test_decode_color () {
- sed -e 's/.\[1m/<WHITE>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[31m/<RED>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[32m/<GREEN>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[33m/<YELLOW>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[34m/<BLUE>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[35m/<MAGENTA>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[36m/<CYAN>/g' \
- -e 's/.\[m/<RESET>/g'
+ awk '
+ function name(n) {
+ if (n == 0) return "RESET";
+ if (n == 1) return "BOLD";
+ if (n == 30) return "BLACK";
+ if (n == 31) return "RED";
+ if (n == 32) return "GREEN";
+ if (n == 33) return "YELLOW";
+ if (n == 34) return "BLUE";
+ if (n == 35) return "MAGENTA";
+ if (n == 36) return "CYAN";
+ if (n == 37) return "WHITE";
+ if (n == 40) return "BLACK";
+ if (n == 41) return "BRED";
+ if (n == 42) return "BGREEN";
+ if (n == 43) return "BYELLOW";
+ if (n == 44) return "BBLUE";
+ if (n == 45) return "BMAGENTA";
+ if (n == 46) return "BCYAN";
+ if (n == 47) return "BWHITE";
+ }
+ {
+ while (match($0, /\033\[[0-9;]*m/) != 0) {
+ printf "%s<", substr($0, 1, RSTART-1);
+ codes = substr($0, RSTART+2, RLENGTH-3);
+ if (length(codes) == 0)
+ printf "%s", name(0)
+ else {
+ n = split(codes, ary, ";");
+ sep = "";
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ printf "%s%s", sep, name(ary[i]);
+ sep = ";"
+ }
+ }
+ printf ">";
+ $0 = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH, length($0) - RSTART - RLENGTH + 1);
+ }
+ print
+ }
+ '
+nul_to_q () {
+ perl -pe 'y/\000/Q/'
q_to_nul () {
tr Q '\015'
+q_to_tab () {
+ tr Q '\011'
append_cr () {
sed -e 's/$/Q/' | tr Q '\015'
+# debugging-friendly alternatives to "test [-f|-d|-e]"
+# The commands test the existence or non-existence of $1. $2 can be
+# given to provide a more precise diagnosis.
+test_path_is_file () {
+ if ! [ -f "$1" ]
+ then
+ echo "File $1 doesn't exist. $*"
+ false
+ fi
+test_path_is_dir () {
+ if ! [ -d "$1" ]
+ then
+ echo "Directory $1 doesn't exist. $*"
+ false
+ fi
+test_path_is_missing () {
+ if [ -e "$1" ]
+ then
+ echo "Path exists:"
+ ls -ld "$1"
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ echo "$*"
+ fi
+ false
+ fi
# This is not among top-level (test_expect_success | test_expect_failure)
# but is a prefix that can be used in the test script, like:
test_must_fail () {
- test $? -gt 0 -a $? -le 129 -o $? -gt 192
+ exit_code=$?
+ if test $exit_code = 0; then
+ echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command succeeded: $*"
+ return 1
+ elif test $exit_code -gt 129 -a $exit_code -le 192; then
+ echo >&2 "test_must_fail: died by signal: $*"
+ return 1
+ elif test $exit_code = 127; then
+ echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command not found: $*"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
# Similar to test_must_fail, but tolerates success, too. This is
test_might_fail () {
- test $? -ge 0 -a $? -le 129 -o $? -gt 192
+ exit_code=$?
+ if test $exit_code -gt 129 -a $exit_code -le 192; then
+ echo >&2 "test_might_fail: died by signal: $*"
+ return 1
+ elif test $exit_code = 127; then
+ echo >&2 "test_might_fail: command not found: $*"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
# test_cmp is a helper function to compare actual and expected output.
# in subprocesses like git equals our $PWD (for pathname comparisons).
cd -P "$test" || exit 1
+export HOME
for skp in $GIT_SKIP_TESTS