my $size = $1;
my $blob;
- my $bytesRead = 0;
+ my $bytesLeft = $size;
while (1) {
- my $bytesLeft = $size - $bytesRead;
last unless $bytesLeft;
my $bytesToRead = $bytesLeft < 1024 ? $bytesLeft : 1024;
- my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead, $bytesRead);
+ my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead);
unless (defined($read)) {
throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
- $bytesRead += $read;
+ unless (print $fh $blob) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle");
+ }
+ $bytesLeft -= $read;
# Skip past the trailing newline.
throw Error::Simple("didn't find newline after blob");
- unless (print $fh $blob) {
- $self->_close_cat_blob();
- throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle");
- }
return $size;
if (not defined $pid) {
throw Error::Simple("open failed: $!");
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
- if (defined $opts{STDERR}) {
- close STDERR;
- }
if ($opts{STDERR}) {
open (STDERR, '>&', $opts{STDERR})
or die "dup failed: $!";
+ } elsif (defined $opts{STDERR}) {
+ open (STDERR, '>', '/dev/null')
+ or die "opening /dev/null failed: $!";
_cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args);