field w ; # our own window path
field w_l ; # text widget we draw messages into
field w_c ; # canvas we draw a progress bar into
+field c_pack ; # script to pack the canvas with
field status {}; # single line of text we show
field prefix {}; # text we format into status
field units {}; # unit of progress
-anchor w \
-justify left
pack $w_l -side left
+ set c_pack [cb _oneline_pack]
+ bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
+ return $this
+method _oneline_pack {} {
+ $w_c conf -width 100
+ pack $w_c -side right
+constructor two_line {path} {
+ set w $path
+ set w_l $w.l
+ set w_c $w.c
+ frame $w
+ label $w_l \
+ -textvariable @status \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+ pack $w_l -anchor w -fill x
+ set c_pack [list pack $w_c -fill x]
bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
return $this
$w_c coords bar 0 0 0 20
} else {
canvas $w_c \
- -width 100 \
-height [expr {int([winfo reqheight $w_l] * 0.6)}] \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief groove \
-highlightt 0
$w_c create rectangle 0 0 0 20 -tags bar -fill navy
- pack $w_c -side right
+ eval $c_pack
set status $msg
set pdone 0
if {$total > 0} {
set pdone [expr {100 * $have / $total}]
+ set cdone [expr {[winfo width $w_c] * $have / $total}]
- set status [mc "%s ... %i of %i %s (%2i%%)" \
- $prefix $have $total $units $pdone]
- $w_c coords bar 0 0 $pdone 20
+ set prec [string length [format %i $total]]
+ set status [mc "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)" \
+ $prefix \
+ $prec $have \
+ $prec $total \
+ $units $pdone]
+ $w_c coords bar 0 0 $cdone 20
method update_meter {buf} {