and <until>, see "SPECIFYING REVISIONS" section in
Print out the ref names of any commits that are shown. If 'short' is
specified, the ref name prefixes 'refs/heads/', 'refs/tags/' and
'refs/remotes/' will not be printed. If 'full' is specified, the
those commits that occurred before the file was given its
present name.
+git log --branches --not --remotes=origin::
+ Shows all commits that are in any of local branches but not in
+ any of remote tracking branches for 'origin' (what you have that
+ origin doesn't).
+git log master --not --remotes=*/master::
+ Shows all commits that are in local master but not in any remote
+ repository master branches.
+git log -p -m --first-parent::
+ Shows the history including change diffs, but only from the
+ "main branch" perspective, skipping commits that come from merged
+ branches, and showing full diffs of changes introduced by the merges.
+ This makes sense only when following a strict policy of merging all
+ topic branches when staying on a single integration branch.