-Currently cvsserver works over SSH connections for read/write clients, and
-over pserver for anonymous CVS access.
CVS clients cannot tag, branch or perform GIT merges.
'git-cvsserver' maps GIT branches to CVS modules. This is very different
-1. If you are going to offer anonymous CVS access via pserver, add a line in
+1. If you are going to offer CVS access via pserver, add a line in
/etc/inetd.conf like
cvspserver stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/bin/git-cvsserver git-cvsserver pserver
+Only anonymous access is provided by pserve by default. To commit you
+will have to create pserver accounts, simply add a gitcvs.authdb
+setting in the config file of the repositories you want the cvsserver
+to allow writes to, for example:
+ [gitcvs]
+ authdb = /etc/cvsserver/passwd
+The format of these files is username followed by the crypted password,
+for example:
+ myuser:$1Oyx5r9mdGZ2
+ myuser:$1$BA)@$vbnMJMDym7tA32AamXrm./
+You can use the 'htpasswd' facility that comes with Apache to make these
+files, but Apache's MD5 crypt method differs from the one used by most C
+library's crypt() function, so don't use the -m option.
+Alternatively you can produce the password with perl's crypt() operator:
+ perl -e 'my ($user, $pass) = @ARGV; printf "%s:%s\n", $user, crypt($user, $pass)' $USER password
+Then provide your password via the pserver method, for example:
+ cvs -d:pserver:someuser:somepassword <at> server/path/repo.git co <HEAD_name>
No special setup is needed for SSH access, other than having GIT tools
in the PATH. If you have clients that do not accept the CVS_SERVER
environment variable, you can rename 'git-cvsserver' to `cvs`.
If no name can be determined, the
numeric uid is used.
+These variables obviate the need for command-line options in some
+circumstances, allowing easier restricted usage through git-shell.
+GIT_CVSSERVER_BASE_PATH takes the place of the argument to --base-path.
+GIT_CVSSERVER_ROOT specifies a single-directory whitelist. The
+repository must still be configured to allow access through
+git-cvsserver, as described above.
+When these environment variables are set, the corresponding
+command-line arguments may not be used.
Eclipse CVS Client Notes