global highlight_files gdttype
global searchstring sstring
global bgcolor fgcolor bglist fglist diffcolors selectbgcolor
+ global uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor
+ global filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor
+ global mergecolors foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
global headctxmenu progresscanv progressitem progresscoords statusw
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
global rprogitem rprogcoord rownumsel numcommits
trace add variable sha1string write sha1change
pack $sha1entry -side left -pady 2
- image create bitmap bm-left -data {
+ set bm_left_data {
#define left_width 16
#define left_height 16
static unsigned char left_bits[] = {
0x0e, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00,
0x38, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01};
- image create bitmap bm-right -data {
+ set bm_right_data {
#define right_width 16
#define right_height 16
static unsigned char right_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x38, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c,
0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01};
- ${NS}::button -image bm-left -command goback \
- -state disabled -width 26
+ image create bitmap bm-left -data $bm_left_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-left-gray -data $bm_left_data -foreground $uifgdisabledcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-right -data $bm_right_data -foreground $uifgcolor
+ image create bitmap bm-right-gray -data $bm_right_data -foreground $uifgdisabledcolor
+ ${NS}::button -command goback -state disabled -width 26
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ configure -image [list bm-left disabled bm-left-gray]
+ } else {
+ configure -image bm-left
+ }
pack -side left -fill y
- ${NS}::button -image bm-right -command goforw \
- -state disabled -width 26
+ ${NS}::button -command goforw -state disabled -width 26
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ configure -image [list bm-right disabled bm-right-gray]
+ } else {
+ configure -image bm-right
+ }
pack -side left -fill y
${NS}::label -text [mc "Row"]
lappend fglist $ctext
$ctext tag conf comment -wrap $wrapcomment
- $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -back "#aaaaaa"
+ $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -fore $filesepfgcolor -back $filesepbgcolor
$ctext tag conf hunksep -fore [lindex $diffcolors 2]
$ctext tag conf d0 -fore [lindex $diffcolors 0]
$ctext tag conf dresult -fore [lindex $diffcolors 1]
- $ctext tag conf m0 -fore red
- $ctext tag conf m1 -fore blue
- $ctext tag conf m2 -fore green
- $ctext tag conf m3 -fore purple
- $ctext tag conf m4 -fore brown
- $ctext tag conf m5 -fore "#009090"
- $ctext tag conf m6 -fore magenta
- $ctext tag conf m7 -fore "#808000"
- $ctext tag conf m8 -fore "#009000"
- $ctext tag conf m9 -fore "#ff0080"
- $ctext tag conf m10 -fore cyan
- $ctext tag conf m11 -fore "#b07070"
- $ctext tag conf m12 -fore "#70b0f0"
- $ctext tag conf m13 -fore "#70f0b0"
- $ctext tag conf m14 -fore "#f0b070"
- $ctext tag conf m15 -fore "#ff70b0"
+ $ctext tag conf m0 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 0]
+ $ctext tag conf m1 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 1]
+ $ctext tag conf m2 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 2]
+ $ctext tag conf m3 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 3]
+ $ctext tag conf m4 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 4]
+ $ctext tag conf m5 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 5]
+ $ctext tag conf m6 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 6]
+ $ctext tag conf m7 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 7]
+ $ctext tag conf m8 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 8]
+ $ctext tag conf m9 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 9]
+ $ctext tag conf m10 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 10]
+ $ctext tag conf m11 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 11]
+ $ctext tag conf m12 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 12]
+ $ctext tag conf m13 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 13]
+ $ctext tag conf m14 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 14]
+ $ctext tag conf m15 -fore [lindex $mergecolors 15]
$ctext tag conf mmax -fore darkgrey
set mergemax 16
$ctext tag conf mresult -font textfontbold
$ctext tag conf msep -font textfontbold
- $ctext tag conf found -back yellow
+ $ctext tag conf found -back $foundbgcolor
+ $ctext tag conf currentsearchhit -back $currentsearchhitbgcolor
+ $ctext tag conf wwrap -wrap word
.pwbottom add .bleft
if {!$use_ttk} {
bindkey ? {dofind -1 1}
bindkey f nextfile
bind . <F5> updatecommits
- bind . <Shift-F5> reloadcommits
+ bindmodfunctionkey Shift 5 reloadcommits
bind . <F2> showrefs
- bind . <Shift-F4> {newview 0}
- catch { bind . <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_4> {newview 0} }
+ bindmodfunctionkey Shift 4 {newview 0}
bind . <F4> edit_or_newview
bind . <$M1B-q> doquit
bind . <$M1B-f> {dofind 1 1}
bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $ctext $ctxbut {pop_diff_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $ctext <Button-1> {focus %W}
+ bind $ctext <<Selection>> rehighlight_search_results
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
+proc bindmodfunctionkey {mod n script} {
+ bind . <$mod-F$n> $script
+ catch { bind . <$mod-XF86_Switch_VT_$n> $script }
# set the focus back to the toplevel for any click outside
# the entry widgets
proc click {w} {
global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
global colors uicolor bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
+ global uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor
+ global headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor remotebgcolor
+ global tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor
+ global reflinecolor filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor
+ global mergecolors foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
+ global linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor linehoveroutlinecolor circlecolors
+ global mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor indexcirclecolor
+ global linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
global autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor use_ttk
- global hideremotes want_ttk
+ global hideremotes want_ttk maxrefs
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
puts $f [list set autoselect $autoselect]
puts $f [list set autosellen $autosellen]
puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
+ puts $f [list set maxrefs $maxrefs]
puts $f [list set hideremotes $hideremotes]
puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat]
puts $f [list set want_ttk $want_ttk]
puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor]
puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set uifgcolor $uifgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set uifgdisabledcolor $uifgdisabledcolor]
puts $f [list set colors $colors]
puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
+ puts $f [list set mergecolors $mergecolors]
puts $f [list set markbgcolor $markbgcolor]
puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set foundbgcolor $foundbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set currentsearchhitbgcolor $currentsearchhitbgcolor]
puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool]
puts $f [list set perfile_attrs $perfile_attrs]
+ puts $f [list set headbgcolor $headbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set headfgcolor $headfgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set headoutlinecolor $headoutlinecolor]
+ puts $f [list set remotebgcolor $remotebgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set tagbgcolor $tagbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set tagfgcolor $tagfgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set tagoutlinecolor $tagoutlinecolor]
+ puts $f [list set reflinecolor $reflinecolor]
+ puts $f [list set filesepbgcolor $filesepbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set filesepfgcolor $filesepfgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set linehoverbgcolor $linehoverbgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set linehoverfgcolor $linehoverfgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set linehoveroutlinecolor $linehoveroutlinecolor]
+ puts $f [list set mainheadcirclecolor $mainheadcirclecolor]
+ puts $f [list set workingfilescirclecolor $workingfilescirclecolor]
+ puts $f [list set indexcirclecolor $indexcirclecolor]
+ puts $f [list set circlecolors $circlecolors]
+ puts $f [list set linkfgcolor $linkfgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set circleoutlinecolor $circleoutlinecolor]
puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
puts $f "set geometry(state) [wm state .]"
} else {
catch {$ctext yview [lindex $difffilestart [expr {$l - 2}]]}
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} {
global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline
global canvxmax boldids boldnameids fgcolor markedid
global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors ctxbut
+ global mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor indexcirclecolor
+ global circleoutlinecolor
# listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for negative, 3 for left, 4 for right
set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id)
if {$id eq $nullid} {
- set ofill red
+ set ofill $workingfilescirclecolor
} elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
- set ofill green
+ set ofill $indexcirclecolor
} elseif {$id eq $mainheadid} {
- set ofill yellow
+ set ofill $mainheadcirclecolor
} else {
set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $listed]
if {$listed <= 2} {
set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
} elseif {$listed == 3} {
# triangle pointing left for left-side commits
set t [$canv create polygon \
[expr {$x - $orad}] $y \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
} else {
# triangle pointing right for right-side commits
set t [$canv create polygon \
[expr {$x + $orad - 1}] $y \
[expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
[expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ -fill $ofill -outline $circleoutlinecolor -width 1 -tags circle]
set circleitem($row) $t
$canv raise $t
global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
global linespc lthickness
global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor ctxbut
+ global headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor remotebgcolor
+ global tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor
+ global reflinecolor
set marks {}
set ntags 0
set xt [expr {$xt + $delta + $wid + $lthickness + $linespc}]
set t [$canv create line $x $y1 [lindex $xvals end] $y1 \
- -width $lthickness -fill black -tags tag.$id]
+ -width $lthickness -fill $reflinecolor -tags tag.$id]
$canv lower $t
foreach tag $marks x $xvals wid $wvals {
set tag_quoted [string map {% %%} $tag]
# draw a tag
set t [$canv create polygon $x [expr {$yt + $delta}] $xl $yt \
$xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \
- -width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id]
+ -width 1 -outline $tagoutlinecolor -fill $tagbgcolor \
+ -tags tag.$id]
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1]
set rowtextx([rowofcommit $id]) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
} else {
# draw a head or other ref
if {[incr nheads -1] >= 0} {
- set col green
+ set col $headbgcolor
if {$tag eq $mainhead} {
set font mainfontbold
set yti [expr {$yt + 1}]
set xri [expr {$x + $rwid}]
$canv create polygon $xi $yti $xri $yti $xri $yb $xi $yb \
- -width 0 -fill "#ffddaa" -tags tag.$id
+ -width 0 -fill $remotebgcolor -tags tag.$id
- set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $fgcolor \
+ set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $headfgcolor \
-font $font -tags [list tag.$id text]]
if {$ntags >= 0} {
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1]
proc setlink {id lk} {
global curview ctext pendinglinks
+ global linkfgcolor
if {[string range $id 0 1] eq "-g"} {
set id [string range $id 2 end]
set known [commitinview $id $curview]
if {$known} {
- $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground blue -underline 1
+ $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground $linkfgcolor -underline 1
$ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list selbyid $id]
$ctext tag bind $lk <Enter> {linkcursor %W 1}
$ctext tag bind $lk <Leave> {linkcursor %W -1}
# add a list of tag or branch names at position pos
# returns the number of names inserted
proc appendrefs {pos ids var} {
- global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs
+ global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs mainheadid
if {[catch {$ctext index $pos}]} {
return 0
lappend tags [list $tag $id]
+ set sep {}
+ set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
+ set nutags 0
if {[llength $tags] > $maxrefs} {
- $ctext insert $pos "[mc "many"] ([llength $tags])"
- } else {
- set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
- set sep {}
- foreach ti $tags {
- set id [lindex $ti 1]
- set lk link$linknum
- incr linknum
- $ctext tag delete $lk
- $ctext insert $pos $sep
- $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
- setlink $id $lk
- set sep ", "
+ # If we are displaying heads, and there are too many,
+ # see if there are some important heads to display.
+ # Currently this means "master" and the current head.
+ set itags {}
+ if {$var eq "idheads"} {
+ set utags {}
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set hname [lindex $ti 0]
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ if {($hname eq "master" || $id eq $mainheadid) &&
+ [llength $itags] < $maxrefs} {
+ lappend itags $ti
+ } else {
+ lappend utags $ti
+ }
+ }
+ set tags $utags
+ }
+ if {$itags ne {}} {
+ set str [mc "and many more"]
+ set sep " "
+ } else {
+ set str [mc "many"]
+ $ctext insert $pos "$str ([llength $tags])"
+ set nutags [llength $tags]
+ set tags $itags
+ }
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ set lk link$linknum
+ incr linknum
+ $ctext tag delete $lk
+ $ctext insert $pos $sep
+ $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
+ setlink $id $lk
+ set sep ", "
+ $ctext tag add wwrap "$pos linestart" "$pos lineend"
$ctext conf -state disabled
- return [llength $tags]
+ return [expr {[llength $tags] + $nutags}]
# called when we have finished computing the nearby tags
$ctext tag conf dresult -elide [lindex $diffelide 1]
-proc highlightfile {loc cline} {
- global ctext cflist cflist_top
+proc highlightfile {cline} {
+ global cflist cflist_top
+ if {![info exists cflist_top]} return
- $ctext yview $loc
$cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend"
$cflist tag add highlight $cline.0 "$cline.0 lineend"
$cflist see $cline.0
set cflist_top $cline
+proc highlightfile_for_scrollpos {topidx} {
+ global cmitmode difffilestart
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
+ if {![info exists difffilestart]} return
+ set top [lindex [split $topidx .] 0]
+ if {$difffilestart eq {} || $top < [lindex $difffilestart 0]} {
+ highlightfile 0
+ } else {
+ highlightfile [expr {[bsearch $difffilestart $top] + 2}]
+ }
proc prevfile {} {
global difffilestart ctext cmitmode
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set prev 0.0
- set prevline 1
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
foreach loc $difffilestart {
if {[$ctext compare $loc >= $here]} {
- highlightfile $prev $prevline
+ $ctext yview $prev
set prev $loc
- incr prevline
- highlightfile $prev $prevline
+ $ctext yview $prev
proc nextfile {} {
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
- set line 1
foreach loc $difffilestart {
- incr line
if {[$ctext compare $loc > $here]} {
- highlightfile $loc $line
+ $ctext yview $loc
proc incrsearch {name ix op} {
global ctext searchstring searchdirn
- $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
# no anchor set, use start of selection, or of visible area
set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
- set here [$ctext search $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor]
+ set here [$ctext search -count mlen $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor]
if {$here ne {}} {
$ctext see $here
+ set mend "$here + $mlen c"
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ $ctext tag add sel $here $mend
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $here
- searchmarkvisible 1
+ rehighlight_search_results
proc dosearch {} {
$ctext see $match
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $match
set mend "$match + $mlen c"
$ctext tag add sel $match $mend
$ctext mark unset anchor
+ rehighlight_search_results
$ctext see $match
+ suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $match
set mend "$match + $ml c"
$ctext tag add sel $match $mend
$ctext mark unset anchor
+ rehighlight_search_results
+ }
+proc rehighlight_search_results {} {
+ global ctext searchstring
+ $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
+ $ctext tag remove currentsearchhit 1.0 end
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ searchmarkvisible 1
proc searchmark {first last} {
global ctext searchstring
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
set mend $first.0
while {1} {
set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $mend $last.end]
if {$match eq {}} break
set mend "$match + $mlen c"
- $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ if {$sel ne {} && [$ctext compare $match == [lindex $sel 0]]} {
+ $ctext tag add currentsearchhit $match $mend
+ } else {
+ $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ }
+proc suppress_highlighting_file_for_current_scrollpos {} {
+ global ctext suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
+ set suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos [$ctext index @0,0]
proc scrolltext {f0 f1} {
- global searchstring
+ global searchstring cmitmode ctext
+ global suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
+ set topidx [$ctext index @0,0]
+ if {![info exists suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos]
+ || $topidx ne $suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos} {
+ highlightfile_for_scrollpos $topidx
+ }
+ catch {unset suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos} set $f0 $f1
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
proc linehover {} {
global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer
global canv linespc lthickness
+ global linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor linehoveroutlinecolor
global commitinfo
set text [lindex $commitinfo($hoverid) 0]
set x1 [expr {$x + [font measure mainfont $text] + 2 * $lthickness}]
set y1 [expr {$y + $linespc + 2 * $lthickness}]
set t [$canv create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
- -fill \#ffff80 -outline black -width 1 -tags hover]
+ -fill $linehoverbgcolor -outline $linehoveroutlinecolor \
+ -width 1 -tags hover]
$canv raise $t
set t [$canv create text $x $y -anchor nw -text $text -tags hover \
- -font mainfont]
+ -font mainfont -fill $linehoverfgcolor]
$canv raise $t
proc redrawtags {id} {
global canv linehtag idpos currentid curview cmitlisted markedid
global canvxmax iddrawn circleitem mainheadid circlecolors
+ global mainheadcirclecolor
if {![commitinview $id $curview]} return
if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} return
set row [rowofcommit $id]
if {$id eq $mainheadid} {
- set ofill yellow
+ set ofill $mainheadcirclecolor
} else {
set ofill [lindex $circlecolors $cmitlisted($curview,$id)]
# including id itself if it has a head.
proc descheads {id} {
global arcnos arcstart arcids archeads idheads cached_dheads
- global allparents
+ global allparents arcout
if {![info exists allparents($id)]} {
return {}
set aret {}
- if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ if {![info exists arcout($id)]} {
# part-way along an arc; check it first
set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
if {$archeads($a) ne {}} {
proc changedrefs {} {
- global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
+ global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags cached_tagcontent
global arctags archeads arcnos arcout idheads idtags
foreach id [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags]] {
+ catch {unset cached_tagcontent}
catch {unset cached_dtags}
catch {unset cached_atags}
catch {unset cached_dheads}
proc showtag {tag isnew} {
- global ctext tagcontents tagids linknum tagobjid
+ global ctext cached_tagcontent tagids linknum tagobjid
if {$isnew} {
addtohistory [list showtag $tag 0] savectextpos
settabs 0
set linknum 0
- if {![info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
+ if {![info exists cached_tagcontent($tag)]} {
catch {
- set tagcontents($tag) [exec git cat-file tag $tag]
+ set cached_tagcontent($tag) [exec git cat-file tag $tag]
- if {[info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
- set text $tagcontents($tag)
+ if {[info exists cached_tagcontent($tag)]} {
+ set text $cached_tagcontent($tag)
} else {
set text "[mc "Tag"]: $tag\n[mc "Id"]: $tagids($tag)"
proc prefspage_general {notebook} {
global NS maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges
global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
- global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk
+ global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs
set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.general]
${NS}::label $page.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"]
spinbox $page.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
grid x $page.tabstopl $page.tabstop -sticky w
- ${NS}::checkbutton $page.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $page.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags/heads"] \
-variable showneartags
grid x $page.ntag -sticky w
+ ${NS}::label $page.maxrefsl -text [mc "Maximum # tags/heads to show"]
+ spinbox $page.maxrefs -from 1 -to 1000 -width 4 -textvariable maxrefs
+ grid x $page.maxrefsl $page.maxrefs -sticky w
${NS}::checkbutton $page.ldiff -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] \
-variable limitdiffs
grid x $page.ldiff -sticky w
set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
set uicolor SystemButtonFace
+ set uifgcolor SystemButtonText
+ set uifgdisabledcolor SystemDisabledText
set bgcolor SystemWindow
- set fgcolor SystemButtonText
+ set fgcolor SystemWindowText
set selectbgcolor SystemHighlight
} else {
set uicolor grey85
+ set uifgcolor black
+ set uifgdisabledcolor "#999"
set bgcolor white
set fgcolor black
set selectbgcolor gray85
set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
set diffcontext 3
+set mergecolors {red blue green purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
set ignorespace 0
set worddiff ""
set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff"
+set headbgcolor green
+set headfgcolor black
+set headoutlinecolor black
+set remotebgcolor #ffddaa
+set tagbgcolor yellow
+set tagfgcolor black
+set tagoutlinecolor black
+set reflinecolor black
+set filesepbgcolor #aaaaaa
+set filesepfgcolor black
+set linehoverbgcolor #ffff80
+set linehoverfgcolor black
+set linehoveroutlinecolor black
+set mainheadcirclecolor yellow
+set workingfilescirclecolor red
+set indexcirclecolor green
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
+set linkfgcolor blue
+set circleoutlinecolor $fgcolor
+set foundbgcolor yellow
+set currentsearchhitbgcolor orange
# button for popping up context menus
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {