Some variables may require a special value format.
+You can include one config file from another by setting the special
+`include.path` variable to the name of the file to be included. The
+included file is expanded immediately, as if its contents had been
+found at the location of the include directive. If the value of the
+`include.path` variable is a relative path, the path is considered to be
+relative to the configuration file in which the include directive was
+found. See below for examples.
gitProxy="ssh" for ""
gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest
+ [include]
+ path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path
+ path = foo ; expand "foo" relative to the current file
When true, rebase the branch <name> on top of the fetched branch,
instead of merging the default branch from the default remote when
- "git pull" is run.
- *NOTE*: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do *not* use
- it unless you understand the implications (see linkgit:git-rebase[1]
- for details).
+ "git pull" is run. See "pull.rebase" for doing this in a non
+ branch-specific manner.
+*NOTE*: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do *not* use
+it unless you understand the implications (see linkgit:git-rebase[1]
+for details).
Specify the command to invoke the specified browser. The
"{tilde}/" is expanded to the value of `$HOME` and "{tilde}user/" to the
specified user's home directory.
+ Specify an external helper to be called when a username or
+ password credential is needed; the helper may consult external
+ storage to avoid prompting the user for the credentials. See
+ linkgit:gitcredentials[7] for details.
+ When acquiring credentials, consider the "path" component of an http
+ or https URL to be important. Defaults to false. See
+ linkgit:gitcredentials[7] for more information.
+ If no username is set for a network authentication, use this username
+ by default. See credential.<context>.* below, and
+ linkgit:gitcredentials[7].
+ Any of the credential.* options above can be applied selectively to
+ some credentials. For example "credential."
+ would set the default username only for https connections to
+ See linkgit:gitcredentials[7] for details on how URLs are
+ matched.
If set to true, enable '--extended-regexp' option by default.
+ Use this custom program instead of "gpg" found on $PATH when
+ making or verifying a PGP signature. The program must support the
+ same command line interface as GPG, namely, to verify a detached
+ signature, "gpg --verify $file - <$signature" is run, and the
+ program is expected to signal a good signature by exiting with
+ code 0, and to generate an ascii-armored detached signature, the
+ standard input of "gpg -bsau $key" is fed with the contents to be
+ signed, and the program is expected to send the result to its
+ standard output.
Defines how wide the commit message window is in the
linkgit:git-gui[1]. "75" is the default.
Note that an alias with the same name as a built-in format
will be silently ignored.
+ When true, rebase branches on top of the fetched branch, instead
+ of merging the default branch from the default remote when "git
+ pull" is run. See "branch.<name>.rebase" for setting this on a
+ per-branch basis.
+*NOTE*: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do *not* use
+it unless you understand the implications (see linkgit:git-rebase[1]
+for details).
The default merge strategy to use when pulling multiple branches
at once.
Activate recording of resolved conflicts, so that identical
- conflict hunks can be resolved automatically, should they
- be encountered again. linkgit:git-rerere[1] command is by
- default enabled if you create `rr-cache` directory under
- `$GIT_DIR`, but can be disabled by setting this option to false.
+ conflict hunks can be resolved automatically, should they be
+ encountered again. By default, linkgit:git-rerere[1] is
+ enabled if there is an `rr-cache` directory under the
+ `$GIT_DIR`, e.g. if "rerere" was previously used in the
+ repository.
A configuration identity. When given, causes values in the