$_version, $_fetch_all, $_no_rebase, $_fetch_parent,
$_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_local,
$_prefix, $_no_checkout, $_url, $_verbose,
- $_git_format, $_commit_url, $_tag, $_merge_info);
+ $_git_format, $_commit_url, $_tag, $_merge_info, $_interactive);
$Git::SVN::_follow_parent = 1;
$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_placeholder_filename = ".gitignore";
$_q ||= 0;
my %remote_opts = ( 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username,
'config-dir=s' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::config_dir,
'no-auth-cache' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache,
- 'ignore-paths=s' => \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex );
+ 'ignore-paths=s' => \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex,
+ 'ignore-refs=s' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::_ignore_refs_regex );
my %fc_opts = ( 'follow-parent|follow!' => \$Git::SVN::_follow_parent,
'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors,
'authors-prog=s' => \$_authors_prog,
'revision|r=i' => \$_revision,
'no-rebase' => \$_no_rebase,
'mergeinfo=s' => \$_merge_info,
+ 'interactive|i' => \$_interactive,
%cmt_opts, %fc_opts } ],
branch => [ \&cmd_branch,
'Create a branch in the SVN repository',
{} ],
+use Term::ReadLine;
+package FakeTerm;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $reason) = @_;
+ return bless \$reason, shift;
+sub readline {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "Cannot use readline on FakeTerm: $$self";
+package main;
+my $term = eval {
+ ? new Term::ReadLine 'git-svn', \*STDIN, \*STDOUT
+ : new Term::ReadLine 'git-svn';
+if ($@) {
+ $term = new FakeTerm "$@: going non-interactive";
my $cmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
if (defined $cmd{$ARGV[$i]}) {
exit 0;
+sub ask {
+ my ($prompt, %arg) = @_;
+ my $valid_re = $arg{valid_re};
+ my $default = $arg{default};
+ my $resp;
+ my $i = 0;
+ if ( !( defined($term->IN)
+ && defined( fileno($term->IN) )
+ && defined( $term->OUT )
+ && defined( fileno($term->OUT) ) ) ){
+ return defined($default) ? $default : undef;
+ }
+ while ($i++ < 10) {
+ $resp = $term->readline($prompt);
+ if (!defined $resp) { # EOF
+ print "\n";
+ return defined $default ? $default : undef;
+ }
+ if ($resp eq '' and defined $default) {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ if (!defined $valid_re or $resp =~ /$valid_re/) {
+ return $resp;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
sub do_git_init_db {
unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR}) {
my @init_db = ('init');
command_noisy('config', "$pfx.$i", $icv{$i});
$set = $i;
- my $ignore_regex = \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex;
- command_noisy('config', "$pfx.ignore-paths", $$ignore_regex)
- if defined $$ignore_regex;
+ my $ignore_paths_regex = \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_ignore_regex;
+ command_noisy('config', "$pfx.ignore-paths", $$ignore_paths_regex)
+ if defined $$ignore_paths_regex;
+ my $ignore_refs_regex = \$Git::SVN::Ra::_ignore_refs_regex;
+ command_noisy('config', "$pfx.ignore-refs", $$ignore_refs_regex)
+ if defined $$ignore_refs_regex;
if (defined $SVN::Git::Fetcher::_preserve_empty_dirs) {
my $fname = \$SVN::Git::Fetcher::_placeholder_filename;
"If these changes depend on each other, re-running ",
"without --no-rebase may be required."
+ if (defined $_interactive){
+ my $ask_default = "y";
+ foreach my $d (@$linear_refs){
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw(show --summary), "$d");
+ while (<$fh>){
+ print $_;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
+ $_ = ask("Commit this patch to SVN? ([y]es (default)|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): ",
+ valid_re => qr/^(?:yes|y|no|n|quit|q|all|a)/i,
+ default => $ask_default);
+ die "Commit this patch reply required" unless defined $_;
+ if (/^[nq]/i) {
+ exit(0);
+ } elsif (/^a/i) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
my $expect_url = $url;
my $push_merge_info = eval {
$r->{$1}->{url} = $2;
} elsif (m!^(.+)\.pushurl=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
$r->{$1}->{pushurl} = $2;
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.ignore-refs=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+ $r->{$1}->{ignore_refs_regex} = $2;
} elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=$svn_refspec$!) {
my ($remote, $t, $local_ref, $remote_ref) =
($1, $2, $3, $4);
} keys %$r;
+ foreach my $remote (keys %$r) {
+ foreach ( grep { defined $_ }
+ map { $r->{$remote}->{$_} } qw(branches tags) ) {
+ foreach my $rs ( @$_ ) {
+ $rs->{ignore_refs_regex} =
+ $r->{$remote}->{ignore_refs_regex};
+ }
+ }
+ }
package Git::SVN::Ra;
-use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_log_window_size/;
+use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_ignore_refs_regex $_log_window_size/;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($ra_invalid, $can_do_switch, %ignored_err, $RA);
+# return value: 0 -- don't ignore, 1 -- ignore
+sub is_ref_ignored {
+ my ($g, $p) = @_;
+ my $refname = $g->{ref}->full_path($p);
+ return 1 if defined($g->{ignore_refs_regex}) &&
+ $refname =~ m!$g->{ignore_refs_regex}!;
+ return 0 unless defined($_ignore_refs_regex);
+ return 1 if $refname =~ m!$_ignore_refs_regex!o;
+ return 0;
sub match_globs {
my ($self, $exists, $paths, $globs, $r) = @_;
next unless /$g->{path}->{regex}/;
my $p = $1;
my $pathname = $g->{path}->full_path($p);
+ next if is_ref_ignored($g, $p);
next if $exists->{$pathname};
next if ($self->check_path($pathname, $r) !=