}] 2"
- set geometry(pwsash1) "[expr {60 * $charspc}] 2"
+ set geometry(pwsash0) [list [expr {40 * $charspc}] 2]
+ set geometry(pwsash1) [list [expr {60 * $charspc}] 2]
# the upper half will have a paned window, a scroll bar to the right, and some stuff below
- frame .tf -height $geometry(topheight) -width $geometry(topwidth)
- frame .tf.histframe
- panedwindow .tf.histframe.pwclist -orient horizontal -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
+ ${NS}::frame .tf -height $geometry(topheight) -width $geometry(topwidth)
+ ${NS}::frame .tf.histframe
+ ${NS}::panedwindow .tf.histframe.pwclist -orient horizontal
+ if {!$use_ttk} {
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist configure -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
+ }
# create three canvases
set cscroll .tf.histframe.csb
-selectbackground $selectbgcolor \
-background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
.tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv3
- eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 0 $geometry(pwsash0)
- eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 1 $geometry(pwsash1)
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ bind .tf.histframe.pwclist <Map> {
+ bind %W <Map> {}
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 1 [lindex $::geometry(pwsash1) 0]
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0 [lindex $::geometry(pwsash0) 0]
+ }
+ } else {
+ eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 0 $geometry(pwsash0)
+ eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 1 $geometry(pwsash1)
+ }
# a scroll bar to rule them
- scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview} -highlightthickness 0
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview}
+ if {!$use_ttk} {$cscroll configure -highlightthickness 0}
pack $cscroll -side right -fill y
bind .tf.histframe.pwclist <Configure> {resizeclistpanes %W %w}
lappend bglist $canv $canv2 $canv3
pack .tf.histframe.pwclist -fill both -expand 1 -side left
# we have two button bars at bottom of top frame. Bar 1
- frame .tf.bar
- frame .tf.lbar -height 15
+ ${NS}::frame .tf.bar
+ ${NS}::frame .tf.lbar -height 15
set sha1entry .tf.bar.sha1
set entries $sha1entry
set sha1but .tf.bar.sha1label
- button $sha1but -text [mc "SHA1 ID: "] -state disabled -relief flat \
+ button $sha1but -text "[mc "SHA1 ID:"] " -state disabled -relief flat \
-command gotocommit -width 8
$sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground]
pack .tf.bar.sha1label -side left
- entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font textfont -textvariable sha1string
+ ${NS}::entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font textfont -textvariable sha1string
trace add variable sha1string write sha1change
pack $sha1entry -side left -pady 2
- image create bitmap bm-left -data {
+ set bm_left_data {
#define left_width 16
#define left_height 16
static unsigned char left_bits[] = {
0x0e, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00,
0x38, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01};
- image create bitmap bm-right -data {
+ set bm_right_data {
#define right_width 16
#define right_height 16
static unsigned char right_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x38, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c,
0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01};
- button .tf.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \
- -state disabled -width 26
+ image create bitmap bm-left -data $bm_left_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-left-gray -data $bm_left_data -foreground $uifgdisabledcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-right -data $bm_right_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-right-gray -data $bm_right_data -foreground $uifgdisabledcolor
+ ${NS}::button .tf.bar.leftbut -command goback -state disabled -width 26
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ .tf.bar.leftbut configure -image [list bm-left disabled bm-left-gray]
+ } else {
+ .tf.bar.leftbut configure -image bm-left
+ }
pack .tf.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y
- button .tf.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \
- -state disabled -width 26
+ ${NS}::button .tf.bar.rightbut -command goforw -state disabled -width 26
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ .tf.bar.rightbut configure -image [list bm-right disabled bm-right-gray]
+ } else {
+ .tf.bar.rightbut configure -image bm-right
+ }
pack .tf.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y
- label .tf.bar.rowlabel -text [mc "Row"]
+ ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rowlabel -text [mc "Row"]
set rownumsel {}
- label .tf.bar.rownum -width 7 -font textfont -textvariable rownumsel \
+ ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rownum -width 7 -textvariable rownumsel \
-relief sunken -anchor e
- label .tf.bar.rowlabel2 -text "/"
- label .tf.bar.numcommits -width 7 -font textfont -textvariable numcommits \
+ ${NS}::label .tf.bar.rowlabel2 -text "/"
+ ${NS}::label .tf.bar.numcommits -width 7 -textvariable numcommits \
-relief sunken -anchor e
pack .tf.bar.rowlabel .tf.bar.rownum .tf.bar.rowlabel2 .tf.bar.numcommits \
-side left
+ if {!$use_ttk} {
+ foreach w {rownum numcommits} {.tf.bar.$w configure -font textfont}
+ }
global selectedline
trace add variable selectedline write selectedline_change
# Status label and progress bar
set statusw .tf.bar.status
- label $statusw -width 15 -relief sunken
+ ${NS}::label $statusw -width 15 -relief sunken
pack $statusw -side left -padx 5
- set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}]
- set progresscanv .tf.bar.progress
- canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
- set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill green]
- set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
- set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
- pack $progresscanv -side right -expand 1 -fill x
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set progresscanv [ttk::progressbar .tf.bar.progress]
+ } else {
+ set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}]
+ set progresscanv .tf.bar.progress
+ canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
+ set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill "#00ff00"]
+ set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
+ set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
+ }
+ pack $progresscanv -side right -expand 1 -fill x -padx {0 2}
set progresscoords {0 0}
set fprogcoord 0
set rprogcoord 0
set progupdatepending 0
# build up the bottom bar of upper window
- label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "[mc "Find"] "
- button .tf.lbar.fnext -text [mc "next"] -command {dofind 1 1}
- button .tf.lbar.fprev -text [mc "prev"] -command {dofind -1 1}
- label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " [mc "commit"] "
+ ${NS}::label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "[mc "Find"] "
+ set bm_down_data {
+ #define down_width 16
+ #define down_height 16
+ static unsigned char down_bits[] = {
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x87, 0xe1, 0x8e, 0x71, 0x9c, 0x39, 0xb8, 0x1d,
+ 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x80, 0x01};
+ }
+ image create bitmap bm-down -data $bm_down_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ ${NS}::button .tf.lbar.fnext -width 26 -command {dofind 1 1}
+ .tf.lbar.fnext configure -image bm-down
+ set bm_up_data {
+ #define up_width 16
+ #define up_height 16
+ static unsigned char up_bits[] = {
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xf0, 0x0f,
+ 0xb8, 0x1d, 0x9c, 0x39, 0x8e, 0x71, 0x87, 0xe1,
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01};
+ }
+ image create bitmap bm-up -data $bm_up_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ ${NS}::button .tf.lbar.fprev -width 26 -command {dofind -1 1}
+ .tf.lbar.fprev configure -image bm-up
+ ${NS}::label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " [mc "commit"] "
pack .tf.lbar.flabel .tf.lbar.fnext .tf.lbar.fprev .tf.lbar.flab2 \
-side left -fill y
set gdttype [mc "containing:"]
- set gm [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.gdttype gdttype \
+ set gm [makedroplist .tf.lbar.gdttype gdttype \
[mc "containing:"] \
[mc "touching paths:"] \
- [mc "adding/removing string:"]]
+ [mc "adding/removing string:"] \
+ [mc "changing lines matching:"]]
trace add variable gdttype write gdttype_change
pack .tf.lbar.gdttype -side left -fill y
set findstring {}
set fstring .tf.lbar.findstring
lappend entries $fstring
- entry $fstring -width 30 -font textfont -textvariable findstring
+ ${NS}::entry $fstring -width 30 -textvariable findstring
trace add variable findstring write find_change
set findtype [mc "Exact"]
- set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.findtype \
- findtype [mc "Exact"] [mc "IgnCase"] [mc "Regexp"]]
+ set findtypemenu [makedroplist .tf.lbar.findtype \
+ findtype [mc "Exact"] [mc "IgnCase"] [mc "Regexp"]]
trace add variable findtype write findcom_change
set findloc [mc "All fields"]
- tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.findloc findloc [mc "All fields"] [mc "Headline"] \
+ makedroplist .tf.lbar.findloc findloc [mc "All fields"] [mc "Headline"] \
[mc "Comments"] [mc "Author"] [mc "Committer"]
trace add variable findloc write find_change
pack .tf.lbar.findloc -side right
pack .tf.bar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x
pack .tf.histframe -fill both -side top -expand 1
.ctop add .tf
- .ctop paneconfigure .tf -height $geometry(topheight)
- .ctop paneconfigure .tf -width $geometry(topwidth)
+ if {!$use_ttk} {
+ .ctop paneconfigure .tf -height $geometry(topheight)
+ .ctop paneconfigure .tf -width $geometry(topwidth)
+ }
# now build up the bottom
- panedwindow .pwbottom -orient horizontal
+ ${NS}::panedwindow .pwbottom -orient horizontal
# lower left, a text box over search bar, scroll bar to the right
# if we know window height, then that will set the lower text height, otherwise
# we set lower text height which will drive window height
if {[info exists geometry(main)]} {
- frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
+ ${NS}::frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
} else {
- frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) -height $geometry(botheight)
+ ${NS}::frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) -height $geometry(botheight)
- frame .bleft.top
- frame .bleft.mid
- frame .bleft.bottom
+ ${NS}::frame .bleft.top
+ ${NS}::frame .bleft.mid
+ ${NS}::frame .bleft.bottom
- button .bleft.top.search -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch
+ # gap between sub-widgets
+ set wgap [font measure uifont "i"]
+ ${NS}::button .bleft.top.search -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch
pack .bleft.top.search -side left -padx 5
set sstring .bleft.top.sstring
- entry $sstring -width 20 -font textfont -textvariable searchstring
+ set searchstring ""
+ ${NS}::entry $sstring -width 20 -textvariable searchstring
lappend entries $sstring
trace add variable searchstring write incrsearch
pack $sstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
- radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text [mc "Diff"] \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text [mc "Diff"] \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 0}
- radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text [mc "Old version"] \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text [mc "Old version"] \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1}
- radiobutton .bleft.mid.new -text [mc "New version"] \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .bleft.mid.new -text [mc "New version"] \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0}
- label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " [mc "Lines of context"]: "
- pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old .bleft.mid.new -side left
- spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 -font textfont \
- -from 1 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \
+ ${NS}::label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " [mc "Lines of context"]: "
+ pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old .bleft.mid.new -side left -ipadx $wgap
+ spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 \
+ -from 0 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \
-validate all -validatecommand "diffcontextvalidate %P" \
-textvariable diffcontextstring
.bleft.mid.diffcontext set $diffcontext
trace add variable diffcontextstring write diffcontextchange
lappend entries .bleft.mid.diffcontext
- pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left
- checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \
+ pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left -ipadx $wgap
+ ${NS}::checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \
-command changeignorespace -variable ignorespace
pack .bleft.mid.ignspace -side left -padx 5
+ set worddiff [mc "Line diff"]
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ makedroplist .bleft.mid.worddiff worddiff [mc "Line diff"] \
+ [mc "Markup words"] [mc "Color words"]
+ trace add variable worddiff write changeworddiff
+ pack .bleft.mid.worddiff -side left -padx 5
+ }
set ctext .bleft.bottom.ctext
text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
- -state disabled -font textfont \
+ -state disabled -undo 0 -font textfont \
-yscrollcommand scrolltext -wrap none \
-xscrollcommand ".bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal set"
if {$have_tk85} {
$ctext conf -tabstyle wordprocessor
- scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sb -command "$ctext yview"
- scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal -command "$ctext xview" -orient h \
- -width 10
+ ${NS}::scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sb -command "$ctext yview"
+ ${NS}::scrollbar .bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal -command "$ctext xview" -orient h
pack .bleft.top -side top -fill x
pack .bleft.mid -side top -fill x
grid $ctext .bleft.bottom.sb -sticky nsew
lappend fglist $ctext
$ctext tag conf comment -wrap $wrapcomment
- $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -back "#aaaaaa"
+ $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -fore $filesepfgcolor -back $filesepbgcolor
$ctext tag conf hunksep -fore [lindex $diffcolors 2]
$ctext tag conf d0 -fore [lindex $diffcolors 0]
$ctext tag conf dresult -fore [lindex $diffcolors 1]
- $ctext tag conf m0 -fore red
- $ctext tag conf m1 -fore blue
- $ctext tag conf m2 -fore green
- $ctext tag conf m3 -fore purple
- $ctext tag conf m4 -fore brown
- $ctext tag conf m5 -fore "#009090"
- $ctext tag conf m6 -fore magenta
- $ctext tag conf m7 -fore "#808000"
- $ctext tag conf m8 -fore "#009000"
- $ctext tag conf m9 -fore "#ff0080"
- $ctext tag conf m10 -fore cyan
- $ctext tag conf m11 -fore "#b07070"
- $ctext tag conf m12 -fore "#70b0f0"
- $ctext tag conf m13 -fore "#70f0b0"
- $ctext tag conf m14 -fore "#f0b070"
- $ctext tag conf m15 -fore "#ff70b0"
+ $ctext tag conf m0 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 0]
+ $ctext tag conf m1 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 1]
+ $ctext tag conf m2 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 2]
+ $ctext tag conf m3 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 3]
+ $ctext tag conf m4 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 4]
+ $ctext tag conf m5 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 5]
+ $ctext tag conf m6 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 6]
+ $ctext tag conf m7 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 7]
+ $ctext tag conf m8 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 8]
+ $ctext tag conf m9 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 9]
+ $ctext tag conf m10 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 10]
+ $ctext tag conf m11 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 11]
+ $ctext tag conf m12 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 12]
+ $ctext tag conf m13 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 13]
+ $ctext tag conf m14 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 14]
+ $ctext tag conf m15 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 15]
$ctext tag conf mmax -fore darkgrey
set mergemax 16
$ctext tag conf mresult -font textfontbold
$ctext tag conf msep -font textfontbold
- $ctext tag conf found -back yellow
+ $ctext tag conf found -back $foundbgcolor
+ $ctext tag conf currentsearchhit -back $currentsearchhitbgcolor
+ $ctext tag conf wwrap -wrap word -lmargin2 1c
+ $ctext tag conf bold -font textfontbold
.pwbottom add .bleft
- .pwbottom paneconfigure .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
+ if {!$use_ttk} {
+ .pwbottom paneconfigure .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
+ }
# lower right
- frame .bright
- frame .bright.mode
- radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text [mc "Patch"] \
+ ${NS}::frame .bright
+ ${NS}::frame .bright.mode
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text [mc "Patch"] \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "patch"
- radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text [mc "Tree"] \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text [mc "Tree"] \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "tree"
grid .bright.mode.patch .bright.mode.tree -sticky ew
pack .bright.mode -side top -fill x
-spacing1 1 -spacing3 1
lappend bglist $cflist
lappend fglist $cflist
- scrollbar .bright.sb -command "$cflist yview"
+ ${NS}::scrollbar .bright.sb -command "$cflist yview"
pack .bright.sb -side right -fill y
pack $cflist -side left -fill both -expand 1
$cflist tag configure highlight \
+ if {[info exists geometry(state)] && $geometry(state) eq "zoomed"} {
+ wm state . $geometry(state)
+ }
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
set M1B M1
set ::BM "3"
set ::BM "2"
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ bind .ctop <Map> {
+ bind %W <Map> {}
+ %W sashpos 0 $::geometry(topheight)
+ }
+ bind .pwbottom <Map> {
+ bind %W <Map> {}
+ %W sashpos 0 $::geometry(botwidth)
+ }
+ }
bind .pwbottom <Configure> {resizecdetpanes %W %w}
pack .ctop -fill both -expand 1
bindall <1> {selcanvline %W %x %y}
} else {
bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
+ bind $ctext <Button> {
+ if {"%b" eq 6} {
+ $ctext xview scroll -5 units
+ } elseif {"%b" eq 7} {
+ $ctext xview scroll 5 units
+ }
+ }
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
bindall <MouseWheel> {
set delta [expr {- (%D)}]
bindall <$::BM> "canvscan mark %W %x %y"
bindall <B$::BM-Motion> "canvscan dragto %W %x %y"
+ bind all <$M1B-Key-w> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-w> doquit
bindkey <Home> selfirstline
bindkey <End> sellastline
bind . <Key-Up> "selnextline -1"
bindkey n "selnextline 1"
bindkey z "goback"
bindkey x "goforw"
- bindkey i "selnextline -1"
- bindkey k "selnextline 1"
- bindkey j "goback"
+ bindkey k "selnextline -1"
+ bindkey j "selnextline 1"
+ bindkey h "goback"
bindkey l "goforw"
bindkey b prevfile
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
+ bindkey g {$sha1entry delete 0 end; focus $sha1entry}
bindkey / {focus $fstring}
+ bindkey <Key-KP_Divide> {focus $fstring}
bindkey <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
bindkey ? {dofind -1 1}
bindkey f nextfile
bind . <F5> updatecommits
- bind . <$M1B-F5> reloadcommits
+ bindmodfunctionkey Shift 5 reloadcommits
bind . <F2> showrefs
- bind . <Shift-F4> {newview 0}
- catch { bind . <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_4> {newview 0} }
+ bindmodfunctionkey Shift 4 {newview 0}
bind . <F4> edit_or_newview
bind . <$M1B-q> doquit
bind . <$M1B-f> {dofind 1 1}
bind $fstring <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
bind $sha1entry <Key-Return> {gotocommit; break}
bind $sha1entry <<PasteSelection>> clearsha1
+ bind $sha1entry <<Paste>> clearsha1
bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <B1-Motion> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <ButtonRelease-1> {treeclick %W %x %y}
global ctxbut
bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $ctext $ctxbut {pop_diff_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ bind $ctext <Button-1> {focus %W}
+ bind $ctext <<Selection>> rehighlight_search_results
+ for {set i 1} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-$i> [list go_to_parent $i]
+ }
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
{mc "Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}}
{mc "Make patch" command mkpatch}
{mc "Create tag" command mktag}
+ {mc "Copy commit summary" command copysummary}
{mc "Write commit to file" command writecommit}
{mc "Create new branch" command mkbranch}
{mc "Cherry-pick this commit" command cherrypick}
{mc "Return to mark" command gotomark}
{mc "Find descendant of this and mark" command find_common_desc}
{mc "Compare with marked commit" command compare_commits}
+ {mc "Diff this -> marked commit" command {diffvsmark 0}}
+ {mc "Diff marked commit -> this" command {diffvsmark 1}}
+ {mc "Revert this commit" command revert}
$rowctxmenu configure -tearoff 0
{mc "Diff this -> selected" command {diffvssel 0}}
{mc "Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}}
{mc "Make patch" command mkpatch}
+ {mc "Diff this -> marked commit" command {diffvsmark 0}}
+ {mc "Diff marked commit -> this" command {diffvsmark 1}}
$fakerowmenu configure -tearoff 0
set headctxmenu .headctxmenu
makemenu $headctxmenu {
{mc "Check out this branch" command cobranch}
+ {mc "Rename this branch" command mvbranch}
{mc "Remove this branch" command rmbranch}
+ {mc "Copy branch name" command {clipboard clear; clipboard append $headmenuhead}}
$headctxmenu configure -tearoff 0
{mc "Highlight this only" command {flist_hl 1}}
{mc "External diff" command {external_diff}}
{mc "Blame parent commit" command {external_blame 1}}
+ {mc "Copy path" command {clipboard clear; clipboard append $flist_menu_file}}
$flist_menu configure -tearoff 0
+proc bindmodfunctionkey {mod n script} {
+ bind . <$mod-F$n> $script
+ catch { bind . <$mod-XF86_Switch_VT_$n> $script }
# set the focus back to the toplevel for any click outside
# the entry widgets
proc click {w} {
proc adjustprogress {} {
global progresscanv progressitem progresscoords
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
- global rprogitem rprogcoord
+ global rprogitem rprogcoord use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ $progresscanv configure -value [expr {int($fprogcoord * 100)}]
+ return
+ }
set w [expr {[winfo width $progresscanv] - 4}]
set x0 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 0]}]
+proc config_check_tmp_exists {tries_left} {
+ global config_file_tmp
+ if {[file exists $config_file_tmp]} {
+ incr tries_left -1
+ if {$tries_left > 0} {
+ after 100 [list config_check_tmp_exists $tries_left]
+ } else {
+ error_popup "There appears to be a stale $config_file_tmp\
+ file, which will prevent gitk from saving its configuration on exit.\
+ Please remove it if it is not being used by any existing gitk process."
+ }
+ }
+proc config_init_trace {name} {
+ global config_variable_changed config_variable_original
+ upvar #0 $name var
+ set config_variable_changed($name) 0
+ set config_variable_original($name) $var
+proc config_variable_change_cb {name name2 op} {
+ global config_variable_changed config_variable_original
+ upvar #0 $name var
+ if {$op eq "write" &&
+ (![info exists config_variable_original($name)] ||
+ $config_variable_original($name) ne $var)} {
+ set config_variable_changed($name) 1
+ }
proc savestuff {w} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 mainfont textfont uifont tabstop
- global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct
- global maxwidth showneartags showlocalchanges
- global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
- global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
- global colors bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
- global autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor
+ global stuffsaved
+ global config_file config_file_tmp
+ global config_variables config_variable_changed
+ global viewchanged
+ upvar #0 viewname current_viewname
+ upvar #0 viewfiles current_viewfiles
+ upvar #0 viewargs current_viewargs
+ upvar #0 viewargscmd current_viewargscmd
+ upvar #0 viewperm current_viewperm
+ upvar #0 nextviewnum current_nextviewnum
+ upvar #0 use_ttk current_use_ttk
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
- catch {
- set f [open "~/.gitk-new" w]
- puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont]
- puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
- puts $f [list set uifont $uifont]
- puts $f [list set tabstop $tabstop]
- puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles]
- puts $f [list set maxgraphpct $maxgraphpct]
- puts $f [list set maxwidth $maxwidth]
- puts $f [list set cmitmode $cmitmode]
- puts $f [list set wrapcomment $wrapcomment]
- puts $f [list set autoselect $autoselect]
- puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
- puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
- puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat]
- puts $f [list set limitdiffs $limitdiffs]
- puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor]
- puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
- puts $f [list set colors $colors]
- puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
- puts $f [list set markbgcolor $markbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
- puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool]
- puts $f [list set perfile_attrs $perfile_attrs]
+ set remove_tmp 0
+ if {[catch {
+ set try_count 0
+ while {[catch {set f [open $config_file_tmp {WRONLY CREAT EXCL}]}]} {
+ if {[incr try_count] > 50} {
+ error "Unable to write config file: $config_file_tmp exists"
+ }
+ after 100
+ }
+ set remove_tmp 1
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
+ file attributes $config_file_tmp -hidden true
+ }
+ if {[file exists $config_file]} {
+ source $config_file
+ }
+ foreach var_name $config_variables {
+ upvar #0 $var_name var
+ upvar 0 $var_name old_var
+ if {!$config_variable_changed($var_name) && [info exists old_var]} {
+ puts $f [list set $var_name $old_var]
+ } else {
+ puts $f [list set $var_name $var]
+ }
+ }
puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
+ puts $f "set geometry(state) [wm state .]"
puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
puts $f "set geometry(topheight) [winfo height .tf]"
- puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 0]\""
- puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 1]\""
+ if {$current_use_ttk} {
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0] 1\""
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 1] 1\""
+ } else {
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 0]\""
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 1]\""
+ }
puts $f "set geometry(botwidth) [winfo width .bleft]"
puts $f "set geometry(botheight) [winfo height .bleft]"
+ array set view_save {}
+ array set views {}
+ if {![info exists permviews]} { set permviews {} }
+ foreach view $permviews {
+ set view_save([lindex $view 0]) 1
+ set views([lindex $view 0]) $view
+ }
puts -nonewline $f "set permviews {"
- for {set v 0} {$v < $nextviewnum} {incr v} {
- if {$viewperm($v)} {
- puts $f "{[list $viewname($v) $viewfiles($v) $viewargs($v) $viewargscmd($v)]}"
+ for {set v 1} {$v < $current_nextviewnum} {incr v} {
+ if {$viewchanged($v)} {
+ if {$current_viewperm($v)} {
+ set views($current_viewname($v)) [list $current_viewname($v) $current_viewfiles($v) $current_viewargs($v) $current_viewargscmd($v)]
+ } else {
+ set view_save($current_viewname($v)) 0
+ }
+ # write old and updated view to their places and append remaining to the end
+ foreach view $permviews {
+ set view_name [lindex $view 0]
+ if {$view_save($view_name)} {
+ puts $f "{$views($view_name)}"
+ }
+ unset views($view_name)
+ }
+ foreach view_name [array names views] {
+ puts $f "{$views($view_name)}"
+ }
puts $f "}"
close $f
- file rename -force "~/.gitk-new" "~/.gitk"
+ file rename -force $config_file_tmp $config_file
+ set remove_tmp 0
+ } err]} {
+ puts "Error saving config: $err"
+ }
+ if {$remove_tmp} {
+ file delete -force $config_file_tmp
set stuffsaved 1
proc resizeclistpanes {win w} {
- global oldwidth
+ global oldwidth use_ttk
if {[info exists oldwidth($win)]} {
- set s0 [$win sash coord 0]
- set s1 [$win sash coord 1]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set s0 [$win sashpos 0]
+ set s1 [$win sashpos 1]
+ } else {
+ set s0 [$win sash coord 0]
+ set s1 [$win sash coord 1]
+ }
if {$w < 60} {
set sash0 [expr {int($w/2 - 2)}]
set sash1 [expr {int($w*5/6 - 2)}]
- $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1]
- $win sash place 1 $sash1 [lindex $s1 1]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ $win sashpos 0 $sash0
+ $win sashpos 1 $sash1
+ } else {
+ $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1]
+ $win sash place 1 $sash1 [lindex $s1 1]
+ }
set oldwidth($win) $w
proc resizecdetpanes {win w} {
- global oldwidth
+ global oldwidth use_ttk
if {[info exists oldwidth($win)]} {
- set s0 [$win sash coord 0]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set s0 [$win sashpos 0]
+ } else {
+ set s0 [$win sash coord 0]
+ }
if {$w < 60} {
set sash0 [expr {int($w*3/4 - 2)}]
} else {
set sash0 [expr {$w - 15}]
- $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ $win sashpos 0 $sash0
+ } else {
+ $win sash place 0 $sash0 [lindex $s0 1]
+ }
set oldwidth($win) $w
proc about {} {
- global uifont
+ global bgcolor NS
set w .about
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
- toplevel $w
+ ttk_toplevel $w
wm title $w [mc "About gitk"]
make_transient $w .
message $w.m -text [mc "
Gitk - a commit viewer for git
-Copyright © 2005-2008 Paul Mackerras
+Copyright \u00a9 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras
Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"] \
- -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove
+ -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg $bgcolor -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
- button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
+ tk::PlaceWindow $w widget .
proc keys {} {
+ global bgcolor NS
set w .keys
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
} else {
set M1T Ctrl
- toplevel $w
+ ttk_toplevel $w
wm title $w [mc "Gitk key bindings"]
make_transient $w .
message $w.m -text "
[mc "Gitk key bindings:"]
[mc "<%s-Q> Quit" $M1T]
+[mc "<%s-W> Close window" $M1T]
[mc "<Home> Move to first commit"]
[mc "<End> Move to last commit"]
-[mc "<Up>, p, i Move up one commit"]
-[mc "<Down>, n, k Move down one commit"]
-[mc "<Left>, z, j Go back in history list"]
+[mc "<Up>, p, k Move up one commit"]
+[mc "<Down>, n, j Move down one commit"]
+[mc "<Left>, z, h Go back in history list"]
[mc "<Right>, x, l Go forward in history list"]
+[mc "<%s-n> Go to n-th parent of current commit in history list" $M1T]
[mc "<PageUp> Move up one page in commit list"]
[mc "<PageDown> Move down one page in commit list"]
[mc "<%s-Home> Scroll to top of commit list" $M1T]
[mc "<%s-F> Find" $M1T]
[mc "<%s-G> Move to next find hit" $M1T]
[mc "<Return> Move to next find hit"]
+[mc "g Go to commit"]
[mc "/ Focus the search box"]
[mc "? Move to previous find hit"]
[mc "f Scroll diff view to next file"]
[mc "<%s-minus> Decrease font size" $M1T]
[mc "<F5> Update"]
" \
- -justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief groove
+ -justify left -bg $bgcolor -border 2 -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
- button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f,
0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
-image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground green \
+image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground "#00ff00" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
set cflist_top 1
$cflist tag add highlight 1.0 "1.0 lineend"
} else {
- catch {unset cflist_top}
+ unset -nocomplain cflist_top
$cflist conf -state disabled
set difffilestart {}
} else {
catch {$ctext yview [lindex $difffilestart [expr {$l - 2}]]}
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} {
set gdttype [mc "touching paths:"]
+proc gitknewtmpdir {} {
+ global diffnum gitktmpdir gitdir env
+ if {![info exists gitktmpdir]} {
+ if {[info exists env(GITK_TMPDIR)]} {
+ set tmpdir $env(GITK_TMPDIR)
+ } elseif {[info exists env(TMPDIR)]} {
+ set tmpdir $env(TMPDIR)
+ } else {
+ set tmpdir $gitdir
+ }
+ set gitktmpformat [file join $tmpdir ".gitk-tmp.XXXXXX"]
+ if {[catch {set gitktmpdir [exec mktemp -d $gitktmpformat]}]} {
+ set gitktmpdir [file join $gitdir [format ".gitk-tmp.%s" [pid]]]
+ }
+ if {[catch {file mkdir $gitktmpdir} err]} {
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $gitktmpdir] $err"
+ unset gitktmpdir
+ return {}
+ }
+ set diffnum 0
+ }
+ incr diffnum
+ set diffdir [file join $gitktmpdir $diffnum]
+ if {[catch {file mkdir $diffdir} err]} {
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $diffdir] $err"
+ return {}
+ }
+ return $diffdir
proc save_file_from_commit {filename output what} {
global nullfile
proc external_diff_get_one_file {diffid filename diffdir} {
global nullid nullid2 nullfile
- global gitdir
+ global worktree
if {$diffid == $nullid} {
- set difffile [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $filename]
+ set difffile [file join $worktree $filename]
if {[file exists $difffile]} {
return $difffile
proc external_diff {} {
- global gitktmpdir nullid nullid2
+ global nullid nullid2
global flist_menu_file
global diffids
- global diffnum
- global gitdir extdifftool
+ global extdifftool
if {[llength $diffids] == 1} {
# no reference commit given
# make sure that several diffs wont collide
- if {![info exists gitktmpdir]} {
- set gitktmpdir [file join [file dirname $gitdir] \
- [format ".gitk-tmp.%s" [pid]]]
- if {[catch {file mkdir $gitktmpdir} err]} {
- error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $gitktmpdir] $err"
- unset gitktmpdir
- return
- }
- set diffnum 0
- }
- incr diffnum
- set diffdir [file join $gitktmpdir $diffnum]
- if {[catch {file mkdir $diffdir} err]} {
- error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $diffdir] $err"
- return
- }
+ set diffdir [gitknewtmpdir]
+ if {$diffdir eq {}} return
# gather files to diff
set difffromfile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidfrom $flist_menu_file $diffdir]
set difftofile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidto $flist_menu_file $diffdir]
if {$difffromfile ne {} && $difftofile ne {}} {
- set cmd [concat | [shellsplit $extdifftool] \
- [list $difffromfile $difftofile]]
- if {[catch {set fl [open $cmd r]} err]} {
+ set cmd [list [shellsplit $extdifftool] $difffromfile $difftofile]
+ if {[catch {set fl [open |$cmd r]} err]} {
file delete -force $diffdir
error_popup "$extdifftool: [mc "command failed:"] $err"
} else {
# Turn an absolute path into one relative to the current directory
proc make_relative {f} {
+ if {[file pathtype $f] eq "relative"} {
+ return $f
+ }
set elts [file split $f]
set here [file split [pwd]]
set ei 0
proc external_blame {parent_idx {line {}}} {
- global flist_menu_file gitdir
+ global flist_menu_file cdup
global nullid nullid2
global parentlist selectedline currentid
if {$line ne {} && $line > 1} {
lappend cmdline "--line=$line"
- set f [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file]
+ set f [file join $cdup $flist_menu_file]
# Unfortunately it seems git gui blame doesn't like
# being given an absolute path...
set f [make_relative $f]
proc show_line_source {} {
global cmitmode currentid parents curview blamestuff blameinst
global diff_menu_line diff_menu_filebase flist_menu_file
- global nullid nullid2 gitdir
+ global nullid nullid2 gitdir cdup
set from_index {}
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
} else {
lappend blameargs $id
- lappend blameargs -- [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file]
+ lappend blameargs -- [file join $cdup $flist_menu_file]
if {[catch {
set f [open $blameargs r]
} err]} {
set id $nullid2
if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
- selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1 [list $fname $lnum]
+ selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1 [list $fname $lnum] 1
} else {
error_popup [mc "That line comes from commit %s, \
which is not in this view" [shortids $id]]
return $l
+proc set_window_title {} {
+ global appname curview viewname vrevs
+ set rev [mc "All files"]
+ if {$curview ne 0} {
+ if {$viewname($curview) eq [mc "Command line"]} {
+ set rev [string map {"--gitk-symmetric-diff-marker" "--merge"} $vrevs($curview)]
+ } else {
+ set rev $viewname($curview)
+ }
+ }
+ wm title . "[reponame]: $rev - $appname"
# Code to implement multiple views
proc newview {ishighlight} {
raise $top
+ decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs
set newviewname($nextviewnum) "[mc "View"] $nextviewnum"
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,perm) 0
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
- decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs
vieweditor $top $nextviewnum [mc "Gitk view definition"]
set known_view_options {
- {perm b . {} {mc "Remember this view"}}
- {args t50= + {} {mc "Commits to include (arguments to git log):"}}
- {all b * "--all" {mc "Use all refs"}}
- {dorder b . {"--date-order" "-d"} {mc "Strictly sort by date"}}
- {lright b . "--left-right" {mc "Mark branch sides"}}
- {since t15 + {"--since=*" "--after=*"} {mc "Since date:"}}
- {until t15 . {"--until=*" "--before=*"} {mc "Until date:"}}
- {limit t10 + "--max-count=*" {mc "Max count:"}}
- {skip t10 . "--skip=*" {mc "Skip:"}}
- {first b . "--first-parent" {mc "Limit to first parent"}}
- {cmd t50= + {} {mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"}}
- }
+ {perm b . {} {mc "Remember this view"}}
+ {reflabel l + {} {mc "References (space separated list):"}}
+ {refs t15 .. {} {mc "Branches & tags:"}}
+ {allrefs b *. "--all" {mc "All refs"}}
+ {branches b . "--branches" {mc "All (local) branches"}}
+ {tags b . "--tags" {mc "All tags"}}
+ {remotes b . "--remotes" {mc "All remote-tracking branches"}}
+ {commitlbl l + {} {mc "Commit Info (regular expressions):"}}
+ {author t15 .. "--author=*" {mc "Author:"}}
+ {committer t15 . "--committer=*" {mc "Committer:"}}
+ {loginfo t15 .. "--grep=*" {mc "Commit Message:"}}
+ {allmatch b .. "--all-match" {mc "Matches all Commit Info criteria"}}
+ {igrep b .. "--invert-grep" {mc "Matches no Commit Info criteria"}}
+ {changes_l l + {} {mc "Changes to Files:"}}
+ {pickaxe_s r0 . {} {mc "Fixed String"}}
+ {pickaxe_t r1 . "--pickaxe-regex" {mc "Regular Expression"}}
+ {pickaxe t15 .. "-S*" {mc "Search string:"}}
+ {datelabel l + {} {mc "Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 15:27:38\"):"}}
+ {since t15 .. {"--since=*" "--after=*"} {mc "Since:"}}
+ {until t15 . {"--until=*" "--before=*"} {mc "Until:"}}
+ {limit_lbl l + {} {mc "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"}}
+ {limit t10 *. "--max-count=*" {mc "Number to show:"}}
+ {skip t10 . "--skip=*" {mc "Number to skip:"}}
+ {misc_lbl l + {} {mc "Miscellaneous options:"}}
+ {dorder b *. {"--date-order" "-d"} {mc "Strictly sort by date"}}
+ {lright b . "--left-right" {mc "Mark branch sides"}}
+ {first b . "--first-parent" {mc "Limit to first parent"}}
+ {smplhst b . "--simplify-by-decoration" {mc "Simple history"}}
+ {args t50 *. {} {mc "Additional arguments to git log:"}}
+ {allpaths path + {} {mc "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"}}
+ {cmd t50= + {} {mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"}}
+ }
+# Convert $newviewopts($n, ...) into args for git log.
proc encode_view_opts {n} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
if {$patterns eq {}} continue
set pattern [lindex $patterns 0]
- set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0])
if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} {
+ set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0])
if {$val} {
lappend rargs $pattern
+ } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1] type value]} {
+ regexp {^(.*_)} [lindex $opt 0] uselessvar button_id
+ set val $newviewopts($n,$button_id)
+ if {$val eq $value} {
+ lappend rargs $pattern
+ }
} else {
+ set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0])
set val [string trim $val]
if {$val ne {}} {
set pfix [string range $pattern 0 end-1]
+ set rargs [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,refs)]]
return [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,args)]]
+# Fill $newviewopts($n, ...) based on args for git log.
proc decode_view_opts {n view_args} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
foreach opt $known_view_options {
+ set id [lindex $opt 0]
if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} {
+ # Checkboxes
+ set val 0
+ } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1]]} {
+ # Radiobuttons
+ regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar id
set val 0
} else {
+ # Text fields
set val {}
- set newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0]) $val
+ set newviewopts($n,$id) $val
set oargs [list]
+ set refargs [list]
foreach arg $view_args {
if {[regexp -- {^-([0-9]+)$} $arg arg cnt]
&& ![info exists found(limit)]} {
if {[info exists found($id)]} continue
foreach pattern [lindex $opt 3] {
if {![string match $pattern $arg]} continue
- if {[lindex $opt 1] ne "b"} {
+ if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} {
+ # Check buttons
+ set val 1
+ } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} [lindex $opt 1] match num]} {
+ # Radio buttons
+ regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar id
+ set val $num
+ } else {
+ # Text input fields
set size [string length $pattern]
set val [string range $arg [expr {$size-1}] end]
- } else {
- set val 1
set newviewopts($n,$id) $val
set found($id) 1
if {[info exists val]} break
if {[info exists val]} continue
- lappend oargs $arg
+ if {[regexp {^-} $arg]} {
+ lappend oargs $arg
+ } else {
+ lappend refargs $arg
+ }
+ set newviewopts($n,refs) [shellarglist $refargs]
set newviewopts($n,args) [shellarglist $oargs]
raise $top
+ decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview)
set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,perm) $viewperm($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
- decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview)
- vieweditor $top $curview "Gitk: edit view $viewname($curview)"
+ vieweditor $top $curview "[mc "Gitk: edit view"] $viewname($curview)"
proc vieweditor {top n title} {
global newviewname newviewopts viewfiles bgcolor
- global known_view_options
+ global known_view_options NS
- toplevel $top
- wm title $top $title
+ ttk_toplevel $top
+ wm title $top [concat $title [mc "-- criteria for selecting revisions"]]
make_transient $top .
# View name
- frame $top.nfr
- label $top.nl -text [mc "Name"]
- entry $top.name -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n)
+ ${NS}::frame $top.nfr
+ ${NS}::label $top.nl -text [mc "View Name"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.name -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n)
pack $top.nfr -in $top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 3
- pack $top.nl -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 30}
- pack $top.name -in $top.nfr -side left
+ pack $top.nl -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 5}
+ pack $top.name -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 25}
# View options
set cframe $top.nfr
if {$flags eq "+" || $flags eq "*"} {
set cframe $top.fr$cnt
incr cnt
- frame $cframe
+ ${NS}::frame $cframe
pack $cframe -in $top -fill x -pady 3 -padx 3
set cexpand [expr {$flags eq "*"}]
+ } elseif {$flags eq ".." || $flags eq "*."} {
+ set cframe $top.fr$cnt
+ incr cnt
+ ${NS}::frame $cframe
+ pack $cframe -in $top -fill x -pady 3 -padx [list 15 3]
+ set cexpand [expr {$flags eq "*."}]
} else {
set lxpad 5
- if {$type eq "b"} {
- checkbutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$id)
+ if {$type eq "l"} {
+ ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title
+ pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side left -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w
+ } elseif {$type eq "b"} {
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$id)
+ pack $cframe.c_$id -in $cframe -side left \
+ -padx [list $lxpad 0] -expand $cexpand -anchor w
+ } elseif {[regexp {^r(\d+)$} $type type sz]} {
+ regexp {^(.*_)} $id uselessvar button_id
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$button_id) -value $sz
pack $cframe.c_$id -in $cframe -side left \
-padx [list $lxpad 0] -expand $cexpand -anchor w
} elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)$} $type type sz]} {
- message $cframe.l_$id -aspect 1500 -text $title
- entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
+ ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title
+ ${NS}::entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
-textvariable newviewopts($n,$id)
pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side left -padx [list $lxpad 0]
pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side left -expand 1 -fill x
} elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)=$} $type type sz]} {
- message $cframe.l_$id -aspect 1500 -text $title
- entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
+ ${NS}::label $cframe.l_$id -text $title
+ ${NS}::entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
-textvariable newviewopts($n,$id)
pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side top -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w
pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side top -fill x
+ } elseif {$type eq "path"} {
+ ${NS}::label $top.l -text $title
+ pack $top.l -in $top -side top -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w -padx 3
+ text $top.t -width 40 -height 5 -background $bgcolor
+ if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} {
+ foreach f $viewfiles($n) {
+ $top.t insert end $f
+ $top.t insert end "\n"
+ }
+ $top.t delete {end - 1c} end
+ $top.t mark set insert 0.0
+ }
+ pack $top.t -in $top -side top -pady [list 0 5] -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3
- # Path list
- message $top.l -aspect 1500 \
- -text [mc "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"]
- pack $top.l -in $top -side top -pady [list 7 0] -anchor w -padx 3
- text $top.t -width 40 -height 5 -background $bgcolor -font uifont
- if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} {
- foreach f $viewfiles($n) {
- $top.t insert end $f
- $top.t insert end "\n"
- }
- $top.t delete {end - 1c} end
- $top.t mark set insert 0.0
- }
- pack $top.t -in $top -side top -pady [list 0 5] -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command [list newviewok $top $n]
- button $top.buts.apply -text [mc "Apply (F5)"] -command [list newviewok $top $n 1]
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command [list destroy $top]
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command [list newviewok $top $n]
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.apply -text [mc "Apply (F5)"] -command [list newviewok $top $n 1]
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command [list destroy $top]
bind $top <Control-Return> [list newviewok $top $n]
bind $top <F5> [list newviewok $top $n 1]
bind $top <Escape> [list destroy $top]
proc newviewok {top n {apply 0}} {
global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname newishighlight
- global viewname viewfiles viewperm selectedview curview
+ global viewname viewfiles viewperm viewchanged selectedview curview
global viewargs viewargscmd newviewopts viewhlmenu
if {[catch {
incr nextviewnum
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
+ set viewchanged($n) 1
set viewfiles($n) $files
set viewargs($n) $newargs
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd)
} else {
# editing an existing view
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
+ set viewchanged($n) 1
if {$newviewname($n) ne $viewname($n)} {
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] \
proc delview {} {
- global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview
+ global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview viewchanged
if {$curview == 0} return
if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $curview} {
allviewmenus $curview delete
set viewperm($curview) 0
+ set viewchanged($curview) 1
showview 0
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $n} {
unset hlview
set selectedhlview [mc "None"]
- catch {unset commitinterest}
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain commitinterest
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
set curview $n
set selectedview $n
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
run refill_reflist
if {![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} {
set rowfinal {}
set numcommits $commitidx($n)
- catch {unset colormap}
- catch {unset rowtextx}
+ unset -nocomplain colormap
+ unset -nocomplain rowtextx
set nextcolor 0
set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
set curview $n
} elseif {$numcommits == 0} {
show_status [mc "No commits selected"]
+ set_window_title
# Stuff relating to the highlighting facility
if {![info exists hlview]} return
unset hlview
- catch {unset vhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain vhighlights
# delete previous highlights
catch {close $filehighlight}
unset filehighlight
- catch {unset fhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain fhighlights
bolden_name $id mainfont
set boldnameids {}
- catch {unset nhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain nhighlights
if {$gdttype ne [mc "containing:"] || $findstring eq {}} {
proc do_file_hl {serial} {
global highlight_files filehighlight highlight_paths gdttype fhl_list
+ global cdup findtype
if {$gdttype eq [mc "touching paths:"]} {
+ # If "exact" match then convert backslashes to forward slashes.
+ # Most useful to support Windows-flavoured file paths.
+ if {$findtype eq [mc "Exact"]} {
+ set highlight_files [string map {"\\" "/"} $highlight_files]
+ }
if {[catch {set paths [shellsplit $highlight_files]}]} return
set highlight_paths [makepatterns $paths]
- set gdtargs [concat -- $paths]
+ set relative_paths {}
+ foreach path $paths {
+ lappend relative_paths [file join $cdup $path]
+ }
+ set gdtargs [concat -- $relative_paths]
} elseif {$gdttype eq [mc "adding/removing string:"]} {
set gdtargs [list "-S$highlight_files"]
+ } elseif {$gdttype eq [mc "changing lines matching:"]} {
+ set gdtargs [list "-G$highlight_files"]
} else {
# must be "containing:", i.e. we're searching commit info
set info $commitinfo($id)
set isbold 0
- set fldtypes [list [mc Headline] [mc Author] [mc Date] [mc Committer] [mc CDate] [mc Comments]]
+ set fldtypes [list [mc Headline] [mc Author] "" [mc Committer] "" [mc Comments]]
foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
+ if {$ty eq ""} continue
if {($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq $ty) &&
[doesmatch $f]} {
if {$ty eq [mc "Author"]} {
global descendent desc_todo ancestor anc_todo
global highlight_related
- catch {unset descendent}
+ unset -nocomplain descendent
set desc_todo [list $a]
- catch {unset ancestor}
+ unset -nocomplain ancestor
set anc_todo [list $a]
if {$highlight_related ne [mc "None"]} {
proc rhighlight_none {} {
global rhighlights
- catch {unset rhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain rhighlights
set rowisopt {}
set rowfinal {}
set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
- catch {unset colormap}
- catch {unset rowtextx}
+ unset -nocomplain colormap
+ unset -nocomplain rowtextx
# spawn off a process to do git diff-index --cached HEAD
proc dodiffindex {} {
global lserial showlocalchanges vfilelimit curview
- global isworktree
+ global hasworktree git_version
- if {!$showlocalchanges || !$isworktree} return
+ if {!$showlocalchanges || !$hasworktree} return
incr lserial
- set cmd "|git diff-index --cached HEAD"
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set cmd "|git diff-index --cached --ignore-submodules=dirty HEAD"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "|git diff-index --cached HEAD"
+ }
if {$vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)]
global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline
global canvxmax boldids boldnameids fgcolor markedid
global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors ctxbut
+ global mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor indexcirclecolor
+ global circleoutlinecolor
# listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for negative, 3 for left, 4 for right
set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id)
if {$id eq $nullid} {
- set ofill red
+ set ofill $workingfilescirclecolor
} elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
- set ofill green
+ set ofill $indexcirclecolor
} elseif {$id eq $mainheadid} {
- set ofill yellow
+ set ofill $mainheadcirclecolor
} else {
set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $listed]
if {$listed <= 2} {
set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
} elseif {$listed == 3} {
# triangle pointing left for left-side commits
set t [$canv create polygon \
[expr {$x - $orad}] $y \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
} else {
# triangle pointing right for right-side commits
set t [$canv create polygon \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] $y \
[expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
set circleitem($row) $t
$canv raise $t
|| [info exists idotherrefs($id)]} {
set xt [drawtags $id $x $xt $y]
+ if {[lindex $commitinfo($id) 6] > 0} {
+ set xt [drawnotesign $xt $y]
+ }
set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0]
set name [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1]
set date [lindex $commitinfo($id) 2]
global linehtag linentag linedtag boldids boldnameids
allcanvs delete all
- catch {unset iddrawn}
- catch {unset linesegs}
- catch {unset linehtag}
- catch {unset linentag}
- catch {unset linedtag}
+ unset -nocomplain iddrawn
+ unset -nocomplain linesegs
+ unset -nocomplain linehtag
+ unset -nocomplain linentag
+ unset -nocomplain linedtag
set boldids {}
set boldnameids {}
- catch {unset vhighlights}
- catch {unset fhighlights}
- catch {unset nhighlights}
- catch {unset rhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain vhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain fhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain nhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain rhighlights
set need_redisplay 0
set nrows_drawn 0
$canv bind $t <Button-1> "lineclick %x %y $id 1"
+proc graph_pane_width {} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set g [.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0]
+ } else {
+ set g [.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 0]
+ }
+ return [lindex $g 0]
+proc totalwidth {l font extra} {
+ set tot 0
+ foreach str $l {
+ set tot [expr {$tot + [font measure $font $str] + $extra}]
+ }
+ return $tot
proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
global linespc lthickness
global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor ctxbut
+ global headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor remotebgcolor
+ global tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor
+ global reflinecolor
set marks {}
set ntags 0
set nheads 0
+ set singletag 0
+ set maxtags 3
+ set maxtagpct 25
+ set maxwidth [expr {[graph_pane_width] * $maxtagpct / 100}]
+ set delta [expr {int(0.5 * ($linespc - $lthickness))}]
+ set extra [expr {$delta + $lthickness + $linespc}]
if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
set marks $idtags($id)
set ntags [llength $marks]
+ if {$ntags > $maxtags ||
+ [totalwidth $marks mainfont $extra] > $maxwidth} {
+ # show just a single "n tags..." tag
+ set singletag 1
+ if {$ntags == 1} {
+ set marks [list "tag..."]
+ } else {
+ set marks [list [format "%d tags..." $ntags]]
+ }
+ set ntags 1
+ }
if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
set marks [concat $marks $idheads($id)]
return $xt
- set delta [expr {int(0.5 * ($linespc - $lthickness))}]
set yt [expr {$y1 - 0.5 * $linespc}]
set yb [expr {$yt + $linespc - 1}]
set xvals {}
lappend xvals $xt
lappend wvals $wid
- set xt [expr {$xt + $delta + $wid + $lthickness + $linespc}]
+ set xt [expr {$xt + $wid + $extra}]
set t [$canv create line $x $y1 [lindex $xvals end] $y1 \
- -width $lthickness -fill black -tags tag.$id]
+ -width $lthickness -fill $reflinecolor -tags tag.$id]
$canv lower $t
foreach tag $marks x $xvals wid $wvals {
+ set tag_quoted [string map {% %%} $tag]
set xl [expr {$x + $delta}]
set xr [expr {$x + $delta + $wid + $lthickness}]
set font mainfont
# draw a tag
set t [$canv create polygon $x [expr {$yt + $delta}] $xl $yt \
$xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \
- -width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id]
- $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
+ -width 1 -outline $tagoutlinecolor -fill $tagbgcolor \
+ -tags tag.$id]
+ if {$singletag} {
+ set tagclick [list showtags $id 1]
+ } else {
+ set tagclick [list showtag $tag_quoted 1]
+ }
+ $canv bind $t <1> $tagclick
set rowtextx([rowofcommit $id]) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
} else {
# draw a head or other ref
if {[incr nheads -1] >= 0} {
- set col green
+ set col $headbgcolor
if {$tag eq $mainhead} {
set font mainfontbold
set yti [expr {$yt + 1}]
set xri [expr {$x + $rwid}]
$canv create polygon $xi $yti $xri $yti $xri $yb $xi $yb \
- -width 0 -fill "#ffddaa" -tags tag.$id
+ -width 0 -fill $remotebgcolor -tags tag.$id
- set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $fgcolor \
+ set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $headfgcolor \
-font $font -tags [list tag.$id text]]
if {$ntags >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
+ $canv bind $t <1> $tagclick
} elseif {$nheads >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
+ $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag_quoted]
return $xt
+proc drawnotesign {xt y} {
+ global linespc canv fgcolor
+ set orad [expr {$linespc / 3}]
+ set t [$canv create rectangle [expr {$xt - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
+ [expr {$xt + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
+ -fill yellow -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ set xt [expr {$xt + $orad * 3}]
+ return $xt
proc xcoord {i level ln} {
global canvx0 xspc1 xspc2
global canv fgcolor
+ set_window_title
$canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text $msg -font mainfont \
-tags text -fill $fgcolor
if {![info exists find_dirn]} {
return 0
- set fldtypes [list [mc "Headline"] [mc "Author"] [mc "Date"] [mc "Committer"] [mc "CDate"] [mc "Comments"]]
+ set fldtypes [list [mc "Headline"] [mc "Author"] "" [mc "Committer"] "" [mc "Comments"]]
set l $findcurline
set moretodo 0
if {$find_dirn > 0} {
set info $commitinfo($id)
foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
+ if {$ty eq ""} continue
if {($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq $ty) &&
[doesmatch $f]} {
set found 1
set start [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
$ctext insert end $text $tags
- set links [regexp -indices -all -inline {\m[0-9a-f]{6,40}\M} $text]
+ set links [regexp -indices -all -inline {(?:\m|-g)[0-9a-f]{6,40}\M} $text]
foreach l $links {
set s [lindex $l 0]
set e [lindex $l 1]
proc setlink {id lk} {
global curview ctext pendinglinks
+ global linkfgcolor
+ if {[string range $id 0 1] eq "-g"} {
+ set id [string range $id 2 end]
+ }
set known 0
if {[string length $id] < 40} {
set known [commitinview $id $curview]
if {$known} {
- $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground blue -underline 1
+ $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground $linkfgcolor -underline 1
$ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list selbyid $id]
$ctext tag bind $lk <Enter> {linkcursor %W 1}
$ctext tag bind $lk <Leave> {linkcursor %W -1}
+proc appendshortlink {id {pre {}} {post {}}} {
+ global ctext linknum
+ $ctext insert end $pre
+ $ctext tag delete link$linknum
+ $ctext insert end [string range $id 0 7] link$linknum
+ $ctext insert end $post
+ setlink $id link$linknum
+ incr linknum
proc makelink {id} {
global pendinglinks
# add a list of tag or branch names at position pos
# returns the number of names inserted
proc appendrefs {pos ids var} {
- global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs
+ global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs visiblerefs mainheadid
if {[catch {$ctext index $pos}]} {
return 0
lappend tags [list $tag $id]
+ set sep {}
+ set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
+ set nutags 0
if {[llength $tags] > $maxrefs} {
- $ctext insert $pos "many ([llength $tags])"
- } else {
- set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
- set sep {}
- foreach ti $tags {
- set id [lindex $ti 1]
- set lk link$linknum
- incr linknum
- $ctext tag delete $lk
- $ctext insert $pos $sep
- $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
- setlink $id $lk
- set sep ", "
+ # If we are displaying heads, and there are too many,
+ # see if there are some important heads to display.
+ # Currently that are the current head and heads listed in $visiblerefs option
+ set itags {}
+ if {$var eq "idheads"} {
+ set utags {}
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set hname [lindex $ti 0]
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ if {([lsearch -exact $visiblerefs $hname] != -1 || $id eq $mainheadid) &&
+ [llength $itags] < $maxrefs} {
+ lappend itags $ti
+ } else {
+ lappend utags $ti
+ }
+ }
+ set tags $utags
+ }
+ if {$itags ne {}} {
+ set str [mc "and many more"]
+ set sep " "
+ } else {
+ set str [mc "many"]
+ $ctext insert $pos "$str ([llength $tags])"
+ set nutags [llength $tags]
+ set tags $itags
+ }
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ set lk link$linknum
+ incr linknum
+ $ctext tag delete $lk
+ $ctext insert $pos $sep
+ $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
+ setlink $id $lk
+ set sep ", "
+ $ctext tag add wwrap "$pos linestart" "$pos lineend"
$ctext conf -state disabled
- return [llength $tags]
+ return [expr {[llength $tags] + $nutags}]
# called when we have finished computing the nearby tags
$canv raise $t
-proc selectline {l isnew {desired_loc {}}} {
+proc selectline {l isnew {desired_loc {}} {switch_to_patch 0}} {
global canv ctext commitinfo selectedline
global canvy0 linespc parents children curview
global currentid sha1entry
global mergemax numcommits pending_select
global cmitmode showneartags allcommits
global targetrow targetid lastscrollrows
- global autoselect jump_to_here
+ global autoselect autosellen jump_to_here
+ global vinlinediff
- catch {unset pending_select}
+ unset -nocomplain pending_select
$canv delete hover
+ if {$cmitmode ne "patch" && $switch_to_patch} {
+ set cmitmode "patch"
+ }
set y [expr {$canvy0 + $l * $linespc}]
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
set ytop [expr {$y - $linespc - 1}]
make_secsel $id
if {$isnew} {
- addtohistory [list selbyid $id]
+ addtohistory [list selbyid $id 0] savecmitpos
$sha1entry delete 0 end
$sha1entry insert 0 $id
if {$autoselect} {
- $sha1entry selection from 0
- $sha1entry selection to end
+ $sha1entry selection range 0 $autosellen
rhighlight_sel $id
init_flist [mc "Comments"]
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
gettree $id
+ } elseif {$vinlinediff($curview) == 1} {
+ showinlinediff $id
} elseif {[llength $olds] <= 1} {
startdiff $id
} else {
global selectedline currentid
set selectedline {}
- catch {unset currentid}
+ unset -nocomplain currentid
allcanvs delete secsel
-proc addtohistory {cmd} {
+proc addtohistory {cmd {saveproc {}}} {
global history historyindex curview
- set elt [list $curview $cmd]
+ unset_posvars
+ save_position
+ set elt [list $curview $cmd $saveproc {}]
if {$historyindex > 0
&& [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]] == $elt} {
.tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
-proc godo {elt} {
- global curview
+# save the scrolling position of the diff display pane
+proc save_position {} {
+ global historyindex history
- set view [lindex $elt 0]
- set cmd [lindex $elt 1]
- if {$curview != $view} {
- showview $view
+ if {$historyindex < 1} return
+ set hi [expr {$historyindex - 1}]
+ set fn [lindex $history $hi 2]
+ if {$fn ne {}} {
+ lset history $hi 3 [eval $fn]
- eval $cmd
+proc unset_posvars {} {
+ global last_posvars
+ if {[info exists last_posvars]} {
+ foreach {var val} $last_posvars {
+ global $var
+ unset -nocomplain $var
+ }
+ unset last_posvars
+ }
+proc godo {elt} {
+ global curview last_posvars
+ set view [lindex $elt 0]
+ set cmd [lindex $elt 1]
+ set pv [lindex $elt 3]
+ if {$curview != $view} {
+ showview $view
+ }
+ unset_posvars
+ foreach {var val} $pv {
+ global $var
+ set $var $val
+ }
+ set last_posvars $pv
+ eval $cmd
proc goback {} {
focus .
if {$historyindex > 1} {
+ save_position
incr historyindex -1
godo [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]]
.tf.bar.rightbut conf -state normal
focus .
if {$historyindex < [llength $history]} {
+ save_position
set cmd [lindex $history $historyindex]
incr historyindex
godo $cmd
+proc go_to_parent {i} {
+ global parents curview targetid
+ set ps $parents($curview,$targetid)
+ if {[llength $ps] >= $i} {
+ selbyid [lindex $ps [expr $i - 1]]
+ }
proc gettree {id} {
global treefilelist treeidlist diffids diffmergeid treepending
global nullid nullid2
set diffids $id
- catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ unset -nocomplain diffmergeid
if {![info exists treefilelist($id)]} {
if {![info exists treepending]} {
if {$id eq $nullid} {
[lindex [split $commentend .] 0]}]
mark_ctext_line $lnum
+ $ctext config -state disabled
return 0
$ctext config -state disabled
settabs 1
set diffids $ids
- catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ unset -nocomplain diffmergeid
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0 ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] >= 0} {
+proc showinlinediff {ids} {
+ global commitinfo commitdata ctext
+ global treediffs
+ set info $commitinfo($ids)
+ set diff [lindex $info 7]
+ set difflines [split $diff "\n"]
+ initblobdiffvars
+ set treediff {}
+ set inhdr 0
+ foreach line $difflines {
+ if {![string compare -length 5 "diff " $line]} {
+ set inhdr 1
+ } elseif {$inhdr && ![string compare -length 4 "+++ " $line]} {
+ # offset also accounts for the b/ prefix
+ lappend treediff [string range $line 6 end]
+ set inhdr 0
+ }
+ }
+ set treediffs($ids) $treediff
+ add_flist $treediff
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ foreach line $difflines {
+ parseblobdiffline $ids $line
+ }
+ maybe_scroll_ctext 1
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+# If the filename (name) is under any of the passed filter paths
+# then return true to include the file in the listing.
proc path_filter {filter name} {
+ set worktree [gitworktree]
foreach p $filter {
- set l [string length $p]
- if {[string index $p end] eq "/"} {
- if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0} {
- return 1
- }
- } else {
- if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0 &&
- ([string length $name] == $l ||
- [string index $name $l] eq "/")} {
- return 1
- }
+ set fq_p [file normalize $p]
+ set fq_n [file normalize [file join $worktree $name]]
+ if {[string match [file normalize $fq_p]* $fq_n]} {
+ return 1
return 0
proc diffcmd {ids flags} {
- global nullid nullid2
+ global log_showroot nullid nullid2 git_version
set i [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid]
set j [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2]
} elseif {$j >= 0} {
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set flags "$flags --ignore-submodules=dirty"
+ }
set cmd [concat | git diff-index --cached $flags]
if {[llength $ids] > 1} {
# comparing index with specific revision
- if {$i == 0} {
+ if {$j == 0} {
lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1]
} else {
lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0]
lappend cmd HEAD
} else {
+ if {$log_showroot} {
+ lappend flags --root
+ }
set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r $flags $ids]
return $cmd
proc gettreediffs {ids} {
- global treediff treepending
+ global treediff treepending limitdiffs vfilelimit curview
- if {[catch {set gdtf [open [diffcmd $ids {--no-commit-id}] r]}]} return
+ set cmd [diffcmd $ids {--no-commit-id}]
+ if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
+ set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)]
+ }
+ if {[catch {set gdtf [open $cmd r]}]} return
set treepending $ids
set treediff {}
return [expr {$nr >= $max? 2: 1}]
close $gdtf
- if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
- set flist {}
- foreach f $treediff {
- if {[path_filter $vfilelimit($curview) $f]} {
- lappend flist $f
- }
- }
- set treediffs($ids) $flist
- } else {
- set treediffs($ids) $treediff
- }
+ set treediffs($ids) $treediff
unset treepending
if {$cmitmode eq "tree" && [llength $diffids] == 1} {
gettree $diffids
global diffcontextstring diffcontext
if {[string is integer -strict $diffcontextstring]} {
- if {$diffcontextstring > 0} {
+ if {$diffcontextstring >= 0} {
set diffcontext $diffcontextstring
+proc changeworddiff {name ix op} {
+ reselectline
+proc initblobdiffvars {} {
+ global diffencoding targetline diffnparents
+ global diffinhdr currdiffsubmod diffseehere
+ set targetline {}
+ set diffnparents 0
+ set diffinhdr 0
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}]
+ set currdiffsubmod ""
+ set diffseehere -1
proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
global blobdifffd diffids env
- global diffinhdr treediffs
+ global treediffs
global diffcontext
global ignorespace
+ global worddiff
global limitdiffs vfilelimit curview
- global diffencoding targetline diffnparents
+ global git_version
- set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p -C --cc --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"]
+ set textconv {}
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.6.1"] >= 0} {
+ set textconv "--textconv"
+ }
+ set submodule {}
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.6.6"] >= 0} {
+ set submodule "--submodule"
+ }
+ set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p $textconv $submodule -C --cc --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"]
if {$ignorespace} {
append cmd " -w"
+ if {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"]} {
+ append cmd " --word-diff=porcelain"
+ }
if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)]
error_popup [mc "Error getting diffs: %s" $err]
- set targetline {}
- set diffnparents 0
- set diffinhdr 0
- set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}]
fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0 -encoding binary -eofchar {}
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
+ initblobdiffvars
filerun $bdf [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
+proc savecmitpos {} {
+ global ctext cmitmode
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ return [list target_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]]
+proc savectextpos {} {
+ global ctext
+ return [list target_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]]
+proc maybe_scroll_ctext {ateof} {
+ global ctext target_scrollpos
+ if {![info exists target_scrollpos]} return
+ if {!$ateof} {
+ set nlines [expr {[winfo height $ctext]
+ / [font metrics textfont -linespace]}]
+ if {[$ctext compare "$target_scrollpos + $nlines lines" <= end]} return
+ }
+ $ctext yview $target_scrollpos
+ unset target_scrollpos
proc setinlist {var i val} {
global $var
set diffline 0
+proc blobdiffmaybeseehere {ateof} {
+ global diffseehere
+ if {$diffseehere >= 0} {
+ mark_ctext_line [lindex [split $diffseehere .] 0]
+ }
+ maybe_scroll_ctext $ateof
proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
- global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdiffstart
- global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
- global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines
- global diffinhdr treediffs mergemax diffnparents
- global diffencoding jump_to_here targetline diffline
+ global diffids blobdifffd
+ global ctext
set nr 0
$ctext conf -state normal
while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $bdf line] >= 0} {
if {$ids != $diffids || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} {
- close $bdf
+ catch {close $bdf}
return 0
- if {![string compare -length 5 "diff " $line]} {
- if {![regexp {^diff (--cc|--git) } $line m type]} {
- set line [encoding convertfrom $line]
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- continue
+ parseblobdiffline $ids $line
+ }
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+ blobdiffmaybeseehere [eof $bdf]
+ if {[eof $bdf]} {
+ catch {close $bdf}
+ return 0
+ }
+ return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+proc parseblobdiffline {ids line} {
+ global ctext curdiffstart
+ global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
+ global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines
+ global diffinhdr treediffs mergemax diffnparents
+ global diffencoding jump_to_here targetline diffline currdiffsubmod
+ global worddiff diffseehere
+ if {![string compare -length 5 "diff " $line]} {
+ if {![regexp {^diff (--cc|--git) } $line m type]} {
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $line]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ continue
+ }
+ # start of a new file
+ set diffinhdr 1
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ lappend ctext_file_names ""
+ lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0]
+ $ctext insert end "\n" filesep
+ if {$type eq "--cc"} {
+ # start of a new file in a merge diff
+ set fname [string range $line 10 end]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] < 0} {
+ lappend treediffs($ids) $fname
+ add_flist [list $fname]
- # start of a new file
- set diffinhdr 1
- $ctext insert end "\n"
- set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- lappend ctext_file_names ""
- lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0]
- $ctext insert end "\n" filesep
- if {$type eq "--cc"} {
- # start of a new file in a merge diff
- set fname [string range $line 10 end]
- if {[lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname] < 0} {
- lappend treediffs($ids) $fname
- add_flist [list $fname]
- }
+ } else {
+ set line [string range $line 11 end]
+ # If the name hasn't changed the length will be odd,
+ # the middle char will be a space, and the two bits either
+ # side will be a/name and b/name, or "a/name" and "b/name".
+ # If the name has changed we'll get "rename from" and
+ # "rename to" or "copy from" and "copy to" lines following
+ # this, and we'll use them to get the filenames.
+ # This complexity is necessary because spaces in the
+ # filename(s) don't get escaped.
+ set l [string length $line]
+ set i [expr {$l / 2}]
+ if {!(($l & 1) && [string index $line $i] eq " " &&
+ [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]] eq \
+ [string range $line [expr {$i + 3}] end])} {
+ return
+ }
+ # unescape if quoted and chop off the a/ from the front
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [string range [lindex $line 0] 2 end]
} else {
- set line [string range $line 11 end]
- # If the name hasn't changed the length will be odd,
- # the middle char will be a space, and the two bits either
- # side will be a/name and b/name, or "a/name" and "b/name".
- # If the name has changed we'll get "rename from" and
- # "rename to" or "copy from" and "copy to" lines following
- # this, and we'll use them to get the filenames.
- # This complexity is necessary because spaces in the
- # filename(s) don't get escaped.
- set l [string length $line]
- set i [expr {$l / 2}]
- if {!(($l & 1) && [string index $line $i] eq " " &&
- [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]] eq \
- [string range $line [expr {$i + 3}] end])} {
- continue
- }
- # unescape if quoted and chop off the a/ from the front
- if {[string index $line 0] eq "\""} {
- set fname [string range [lindex $line 0] 2 end]
- } else {
- set fname [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]]
- }
+ set fname [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]]
- makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ }
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
- } elseif {![string compare -length 16 "* Unmerged path " $line]} {
- set fname [encoding convertfrom [string range $line 16 end]]
- $ctext insert end "\n"
- set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- lappend ctext_file_names $fname
- lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0]
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 16 "* Unmerged path " $line]} {
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom [string range $line 16 end]]
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ lappend ctext_file_names $fname
+ lappend ctext_file_lines [lindex [split $curdiffstart "."] 0]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
+ }
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 2 "@@" $line]} {
+ regexp {^@@+} $line ats
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ if {[regexp { \+(\d+),\d+ @@} $line m nl]} {
+ set diffline $nl
+ }
+ set diffnparents [expr {[string length $ats] - 1}]
+ set diffinhdr 0
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 10 "Submodule " $line]} {
+ # start of a new submodule
+ if {[regexp -indices "\[0-9a-f\]+\\.\\." $line nameend]} {
+ set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [lindex $nameend 0] - 2]]
+ } else {
+ set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [string first "contains " $line] - 2]]
+ }
+ if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n"; # Add newline after commit message
+ }
+ set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ lappend ctext_file_names ""
+ if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} {
+ lappend ctext_file_lines $fname
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ set currdiffsubmod $fname
+ $ctext insert end "\n$line\n" filesep
+ } else {
$ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
+ }
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 3 " >" $line]} {
+ set $currdiffsubmod ""
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" dresult
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 3 " <" $line]} {
+ set $currdiffsubmod ""
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" d0
+ } elseif {$diffinhdr} {
+ if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line]} {
+ set fname [string range $line [expr 6 + [string first " from " $line] ] end]
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ }
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
if {$i >= 0} {
setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
- } elseif {![string compare -length 2 "@@" $line]} {
- regexp {^@@+} $line ats
- set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- if {[regexp { \+(\d+),\d+ @@} $line m nl]} {
- set diffline $nl
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 10 $line "rename to "] ||
+ ![string compare -length 8 $line "copy to "]} {
+ set fname [string range $line [expr 4 + [string first " to " $line] ] end]
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
- set diffnparents [expr {[string length $ats] - 1}]
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} {
+ # do nothing
+ return
+ } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "+++"] == 0} {
set diffinhdr 0
+ return
+ }
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
- } elseif {$diffinhdr} {
- if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line]} {
- set fname [string range $line [expr 6 + [string first " from " $line] ] end]
- if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
- set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ } else {
+ set line [string map {\x1A ^Z} \
+ [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]]
+ # parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
+ set prefix [string range $line 0 [expr {$diffnparents - 1}]]
+ set tag [expr {$diffnparents > 1? "m": "d"}]
+ set dowords [expr {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"] && $diffnparents == 1}]
+ set words_pre_markup ""
+ set words_post_markup ""
+ if {[string trim $prefix " -+"] eq {}} {
+ # prefix only has " ", "-" and "+" in it: normal diff line
+ set num [string first "-" $prefix]
+ if {$dowords} {
+ set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ }
+ if {$num >= 0} {
+ # removed line, first parent with line is $num
+ if {$num >= $mergemax} {
+ set num "max"
- set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
- set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
- if {$i >= 0} {
- setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
+ if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} {
+ $ctext insert end "\[-$line-\]" $tag$num
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line" $tag$num
- } elseif {![string compare -length 10 $line "rename to "] ||
- ![string compare -length 8 $line "copy to "]} {
- set fname [string range $line [expr 4 + [string first " to " $line] ] end]
- if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
- set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ if {!$dowords} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" $tag$num
- makediffhdr $fname $ids
- } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} {
- # do nothing
- continue
- } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "+++"] == 0} {
- set diffinhdr 0
- continue
- }
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
- } else {
- set line [string map {\x1A ^Z} \
- [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]]
- # parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
- set prefix [string range $line 0 [expr {$diffnparents - 1}]]
- set tag [expr {$diffnparents > 1? "m": "d"}]
- if {[string trim $prefix " -+"] eq {}} {
- # prefix only has " ", "-" and "+" in it: normal diff line
- set num [string first "-" $prefix]
- if {$num >= 0} {
- # removed line, first parent with line is $num
- if {$num >= $mergemax} {
- set num "max"
- }
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tag$num
- } else {
- set tags {}
- if {[string first "+" $prefix] >= 0} {
- # added line
- lappend tags ${tag}result
- if {$diffnparents > 1} {
- set num [string first " " $prefix]
- if {$num >= 0} {
- if {$num >= $mergemax} {
- set num "max"
- }
- lappend tags m$num
+ } else {
+ set tags {}
+ if {[string first "+" $prefix] >= 0} {
+ # added line
+ lappend tags ${tag}result
+ if {$diffnparents > 1} {
+ set num [string first " " $prefix]
+ if {$num >= 0} {
+ if {$num >= $mergemax} {
+ set num "max"
+ lappend tags m$num
- if {$targetline ne {}} {
- if {$diffline == $targetline} {
- set seehere [$ctext index "end - 1 chars"]
- set targetline {}
- } else {
- incr diffline
- }
+ set words_pre_markup "{+"
+ set words_post_markup "+}"
+ }
+ if {$targetline ne {}} {
+ if {$diffline == $targetline} {
+ set diffseehere [$ctext index "end - 1 chars"]
+ set targetline {}
+ } else {
+ incr diffline
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tags
- } else {
- # "\ No newline at end of file",
- # or something else we don't recognize
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} {
+ $ctext insert end "$words_pre_markup$line$words_post_markup" $tags
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line" $tags
+ }
+ if {!$dowords} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" $tags
+ }
+ } elseif {$dowords && $prefix eq "~"} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" {}
+ } else {
+ # "\ No newline at end of file",
+ # or something else we don't recognize
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- if {[info exists seehere]} {
- mark_ctext_line [lindex [split $seehere .] 0]
- }
- $ctext conf -state disabled
- if {[eof $bdf]} {
- close $bdf
- return 0
- }
- return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
proc changediffdisp {} {
$ctext tag conf dresult -elide [lindex $diffelide 1]
-proc highlightfile {loc cline} {
- global ctext cflist cflist_top
+proc highlightfile {cline} {
+ global cflist cflist_top
+ if {![info exists cflist_top]} return
- $ctext yview $loc
$cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend"
$cflist tag add highlight $cline.0 "$cline.0 lineend"
$cflist see $cline.0
set cflist_top $cline
+proc highlightfile_for_scrollpos {topidx} {
+ global cmitmode difffilestart
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
+ if {![info exists difffilestart]} return
+ set top [lindex [split $topidx .] 0]
+ if {$difffilestart eq {} || $top < [lindex $difffilestart 0]} {
+ highlightfile 0
+ } else {
+ highlightfile [expr {[bsearch $difffilestart $top] + 2}]
+ }
proc prevfile {} {
global difffilestart ctext cmitmode
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set prev 0.0
- set prevline 1
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
foreach loc $difffilestart {
if {[$ctext compare $loc >= $here]} {
- highlightfile $prev $prevline
+ $ctext yview $prev
set prev $loc
- incr prevline
- highlightfile $prev $prevline
+ $ctext yview $prev
proc nextfile {} {
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
- set line 1
foreach loc $difffilestart {
- incr line
if {[$ctext compare $loc > $here]} {
- highlightfile $loc $line
+ $ctext yview $loc
$ctext delete $first end
if {$first eq "1.0"} {
- catch {unset pendinglinks}
+ unset -nocomplain pendinglinks
set ctext_file_names {}
set ctext_file_lines {}
proc incrsearch {name ix op} {
global ctext searchstring searchdirn
- $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
# no anchor set, use start of selection, or of visible area
set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
- set here [$ctext search $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor]
+ set here [$ctext search -count mlen $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor]
if {$here ne {}} {
$ctext see $here
+ set mend "$here + $mlen c"
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ $ctext tag add sel $here $mend
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $here
- searchmarkvisible 1
+ rehighlight_search_results
proc dosearch {} {
$ctext see $match
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $match
set mend "$match + $mlen c"
$ctext tag add sel $match $mend
$ctext mark unset anchor
+ rehighlight_search_results
$ctext see $match
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $match
set mend "$match + $ml c"
$ctext tag add sel $match $mend
$ctext mark unset anchor
+ rehighlight_search_results
+ }
+proc rehighlight_search_results {} {
+ global ctext searchstring
+ $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
+ $ctext tag remove currentsearchhit 1.0 end
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ searchmarkvisible 1
proc searchmark {first last} {
global ctext searchstring
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
set mend $first.0
while {1} {
set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $mend $last.end]
if {$match eq {}} break
set mend "$match + $mlen c"
- $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ if {$sel ne {} && [$ctext compare $match == [lindex $sel 0]]} {
+ $ctext tag add currentsearchhit $match $mend
+ } else {
+ $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ }
+proc suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos {} {
+ global ctext suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
+ set suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]
proc scrolltext {f0 f1} {
- global searchstring
+ global searchstring cmitmode ctext
+ global suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
+ set topidx [$ctext index @0,0]
+ if {![info exists suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos]
+ || $topidx ne $suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos} {
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $topidx
+ }
+ unset -nocomplain suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
.bleft.bottom.sb set $f0 $f1
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
set id [lindex $matches 0]
+ } else {
+ if {[catch {set id [exec git rev-parse --verify $sha1string]}]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Revision %s is not known" $sha1string]
+ return
+ }
if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} {
set msg [mc "SHA1 id %s is not known" $sha1string]
} else {
- set msg [mc "Tag/Head %s is not known" $sha1string]
+ set msg [mc "Revision %s is not in the current view" $sha1string]
error_popup $msg
proc linehover {} {
global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer
global canv linespc lthickness
+ global linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor linehoveroutlinecolor
global commitinfo
set text [lindex $commitinfo($hoverid) 0]
set x1 [expr {$x + [font measure mainfont $text] + 2 * $lthickness}]
set y1 [expr {$y + $linespc + 2 * $lthickness}]
set t [$canv create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
- -fill \#ffff80 -outline black -width 1 -tags hover]
+ -fill $linehoverbgcolor -outline $linehoveroutlinecolor \
+ -width 1 -tags hover]
$canv raise $t
set t [$canv create text $x $y -anchor nw -text $text -tags hover \
- -font mainfont]
+ -font mainfont -fill $linehoverfgcolor]
$canv raise $t
if {$isnew} {
- addtohistory [list lineclick $x $y $id 0]
+ addtohistory [list lineclick $x $y $id 0] savectextpos
# fill the details pane with info about this line
$ctext conf -state normal
$ctext insert end "\n\t[mc "Date"]:\t$date\n"
+ maybe_scroll_ctext 1
$ctext conf -state disabled
init_flist {}
-proc selbyid {id} {
+proc selbyid {id {isnew 1}} {
global curview
if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
- selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1
+ selectline [rowofcommit $id] $isnew
} else {
set state normal
+ if {[info exists markedid] && $markedid ne $id} {
+ set mstate normal
+ } else {
+ set mstate disabled
+ }
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
if {$mainhead ne {}} {
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal
- } else {
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
- }
- if {[info exists markedid] && $markedid ne $id} {
- $menu entryconfigure 9 -state normal
- $menu entryconfigure 10 -state normal
- $menu entryconfigure 11 -state normal
+ $menu entryconfigure 8 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal
} else {
- $menu entryconfigure 9 -state disabled
- $menu entryconfigure 10 -state disabled
- $menu entryconfigure 11 -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure 8 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure 10 -state $mstate
+ $menu entryconfigure 11 -state $mstate
+ $menu entryconfigure 12 -state $mstate
} else {
set menu $fakerowmenu
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff this -> selected"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff selected -> this"] -state $state
$menu entryconfigure [mca "Make patch"] -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff this -> marked commit"] -state $mstate
+ $menu entryconfigure [mca "Diff marked commit -> this"] -state $mstate
tk_popup $menu $x $y
global patchids
if {![info exists patchids($id)]} {
- set x [exec git diff-tree -p --root $id | git patch-id]
- set patchids($id) [lindex $x 0]
+ set cmd [diffcmd [list $id] {-p --root}]
+ # trim off the initial "|"
+ set cmd [lrange $cmd 1 end]
+ if {[catch {
+ set x [eval exec $cmd | git patch-id]
+ set patchids($id) [lindex $x 0]
+ }]} {
+ set patchids($id) "error"
+ }
return $patchids($id)
init_flist {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
- set shorta [string range $a 0 7]
- set shortb [string range $b 0 7]
set skipa 0
set skipb 0
if {[llength $parents($curview,$a)] > 1} {
- appendwithlinks [mc "Skipping merge commit %s\n" $shorta] {}
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Skipping merge commit "] "\n"
set skipa 1
} else {
set patcha [getpatchid $a]
if {[llength $parents($curview,$b)] > 1} {
- appendwithlinks [mc "Skipping merge commit %s\n" $shortb] {}
+ appendshortlink $b [mc "Skipping merge commit "] "\n"
set skipb 1
} else {
set patchb [getpatchid $b]
if {!$skipa && !$skipb} {
set heada [lindex $commitinfo($a) 0]
set headb [lindex $commitinfo($b) 0]
+ if {$patcha eq "error"} {
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Error getting patch ID for "] \
+ [mc " - stopping\n"]
+ break
+ }
+ if {$patchb eq "error"} {
+ appendshortlink $b [mc "Error getting patch ID for "] \
+ [mc " - stopping\n"]
+ break
+ }
if {$patcha eq $patchb} {
if {$heada eq $headb} {
- appendwithlinks [mc "Commit %s == %s %s\n" \
- $shorta $shortb $heada] {}
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "]
+ appendshortlink $b " == " " $heada\n"
} else {
- appendwithlinks [mc "Commit %s %s\n" $shorta $heada] {}
- appendwithlinks [mc " is the same patch as\n"] {}
- appendwithlinks [mc " %s %s\n" $shortb $headb] {}
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] " $heada\n"
+ appendshortlink $b [mc " is the same patch as\n "] \
+ " $headb\n"
set skipa 1
set skipb 1
} else {
$ctext insert end "\n"
- appendwithlinks [mc "Commit %s %s\n" $shorta $heada] {}
- appendwithlinks [mc " differs from\n"] {}
- appendwithlinks [mc " %s %s\n" $shortb $headb] {}
- appendwithlinks [mc "- stopping\n"]
- break
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] " $heada\n"
+ appendshortlink $b [mc " differs from\n "] \
+ " $headb\n"
+ $ctext insert end [mc "Diff of commits:\n\n"]
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+ update
+ diffcommits $a $b
+ return
if {$skipa} {
- if {[llength $children($curview,$a)] != 1} {
+ set kids [real_children $curview,$a]
+ if {[llength $kids] != 1} {
$ctext insert end "\n"
- appendwithlinks [mc "Commit %s has %s children - stopping\n" \
- $shorta [llength $children($curview,$a)]] {}
+ appendshortlink $a [mc "Commit "] \
+ [mc " has %s children - stopping\n" [llength $kids]]
- set a [lindex $children($curview,$a) 0]
+ set a [lindex $kids 0]
if {$skipb} {
- if {[llength $children($curview,$b)] != 1} {
- appendwithlinks [mc "Commit %s has %s children - stopping\n" \
- $shortb [llength $children($curview,$b)]] {}
+ set kids [real_children $curview,$b]
+ if {[llength $kids] != 1} {
+ appendshortlink $b [mc "Commit "] \
+ [mc " has %s children - stopping\n" [llength $kids]]
- set b [lindex $children($curview,$b) 0]
+ set b [lindex $kids 0]
$ctext conf -state disabled
+proc diffcommits {a b} {
+ global diffcontext diffids blobdifffd diffinhdr currdiffsubmod
+ set tmpdir [gitknewtmpdir]
+ set fna [file join $tmpdir "commit-[string range $a 0 7]"]
+ set fnb [file join $tmpdir "commit-[string range $b 0 7]"]
+ if {[catch {
+ exec git diff-tree -p --pretty $a >$fna
+ exec git diff-tree -p --pretty $b >$fnb
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Error writing commit to file: %s" $err]
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open "| diff -U$diffcontext $fna $fnb" r]
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Error diffing commits: %s" $err]
+ return
+ }
+ set diffids [list commits $a $b]
+ set blobdifffd($diffids) $fd
+ set diffinhdr 0
+ set currdiffsubmod ""
+ filerun $fd [list getblobdiffline $fd $diffids]
proc diffvssel {dirn} {
global rowmenuid selectedline
set oldid $rowmenuid
set newid [commitonrow $selectedline]
- addtohistory [list doseldiff $oldid $newid]
+ addtohistory [list doseldiff $oldid $newid] savectextpos
+ doseldiff $oldid $newid
+proc diffvsmark {dirn} {
+ global rowmenuid markedid
+ if {![info exists markedid]} return
+ if {$dirn} {
+ set oldid $markedid
+ set newid $rowmenuid
+ } else {
+ set oldid $rowmenuid
+ set newid $markedid
+ }
+ addtohistory [list doseldiff $oldid $newid] savectextpos
doseldiff $oldid $newid
proc mkpatch {} {
- global rowmenuid currentid commitinfo patchtop patchnum
+ global rowmenuid currentid commitinfo patchtop patchnum NS
if {![info exists currentid]} return
set oldid $currentid
set top .patch
set patchtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top .
- label $top.title -text [mc "Generate patch"]
+ ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Generate patch"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.from -text [mc "From:"]
- entry $top.fromsha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::label $top.from -text [mc "From:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.fromsha1 -width 40
$top.fromsha1 insert 0 $oldid
$top.fromsha1 conf -state readonly
grid $top.from $top.fromsha1 -sticky w
- entry $top.fromhead -width 60 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::entry $top.fromhead -width 60
$top.fromhead insert 0 $oldhead
$top.fromhead conf -state readonly
grid x $top.fromhead -sticky w
- label $top.to -text [mc "To:"]
- entry $top.tosha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::label $top.to -text [mc "To:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.tosha1 -width 40
$top.tosha1 insert 0 $newid
$top.tosha1 conf -state readonly
grid $top.to $top.tosha1 -sticky w
- entry $top.tohead -width 60 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::entry $top.tohead -width 60
$top.tohead insert 0 $newhead
$top.tohead conf -state readonly
grid x $top.tohead -sticky w
- button $top.rev -text [mc "Reverse"] -command mkpatchrev -padx 5
- grid $top.rev x -pady 10
- label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
- entry $top.fname -width 60
+ ${NS}::button $top.rev -text [mc "Reverse"] -command mkpatchrev
+ grid $top.rev x -pady 10 -padx 5
+ ${NS}::label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.fname -width 60
$top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "patch$patchnum.patch"]
incr patchnum
grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Generate"] -command mkpatchgo
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mkpatchcan
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Generate"] -command mkpatchgo
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mkpatchcan
bind $top <Key-Return> mkpatchgo
bind $top <Key-Escape> mkpatchcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
proc mktag {} {
- global rowmenuid mktagtop commitinfo
+ global rowmenuid mktagtop commitinfo NS
set top .maketag
set mktagtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top .
- label $top.title -text [mc "Create tag"]
+ ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Create tag"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
- entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
$top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
- entry $top.head -width 60 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60
$top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
$top.head conf -state readonly
grid x $top.head -sticky w
- label $top.tlab -text [mc "Tag name:"]
- entry $top.tag -width 60
+ ${NS}::label $top.tlab -text [mc "Tag name:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.tag -width 60
grid $top.tlab $top.tag -sticky w
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Create"] -command mktaggo
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mktagcan
+ ${NS}::label $top.op -text [mc "Tag message is optional"]
+ grid $top.op -columnspan 2 -sticky we
+ ${NS}::label $top.mlab -text [mc "Tag message:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.msg -width 60
+ grid $top.mlab $top.msg -sticky w
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Create"] -command mktaggo
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mktagcan
bind $top <Key-Return> mktaggo
bind $top <Key-Escape> mktagcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
set id [$mktagtop.sha1 get]
set tag [$mktagtop.tag get]
+ set msg [$mktagtop.msg get]
if {$tag == {}} {
error_popup [mc "No tag name specified"] $mktagtop
return 0
return 0
if {[catch {
- exec git tag $tag $id
+ if {$msg != {}} {
+ exec git tag -a -m $msg $tag $id
+ } else {
+ exec git tag $tag $id
+ }
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error creating tag:"] $err" $mktagtop
return 0
proc redrawtags {id} {
global canv linehtag idpos currentid curview cmitlisted markedid
global canvxmax iddrawn circleitem mainheadid circlecolors
+ global mainheadcirclecolor
if {![commitinview $id $curview]} return
if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} return
set row [rowofcommit $id]
if {$id eq $mainheadid} {
- set ofill yellow
+ set ofill $mainheadcirclecolor
} else {
set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $cmitlisted($curview,$id)]
+proc copysummary {} {
+ global rowmenuid autosellen
+ set format "%h (\"%s\", %ad)"
+ set cmd [list git show -s --pretty=format:$format --date=short]
+ if {$autosellen < 40} {
+ lappend cmd --abbrev=$autosellen
+ }
+ set summary [eval exec $cmd $rowmenuid]
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append $summary
proc writecommit {} {
- global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd
+ global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd NS
set top .writecommit
set wrcomtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top .
- label $top.title -text [mc "Write commit to file"]
+ ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Write commit to file"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
- entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
$top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
- entry $top.head -width 60 -relief flat
+ ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60
$top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
$top.head conf -state readonly
grid x $top.head -sticky w
- label $top.clab -text [mc "Command:"]
- entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd
+ ${NS}::label $top.clab -text [mc "Command:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd
grid $top.clab $top.cmd -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
- entry $top.fname -width 60
+ ${NS}::label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.fname -width 60
$top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "commit-[string range $rowmenuid 0 6]"]
grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Write"] -command wrcomgo
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command wrcomcan
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Write"] -command wrcomgo
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command wrcomcan
bind $top <Key-Return> wrcomgo
bind $top <Key-Escape> wrcomcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
proc mkbranch {} {
- global rowmenuid mkbrtop
+ global NS rowmenuid
+ set top .branchdialog
+ set val(name) ""
+ set val(id) $rowmenuid
+ set val(command) [list mkbrgo $top]
+ set ui(title) [mc "Create branch"]
+ set ui(accept) [mc "Create"]
+ branchdia $top val ui
+proc mvbranch {} {
+ global NS
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead
+ set top .branchdialog
+ set val(name) $headmenuhead
+ set val(id) $headmenuid
+ set val(command) [list mvbrgo $top $headmenuhead]
+ set ui(title) [mc "Rename branch %s" $headmenuhead]
+ set ui(accept) [mc "Rename"]
+ branchdia $top val ui
+proc branchdia {top valvar uivar} {
+ global NS commitinfo
+ upvar $valvar val $uivar ui
- set top .makebranch
catch {destroy $top}
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top .
- label $top.title -text [mc "Create new branch"]
+ ${NS}::label $top.title -text $ui(title)
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
- entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
- $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
+ ${NS}::label $top.id -text [mc "ID:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
+ $top.sha1 insert 0 $val(id)
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
- label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"]
- entry $top.name -width 40
+ ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60
+ $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($val(id)) 0]
+ $top.head conf -state readonly
+ grid x $top.head -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
+ ${NS}::label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $top.name -width 40
+ $top.name insert 0 $val(name)
grid $top.nlab $top.name -sticky w
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.go -text [mc "Create"] -command [list mkbrgo $top]
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "catch {destroy $top}"
- bind $top <Key-Return> [list mkbrgo $top]
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.go -text $ui(accept) -command $val(command)
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "catch {destroy $top}"
+ bind $top <Key-Return> $val(command)
bind $top <Key-Escape> "catch {destroy $top}"
grid $top.buts.go $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+proc mvbrgo {top prevname} {
+ global headids idheads mainhead mainheadid
+ set name [$top.name get]
+ set id [$top.sha1 get]
+ set cmdargs {}
+ if {$name eq $prevname} {
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ return
+ }
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Please specify a new name for the branch"] $top
+ return
+ }
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ lappend cmdargs -m $prevname $name
+ nowbusy renamebranch
+ update
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec git branch $cmdargs
+ } err]} {
+ notbusy renamebranch
+ error_popup $err
+ } else {
+ notbusy renamebranch
+ removehead $id $prevname
+ removedhead $id $prevname
+ set headids($name) $id
+ lappend idheads($id) $name
+ addedhead $id $name
+ if {$prevname eq $mainhead} {
+ set mainhead $name
+ set mainheadid $id
+ }
+ redrawtags $id
+ dispneartags 0
+ run refill_reflist
+ }
proc exec_citool {tool_args {baseid {}}} {
global commitinfo env
proc cherrypick {} {
global rowmenuid curview
global mainhead mainheadid
+ global gitdir
set oldhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
set dheads [descheads $rowmenuid]
to file '%s'.\nPlease commit, reset or stash\
your changes and try again." $fname]
} elseif {[regexp -line \
- {^(CONFLICT \(.*\):|Automatic cherry-pick failed)} \
+ {^(CONFLICT \(.*\):|Automatic cherry-pick failed|error: could not apply)} \
$err]} {
if {[confirm_popup [mc "Cherry-pick failed because of merge\
conflict.\nDo you wish to run git citool to\
resolve it?"]]} {
# Force citool to read MERGE_MSG
- file delete [file join [gitdir] "GITGUI_MSG"]
+ file delete [file join $gitdir "GITGUI_MSG"]
exec_citool {} $rowmenuid
} else {
notbusy cherrypick
+proc revert {} {
+ global rowmenuid curview
+ global mainhead mainheadid
+ global gitdir
+ set oldhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
+ set dheads [descheads $rowmenuid]
+ if { $dheads eq {} || [lsearch -exact $dheads $oldhead] == -1 } {
+ set ok [confirm_popup [mc "Commit %s is not\
+ included in branch %s -- really revert it?" \
+ [string range $rowmenuid 0 7] $mainhead]]
+ if {!$ok} return
+ }
+ nowbusy revert [mc "Reverting"]
+ update
+ if [catch {exec git revert --no-edit $rowmenuid} err] {
+ notbusy revert
+ if [regexp {files would be overwritten by merge:(\n(( |\t)+[^\n]+\n)+)}\
+ $err match files] {
+ regsub {\n( |\t)+} $files "\n" files
+ error_popup [mc "Revert failed because of local changes to\
+ the following files:%s Please commit, reset or stash \
+ your changes and try again." $files]
+ } elseif [regexp {error: could not revert} $err] {
+ if [confirm_popup [mc "Revert failed because of merge conflict.\n\
+ Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"]] {
+ # Force citool to read MERGE_MSG
+ file delete [file join $gitdir "GITGUI_MSG"]
+ exec_citool {} $rowmenuid
+ }
+ } else { error_popup $err }
+ run updatecommits
+ return
+ }
+ set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
+ if { $newhead eq $oldhead } {
+ notbusy revert
+ error_popup [mc "No changes committed"]
+ return
+ }
+ addnewchild $newhead $oldhead
+ if [commitinview $oldhead $curview] {
+ # XXX this isn't right if we have a path limit...
+ insertrow $newhead $oldhead $curview
+ if {$mainhead ne {}} {
+ movehead $newhead $mainhead
+ movedhead $newhead $mainhead
+ }
+ set mainheadid $newhead
+ redrawtags $oldhead
+ redrawtags $newhead
+ selbyid $newhead
+ }
+ notbusy revert
proc resethead {} {
- global mainhead rowmenuid confirm_ok resettype
+ global mainhead rowmenuid confirm_ok resettype NS
set confirm_ok 0
set w ".confirmreset"
- toplevel $w
+ ttk_toplevel $w
make_transient $w .
wm title $w [mc "Confirm reset"]
- message $w.m -text \
- [mc "Reset branch %s to %s?" $mainhead [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]] \
- -justify center -aspect 1000
+ ${NS}::label $w.m -text \
+ [mc "Reset branch %s to %s?" $mainhead [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]]
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- frame $w.f -relief sunken -border 2
- message $w.f.rt -text [mc "Reset type:"] -aspect 1000
- grid $w.f.rt -sticky w
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.f -text [mc "Reset type:"]
set resettype mixed
- radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype -justify left \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype \
-text [mc "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"]
grid $w.f.soft -sticky w
- radiobutton $w.f.mixed -value mixed -variable resettype -justify left \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.mixed -value mixed -variable resettype \
-text [mc "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"]
grid $w.f.mixed -sticky w
- radiobutton $w.f.hard -value hard -variable resettype -justify left \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.hard -value hard -variable resettype \
-text [mc "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n(discard ALL local changes)"]
grid $w.f.hard -sticky w
- pack $w.f -side top -fill x
- button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ pack $w.f -side top -fill x -padx 4
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side left -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
+ ${NS}::button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
# context menu for a head
proc headmenu {x y id head} {
- global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead headids
set headmenuid $id
set headmenuhead $head
- set state normal
+ array set state {0 normal 1 normal 2 normal}
+ if {[string match "remotes/*" $head]} {
+ set localhead [string range $head [expr [string last / $head] + 1] end]
+ if {[info exists headids($localhead)]} {
+ set state(0) disabled
+ }
+ array set state {1 disabled 2 disabled}
+ }
if {$head eq $mainhead} {
- set state disabled
+ array set state {0 disabled 2 disabled}
+ }
+ foreach i {0 1 2} {
+ $headctxmenu entryconfigure $i -state $state($i)
- $headctxmenu entryconfigure 0 -state $state
- $headctxmenu entryconfigure 1 -state $state
tk_popup $headctxmenu $x $y
global showlocalchanges
# check the tree is clean first??
+ set newhead $headmenuhead
+ set command [list | git checkout]
+ if {[string match "remotes/*" $newhead]} {
+ set remote $newhead
+ set newhead [string range $newhead [expr [string last / $newhead] + 1] end]
+ # The following check is redundant - the menu option should
+ # be disabled to begin with...
+ if {[info exists headids($newhead)]} {
+ error_popup [mc "A local branch named %s exists already" $newhead]
+ return
+ }
+ lappend command -b $newhead --track $remote
+ } else {
+ lappend command $newhead
+ }
+ lappend command 2>@1
nowbusy checkout [mc "Checking out"]
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [list | git checkout $headmenuhead 2>@1] r]
+ set fd [open $command r]
} err]} {
notbusy checkout
error_popup $err
} else {
- filerun $fd [list readcheckoutstat $fd $headmenuhead $headmenuid]
+ filerun $fd [list readcheckoutstat $fd $newhead $headmenuid]
proc readcheckoutstat {fd newhead newheadid} {
- global mainhead mainheadid headids showlocalchanges progresscoords
+ global mainhead mainheadid headids idheads showlocalchanges progresscoords
global viewmainheadid curview
if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
notbusy checkout
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
error_popup $err
+ return
set oldmainid $mainheadid
+ if {! [info exists headids($newhead)]} {
+ set headids($newhead) $newheadid
+ lappend idheads($newheadid) $newhead
+ addedhead $newheadid $newhead
+ }
set mainhead $newhead
set mainheadid $newheadid
set viewmainheadid($curview) $newheadid
# Display a list of tags and heads
proc showrefs {} {
- global showrefstop bgcolor fgcolor selectbgcolor
+ global showrefstop bgcolor fgcolor selectbgcolor NS
global bglist fglist reflistfilter reflist maincursor
set top .showrefs
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
wm title $top [mc "Tags and heads: %s" [file tail [pwd]]]
make_transient $top .
text $top.list -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
-width 30 -height 20 -cursor $maincursor \
-spacing1 1 -spacing3 1 -state disabled
$top.list tag configure highlight -background $selectbgcolor
- lappend bglist $top.list
- lappend fglist $top.list
- scrollbar $top.ysb -command "$top.list yview" -orient vertical
- scrollbar $top.xsb -command "$top.list xview" -orient horizontal
+ if {![lsearch -exact $bglist $top.list]} {
+ lappend bglist $top.list
+ lappend fglist $top.list
+ }
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $top.ysb -command "$top.list yview" -orient vertical
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $top.xsb -command "$top.list xview" -orient horizontal
grid $top.list $top.ysb -sticky nsew
grid $top.xsb x -sticky ew
- frame $top.f
- label $top.f.l -text "[mc "Filter"]: "
- entry $top.f.e -width 20 -textvariable reflistfilter
+ ${NS}::frame $top.f
+ ${NS}::label $top.f.l -text "[mc "Filter"]: "
+ ${NS}::entry $top.f.e -width 20 -textvariable reflistfilter
set reflistfilter "*"
trace add variable reflistfilter write reflistfilter_change
pack $top.f.e -side right -fill x -expand 1
pack $top.f.l -side left
grid $top.f - -sticky ew -pady 2
- button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text [mc "Close"]
+ ${NS}::button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text [mc "Close"]
bind $top <Key-Escape> [list destroy $top]
grid $top.close -
grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
proc getallcommits {} {
global allcommits nextarc seeds allccache allcwait cachedarcs allcupdate
global idheads idtags idotherrefs allparents tagobjid
+ global gitdir
if {![info exists allcommits]} {
set nextarc 0
set seeds {}
set allcwait 0
set cachedarcs 0
- set allccache [file join [gitdir] "gitk.cache"]
+ set allccache [file join $gitdir "gitk.cache"]
if {![catch {
set f [open $allccache r]
set allcwait 1
global allparents allchildren idtags idheads nextarc
global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing
global seeds allcommits cachedarcs allcupdate
set nid 0
while {[incr nid] <= 1000 && [gets $fd line] >= 0} {
set id [lindex $line 0]
if {$nid > 0} {
global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
if {![eof $fd]} {
return [expr {$nid >= 1000? 2: 1}]
foreach v {arcnos arcout arcids arcstart arcend growing \
arctags archeads allparents allchildren} {
global $v
- catch {unset $v}
+ unset -nocomplain $v
set allcwait 0
set nextarc 0
# including id itself if it has a head.
proc descheads {id} {
global arcnos arcstart arcids archeads idheads cached_dheads
- global allparents
+ global allparents arcout
if {![info exists allparents($id)]} {
return {}
set aret {}
- if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ if {![info exists arcout($id)]} {
# part-way along an arc; check it first
set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
if {$archeads($a) ne {}} {
if {![info exists arcout($id)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
proc addedhead {hid head} {
if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc removedhead {hid head} {
global cached_dheads
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc movedhead {hid head} {
if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc changedrefs {} {
- global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
+ global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags cached_tagcontent
global arctags archeads arcnos arcout idheads idtags
foreach id [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags]] {
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_tagcontent
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc rereadrefs {} {
return [list $x $y $z]
+proc add_tag_ctext {tag} {
+ global ctext cached_tagcontent tagids
+ if {![info exists cached_tagcontent($tag)]} {
+ catch {
+ set cached_tagcontent($tag) [exec git cat-file -p $tag]
+ }
+ }
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Tag"]: $tag\n" bold
+ if {[info exists cached_tagcontent($tag)]} {
+ set text $cached_tagcontent($tag)
+ } else {
+ set text "[mc "Id"]: $tagids($tag)"
+ }
+ appendwithlinks $text {}
proc showtag {tag isnew} {
- global ctext tagcontents tagids linknum tagobjid
+ global ctext cached_tagcontent tagids linknum tagobjid
if {$isnew} {
- addtohistory [list showtag $tag 0]
+ addtohistory [list showtag $tag 0] savectextpos
$ctext conf -state normal
settabs 0
set linknum 0
- if {![info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
- catch {
- set tagcontents($tag) [exec git cat-file tag $tagobjid($tag)]
- }
+ add_tag_ctext $tag
+ maybe_scroll_ctext 1
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+ init_flist {}
+proc showtags {id isnew} {
+ global idtags ctext linknum
+ if {$isnew} {
+ addtohistory [list showtags $id 0] savectextpos
- if {[info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
- set text $tagcontents($tag)
- } else {
- set text "[mc "Tag"]: $tag\n[mc "Id"]: $tagids($tag)"
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ clear_ctext
+ settabs 0
+ set linknum 0
+ set sep {}
+ foreach tag $idtags($id) {
+ $ctext insert end $sep
+ add_tag_ctext $tag
+ set sep "\n\n"
- appendwithlinks $text {}
+ maybe_scroll_ctext 1
$ctext conf -state disabled
init_flist {}
proc mkfontdisp {font top which} {
- global fontattr fontpref $font
+ global fontattr fontpref $font NS use_ttk
set fontpref($font) [set $font]
- button $top.${font}but -text $which -font optionfont \
+ ${NS}::button $top.${font}but -text $which \
-command [list choosefont $font $which]
- label $top.$font -relief flat -font $font \
+ ${NS}::label $top.$font -relief flat -font $font \
-text $fontattr($font,family) -justify left
grid x $top.${font}but $top.$font -sticky w
proc choosefont {font which} {
global fontparam fontlist fonttop fontattr
- global prefstop
+ global prefstop NS
set fontparam(which) $which
set fontparam(font) $font
if {![winfo exists $top]} {
font create sample
eval font config sample [font actual $font]
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top $prefstop
wm title $top [mc "Gitk font chooser"]
- label $top.l -textvariable fontparam(which)
+ ${NS}::label $top.l -textvariable fontparam(which)
pack $top.l -side top
set fontlist [lsort [font families]]
- frame $top.f
+ ${NS}::frame $top.f
listbox $top.f.fam -listvariable fontlist \
-yscrollcommand [list $top.f.sb set]
bind $top.f.fam <<ListboxSelect>> selfontfam
- scrollbar $top.f.sb -command [list $top.f.fam yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $top.f.sb -command [list $top.f.fam yview]
pack $top.f.sb -side right -fill y
pack $top.f.fam -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $top.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
- frame $top.g
+ ${NS}::frame $top.g
spinbox $top.g.size -from 4 -to 40 -width 4 \
-textvariable fontparam(size) \
-validatecommand {string is integer -strict %s}
-fill black -tags text
bind $top.c <Configure> [list centertext $top.c]
pack $top.c -side top -fill x
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command fontok -default active
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command fontcan -default normal
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command fontok -default active
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command fontcan -default normal
bind $top <Key-Return> fontok
bind $top <Key-Escape> fontcan
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
if {$fontparam(slant) eq "italic"} {
lappend fontpref($f) "italic"
- set w $prefstop.$f
+ set w $prefstop.notebook.fonts.$f
$w conf -text $fontparam(family) -font $fontpref($f)
+if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.6]} {
+ # In Tk 8.6 we have a native font chooser dialog. Overwrite the above
+ # function to make use of it.
+ proc choosefont {font which} {
+ tk fontchooser configure -title $which -font $font \
+ -command [list on_choosefont $font $which]
+ tk fontchooser show
+ }
+ proc on_choosefont {font which newfont} {
+ global fontparam
+ puts stderr "$font $newfont"
+ array set f [font actual $newfont]
+ set fontparam(which) $which
+ set fontparam(font) $font
+ set fontparam(family) $f(-family)
+ set fontparam(size) $f(-size)
+ set fontparam(weight) $f(-weight)
+ set fontparam(slant) $f(-slant)
+ fontok
+ }
proc selfontfam {} {
global fonttop fontparam
font config sample -$sub $fontparam($sub)
+# Create a property sheet tab page
+proc create_prefs_page {w} {
+ global NS
+ set parent [join [lrange [split $w .] 0 end-1] .]
+ if {[winfo class $parent] eq "TNotebook"} {
+ ${NS}::frame $w
+ } else {
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w
+ }
+proc prefspage_general {notebook} {
+ global NS maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
+ global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs
+ set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.general]
+ ${NS}::label $page.ldisp -text [mc "Commit list display options"]
+ grid $page.ldisp - -sticky w -pady 10
+ ${NS}::label $page.spacer -text " "
+ ${NS}::label $page.maxwidthl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (lines)"]
+ spinbox $page.maxwidth -from 0 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxwidth
+ grid $page.spacer $page.maxwidthl $page.maxwidth -sticky w
+ #xgettext:no-tcl-format
+ ${NS}::label $page.maxpctl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"]
+ spinbox $page.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
+ grid x $page.maxpctl $page.maxpct -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.showlocal -text [mc "Show local changes"] \
+ -variable showlocalchanges
+ grid x $page.showlocal -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"] \
+ -variable autoselect
+ spinbox $page.autosellen -from 1 -to 40 -width 4 -textvariable autosellen
+ grid x $page.autoselect $page.autosellen -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.hideremotes -text [mc "Hide remote refs"] \
+ -variable hideremotes
+ grid x $page.hideremotes -sticky w
+ ${NS}::label $page.ddisp -text [mc "Diff display options"]
+ grid $page.ddisp - -sticky w -pady 10
+ ${NS}::label $page.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"]
+ spinbox $page.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
+ grid x $page.tabstopl $page.tabstop -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags/heads"] \
+ -variable showneartags
+ grid x $page.ntag -sticky w
+ ${NS}::label $page.maxrefsl -text [mc "Maximum # tags/heads to show"]
+ spinbox $page.maxrefs -from 1 -to 1000 -width 4 -textvariable maxrefs
+ grid x $page.maxrefsl $page.maxrefs -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.ldiff -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] \
+ -variable limitdiffs
+ grid x $page.ldiff -sticky w
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.lattr -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] \
+ -variable perfile_attrs
+ grid x $page.lattr -sticky w
+ ${NS}::entry $page.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool
+ ${NS}::frame $page.extdifff
+ ${NS}::label $page.extdifff.l -text [mc "External diff tool" ]
+ ${NS}::button $page.extdifff.b -text [mc "Choose..."] -command choose_extdiff
+ pack $page.extdifff.l $page.extdifff.b -side left
+ pack configure $page.extdifff.l -padx 10
+ grid x $page.extdifff $page.extdifft -sticky ew
+ ${NS}::label $page.lgen -text [mc "General options"]
+ grid $page.lgen - -sticky w -pady 10
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.want_ttk -variable want_ttk \
+ -text [mc "Use themed widgets"]
+ if {$have_ttk} {
+ ${NS}::label $page.ttk_note -text [mc "(change requires restart)"]
+ } else {
+ ${NS}::label $page.ttk_note -text [mc "(currently unavailable)"]
+ }
+ grid x $page.want_ttk $page.ttk_note -sticky w
+ return $page
+proc prefspage_colors {notebook} {
+ global NS uicolor bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor markbgcolor
+ set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.colors]
+ ${NS}::label $page.cdisp -text [mc "Colors: press to choose"]
+ grid $page.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
+ label $page.ui -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $uicolor
+ ${NS}::button $page.uibut -text [mc "Interface"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor uicolor {} $page.ui [mc "interface"] setui]
+ grid x $page.uibut $page.ui -sticky w
+ label $page.bg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
+ ${NS}::button $page.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $page.bg [mc "background"] setbg]
+ grid x $page.bgbut $page.bg -sticky w
+ label $page.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
+ ${NS}::button $page.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $page.fg [mc "foreground"] setfg]
+ grid x $page.fgbut $page.fg -sticky w
+ label $page.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
+ ${NS}::button $page.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $page.diffold [mc "diff old lines"] \
+ [list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]]
+ grid x $page.diffoldbut $page.diffold -sticky w
+ label $page.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1]
+ ${NS}::button $page.diffnewbut -text [mc "Diff: new lines"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $page.diffnew [mc "diff new lines"] \
+ [list $ctext tag conf dresult -foreground]]
+ grid x $page.diffnewbut $page.diffnew -sticky w
+ label $page.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2]
+ ${NS}::button $page.hunksepbut -text [mc "Diff: hunk header"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $page.hunksep \
+ [mc "diff hunk header"] \
+ [list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]]
+ grid x $page.hunksepbut $page.hunksep -sticky w
+ label $page.markbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $markbgcolor
+ ${NS}::button $page.markbgbut -text [mc "Marked line bg"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor markbgcolor {} $page.markbgsep \
+ [mc "marked line background"] \
+ [list $ctext tag conf omark -background]]
+ grid x $page.markbgbut $page.markbgsep -sticky w
+ label $page.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
+ ${NS}::button $page.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] \
+ -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $page.selbgsep [mc "background"] setselbg]
+ grid x $page.selbgbut $page.selbgsep -sticky w
+ return $page
+proc prefspage_fonts {notebook} {
+ global NS
+ set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.fonts]
+ ${NS}::label $page.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"]
+ grid $page.cfont - -sticky w -pady 10
+ mkfontdisp mainfont $page [mc "Main font"]
+ mkfontdisp textfont $page [mc "Diff display font"]
+ mkfontdisp uifont $page [mc "User interface font"]
+ return $page
proc doprefs {} {
- global maxwidth maxgraphpct
+ global maxwidth maxgraphpct use_ttk NS
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
- global bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor markbgcolor
- global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs
+ global uicolor bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor markbgcolor
+ global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
+ global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk
set top .gitkprefs
set prefstop $top
foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
- limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs} {
+ limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs hideremotes want_ttk} {
set oldprefs($v) [set $v]
- toplevel $top
+ ttk_toplevel $top
wm title $top [mc "Gitk preferences"]
make_transient $top .
- label $top.ldisp -text [mc "Commit list display options"]
- grid $top.ldisp - -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.spacer -text " "
- label $top.maxwidthl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (lines)"] \
- -font optionfont
- spinbox $top.maxwidth -from 0 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxwidth
- grid $top.spacer $top.maxwidthl $top.maxwidth -sticky w
- label $top.maxpctl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"] \
- -font optionfont
- spinbox $top.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
- grid x $top.maxpctl $top.maxpct -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.showlocal -text [mc "Show local changes"] \
- -font optionfont -variable showlocalchanges
- grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1"] \
- -font optionfont -variable autoselect
- grid x $top.autoselect -sticky w
- label $top.ddisp -text [mc "Diff display options"]
- grid $top.ddisp - -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"] -font optionfont
- spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
- grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] \
- -font optionfont -variable showneartags
- grid x $top.ntag -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.ldiff -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] \
- -font optionfont -variable limitdiffs
- grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.lattr -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] \
- -font optionfont -variable perfile_attrs
- grid x $top.lattr -sticky w
- entry $top.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool
- frame $top.extdifff
- label $top.extdifff.l -text [mc "External diff tool" ] -font optionfont \
- -padx 10
- button $top.extdifff.b -text [mc "Choose..."] -font optionfont \
- -command choose_extdiff
- pack $top.extdifff.l $top.extdifff.b -side left
- grid x $top.extdifff $top.extdifft -sticky w
- label $top.cdisp -text [mc "Colors: press to choose"]
- grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.bg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
- button $top.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $top.bg [mc "background"] setbg]
- grid x $top.bgbut $top.bg -sticky w
- label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
- button $top.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $top.fg [mc "foreground"] setfg]
- grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w
- label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
- button $top.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold [mc "diff old lines"] \
- [list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]]
- grid x $top.diffoldbut $top.diffold -sticky w
- label $top.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1]
- button $top.diffnewbut -text [mc "Diff: new lines"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew [mc "diff new lines"] \
- [list $ctext tag conf dresult -foreground]]
- grid x $top.diffnewbut $top.diffnew -sticky w
- label $top.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2]
- button $top.hunksepbut -text [mc "Diff: hunk header"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $top.hunksep \
- [mc "diff hunk header"] \
- [list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]]
- grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w
- label $top.markbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $markbgcolor
- button $top.markbgbut -text [mc "Marked line bg"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor markbgcolor {} $top.markbgsep \
- [mc "marked line background"] \
- [list $ctext tag conf omark -background]]
- grid x $top.markbgbut $top.markbgsep -sticky w
- label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
- button $top.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $top.selbgsep [mc "background"] setselbg]
- grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w
- label $top.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"]
- grid $top.cfont - -sticky w -pady 10
- mkfontdisp mainfont $top [mc "Main font"]
- mkfontdisp textfont $top [mc "Diff display font"]
- mkfontdisp uifont $top [mc "User interface font"]
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command prefsok -default active
- button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command prefscan -default normal
+ if {[set use_notebook [expr {$use_ttk && [info command ::ttk::notebook] ne ""}]]} {
+ set notebook [ttk::notebook $top.notebook]
+ } else {
+ set notebook [${NS}::frame $top.notebook -borderwidth 0 -relief flat]
+ }
+ lappend pages [prefspage_general $notebook] [mc "General"]
+ lappend pages [prefspage_colors $notebook] [mc "Colors"]
+ lappend pages [prefspage_fonts $notebook] [mc "Fonts"]
+ set col 0
+ foreach {page title} $pages {
+ if {$use_notebook} {
+ $notebook add $page -text $title
+ } else {
+ set btn [${NS}::button $notebook.b_[string map {. X} $page] \
+ -text $title -command [list raise $page]]
+ $page configure -text $title
+ grid $btn -row 0 -column [incr col] -sticky w
+ grid $page -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news -columnspan 100
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$use_notebook} {
+ grid columnconfigure $notebook 0 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $notebook 1 -weight 1
+ raise [lindex $pages 0]
+ }
+ grid $notebook -sticky news -padx 2 -pady 2
+ grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
+ ${NS}::frame $top.buts
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command prefsok -default active
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command prefscan -default normal
bind $top <Key-Return> prefsok
bind $top <Key-Escape> prefscan
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid $top.buts - - -pady 10 -sticky ew
- bind $top <Visibility> "focus $top.buts.ok"
+ grid columnconfigure $top 2 -weight 1
+ bind $top <Visibility> [list focus $top.buts.ok]
proc choose_extdiff {} {
global extdifftool
- set prog [tk_getOpenFile -title "External diff tool" -multiple false]
+ set prog [tk_getOpenFile -title [mc "External diff tool"] -multiple false]
if {$prog ne {}} {
set extdifftool $prog
proc setselbg {c} {
global bglist cflist
foreach w $bglist {
- $w configure -selectbackground $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w configure -selectbackground $c
+ }
$cflist tag configure highlight \
-background [$cflist cget -selectbackground]
allcanvs itemconf secsel -fill $c
+# This sets the background color and the color scheme for the whole UI.
+# For some reason, tk_setPalette chooses a nasty dark red for selectColor
+# if we don't specify one ourselves, which makes the checkbuttons and
+# radiobuttons look bad. This chooses white for selectColor if the
+# background color is light, or black if it is dark.
+proc setui {c} {
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { return }
+ set bg [winfo rgb . $c]
+ set selc black
+ if {[lindex $bg 0] + 1.5 * [lindex $bg 1] + 0.5 * [lindex $bg 2] > 100000} {
+ set selc white
+ }
+ tk_setPalette background $c selectColor $selc
proc setbg {c} {
global bglist
foreach w $bglist {
- $w conf -background $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w conf -background $c
+ }
global fglist canv
foreach w $fglist {
- $w conf -foreground $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w conf -foreground $c
+ }
allcanvs itemconf text -fill $c
$canv itemconf circle -outline $c
global oldprefs prefstop
foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
- limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs} {
+ limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs hideremotes want_ttk} {
global $v
set $v $oldprefs($v)
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global fontpref mainfont textfont uifont
global limitdiffs treediffs perfile_attrs
+ global hideremotes
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
($perfile_attrs && !$oldprefs(perfile_attrs))} {
# treediffs elements are limited by path;
# won't have encodings cached if perfile_attrs was just turned on
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
|| $maxgraphpct != $oldprefs(maxgraphpct)} {
$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
+ if {$hideremotes != $oldprefs(hideremotes)} {
+ rereadrefs
+ }
proc formatdate {d} {
global datetimeformat
if {$d ne {}} {
- set d [clock format $d -format $datetimeformat]
+ # If $datetimeformat includes a timezone, display in the
+ # timezone of the argument. Otherwise, display in local time.
+ if {[string match {*%[zZ]*} $datetimeformat]} {
+ if {[catch {set d [clock format [lindex $d 0] -timezone [lindex $d 1] -format $datetimeformat]}]} {
+ # Tcl < 8.5 does not support -timezone. Emulate it by
+ # setting TZ (e.g. TZ=<-0430>+04:30).
+ global env
+ if {[info exists env(TZ)]} {
+ set savedTZ $env(TZ)
+ }
+ set zone [lindex $d 1]
+ set sign [string map {+ - - +} [string index $zone 0]]
+ set env(TZ) <$zone>$sign[string range $zone 1 2]:[string range $zone 3 4]
+ set d [clock format [lindex $d 0] -format $datetimeformat]
+ if {[info exists savedTZ]} {
+ set env(TZ) $savedTZ
+ } else {
+ unset env(TZ)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set d [clock format [lindex $d 0] -format $datetimeformat]
+ }
return $d
} else {
set r "unspecified"
if {![catch {set line [exec git check-attr $attr -- $path]}]} {
- regexp "(.*): encoding: (.*)" $line m f r
+ regexp "(.*): $attr: (.*)" $line m f r
set path_attr_cache($attr,$path) $r
set newlist [lrange $newlist $lim end]
if {![catch {set rlist [eval exec git check-attr $attr -- $head]}]} {
foreach row [split $rlist "\n"] {
- if {[regexp "(.*): encoding: (.*)" $row m path value]} {
+ if {[regexp "(.*): $attr: (.*)" $row m path value]} {
if {[string index $path 0] eq "\""} {
set path [encoding convertfrom [lindex $path 0]]
return $tcl_enc
+## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
+if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
+ ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.
+ set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)
+} else {
+ ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0.
+ set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
+ set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib]
+ set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs]
+ unset gitk_prefix
+## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
+## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
+package require msgcat
+namespace import ::msgcat::mc
+## And eventually load the actual message catalog
+::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir
# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough
if {[catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]} {
show_error {} . [mc "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\
- Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."]
+ Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."]
exit 1
+# on OSX bring the current Wish process window to front
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ exec osascript -e [format {
+ tell application "System Events"
+ set frontmost of processes whose unix id is %d to true
+ end tell
+ } [pid] ]
+# Unset GIT_TRACE var if set
+if { [info exists ::env(GIT_TRACE)] } {
+ unset ::env(GIT_TRACE)
# defaults...
-set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty"
+set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty=email"
set gitencoding {}
catch {
+set log_showroot true
+catch {
+ set log_showroot [exec git config --bool --get log.showroot]
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
set mainfont {{Lucida Grande} 9}
set textfont {Monaco 9}
set uifont {{Lucida Grande} 9 bold}
+} elseif {![catch {::tk::pkgconfig get fontsystem} xft] && $xft eq "xft"} {
+ # fontconfig!
+ set mainfont {sans 9}
+ set textfont {monospace 9}
+ set uifont {sans 9 bold}
} else {
set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set textfont {Courier 9}
set cmitmode "patch"
set wrapcomment "none"
set showneartags 1
+set hideremotes 0
set maxrefs 20
+set visiblerefs {"master"}
set maxlinelen 200
set showlocalchanges 1
set limitdiffs 1
set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set autoselect 1
+set autosellen 40
set perfile_attrs 0
+set want_ttk 1
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
set extdifftool "opendiff"
set extdifftool "meld"
-set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
-set bgcolor white
-set fgcolor black
+set colors {"#00ff00" red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+ set uicolor SystemButtonFace
+ set uifgcolor SystemButtonText
+ set uifgdisabledcolor SystemDisabledText
+ set bgcolor SystemWindow
+ set fgcolor SystemWindowText
+ set selectbgcolor SystemHighlight
+} else {
+ set uicolor grey85
+ set uifgcolor black
+ set uifgdisabledcolor "#999"
+ set bgcolor white
+ set fgcolor black
+ set selectbgcolor gray85
set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
set diffcontext 3
+set mergecolors {red blue "#00ff00" purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
set ignorespace 0
-set selectbgcolor gray85
+set worddiff ""
set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff"
+set headbgcolor "#00ff00"
+set headfgcolor black
+set headoutlinecolor black
+set remotebgcolor #ffddaa
+set tagbgcolor yellow
+set tagfgcolor black
+set tagoutlinecolor black
+set reflinecolor black
+set filesepbgcolor #aaaaaa
+set filesepfgcolor black
+set linehoverbgcolor #ffff80
+set linehoverfgcolor black
+set linehoveroutlinecolor black
+set mainheadcirclecolor yellow
+set workingfilescirclecolor red
+set indexcirclecolor "#00ff00"
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
+set linkfgcolor blue
+set circleoutlinecolor $fgcolor
+set foundbgcolor yellow
+set currentsearchhitbgcolor orange
# button for popping up context menus
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
set ctxbut <Button-3>
-## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
-if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
- ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.
- set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)
-} else {
- ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0.
- set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
- set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib]
- set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs]
- unset gitk_prefix
+catch {
+ # follow the XDG base directory specification by default. See
+ # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
+ if {[info exists env(XDG_CONFIG_HOME)] && $env(XDG_CONFIG_HOME) ne ""} {
+ # XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is set
+ set config_file [file join $env(XDG_CONFIG_HOME) git gitk]
+ set config_file_tmp [file join $env(XDG_CONFIG_HOME) git gitk-tmp]
+ } else {
+ # default XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+ set config_file "~/.config/git/gitk"
+ set config_file_tmp "~/.config/git/gitk-tmp"
+ }
+ if {![file exists $config_file]} {
+ # for backward compatibility use the old config file if it exists
+ if {[file exists "~/.gitk"]} {
+ set config_file "~/.gitk"
+ set config_file_tmp "~/.gitk-tmp"
+ } elseif {![file exists [file dirname $config_file]]} {
+ file mkdir [file dirname $config_file]
+ }
+ }
+ source $config_file
+config_check_tmp_exists 50
-## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
-## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
-package require msgcat
-namespace import ::msgcat::mc
-## And eventually load the actual message catalog
-::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir
-catch {source ~/.gitk}
-font create optionfont -family sans-serif -size -12
+set config_variables {
+ mainfont textfont uifont tabstop findmergefiles maxgraphpct maxwidth
+ cmitmode wrapcomment autoselect autosellen showneartags maxrefs visiblerefs
+ hideremotes showlocalchanges datetimeformat limitdiffs uicolor want_ttk
+ bgcolor fgcolor uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor colors diffcolors mergecolors
+ markbgcolor diffcontext selectbgcolor foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
+ extdifftool perfile_attrs headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor
+ remotebgcolor tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor reflinecolor
+ filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor
+ linehoveroutlinecolor mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor
+ indexcirclecolor circlecolors linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
+foreach var $config_variables {
+ config_init_trace $var
+ trace add variable $var write config_variable_change_cb
parsefont mainfont $mainfont
eval font create mainfont [fontflags mainfont]
parsefont uifont $uifont
eval font create uifont [fontflags uifont]
+setui $uicolor
# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere...
-if {[catch {set gitdir [gitdir]}]} {
+if {[catch {set gitdir [exec git rev-parse --git-dir]}]} {
show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find a git repository here."]
exit 1
-if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} {
- show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"." $gitdir]
- exit 1
set selecthead {}
set selectheadid {}
set nullfile "/dev/null"
set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}]
+if {![info exists have_ttk]} {
+ set have_ttk [llength [info commands ::ttk::style]]
+set use_ttk [expr {$have_ttk && $want_ttk}]
+set NS [expr {$use_ttk ? "ttk" : ""}]
+if {$use_ttk} {
+ setttkstyle
+regexp {^git version ([\d.]*\d)} [exec git version] _ git_version
+set show_notes {}
+if {[package vcompare $git_version ""] >= 0} {
+ set show_notes "--show-notes"
+set appname "gitk"
set runq {}
set history {}
set highlight_files {}
set viewfiles(0) {}
set viewperm(0) 0
+set viewchanged(0) 0
set viewargs(0) {}
set viewargscmd(0) {}
set stuffsaved 0
set patchnum 0
set lserial 0
-set isworktree [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}]
+set hasworktree [hasworktree]
+set cdup {}
+if {[expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}]} {
+ set cdup [exec git rev-parse --show-cdup]
+set worktree [exec git rev-parse --show-toplevel]
catch {
# wait for the window to become visible
tkwait visibility .
-wm title . "[file tail $argv0]: [file tail [pwd]]"
if {$cmdline_files ne {} || $revtreeargs ne {} || $revtreeargscmd ne {}} {
set viewargs(1) $revtreeargs
set viewargscmd(1) $revtreeargscmd
set viewperm(1) 0
+ set viewchanged(1) 0
set vdatemode(1) 0
addviewmenu 1
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Edit view..."] -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Delete view"] -state normal
if {[info exists permviews]} {
set viewargs($n) [lindex $v 2]
set viewargscmd($n) [lindex $v 3]
set viewperm($n) 1
+ set viewchanged($n) 0
addviewmenu $n
getcommits {}
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# tab-width: 8
+# End: