# to the "list_available_blobs" response.
+use 5.008;
+use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB}));
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
+use Git::Packet;
my $log_file = shift @ARGV;
return $str;
-sub packet_compare_lists {
- my ($expect, @result) = @_;
- my $ix;
- if (scalar @$expect != scalar @result) {
- return undef;
- }
- for ($ix = 0; $ix < $#result; $ix++) {
- if ($expect->[$ix] ne $result[$ix]) {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub packet_bin_read {
- my $buffer;
- my $bytes_read = read STDIN, $buffer, 4;
- if ( $bytes_read == 0 ) {
- # EOF - Git stopped talking to us!
- print $debug "STOP\n";
- exit();
- }
- elsif ( $bytes_read != 4 ) {
- die "invalid packet: '$buffer'";
- }
- my $pkt_size = hex($buffer);
- if ( $pkt_size == 0 ) {
- return ( 1, "" );
- }
- elsif ( $pkt_size > 4 ) {
- my $content_size = $pkt_size - 4;
- $bytes_read = read STDIN, $buffer, $content_size;
- if ( $bytes_read != $content_size ) {
- die "invalid packet ($content_size bytes expected; $bytes_read bytes read)";
- }
- return ( 0, $buffer );
- }
- else {
- die "invalid packet size: $pkt_size";
- }
-sub packet_txt_read {
- my ( $res, $buf ) = packet_bin_read();
- unless ( $buf eq '' or $buf =~ s/\n$// ) {
- die "A non-binary line MUST be terminated by an LF.";
- }
- return ( $res, $buf );
-sub packet_bin_write {
- my $buf = shift;
- print STDOUT sprintf( "%04x", length($buf) + 4 );
- print STDOUT $buf;
- STDOUT->flush();
-sub packet_txt_write {
- packet_bin_write( $_[0] . "\n" );
-sub packet_flush {
- print STDOUT sprintf( "%04x", 0 );
- STDOUT->flush();
print $debug "START\n";
-packet_compare_lists([0, "git-filter-client"], packet_txt_read()) ||
- die "bad initialize";
-packet_compare_lists([0, "version=2"], packet_txt_read()) ||
- die "bad version";
-packet_compare_lists([1, ""], packet_bin_read()) ||
- die "bad version end";
+packet_initialize("git-filter", 2);
+my %remote_caps = packet_read_and_check_capabilities("clean", "smudge", "delay");
+packet_check_and_write_capabilities(\%remote_caps, @capabilities);
-packet_compare_lists([0, "capability=clean"], packet_txt_read()) ||
- die "bad capability";
-packet_compare_lists([0, "capability=smudge"], packet_txt_read()) ||
- die "bad capability";
-packet_compare_lists([0, "capability=delay"], packet_txt_read()) ||
- die "bad capability";
-packet_compare_lists([1, ""], packet_bin_read()) ||
- die "bad capability end";
-foreach (@capabilities) {
- packet_txt_write( "capability=" . $_ );
print $debug "init handshake complete\n";
while (1) {
- my ( $command ) = packet_txt_read() =~ /^command=(.+)$/;
+ my ( $res, $command ) = packet_required_key_val_read("command");
+ if ( $res == -1 ) {
+ print $debug "STOP\n";
+ exit();
+ }
print $debug "IN: $command";
if ( $command eq "list_available_blobs" ) {
# Flush
- packet_bin_read();
+ packet_compare_lists([1, ""], packet_bin_read()) ||
+ die "bad list_available_blobs end";
foreach my $pathname ( sort keys %DELAY ) {
if ( $DELAY{$pathname}{"requested"} >= 1 ) {
- }
- else {
- my ( $pathname ) = packet_txt_read() =~ /^pathname=(.+)$/;
+ } else {
+ my ( $res, $pathname ) = packet_required_key_val_read("pathname");
+ if ( $res == -1 ) {
+ die "unexpected EOF while expecting pathname";
+ }
print $debug " $pathname";
- if ( $pathname eq "" ) {
- die "bad pathname '$pathname'";
- }
# Read until flush
my ( $done, $buffer ) = packet_txt_read();
while ( $buffer ne '' ) {
( $done, $buffer ) = packet_txt_read();
+ if ( $done == -1 ) {
+ die "unexpected EOF after pathname '$pathname'";
+ }
my $input = "";
( $done, $buffer ) = packet_bin_read();
$input .= $buffer;
+ if ( $done == -1 ) {
+ die "unexpected EOF while reading input for '$pathname'";
+ }
print $debug " " . length($input) . " [OK] -- ";
my $output;
if ( exists $DELAY{$pathname} and exists $DELAY{$pathname}{"output"} ) {
$output = $DELAY{$pathname}{"output"}
- }
- elsif ( $pathname eq "error.r" or $pathname eq "abort.r" ) {
+ } elsif ( $pathname eq "error.r" or $pathname eq "abort.r" ) {
$output = "";
- }
- elsif ( $command eq "clean" and grep( /^clean$/, @capabilities ) ) {
+ } elsif ( $command eq "clean" and grep( /^clean$/, @capabilities ) ) {
$output = rot13($input);
- }
- elsif ( $command eq "smudge" and grep( /^smudge$/, @capabilities ) ) {
+ } elsif ( $command eq "smudge" and grep( /^smudge$/, @capabilities ) ) {
$output = rot13($input);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
die "bad command '$command'";
- }
- elsif ( $pathname eq "abort.r" ) {
+ } elsif ( $pathname eq "abort.r" ) {
print $debug "[ABORT]\n";
- }
- elsif ( $command eq "smudge" and
+ } elsif ( $command eq "smudge" and
exists $DELAY{$pathname} and
- $DELAY{$pathname}{"requested"} == 1
- ) {
+ $DELAY{$pathname}{"requested"} == 1 ) {
print $debug "[DELAYED]\n";
$DELAY{$pathname}{"requested"} = 2;
$DELAY{$pathname}{"output"} = $output;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
print $debug ".";
if ( length($output) > $MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_SIZE ) {
$output = substr( $output, $MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_SIZE );
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$output = "";