+# Highlight selected fragments of string, using given CSS class,
+# and escape HTML. It is assumed that fragments do not overlap.
+# Regions are passed as list of pairs (array references).
+# Example: esc_html_hl_regions("foobar", "mark", [ 0, 3 ]) returns
+# '<span class="mark">foo</span>bar'
+sub esc_html_hl_regions {
+ my ($str, $css_class, @sel) = @_;
+ return esc_html($str) unless @sel;
+ my $out = '';
+ my $pos = 0;
+ for my $s (@sel) {
+ $out .= esc_html(substr($str, $pos, $s->[0] - $pos))
+ if ($s->[0] - $pos > 0);
+ $out .= $cgi->span({-class => $css_class},
+ esc_html(substr($str, $s->[0], $s->[1] - $s->[0])));
+ $pos = $s->[1];
+ }
+ $out .= esc_html(substr($str, $pos))
+ if ($pos < length($str));
+ return $out;
+# return positions of beginning and end of each match
+sub matchpos_list {
+ my ($str, $regexp) = @_;
+ return unless (defined $str && defined $regexp);
+ my @matches;
+ while ($str =~ /$regexp/g) {
+ push @matches, [$-[0], $+[0]];
+ }
+ return @matches;
+# highlight match (if any), and escape HTML
+sub esc_html_match_hl {
+ my ($str, $regexp) = @_;
+ return esc_html($str) unless defined $regexp;
+ my @matches = matchpos_list($str, $regexp);
+ return esc_html($str) unless @matches;
+ return esc_html_hl_regions($str, 'match', @matches);
+# highlight match (if any) of shortened string, and escape HTML
+sub esc_html_match_hl_chopped {
+ my ($str, $chopped, $regexp) = @_;
+ return esc_html_match_hl($str, $regexp) unless defined $chopped;
+ my @matches = matchpos_list($str, $regexp);
+ return esc_html($chopped) unless @matches;
+ # filter matches so that we mark chopped string
+ my $tail = "... "; # see chop_str
+ unless ($chopped =~ s/\Q$tail\E$//) {
+ $tail = '';
+ }
+ my $chop_len = length($chopped);
+ my $tail_len = length($tail);
+ my @filtered;
+ for my $m (@matches) {
+ if ($m->[0] > $chop_len) {
+ push @filtered, [ $chop_len, $chop_len + $tail_len ] if ($tail_len > 0);
+ last;
+ } elsif ($m->[1] > $chop_len) {
+ push @filtered, [ $m->[0], $chop_len + $tail_len ];
+ last;
+ }
+ push @filtered, $m;
+ }
+ return esc_html_hl_regions($chopped . $tail, 'match', @filtered);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## functions returning short strings
sub search_projects_list {
my ($projlist, %opts) = @_;
my $tagfilter = $opts{'tagfilter'};
- my $searchtext = $opts{'searchtext'};
+ my $search_re = $opts{'search_regexp'};
return @$projlist
- unless ($tagfilter || $searchtext);
+ unless ($tagfilter || $search_re);
# searching projects require filling to be run before it;
$tagfilter ? 'ctags' : (),
- $searchtext ? ('path', 'descr') : ());
+ $search_re ? ('path', 'descr') : ());
my @projects;
foreach my $pr (@$projlist) {
grep { lc($_) eq lc($tagfilter) } keys %{$pr->{'ctags'}};
- if ($searchtext) {
+ if ($search_re) {
next unless
- $pr->{'path'} =~ /$searchtext/ ||
- $pr->{'descr_long'} =~ /$searchtext/;
+ $pr->{'path'} =~ /$search_re/ ||
+ $pr->{'descr_long'} =~ /$search_re/;
push @projects, $pr;
'-type' => "application/$type+xml"
+ $href_params{'extra_options'} = undef;
$href_params{'action'} = $type;
$link_attr{'-href'} = href(%href_params);
print "<link ".
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sub git_project_search_form {
- my ($searchtext, $search_use_regexp);
+ my ($searchtext, $search_use_regexp) = @_;
my $limit = '';
if ($project_filter) {
print "</td>\n";
print "<td>" . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary"),
- -class => "list"}, esc_html($pr->{'path'})) . "</td>\n" .
+ -class => "list"},
+ esc_html_match_hl($pr->{'path'}, $search_regexp)) .
+ "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary"),
- -class => "list", -title => $pr->{'descr_long'}},
- esc_html($pr->{'descr'})) . "</td>\n" .
+ -class => "list",
+ -title => $pr->{'descr_long'}},
+ $search_regexp
+ ? esc_html_match_hl_chopped($pr->{'descr_long'},
+ $pr->{'descr'}, $search_regexp)
+ : esc_html($pr->{'descr'})) .
+ "</td>\n" .
"<td><i>" . chop_and_escape_str($pr->{'owner'}, 15) . "</i></td>\n";
print "<td class=\"". age_class($pr->{'age'}) . "\">" .
(defined $pr->{'age_string'} ? $pr->{'age_string'} : "No commits") . "</td>\n" .
my $show_ctags = gitweb_check_feature('ctags');
my $tagfilter = $show_ctags ? $input_params{'ctag'} : undef;
$check_forks = undef
- if ($tagfilter || $searchtext);
+ if ($tagfilter || $search_regexp);
# filtering out forks before filling info allows to do less work
@projects = filter_forks_from_projects_list(\@projects)
if ($check_forks);
# search_projects_list pre-fills required info
@projects = search_projects_list(\@projects,
- 'searchtext' => $searchtext,
+ 'search_regexp' => $search_regexp,
'tagfilter' => $tagfilter)
- if ($tagfilter || $searchtext);
+ if ($tagfilter || $search_regexp);
# fill the rest
@projects = fill_project_list_info(\@projects);