# 2007 Trolltech ASA
# License: MIT <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
+# TODO: Add an option to sync/rebase to fetch and rebase from origin first.
import optparse, sys, os, marshal, popen2, subprocess, shelve
import tempfile, getopt, sha, os.path, time, platform
def start(self):
if len(self.config) > 0 and not self.reset:
- die("Cannot start sync. Previous sync config found at %s" % self.configFile)
+ die("Cannot start sync. Previous sync config found at %s\nIf you want to start submitting again from scratch maybe you want to call git-p4 submit --reset" % self.configFile)
commits = []
for line in mypopen("git rev-list --no-merges %s..%s" % (self.origin, self.master)).readlines():
diff = mypopen("git diff-tree -r --name-status \"%s^\" \"%s\"" % (id, id)).readlines()
filesToAdd = set()
filesToDelete = set()
+ editedFiles = set()
for line in diff:
modifier = line[0]
path = line[1:].strip()
if modifier == "M":
- system("p4 edit %s" % path)
+ system("p4 edit \"%s\"" % path)
+ editedFiles.add(path)
elif modifier == "A":
if path in filesToDelete:
firstIteration = True
while response == "e":
if not firstIteration:
- response = raw_input("Do you want to submit this change? [y]es/[e]dit/[n]o ")
+ response = raw_input("Do you want to submit this change? [y]es/[e]dit/[n]o/[s]kip ")
firstIteration = False
if response == "e":
[handle, fileName] = tempfile.mkstemp()
pipe = os.popen("p4 submit -i", "wb")
+ elif response == "s":
+ for f in editedFiles:
+ system("p4 revert \"%s\"" % f);
+ for f in filesToAdd:
+ system("p4 revert \"%s\"" % f);
+ system("rm %s" %f)
+ for f in filesToDelete:
+ system("p4 delete \"%s\"" % f);
+ return
print "Not submitting!"
self.interactive = False
self.depotPath = ""
self.changeRange = ""
self.initialParent = ""
+ self.previousDepotPath = ""
if len(self.branch) == 0:
self.branch = "p4"
if len(gitdir) == 0:
gitdir = ".git"
if not isValidGitDir(gitdir):
- cdup = mypopen("git rev-parse --show-cdup").read()[:-1]
- if isValidGitDir(cdup + "/" + gitdir):
- os.chdir(cdup)
+ gitdir = mypopen("git rev-parse --git-dir").read()[:-1]
+ if os.path.exists(gitdir):
+ os.chdir(mypopen("git rev-parse --show-cdup").read()[:-1]);
if not isValidGitDir(gitdir):
if isValidGitDir(gitdir + "/.git"):