set order "--date-order"
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [concat | git log -z --pretty=raw $order --parents \
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $order --parents \
--boundary $viewargs($view) "--" $viewfiles($view)] r]
} err]} {
- error_popup "Error executing git rev-list: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error executing git rev-list:"] $err"
exit 1
set commfd($view) $fd
fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding
filerun $fd [list getcommitlines $fd $view]
- nowbusy $view
+ nowbusy $view [mc "Reading"]
if {$view == $curview} {
set progressdirn 1
set progresscoords {0 0}
set phase getcommits
start_rev_list $curview
- show_status "Reading commits..."
+ show_status [mc "Reading commits..."]
# This makes a string representation of a positive integer which
if {[string length $shortcmit] > 80} {
set shortcmit "[string range $shortcmit 0 80]..."
- error_popup "Can't parse git log output: {$shortcmit}"
+ error_popup "[mc "Can't parse git log output:"] {$shortcmit}"
exit 1
set id [lindex $ids 0]
#set ms [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}]
#puts "overall $ms ms for $numcommits commits"
} else {
- show_status "No commits selected"
+ show_status [mc "No commits selected"]
notbusy layout
set phase {}
} else {
readcommit $id
if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- set commitinfo($id) {"No commit information available"}
+ set commitinfo($id) [list [mc "No commit information available"]]
return 1
proc show_error {w top msg} {
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $top"
+ button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "destroy $top"
pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
wm transient $w .
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side left -fill x
- button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
+ button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
tkwait window $w
global bgcolor fgcolor bglist fglist diffcolors selectbgcolor
global headctxmenu progresscanv progressitem progresscoords statusw
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
+ global rprogitem rprogcoord
global have_tk85
menu .bar
- .bar add cascade -label "File" -menu .bar.file
+ .bar add cascade -label [mc "File"] -menu .bar.file
.bar configure -font uifont
menu .bar.file
- .bar.file add command -label "Update" -command updatecommits
- .bar.file add command -label "Reread references" -command rereadrefs
- .bar.file add command -label "List references" -command showrefs
- .bar.file add command -label "Quit" -command doquit
+ .bar.file add command -label [mc "Update"] -command updatecommits
+ .bar.file add command -label [mc "Reread references"] -command rereadrefs
+ .bar.file add command -label [mc "List references"] -command showrefs
+ .bar.file add command -label [mc "Quit"] -command doquit
.bar.file configure -font uifont
menu .bar.edit
- .bar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .bar.edit
- .bar.edit add command -label "Preferences" -command doprefs
+ .bar add cascade -label [mc "Edit"] -menu .bar.edit
+ .bar.edit add command -label [mc "Preferences"] -command doprefs
.bar.edit configure -font uifont
menu .bar.view -font uifont
- .bar add cascade -label "View" -menu .bar.view
- .bar.view add command -label "New view..." -command {newview 0}
- .bar.view add command -label "Edit view..." -command editview \
+ .bar add cascade -label [mc "View"] -menu .bar.view
+ .bar.view add command -label [mc "New view..."] -command {newview 0}
+ .bar.view add command -label [mc "Edit view..."] -command editview \
-state disabled
- .bar.view add command -label "Delete view" -command delview -state disabled
+ .bar.view add command -label [mc "Delete view"] -command delview -state disabled
.bar.view add separator
- .bar.view add radiobutton -label "All files" -command {showview 0} \
+ .bar.view add radiobutton -label [mc "All files"] -command {showview 0} \
-variable selectedview -value 0
- .bar add cascade -label "Help" -menu
- add command -label "About gitk" -command about
- add command -label "Key bindings" -command keys
+ .bar add cascade -label [mc "Help"] -menu
+ add command -label [mc "About gitk"] -command about
+ add command -label [mc "Key bindings"] -command keys configure -font uifont
. configure -menu .bar
set sha1entry
set entries $sha1entry
set sha1but
- button $sha1but -text "SHA1 ID: " -state disabled -relief flat \
+ button $sha1but -text [mc "SHA1 ID: "] -state disabled -relief flat \
-command gotocommit -width 8 -font uifont
$sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground]
pack -side left
canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill green]
set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
+ set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
pack $progresscanv -side right -expand 1 -fill x
set progresscoords {0 0}
set fprogcoord 0
+ set rprogcoord 0
bind $progresscanv <Configure> adjustprogress
set lastprogupdate [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set progupdatepending 0
# build up the bottom bar of upper window
- label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "Find " -font uifont
- button .tf.lbar.fnext -text "next" -command dofind -font uifont
- button .tf.lbar.fprev -text "prev" -command {dofind 1} -font uifont
- label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " commit " -font uifont
+ label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "[mc "Find"] " -font uifont
+ button .tf.lbar.fnext -text [mc "next"] -command {dofind 1 1} -font uifont
+ button .tf.lbar.fprev -text [mc "prev"] -command {dofind -1 1} -font uifont
+ label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " [mc "commit"] " -font uifont
pack .tf.lbar.flabel .tf.lbar.fnext .tf.lbar.fprev .tf.lbar.flab2 \
-side left -fill y
set gdttype "containing:"
frame .bleft.mid
- button -text "Search" -command dosearch \
+ button -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch \
-font uifont
pack -side left -padx 5
set sstring
lappend entries $sstring
trace add variable searchstring write incrsearch
pack $sstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
- radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text "Diff" \
+ radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text [mc "Diff"] -font uifont \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 0}
- radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text "Old version" \
+ radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text [mc "Old version"] -font uifont \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1}
- radiobutton -text "New version" \
+ radiobutton -text [mc "New version"] -font uifont \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0}
- label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " Lines of context: " \
+ label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " [mc "Lines of context"]: " \
-font uifont
pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old -side left
spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 -font textfont \
# lower right
frame .bright
frame .bright.mode
- radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text "Patch" \
+ radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text [mc "Patch"] \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "patch"
.bright.mode.patch configure -font uifont
- radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text "Tree" \
+ radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text [mc "Tree"] \
-command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "tree"
.bright.mode.tree configure -font uifont
grid .bright.mode.patch .bright.mode.tree -sticky ew
} else {
bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ bindall <MouseWheel> {
+ set delta [expr {- (%D)}]
+ allcanvs yview scroll $delta units
+ }
+ }
bindall <2> "canvscan mark %W %x %y"
bindall <B2-Motion> "canvscan dragto %W %x %y"
bindkey <End> sellastline
bind . <Key-Up> "selnextline -1"
bind . <Key-Down> "selnextline 1"
+ bind . <Shift-Key-Up> "dofind -1 0"
+ bind . <Shift-Key-Down> "dofind 1 0"
bindkey <Key-Right> "goforw"
bindkey <Key-Left> "goback"
bind . <Key-Prior> "selnextpage -1"
bindkey b "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
- bindkey / {findnext 1}
- bindkey <Key-Return> {findnext 0}
- bindkey ? findprev
+ bindkey / {dofind 1 1}
+ bindkey <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
+ bindkey ? {dofind -1 1}
bindkey f nextfile
bindkey <F5> updatecommits
bind . <$M1B-q> doquit
- bind . <$M1B-f> dofind
- bind . <$M1B-g> {findnext 0}
+ bind . <$M1B-f> {dofind 1 1}
+ bind . <$M1B-g> {dofind 1 0}
bind . <$M1B-r> dosearchback
bind . <$M1B-s> dosearch
bind . <$M1B-equal> {incrfont 1}
bind . <$M1B-KP_Subtract> {incrfont -1}
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW doquit
bind . <Button-1> "click %W"
- bind $fstring <Key-Return> dofind
+ bind $fstring <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
bind $sha1entry <Key-Return> gotocommit
bind $sha1entry <<PasteSelection>> clearsha1
bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
set rowctxmenu .rowctxmenu
menu $rowctxmenu -tearoff 0
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Diff this -> selected" \
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Diff this -> selected"] \
-command {diffvssel 0}
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Diff selected -> this" \
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Diff selected -> this"] \
-command {diffvssel 1}
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Make patch" -command mkpatch
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Create tag" -command mktag
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Write commit to file" -command writecommit
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Create new branch" -command mkbranch
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Cherry-pick this commit" \
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Make patch"] -command mkpatch
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Create tag"] -command mktag
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Write commit to file"] -command writecommit
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Create new branch"] -command mkbranch
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Cherry-pick this commit"] \
-command cherrypick
- $rowctxmenu add command -label "Reset HEAD branch to here" \
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label [mc "Reset HEAD branch to here"] \
-command resethead
set fakerowmenu .fakerowmenu
menu $fakerowmenu -tearoff 0
- $fakerowmenu add command -label "Diff this -> selected" \
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Diff this -> selected"] \
-command {diffvssel 0}
- $fakerowmenu add command -label "Diff selected -> this" \
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Diff selected -> this"] \
-command {diffvssel 1}
- $fakerowmenu add command -label "Make patch" -command mkpatch
-# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Commit" -command {mkcommit 0}
-# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Commit all" -command {mkcommit 1}
-# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Revert local changes" -command revertlocal
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Make patch"] -command mkpatch
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Commit"] -command {mkcommit 0}
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Commit all"] -command {mkcommit 1}
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label [mc "Revert local changes"] -command revertlocal
set headctxmenu .headctxmenu
menu $headctxmenu -tearoff 0
- $headctxmenu add command -label "Check out this branch" \
+ $headctxmenu add command -label [mc "Check out this branch"] \
-command cobranch
- $headctxmenu add command -label "Remove this branch" \
+ $headctxmenu add command -label [mc "Remove this branch"] \
-command rmbranch
global flist_menu
set flist_menu .flistctxmenu
menu $flist_menu -tearoff 0
- $flist_menu add command -label "Highlight this too" \
+ $flist_menu add command -label [mc "Highlight this too"] \
-command {flist_hl 0}
- $flist_menu add command -label "Highlight this only" \
+ $flist_menu add command -label [mc "Highlight this only"] \
-command {flist_hl 1}
proc adjustprogress {} {
global progresscanv progressitem progresscoords
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
+ global rprogitem rprogcoord
set w [expr {[winfo width $progresscanv] - 4}]
set x0 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 0]}]
set h [winfo height $progresscanv]
$progresscanv coords $progressitem $x0 0 $x1 $h
$progresscanv coords $fprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $fprogcoord}] $h
+ $progresscanv coords $rprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $rprogcoord}] $h
set now [clock clicks -milliseconds]
if {$now >= $lastprogupdate + 100} {
set progupdatepending 0
global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct
global maxwidth showneartags showlocalchanges
global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewperm nextviewnum
- global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat
+ global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
global colors bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
if {$stuffsaved} return
puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat]
+ puts $f [list set limitdiffs $limitdiffs]
puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor]
puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
puts $f [list set colors $colors]
toplevel $w
- wm title $w "About gitk"
- message $w.m -text {
+ wm title $w [mc "About gitk"]
+ message $w.m -text [mc "
Gitk - a commit viewer for git
Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras
-Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License} \
+Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"] \
-justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
$w.m configure -font uifont
- button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w" -default active
+ button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
$w.ok configure -font uifont
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
set M1T Ctrl
toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Gitk key bindings"
- message $w.m -text "
+ wm title $w [mc "Gitk key bindings"]
+ message $w.m -text [mc "
Gitk key bindings:
<$M1T-Q> Quit
<$M1T-Down> Scroll commit list down one line
<$M1T-PageUp> Scroll commit list up one page
<$M1T-PageDown> Scroll commit list down one page
-<Shift-Up> Move to previous highlighted line
-<Shift-Down> Move to next highlighted line
+<Shift-Up> Find backwards (upwards, later commits)
+<Shift-Down> Find forwards (downwards, earlier commits)
<Delete>, b Scroll diff view up one page
<Backspace> Scroll diff view up one page
<Space> Scroll diff view down one page
<$M1T-KP-> Decrease font size
<$M1T-minus> Decrease font size
<F5> Update
-" \
+"] \
-justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
$w.m configure -font uifont
- button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w" -default active
+ button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
$w.ok configure -font uifont
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
set newviewname($nextviewnum) "View $nextviewnum"
set newviewperm($nextviewnum) 0
set newviewargs($nextviewnum) [shellarglist $revtreeargs]
- vieweditor $top $nextviewnum "Gitk view definition"
+ vieweditor $top $nextviewnum [mc "Gitk view definition"]
proc editview {} {
toplevel $top
wm title $top $title
- label $ -text "Name" -font uifont
+ label $ -text [mc "Name"] -font uifont
entry $ -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n) -font uifont
grid $ $ -sticky w -pady 5
- checkbutton $top.perm -text "Remember this view" -variable newviewperm($n) \
+ checkbutton $top.perm -text [mc "Remember this view"] -variable newviewperm($n) \
-font uifont
grid $top.perm - -pady 5 -sticky w
message $ -aspect 1000 -font uifont \
- -text "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"
+ -text [mc "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"]
grid $ - -sticky w -pady 5
entry $top.args -width 50 -textvariable newviewargs($n) \
-background white -font uifont
grid $top.args - -sticky ew -padx 5
message $top.l -aspect 1000 -font uifont \
- -text "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
+ -text [mc "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"]
grid $top.l - -sticky w
text $top.t -width 40 -height 10 -background white -font uifont
if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} {
grid $top.t - -sticky ew -padx 5
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command [list newviewok $top $n] \
+ button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command [list newviewok $top $n] \
-font uifont
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command [list destroy $top] \
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command [list destroy $top] \
-font uifont
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
if {[catch {
set newargs [shellsplit $newviewargs($n)]
} err]} {
- error_popup "Error in commit selection arguments: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error in commit selection arguments:"] $err"
wm raise $top
focus $top
set curview $n
set selectedview $n
- .bar.view entryconf Edit* -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
- .bar.view entryconf Delete* -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mc "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mc "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
run refill_reflist
if {![info exists viewdata($n)]} {
if {$phase ne {}} {
if {$phase eq "getcommits"} {
- show_status "Reading commits..."
+ show_status [mc "Reading commits..."]
run chewcommits $n
} elseif {$numcommits == 0} {
- show_status "No commits selected"
+ show_status [mc "No commits selected"]
return 0
if {[info exists find_dirn]} {
- if {$find_dirn > 0} {
- run findmore
- } else {
- run findmorerev
- }
+ run findmore
return 1
global uparrowlen downarrowlen mingaplen curview
set show $commitidx($curview)
- if {$show > $numcommits} {
+ if {$show > $numcommits || $viewcomplete($curview)} {
showstuff $show $viewcomplete($curview)
if {$isdiff && $serial == $lserial && $localirow == -1} {
# add the line for the changes in the index to the graph
set localirow $commitrow($curview,$mainheadid)
- set hl "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
+ set hl [mc "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"]
set commitinfo($nullid2) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
set commitdata($nullid2) "\n $hl\n"
insertrow $localirow $nullid2
} else {
set localfrow $commitrow($curview,$mainheadid)
- set hl "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
+ set hl [mc "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"]
set commitinfo($nullid) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
set commitdata($nullid) "\n $hl\n"
insertrow $localfrow $nullid
drawcmitrow $r
if {$r == $er} break
set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]]
- if {$wasdrawn && [info exists iddrawn($nextid)]} {
- catch {unset prevlines}
- continue
- }
+ if {$wasdrawn && [info exists iddrawn($nextid)]} continue
drawparentlinks $id $r
- if {[info exists lineends($r)]} {
- foreach lid $lineends($r) {
- unset prevlines($lid)
- }
- }
set rowids [lindex $rowidlist $r]
foreach lid $rowids {
if {$lid eq {}} continue
+ if {[info exists lineend($lid)] && $lineend($lid) > $r} continue
if {$lid eq $id} {
# see if this is the first child of any of its parents
foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
if {[lsearch -exact $rowids $p] < 0} {
# make this line extend up to the child
- set le [drawlineseg $p $r $er 0]
- lappend lineends($le) $p
- set prevlines($p) 1
+ set lineend($p) [drawlineseg $p $r $er 0]
- } elseif {![info exists prevlines($lid)]} {
- set le [drawlineseg $lid $r $er 1]
- lappend lineends($le) $lid
- set prevlines($lid) 1
+ } else {
+ set lineend($lid) [drawlineseg $lid $r $er 1]
set curtextcursor $c
-proc nowbusy {what} {
- global isbusy
+proc nowbusy {what {name {}}} {
+ global isbusy busyname statusw
if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} {
. config -cursor watch
settextcursor watch
set isbusy($what) 1
+ set busyname($what) $name
+ if {$name ne {}} {
+ $statusw conf -text $name
+ }
proc notbusy {what} {
- global isbusy maincursor textcursor
+ global isbusy maincursor textcursor busyname statusw
- catch {unset isbusy($what)}
+ catch {
+ unset isbusy($what)
+ if {$busyname($what) ne {} &&
+ [$statusw cget -text] eq $busyname($what)} {
+ $statusw conf -text {}
+ }
+ }
if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} {
. config -cursor $maincursor
settextcursor $textcursor
return $matches
-proc dofind {{rev 0}} {
+proc dofind {{dirn 1} {wrap 1}} {
global findstring findstartline findcurline selectedline numcommits
- global gdttype filehighlight fh_serial find_dirn
+ global gdttype filehighlight fh_serial find_dirn findallowwrap
- unmarkmatches
+ if {[info exists find_dirn]} {
+ if {$find_dirn == $dirn} return
+ stopfinding
+ }
focus .
if {$findstring eq {} || $numcommits == 0} return
if {![info exists selectedline]} {
- set findstartline [lindex [visiblerows] $rev]
+ set findstartline [lindex [visiblerows] [expr {$dirn < 0}]]
} else {
set findstartline $selectedline
set findcurline $findstartline
- nowbusy finding
+ nowbusy finding "Searching"
if {$gdttype ne "containing:" && ![info exists filehighlight]} {
after cancel do_file_hl $fh_serial
do_file_hl $fh_serial
- if {!$rev} {
- set find_dirn 1
- run findmore
- } else {
- set find_dirn -1
- run findmorerev
- }
+ set find_dirn $dirn
+ set findallowwrap $wrap
+ run findmore
proc stopfinding {} {
-proc findnext {restart} {
- global findcurline find_dirn
- if {[info exists find_dirn]} return
- set find_dirn 1
- if {![info exists findcurline]} {
- if {$restart} {
- dofind
- } else {
- bell
- }
- } else {
- run findmore
- nowbusy finding
- }
-proc findprev {} {
- global findcurline find_dirn
- if {[info exists find_dirn]} return
- set find_dirn -1
- if {![info exists findcurline]} {
- dofind 1
- } else {
- run findmorerev
- nowbusy finding
- }
proc findmore {} {
global commitdata commitinfo numcommits findpattern findloc
global findstartline findcurline displayorder
global find_dirn gdttype fhighlights fprogcoord
+ global findallowwrap
if {![info exists find_dirn]} {
return 0
set fldtypes {Headline Author Date Committer CDate Comments}
- set l [expr {$findcurline + 1}]
- if {$l >= $numcommits} {
- set l 0
- }
- if {$l <= $findstartline} {
- set lim [expr {$findstartline + 1}]
- } else {
- set lim $numcommits
- }
- if {$lim - $l > 500} {
- set lim [expr {$l + 500}]
- }
- set found 0
- set domore 1
- if {$gdttype eq "containing:"} {
- for {} {$l < $lim} {incr l} {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
- # shouldn't happen unless git log doesn't give all the commits...
- if {![info exists commitdata($id)]} continue
- if {![doesmatch $commitdata($id)]} continue
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- getcommit $id
- }
- set info $commitinfo($id)
- foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
- if {($findloc eq "All fields" || $findloc eq $ty) &&
- [doesmatch $f]} {
- set found 1
- break
- }
- }
- if {$found} break
+ set l $findcurline
+ set moretodo 0
+ if {$find_dirn > 0} {
+ incr l
+ if {$l >= $numcommits} {
+ set l 0
+ }
+ if {$l <= $findstartline} {
+ set lim [expr {$findstartline + 1}]
+ } else {
+ set lim $numcommits
+ set moretodo $findallowwrap
} else {
- for {} {$l < $lim} {incr l} {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
- if {![info exists fhighlights($l)]} {
- askfilehighlight $l $id
- if {$domore} {
- set domore 0
- set findcurline [expr {$l - 1}]
- }
- } elseif {$fhighlights($l)} {
- set found $domore
- break
- }
+ if {$l == 0} {
+ set l $numcommits
- }
- if {$found || ($domore && $l == $findstartline + 1)} {
- unset findcurline
- unset find_dirn
- notbusy finding
- set fprogcoord 0
- adjustprogress
- if {$found} {
- findselectline $l
+ incr l -1
+ if {$l >= $findstartline} {
+ set lim [expr {$findstartline - 1}]
} else {
- bell
+ set lim -1
+ set moretodo $findallowwrap
- return 0
- }
- if {!$domore} {
- flushhighlights
- } else {
- set findcurline [expr {$l - 1}]
- }
- set n [expr {$findcurline - ($findstartline + 1)}]
- if {$n < 0} {
- incr n $numcommits
- }
- set fprogcoord [expr {$n * 1.0 / $numcommits}]
- adjustprogress
- return $domore
-proc findmorerev {} {
- global commitdata commitinfo numcommits findpattern findloc
- global findstartline findcurline displayorder
- global find_dirn gdttype fhighlights fprogcoord
- if {![info exists find_dirn]} {
- return 0
- }
- set fldtypes {Headline Author Date Committer CDate Comments}
- set l $findcurline
- if {$l == 0} {
- set l $numcommits
- }
- incr l -1
- if {$l >= $findstartline} {
- set lim [expr {$findstartline - 1}]
- } else {
- set lim -1
- if {$l - $lim > 500} {
- set lim [expr {$l - 500}]
+ set n [expr {($lim - $l) * $find_dirn}]
+ if {$n > 500} {
+ set n 500
+ set moretodo 1
set found 0
set domore 1
if {$gdttype eq "containing:"} {
- for {} {$l > $lim} {incr l -1} {
+ for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} {
set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
+ # shouldn't happen unless git log doesn't give all the commits...
if {![info exists commitdata($id)]} continue
if {![doesmatch $commitdata($id)]} continue
if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
if {$found} break
} else {
- for {} {$l > $lim} {incr l -1} {
+ for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} {
set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
if {![info exists fhighlights($l)]} {
askfilehighlight $l $id
if {$domore} {
set domore 0
- set findcurline [expr {$l + 1}]
+ set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}]
} elseif {$fhighlights($l)} {
set found $domore
- if {$found || ($domore && $l == $findstartline - 1)} {
+ if {$found || ($domore && !$moretodo)} {
unset findcurline
unset find_dirn
notbusy finding
if {!$domore} {
} else {
- set findcurline [expr {$l + 1}]
+ set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}]
- set n [expr {($findstartline - 1) - $findcurline}]
+ set n [expr {($findcurline - $findstartline) * $find_dirn - 1}]
if {$n < 0} {
incr n $numcommits
set linknum 0
set info $commitinfo($id)
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
- $ctext insert end "Author: [lindex $info 1] $date\n"
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Author"]: [lindex $info 1] $date\n"
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 4]]
- $ctext insert end "Committer: [lindex $info 3] $date\n"
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Committer"]: [lindex $info 3] $date\n"
if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
- $ctext insert end "Tags:"
+ $ctext insert end [mc "Tags:"]
foreach tag $idtags($id) {
$ctext insert end " $tag"
} else {
set tag m$np
- $ctext insert end "Parent: " $tag
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Parent"]: " $tag
appendwithlinks [commit_descriptor $p] {}
incr np
} else {
foreach p $olds {
- append headers "Parent: [commit_descriptor $p]"
+ append headers "[mc "Parent"]: [commit_descriptor $p]"
foreach c $children($curview,$id) {
- append headers "Child: [commit_descriptor $c]"
+ append headers "[mc "Child"]: [commit_descriptor $c]"
# make anything that looks like a SHA1 ID be a clickable link
if {![info exists allcommits]} {
- $ctext insert end "Branch: "
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Branch"]: "
$ctext mark set branch "end -1c"
$ctext mark gravity branch left
- $ctext insert end "\nFollows: "
+ $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Follows"]: "
$ctext mark set follows "end -1c"
$ctext mark gravity follows left
- $ctext insert end "\nPrecedes: "
+ $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Precedes"]: "
$ctext mark set precedes "end -1c"
$ctext mark gravity precedes left
$ctext insert end "\n"
proc mergediff {id l} {
- global diffmergeid diffopts mdifffd
+ global diffmergeid mdifffd
global diffids
global parentlist
+ global limitdiffs viewfiles curview
set diffmergeid $id
set diffids $id
# this doesn't seem to actually affect anything...
- set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
set cmd [concat | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --cc $id]
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set cmd [concat $cmd -- $viewfiles($curview)]
+ }
if {[catch {set mdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
- error_popup "Error getting merge diffs: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error getting merge diffs:"] $err"
fconfigure $mdf -blocking 0
+proc path_filter {filter name} {
+ foreach p $filter {
+ set l [string length $p]
+ if {[string index $p end] eq "/"} {
+ if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0 &&
+ ([string length $name] == $l ||
+ [string index $name $l] eq "/")} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
proc addtocflist {ids} {
- global treediffs cflist
+ global treediffs
add_flist $treediffs($ids)
getblobdiffs $ids
proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid
- global cmitmode
+ global cmitmode viewfiles curview limitdiffs
set nr 0
while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $gdtf line] >= 0} {
return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
close $gdtf
- set treediffs($ids) $treediff
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set flist {}
+ foreach f $treediff {
+ if {[path_filter $viewfiles($curview) $f]} {
+ lappend flist $f
+ }
+ }
+ set treediffs($ids) $flist
+ } else {
+ set treediffs($ids) $treediff
+ }
unset treepending
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
gettree $diffids
proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
- global diffopts blobdifffd diffids env
+ global blobdifffd diffids env
global diffinhdr treediffs
global diffcontext
+ global limitdiffs viewfiles curview
- set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
- if {[catch {set bdf [open [diffcmd $ids "-p -C --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"] r]} err]} {
+ set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p -C --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"]
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set cmd [concat $cmd -- $viewfiles($curview)]
+ }
+ if {[catch {set bdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
puts "error getting diffs: $err"
set diffinhdr 0
} elseif {$diffinhdr} {
- if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line] ||
- ![string compare -length 10 "copy from " $line]} {
+ if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line]} {
set fname [string range $line [expr 6 + [string first " from " $line] ] end]
if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
set fname [lindex $fname 0]
if {[$sha1but cget -state] == $state} return
if {$state == "normal"} {
- $sha1but conf -state normal -relief raised -text "Goto: "
+ $sha1but conf -state normal -relief raised -text "[mc "Goto:"] "
} else {
- $sha1but conf -state disabled -relief flat -text "SHA1 ID: "
+ $sha1but conf -state disabled -relief flat -text "[mc "SHA1 ID:"] "
if {$matches ne {}} {
if {[llength $matches] > 1} {
- error_popup "Short SHA1 id $id is ambiguous"
+ error_popup [mc "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous" $id]
set id [lindex $matches 0]
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} {
- set type "SHA1 id"
+ set msg [mc "SHA1 id %s is not known" $sha1string]
} else {
- set type "Tag/Head"
+ set msg [mc "Tag/Head %s is not known" $sha1string]
- error_popup "$type $sha1string is not known"
+ error_popup $msg
proc lineenter {x y id} {
$ctext conf -state normal
settabs 0
- $ctext insert end "Parent:\t"
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "Parent"]:\t"
$ctext insert end $id link0
setlink $id link0
set info $commitinfo($id)
$ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]\n"
- $ctext insert end "\tAuthor:\t[lindex $info 1]\n"
+ $ctext insert end "\t[mc "Author"]:\t[lindex $info 1]\n"
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
- $ctext insert end "\tDate:\t$date\n"
+ $ctext insert end "\t[mc "Date"]:\t$date\n"
set kids $children($curview,$id)
if {$kids ne {}} {
- $ctext insert end "\nChildren:"
+ $ctext insert end "\n[mc "Children"]:"
set i 0
foreach child $kids {
incr i
$ctext insert end $child link$i
setlink $child link$i
$ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]"
- $ctext insert end "\n\tAuthor:\t[lindex $info 1]"
+ $ctext insert end "\n\t[mc "Author"]:\t[lindex $info 1]"
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
- $ctext insert end "\n\tDate:\t$date\n"
+ $ctext insert end "\n\t[mc "Date"]:\t$date\n"
$ctext conf -state disabled
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label "Reset $mainhead branch to here"
+ $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead]
} else {
set menu $fakerowmenu
- $menu entryconfigure "Diff this*" -state $state
- $menu entryconfigure "Diff selected*" -state $state
- $menu entryconfigure "Make patch" -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure [mc "Diff this -> selected"] -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure [mc "Diff selected -> this"] -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure [mc "Make patch"] -state $state
tk_popup $menu $x $y
$ctext conf -state normal
- init_flist "Top"
- $ctext insert end "From "
+ init_flist [mc "Top"]
+ $ctext insert end "[mc "From"] "
$ctext insert end $oldid link0
setlink $oldid link0
$ctext insert end "\n "
$ctext insert end [lindex $commitinfo($oldid) 0]
- $ctext insert end "\n\nTo "
+ $ctext insert end "\n\n[mc "To"] "
$ctext insert end $newid link1
setlink $newid link1
$ctext insert end "\n "
set patchtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
toplevel $top
- label $top.title -text "Generate patch"
+ label $top.title -text [mc "Generate patch"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.from -text "From:"
+ label $top.from -text [mc "From:"]
entry $top.fromsha1 -width 40 -relief flat
$top.fromsha1 insert 0 $oldid
$top.fromsha1 conf -state readonly
$top.fromhead insert 0 $oldhead
$top.fromhead conf -state readonly
grid x $top.fromhead -sticky w
- label $ -text "To:"
+ label $ -text [mc "To:"]
entry $top.tosha1 -width 40 -relief flat
$top.tosha1 insert 0 $newid
$top.tosha1 conf -state readonly
$top.tohead insert 0 $newhead
$top.tohead conf -state readonly
grid x $top.tohead -sticky w
- button $top.rev -text "Reverse" -command mkpatchrev -padx 5
+ button $top.rev -text [mc "Reverse"] -command mkpatchrev -padx 5
grid $top.rev x -pady 10
- label $top.flab -text "Output file:"
+ label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
entry $top.fname -width 60
$top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "patch$patchnum.patch"]
incr patchnum
grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text "Generate" -command mkpatchgo
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command mkpatchcan
+ button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Generate"] -command mkpatchgo
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mkpatchcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
set cmd [lrange $cmd 1 end]
lappend cmd >$fname &
if {[catch {eval exec $cmd} err]} {
- error_popup "Error creating patch: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating patch:"] $err"
catch {destroy $patchtop}
unset patchtop
set mktagtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
toplevel $top
- label $top.title -text "Create tag"
+ label $top.title -text [mc "Create tag"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $ -text "ID:"
+ label $ -text [mc "ID:"]
entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
$top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
$top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
$top.head conf -state readonly
grid x $top.head -sticky w
- label $top.tlab -text "Tag name:"
+ label $top.tlab -text [mc "Tag name:"]
entry $top.tag -width 60
grid $top.tlab $top.tag -sticky w
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text "Create" -command mktaggo
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command mktagcan
+ button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Create"] -command mktaggo
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command mktagcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
set id [$mktagtop.sha1 get]
set tag [$mktagtop.tag get]
if {$tag == {}} {
- error_popup "No tag name specified"
+ error_popup [mc "No tag name specified"]
if {[info exists tagids($tag)]} {
- error_popup "Tag \"$tag\" already exists"
+ error_popup [mc "Tag \"%s\" already exists" $tag]
if {[catch {
puts $f $id
close $f
} err]} {
- error_popup "Error creating tag: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating tag:"] $err"
set wrcomtop $top
catch {destroy $top}
toplevel $top
- label $top.title -text "Write commit to file"
+ label $top.title -text [mc "Write commit to file"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $ -text "ID:"
+ label $ -text [mc "ID:"]
entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
$top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
$top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
$top.head conf -state readonly
grid x $top.head -sticky w
- label $top.clab -text "Command:"
+ label $top.clab -text [mc "Command:"]
entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd
grid $top.clab $top.cmd -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.flab -text "Output file:"
+ label $top.flab -text [mc "Output file:"]
entry $top.fname -width 60
$top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "commit-[string range $rowmenuid 0 6]"]
grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text "Write" -command wrcomgo
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command wrcomcan
+ button $top.buts.gen -text [mc "Write"] -command wrcomgo
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command wrcomcan
grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
set cmd "echo $id | [$wrcomtop.cmd get]"
set fname [$wrcomtop.fname get]
if {[catch {exec sh -c $cmd >$fname &} err]} {
- error_popup "Error writing commit: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error writing commit:"] $err"
catch {destroy $wrcomtop}
unset wrcomtop
set top .makebranch
catch {destroy $top}
toplevel $top
- label $top.title -text "Create new branch"
+ label $top.title -text [mc "Create new branch"]
grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $ -text "ID:"
+ label $ -text [mc "ID:"]
entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
$top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
grid $ $top.sha1 -sticky w
- label $top.nlab -text "Name:"
+ label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"]
entry $ -width 40
grid $top.nlab $ -sticky w
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.go -text "Create" -command [list mkbrgo $top]
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command "catch {destroy $top}"
+ button $top.buts.go -text [mc "Create"] -command [list mkbrgo $top]
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "catch {destroy $top}"
grid $top.buts.go $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
set name [$ get]
set id [$top.sha1 get]
if {$name eq {}} {
- error_popup "Please specify a name for the new branch"
+ error_popup [mc "Please specify a name for the new branch"]
catch {destroy $top}
set oldhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
set dheads [descheads $rowmenuid]
if {$dheads ne {} && [lsearch -exact $dheads $oldhead] >= 0} {
- set ok [confirm_popup "Commit [string range $rowmenuid 0 7] is already\
- included in branch $mainhead -- really re-apply it?"]
+ set ok [confirm_popup [mc "Commit %s is already\
+ included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?" \
+ [string range $rowmenuid 0 7] $mainhead]]
if {!$ok} return
- nowbusy cherrypick
+ nowbusy cherrypick [mc "Cherry-picking"]
# Unfortunately git-cherry-pick writes stuff to stderr even when
# no error occurs, and exec takes that as an indication of error...
set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
if {$newhead eq $oldhead} {
notbusy cherrypick
- error_popup "No changes committed"
+ error_popup [mc "No changes committed"]
addnewchild $newhead $oldhead
set w ".confirmreset"
toplevel $w
wm transient $w .
- wm title $w "Confirm reset"
+ wm title $w [mc "Confirm reset"]
message $w.m -text \
- "Reset branch $mainhead to [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]?" \
+ [mc "Reset branch %s to %s?" $mainhead [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]] \
-justify center -aspect 1000
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
frame $w.f -relief sunken -border 2
- message $w.f.rt -text "Reset type:" -aspect 1000
+ message $w.f.rt -text [mc "Reset type:"] -aspect 1000
grid $w.f.rt -sticky w
set resettype mixed
radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype -justify left \
- -text "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
+ -text [mc "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"]
grid $w.f.soft -sticky w
radiobutton $w.f.mixed -value mixed -variable resettype -justify left \
- -text "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
+ -text [mc "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"]
grid $w.f.mixed -sticky w
radiobutton $w.f.hard -value hard -variable resettype -justify left \
- -text "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n(discard ALL local changes)"
+ -text [mc "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n(discard ALL local changes)"]
grid $w.f.hard -sticky w
pack $w.f -side top -fill x
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ button $w.ok -text [mc OK] -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side left -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
+ button $w.cancel -text [mc Cancel] -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
tkwait window $w
error_popup $err
} else {
- set w ".resetprogress"
- filerun $fd [list readresetstat $fd $w]
- toplevel $w
- wm transient $w
- wm title $w "Reset progress"
- message $w.m -text "Reset in progress, please wait..." \
- -justify center -aspect 1000
- pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 5
- canvas $w.c -width 150 -height 20 -bg white
- $w.c create rect 0 0 0 20 -fill green -tags rect
- pack $w.c -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 5 -expand 1
- nowbusy reset
+ filerun $fd [list readresetstat $fd]
+ nowbusy reset [mc "Resetting"]
-proc readresetstat {fd w} {
- global mainhead mainheadid showlocalchanges
+proc readresetstat {fd} {
+ global mainhead mainheadid showlocalchanges rprogcoord
if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {([0-9]+)% \(([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\)} $line match p m n]} {
- set x [expr {($m * 150) / $n}]
- $w.c coords rect 0 0 $x 20
+ set rprogcoord [expr {1.0 * $m / $n}]
+ adjustprogress
return 1
- destroy $w
+ set rprogcoord 0
+ adjustprogress
notbusy reset
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
error_popup $err
# check the tree is clean first??
set oldmainhead $mainhead
- nowbusy checkout
+ nowbusy checkout [mc "Checking out"]
if {[catch {
set id $headmenuid
# this check shouldn't be needed any more...
if {$head eq $mainhead} {
- error_popup "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
+ error_popup [mc "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"]
set dheads [descheads $id]
if {[llength $dheads] == 1 && $idheads($dheads) eq $head} {
# the stuff on this branch isn't on any other branch
- if {![confirm_popup "The commits on branch $head aren't on any other\
- branch.\nReally delete branch $head?"]} return
+ if {![confirm_popup [mc "The commits on branch %s aren't on any other\
+ branch.\nReally delete branch %s?" $head $head]]} return
nowbusy rmbranch
toplevel $top
- wm title $top "Tags and heads: [file tail [pwd]]"
+ wm title $top [mc "Tags and heads: %s" [file tail [pwd]]]
text $top.list -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
-selectbackground $selectbgcolor -font mainfont \
-xscrollcommand "$top.xsb set" -yscrollcommand "$top.ysb set" \
grid $top.list $top.ysb -sticky nsew
grid $top.xsb x -sticky ew
frame $top.f
- label $top.f.l -text "Filter: " -font uifont
+ label $top.f.l -text "[mc "Filter"]: " -font uifont
entry $top.f.e -width 20 -textvariable reflistfilter -font uifont
set reflistfilter "*"
trace add variable reflistfilter write reflistfilter_change
pack $top.f.e -side right -fill x -expand 1
pack $top.f.l -side left
grid $top.f - -sticky ew -pady 2
- button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text "Close" \
+ button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text [mc "Close"] \
-font uifont
grid $top.close -
grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
dropcache $err
- error_popup "Error reading commit topology information;\
+ error_popup "[mc "Error reading commit topology information;\
branch and preceding/following tag information\
- will be incomplete.\n($err)"
+ will be incomplete."]\n($err)"
set cacheok 0
if {[incr allcommits -1] == 0} {
global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing
global seeds allcommits
- if {![info exists allcommits]} return
+ if {![info exists allcommits] || ![info exists arcnos($p)]} return
set allparents($id) [list $p]
set allchildren($id) {}
set arcnos($id) {}
if {[info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
set text $tagcontents($tag)
} else {
- set text "Tag: $tag\nId: $tagids($tag)"
+ set text "[mc "Tag"]: $tag\n[mc "Id"]: $tagids($tag)"
appendwithlinks $text {}
$ctext conf -state disabled
destroy .
+proc mkfontdisp {font top which} {
+ global fontattr fontpref $font
+ set fontpref($font) [set $font]
+ button $top.${font}but -text $which -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosefont $font $which]
+ label $top.$font -relief flat -font $font \
+ -text $fontattr($font,family) -justify left
+ grid x $top.${font}but $top.$font -sticky w
+proc choosefont {font which} {
+ global fontparam fontlist fonttop fontattr
+ set fontparam(which) $which
+ set fontparam(font) $font
+ set fontparam(family) [font actual $font -family]
+ set fontparam(size) $fontattr($font,size)
+ set fontparam(weight) $fontattr($font,weight)
+ set fontparam(slant) $fontattr($font,slant)
+ set top .gitkfont
+ set fonttop $top
+ if {![winfo exists $top]} {
+ font create sample
+ eval font config sample [font actual $font]
+ toplevel $top
+ wm title $top [mc "Gitk font chooser"]
+ label $top.l -textvariable fontparam(which) -font uifont
+ pack $top.l -side top
+ set fontlist [lsort [font families]]
+ frame $top.f
+ listbox $top.f.fam -listvariable fontlist \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $ set]
+ bind $top.f.fam <<ListboxSelect>> selfontfam
+ scrollbar $ -command [list $top.f.fam yview]
+ pack $ -side right -fill y
+ pack $top.f.fam -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $top.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
+ frame $top.g
+ spinbox $top.g.size -from 4 -to 40 -width 4 \
+ -textvariable fontparam(size) \
+ -validatecommand {string is integer -strict %s}
+ checkbutton $top.g.bold -padx 5 \
+ -font {{Times New Roman} 12 bold} -text [mc "B"] -indicatoron 0 \
+ -variable fontparam(weight) -onvalue bold -offvalue normal
+ checkbutton $top.g.ital -padx 5 \
+ -font {{Times New Roman} 12 italic} -text [mc "I"] -indicatoron 0 \
+ -variable fontparam(slant) -onvalue italic -offvalue roman
+ pack $top.g.size $top.g.bold $top.g.ital -side left
+ pack $top.g -side top
+ canvas $top.c -width 150 -height 50 -border 2 -relief sunk \
+ -background white
+ $top.c create text 100 25 -anchor center -text $which -font sample \
+ -fill black -tags text
+ bind $top.c <Configure> [list centertext $top.c]
+ pack $top.c -side top -fill x
+ frame $top.buts
+ button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command fontok -default active \
+ -font uifont
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command fontcan -default normal \
+ -font uifont
+ grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ pack $top.buts -side bottom -fill x
+ trace add variable fontparam write chg_fontparam
+ } else {
+ raise $top
+ $top.c itemconf text -text $which
+ }
+ set i [lsearch -exact $fontlist $fontparam(family)]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ $top.f.fam selection set $i
+ $top.f.fam see $i
+ }
+proc centertext {w} {
+ $w coords text [expr {[winfo width $w] / 2}] [expr {[winfo height $w] / 2}]
+proc fontok {} {
+ global fontparam fontpref prefstop
+ set f $fontparam(font)
+ set fontpref($f) [list $fontparam(family) $fontparam(size)]
+ if {$fontparam(weight) eq "bold"} {
+ lappend fontpref($f) "bold"
+ }
+ if {$fontparam(slant) eq "italic"} {
+ lappend fontpref($f) "italic"
+ }
+ set w $prefstop.$f
+ $w conf -text $fontparam(family) -font $fontpref($f)
+ fontcan
+proc fontcan {} {
+ global fonttop fontparam
+ if {[info exists fonttop]} {
+ catch {destroy $fonttop}
+ catch {font delete sample}
+ unset fonttop
+ unset fontparam
+ }
+proc selfontfam {} {
+ global fonttop fontparam
+ set i [$fonttop.f.fam curselection]
+ if {$i ne {}} {
+ set fontparam(family) [$fonttop.f.fam get $i]
+ }
+proc chg_fontparam {v sub op} {
+ global fontparam
+ font config sample -$sub $fontparam($sub)
proc doprefs {} {
- global maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts
+ global maxwidth maxgraphpct
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor
- global uifont tabstop
+ global uifont tabstop limitdiffs
set top .gitkprefs
set prefstop $top
raise $top
- foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts showneartags showlocalchanges} {
+ foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
+ limitdiffs tabstop} {
set oldprefs($v) [set $v]
toplevel $top
- wm title $top "Gitk preferences"
- label $top.ldisp -text "Commit list display options"
+ wm title $top [mc "Gitk preferences"]
+ label $top.ldisp -text [mc "Commit list display options"]
$top.ldisp configure -font uifont
grid $top.ldisp - -sticky w -pady 10
label $top.spacer -text " "
- label $top.maxwidthl -text "Maximum graph width (lines)" \
+ label $top.maxwidthl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (lines)"] \
-font optionfont
spinbox $top.maxwidth -from 0 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxwidth
grid $top.spacer $top.maxwidthl $top.maxwidth -sticky w
- label $top.maxpctl -text "Maximum graph width (% of pane)" \
+ label $top.maxpctl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"] \
-font optionfont
spinbox $top.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
grid x $top.maxpctl $top.maxpct -sticky w
frame $top.showlocal
- label $top.showlocal.l -text "Show local changes" -font optionfont
+ label $top.showlocal.l -text [mc "Show local changes"] -font optionfont
checkbutton $top.showlocal.b -variable showlocalchanges
pack $top.showlocal.b $top.showlocal.l -side left
grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w
- label $top.ddisp -text "Diff display options"
+ label $top.ddisp -text [mc "Diff display options"]
$top.ddisp configure -font uifont
grid $top.ddisp - -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.diffoptl -text "Options for diff program" \
- -font optionfont
- entry $top.diffopt -width 20 -textvariable diffopts
- grid x $top.diffoptl $top.diffopt -sticky w
+ label $top.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"] -font optionfont
+ spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
+ grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w
frame $top.ntag
- label $top.ntag.l -text "Display nearby tags" -font optionfont
+ label $top.ntag.l -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] -font optionfont
checkbutton $top.ntag.b -variable showneartags
pack $top.ntag.b $top.ntag.l -side left
grid x $top.ntag -sticky w
- label $top.tabstopl -text "tabstop" -font optionfont
- spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
- grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w
+ frame $top.ldiff
+ label $top.ldiff.l -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] -font optionfont
+ checkbutton $top.ldiff.b -variable limitdiffs
+ pack $top.ldiff.b $top.ldiff.l -side left
+ grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w
- label $top.cdisp -text "Colors: press to choose"
+ label $top.cdisp -text [mc "Colors: press to choose"]
$top.cdisp configure -font uifont
grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
label $ -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
- button $top.bgbut -text "Background" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor bgcolor 0 $ background setbg]
grid x $top.bgbut $ -sticky w
label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
- button $top.fgbut -text "Foreground" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor fgcolor 0 $top.fg foreground setfg]
grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w
label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
- button $top.diffoldbut -text "Diff: old lines" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold "diff old lines" \
[list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]]
grid x $top.diffoldbut $top.diffold -sticky w
label $top.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1]
- button $top.diffnewbut -text "Diff: new lines" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.diffnewbut -text [mc "Diff: new lines"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew "diff new lines" \
[list $ctext tag conf d1 -foreground]]
grid x $top.diffnewbut $top.diffnew -sticky w
label $top.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2]
- button $top.hunksepbut -text "Diff: hunk header" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.hunksepbut -text [mc "Diff: hunk header"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $top.hunksep \
"diff hunk header" \
[list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]]
grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w
label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
- button $top.selbgbut -text "Select bg" -font optionfont \
+ button $top.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor 0 $top.selbgsep background setselbg]
grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w
+ label $top.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"]
+ $top.cfont configure -font uifont
+ grid $top.cfont - -sticky w -pady 10
+ mkfontdisp mainfont $top [mc "Main font"]
+ mkfontdisp textfont $top [mc "Diff display font"]
+ mkfontdisp uifont $top [mc "User interface font"]
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command prefsok -default active
+ button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command prefsok -default active
$top.buts.ok configure -font uifont
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command prefscan -default normal
+ button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command prefscan -default normal
$top.buts.can configure -font uifont
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
global $v
set c [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor [lindex [set $v] $vi] \
- -title "Gitk: choose color for $x"]
+ -title [mc "Gitk: choose color for %s" $x]]
if {$c eq {}} return
$w conf -background $c
lset $v $vi $c
proc prefscan {} {
- global maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts
- global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global oldprefs prefstop
- foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts showneartags showlocalchanges} {
+ foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
+ limitdiffs tabstop} {
+ global $v
set $v $oldprefs($v)
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
+ fontcan
proc prefsok {} {
global maxwidth maxgraphpct
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global fontpref mainfont textfont uifont
+ global limitdiffs treediffs
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
+ fontcan
+ set fontchanged 0
+ if {$mainfont ne $fontpref(mainfont)} {
+ set mainfont $fontpref(mainfont)
+ parsefont mainfont $mainfont
+ eval font configure mainfont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure mainfontbold [fontflags mainfont 1]
+ setcoords
+ set fontchanged 1
+ }
+ if {$textfont ne $fontpref(textfont)} {
+ set textfont $fontpref(textfont)
+ parsefont textfont $textfont
+ eval font configure textfont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure textfontbold [fontflags textfont 1]
+ }
+ if {$uifont ne $fontpref(uifont)} {
+ set uifont $fontpref(uifont)
+ parsefont uifont $uifont
+ eval font configure uifont [fontflags uifont]
+ }
if {$showlocalchanges != $oldprefs(showlocalchanges)} {
if {$showlocalchanges} {
- if {$maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
+ if {$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
+ # treediffs elements are limited by path
+ catch {unset treediffs}
+ }
+ if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
|| $maxgraphpct != $oldprefs(maxgraphpct)} {
- } elseif {$showneartags != $oldprefs(showneartags)} {
+ } elseif {$showneartags != $oldprefs(showneartags) ||
+ $limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
return {}
+# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough
+if {[catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]} {
+ show_error {} . [mc "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\
+ Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."]
+ exit 1
# defaults...
set datemode 0
-set diffopts "-U 5 -p"
set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty"
set gitencoding {}
set maxrefs 20
set maxlinelen 200
set showlocalchanges 1
+set limitdiffs 1
set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
set diffcontext 3
set selectbgcolor gray85
+## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
+if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
+ ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.
+ set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)
+} else {
+ ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0.
+ set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
+ set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib]
+ set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs]
+ unset gitk_prefix
+## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
+package require msgcat
+namespace import ::msgcat::mc
+## And eventually load the actual message catalog
+::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir
catch {source ~/.gitk}
font create optionfont -family sans-serif -size -12
# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere...
if {[catch {set gitdir [gitdir]}]} {
- show_error {} . "Cannot find a git repository here."
+ show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find a git repository here."]
exit 1
if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} {
- show_error {} . "Cannot find the git directory \"$gitdir\"."
+ show_error {} . [mc "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"." $gitdir]
exit 1
+set mergeonly 0
set revtreeargs {}
set cmdline_files {}
set i 0
switch -- $arg {
"" { }
"-d" { set datemode 1 }
+ "--merge" {
+ set mergeonly 1
+ lappend revtreeargs $arg
+ }
"--" {
set cmdline_files [lrange $argv [expr {$i + 1}] end]
# with git log and git rev-list, check revtreeargs for filenames.
foreach arg $revtreeargs {
if {[file exists $arg]} {
- show_error {} . "Ambiguous argument '$arg': both revision\
- and filename"
+ show_error {} . [mc "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision\
+ and filename" $arg]
exit 1
if {$i > 0} {
set err [string range $err [expr {$i + 6}] end]
- show_error {} . "Bad arguments to gitk:\n$err"
+ show_error {} . "[mc "Bad arguments to gitk:"]\n$err"
+ exit 1
+ }
+if {$mergeonly} {
+ # find the list of unmerged files
+ set mlist {}
+ set nr_unmerged 0
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open "| git ls-files -u" r]
+ } err]} {
+ show_error {} . "[mc "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"] $err"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+ set i [string first "\t" $line]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $mlist $fname] >= 0} continue
+ incr nr_unmerged
+ if {$cmdline_files eq {} || [path_filter $cmdline_files $fname]} {
+ lappend mlist $fname
+ }
+ }
+ catch {close $fd}
+ if {$mlist eq {}} {
+ if {$nr_unmerged == 0} {
+ show_error {} . [mc "No files selected: --merge specified but\
+ no files are unmerged."]
+ } else {
+ show_error {} . [mc "No files selected: --merge specified but\
+ no unmerged files are within file limit."]
+ }
exit 1
+ set cmdline_files $mlist
set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
set curview 1
set selectedview 1
set nextviewnum 2
- set viewname(1) "Command line"
+ set viewname(1) [mc "Command line"]
set viewfiles(1) $cmdline_files
set viewargs(1) $revtreeargs
set viewperm(1) 0
addviewmenu 1
- .bar.view entryconf Edit* -state normal
- .bar.view entryconf Delete* -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mc "Edit view..."] -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mc "Delete view"] -state normal
if {[info exists permviews]} {