use Term::ReadLine;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
+use Git;
package FakeTerm;
sub new {
my $compose_filename = ".msg.$$";
# Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting:
-my (@to,@cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,
+my (@to,@cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,@xh,
# Behavior modification variables
-my ($chain_reply_to, $quiet, $suppress_from, $no_signed_off_cc) = (1, 0, 0, 0);
+my ($chain_reply_to, $quiet, $suppress_from, $no_signed_off_cc,
+ $dry_run) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
my $smtp_server;
# Example reply to:
#$initial_reply_to = ''; #<>';
+my $repo = Git->repository();
my $term = eval {
new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email';
"quiet" => \$quiet,
"suppress-from" => \$suppress_from,
"no-signed-off-cc|no-signed-off-by-cc" => \$no_signed_off_cc,
+ "dry-run" => \$dry_run,
# Verify the user input
# Now, let's fill any that aren't set in with defaults:
-sub gitvar {
- my ($var) = @_;
- my $fh;
- my $pid = open($fh, '-|');
- die "$!" unless defined $pid;
- if (!$pid) {
- exec('git-var', $var) or die "$!";
- }
- my ($val) = <$fh>;
- close $fh or die "$!";
- chomp($val);
- return $val;
-sub gitvar_ident {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $val = gitvar($name);
- my @field = split(/\s+/, $val);
- return join(' ', @field[0...(@field-3)]);
-my ($author) = gitvar_ident('GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT');
-my ($committer) = gitvar_ident('GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT');
+my ($author) = $repo->ident_person('author');
+my ($committer) = $repo->ident_person('committer');
my %aliases;
-chomp(my @alias_files = `git-repo-config --get-all sendemail.aliasesfile`);
-chomp(my $aliasfiletype = `git-repo-config sendemail.aliasfiletype`);
+my @alias_files = $repo->config('sendemail.aliasesfile');
+my $aliasfiletype = $repo->config('sendemail.aliasfiletype');
my %parse_alias = (
# multiline formats can be supported in the future
mutt => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) {
-if (@alias_files && defined $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}) {
+if (@alias_files and $aliasfiletype and defined $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}) {
foreach my $file (@alias_files) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "opening $file: $!\n";
--smtp-server If set, specifies the outgoing SMTP server to use.
Defaults to localhost.
- --suppress-from Supress sending emails to yourself if your address
+ --suppress-from Suppress sending emails to yourself if your address
appears in a From: line.
--quiet Make git-send-email less verbose. One line per email should be
my $date = format_2822_time($time++);
my $gitversion = '@@GIT_VERSION@@';
if ($gitversion =~ m/..GIT_VERSION../) {
- $gitversion = `git --version`;
- chomp $gitversion;
- # keep only what's after the last space
- $gitversion =~ s/^.* //;
+ $gitversion = Git::version();
+ my ($author_name) = ($from =~ /^(.*?)\s+</);
+ if ($author_name && $author_name =~ /\./ && $author_name !~ /^".*"$/) {
+ my ($name, $addr) = ($from =~ /^(.*?)(\s+<.*)/);
+ $from = "\"$name\"$addr";
+ }
my $header = "From: $from
To: $to
Cc: $cc
Subject: $subject
-Reply-To: $from
Date: $date
Message-Id: $message_id
X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion
$header .= "In-Reply-To: $reply_to\n";
$header .= "References: $references\n";
+ if (@xh) {
+ $header .= join("\n", @xh) . "\n";
+ }
- if ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) {
+ if ($dry_run) {
+ # We don't want to send the email.
+ } elsif ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) {
my $pid = open my $sm, '|-';
defined $pid or die $!;
if (!$pid) {
my $author_not_sender = undef;
@cc = @initial_cc;
- my $found_mbox = 0;
+ @xh = ();
+ my $input_format = undef;
my $header_done = 0;
$message = "";
while(<F>) {
if (!$header_done) {
- $found_mbox = 1, next if (/^From /);
+ if (/^From /) {
+ $input_format = 'mbox';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined $input_format && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s/) {
+ $input_format = 'mbox';
+ }
- if ($found_mbox) {
+ if (defined $input_format && $input_format eq 'mbox') {
if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/) {
$subject = $1;
if ($2 eq $from) {
next if ($suppress_from);
- else {
+ elsif ($1 eq 'From') {
$author_not_sender = $2;
printf("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$2, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $2;
+ elsif (/^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) {
+ push @xh, $_;
+ }
} else {
# In the traditional
# line 1 = cc
# line 2 = subject
# So let's support that, too.
+ $input_format = 'lots';
if (@cc == 0) {
printf("(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$_, $_) unless $quiet;
# set up for the next message
- if ($chain_reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0) {
+ if ($chain_reply_to || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0) {
$reply_to = $message_id;
if (length $references > 0) {
$references .= " $message_id";