Points to the location where you put git-logo.png on your web server.
- This file will be loaded using 'require'. If the environment
+ This file will be loaded using 'require' and can be used to override any
+ of the options above as well as some other options - see the top of
+ 'gitweb.cgi' for their full list and description. If the environment
$GITWEB_CONFIG is set when gitweb.cgi is executed the file in the
environment variable will be loaded instead of the file
specified when gitweb.cgi was created.
+Runtime gitweb configuration
+You can adjust gitweb behaviour using the file specified in `GITWEB_CONFIG`
+(defaults to 'gitweb_config.perl' in the same directory as the CGI).
+See the top of 'gitweb.cgi' for the list of variables and some description.
+The most notable thing that is not configurable at compile time are the
+optional features, stored in the '%features' variable. You can find further
+description on how to reconfigure the default features setting in your
+`GITWEB_CONFIG` or per-project in `project.git/config` inside 'gitweb.cgi'.
Webserver configuration
DocumentRoot /pub/git
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(info|objects|refs)).*)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI} [L,PT]
+ SetEnv GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf
The above configuration expects your public repositories to live under
If you then start your git-daemon with --base-path=/pub/git --export-all
then you can even use the git:// URL with exactly the same path.
+Setting the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG will tell gitweb to use
+the named file (i.e. in this example /etc/gitweb.conf) as a
+configuration for gitweb. Perl variables defined in here will
+override the defaults given at the head of the gitweb.perl (or
+gitweb.cgi). Look at the comments in that file for information on
+which variables and what they mean.
Originally written by:
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Git mailing list <git@vger.kernel.org>