Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:17:41 -0700
Subject: Some tutorial text (was git/cogito workshop/bof at linuxconf au?)
+Abstract: In this article, Tony Luck discusses how he uses GIT
+ as a Linux subsystem maintainer.
Here's something that I've been putting together on how I'm using
GIT as a Linux subsystem maintainer.
-Last updated w.r.t. GIT 0.99.5
+Last updated w.r.t. GIT 0.99.9f
Linux subsystem maintenance using GIT
These can be easily kept up to date by merging from the "linus" branch:
- $ git checkout test && git resolve test linus "Auto-update from upstream"
- $ git checkout release && git resolve release linus "Auto-update from upstream"
+ $ git checkout test && git merge "Auto-update from upstream" test linus
+ $ git checkout release && git merge "Auto-update from upstream" release linus
Set up so that you can push upstream to your public tree (you need to
log-in to the remote system and create an empty tree there before the
When you are happy with the state of this change, you can pull it into the
"test" branch in preparation to make it public:
- $ git checkout test && git resolve test speed-up-spinlocks "Pull speed-up-spinlock changes"
+ $ git checkout test && git merge "Pull speed-up-spinlock changes" test speed-up-spinlocks
It is unlikely that you would have any conflicts here ... but you might if you
spent a while on this step and had also pulled new versions from upstream.
see the value of keeping each patch (or patch series) in its own branch. It
means that the patches can be moved into the "release" tree in any order.
- $ git checkout release && git resolve release speed-up-spinlocks "Pull speed-up-spinlock changes"
+ $ git checkout release && git merge "Pull speed-up-spinlock changes" release speed-up-spinlocks
After a while, you will have a number of branches, and despite the
well chosen names you picked for each of them, you may forget what
is empty. At this point the branch can be deleted:
- $ rm .git/refs/heads/branchname
+ $ git branch -d branchname
Some changes are so trivial that it is not necessary to create a separate
branch and then merge into each of the test and release branches. For
case "$1" in
- git checkout $1 && git resolve $1 linus "Auto-update from upstream"
+ git checkout $1 && git merge "Auto-update from upstream" $1 linus
before=$(cat .git/refs/heads/linus)
echo $1 already merged into $2 1>&2
exit 1
- git checkout $2 && git resolve $2 $1 "Pull $1 into $2 branch"
+ git checkout $2 && git merge "Pull $1 into $2 branch" $2 $1
rb=$(tput setab 1)
restore=$(tput setab 9)
-if [ `git-rev-tree release ^test | wc -c` -gt 0 ]
+if [ `git-rev-list release ^test | wc -c` -gt 0 ]
echo $rb Warning: commits in release that are not in test $restore
git-whatchanged release ^test
for ref in test release linus
- if [ `git-rev-tree $branch ^$ref | wc -c` -gt 0 ]
+ if [ `git-rev-list $branch ^$ref | wc -c` -gt 0 ]