set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
- set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc [read $fd]]
- set msg [string trim $msg]
+ set msg [read $fd]
close $fd
+ set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$enc ne {}} {
+ set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
+ }
+ set msg [string trim $msg]
} err]} {
error_popup "Error loading commit data for amend:\n\n$err"
ui_status {Calling pre-commit hook...}
set pch_error {}
set fd_ph [open "| $pchook" r]
- fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
fileevent $fd_ph readable \
[list commit_prehook_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg]
# -- Verify this wasn't an empty change.
if {$commit_type eq {normal}} {
- set old_tree [git rev-parse "$PARENT^{tree}"]
+ set fd_ot [git_read cat-file commit $PARENT]
+ fconfigure $fd_ot -encoding binary -translation lf
+ set old_tree [gets $fd_ot]
+ close $fd_ot
+ if {[string equal -length 5 {tree } $old_tree]
+ && [string length $old_tree] == 45} {
+ set old_tree [string range $old_tree 5 end]
+ } else {
+ error "Commit $PARENT appears to be corrupt"
+ }
if {$tree_id eq $old_tree} {
info_popup {No changes to commit.
set msg_p [gitdir COMMIT_EDITMSG]
set msg_wt [open $msg_p w]
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -translation lf
if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
set enc utf-8
- fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding binary -translation binary
- puts -nonewline $msg_wt [encoding convertto $enc $msg]
+ set use_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$use_enc ne {}} {
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding $use_enc
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '$enc'."
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding utf-8
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $msg_wt $msg
close $msg_wt
# -- Create the commit.
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm edit reset
$ui_comm edit modified false
+ if {$::GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
+ set $::GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
+ }
if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} do_quit