$key =~ s/^gitweb\.//;
return if ($key =~ m/\W/);
- my @x = (git_cmd(), 'repo-config');
+ my @x = (git_cmd(), 'config');
if (defined $type) { push @x, $type; }
push @x, "--get";
push @x, "gitweb.$key";
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$diff{'to_id'},
hash_base=>$hash, file_name=>$diff{'file'})},
- "blob") . " | ";
+ "blob");
print "</td>\n";
} elsif ($diff{'status'} eq "D") { # deleted
my $patch_line;
my $diffinfo;
my (%from, %to);
- my ($from_id, $to_id);
print "<div class=\"patchset\">\n";
while ($patch_line) {
my @diff_header;
+ my ($from_id, $to_id);
# git diff header
#assert($patch_line =~ m/^diff /) if DEBUG;
while ($patch_line = <$fd>) {
chomp $patch_line;
- last EXTENDED_HEADER if ($patch_line =~ m/^--- /);
+ last EXTENDED_HEADER if ($patch_line =~ m/^--- |^diff /);
if ($patch_line =~ m/^index ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})..([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/) {
$from_id = $1;
push @diff_header, $patch_line;
- #last PATCH unless $patch_line;
my $last_patch_line = $patch_line;
# check if current patch belong to current raw line
$from{'href'} = href(action=>"blob", hash_base=>$hash_parent,
+ } else {
+ delete $from{'href'};
if ($diffinfo->{'status'} ne "D") { # not deleted file
$to{'href'} = href(action=>"blob", hash_base=>$hash,
+ } else {
+ delete $to{'href'};
# this is first patch for raw difftree line with $patch_idx index
# we index @$difftree array from 0, but number patches from 1
# match <path>
if ($patch_line =~ s!^((copy|rename) from ).*$!$1! && $from{'href'}) {
$patch_line .= $cgi->a({-href=>$from{'href'}, -class=>"path"},
- esc_path($from{'file'}));
+ esc_path($from{'file'}));
if ($patch_line =~ s!^((copy|rename) to ).*$!$1! && $to{'href'}) {
- $patch_line = $cgi->a({-href=>$to{'href'}, -class=>"path"},
- esc_path($to{'file'}));
+ $patch_line .= $cgi->a({-href=>$to{'href'}, -class=>"path"},
+ esc_path($to{'file'}));
# match <mode>
if ($patch_line =~ m/\s(\d{6})$/) {
# from-file/to-file diff header
$patch_line = $last_patch_line;
+ if (! $patch_line) {
+ print "</div>\n"; # class="patch"
+ last PATCH;
+ }
+ next PATCH if ($patch_line =~ m/^diff /);
#assert($patch_line =~ m/^---/) if DEBUG;
- if ($from{'href'}) {
+ if ($from{'href'} && $patch_line =~ m!^--- "?a/!) {
$patch_line = '--- a/' .
$cgi->a({-href=>$from{'href'}, -class=>"path"},
print "<div class=\"diff from_file\">$patch_line</div>\n";
$patch_line = <$fd>;
- last PATCH unless $patch_line;
chomp $patch_line;
#assert($patch_line =~ m/^+++/) if DEBUG;
- if ($to{'href'}) {
+ if ($to{'href'} && $patch_line =~ m!^\+\+\+ "?b/!) {
$patch_line = '+++ b/' .
$cgi->a({-href=>$to{'href'}, -class=>"path"},
print "</td>\n";
+ open (my $dd, "-|", git_cmd(), "rev-parse", "$full_rev^")
+ or die_error("could not open git-rev-parse");
+ my $parent_commit = <$dd>;
+ close $dd;
+ chomp($parent_commit);
my $blamed = href(action => 'blame',
file_name => $meta->{'filename'},
- hash_base => $full_rev);
+ hash_base => $parent_commit);
print "<td class=\"linenr\">";
print $cgi->a({ -href => "$blamed#l$orig_lineno",
-id => "l$lineno",