binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
- CGI->compile() if $ENV{MOD_PERL};
+ CGI->compile() if $ENV{'MOD_PERL'};
our $cgi = new CGI;
$cgi->hidden(-name => "a") . "\n" .
$cgi->hidden(-name => "h") . "\n" .
$cgi->popup_menu(-name => 'st', -default => 'commit',
- -values => ['commit', 'author', 'committer', 'pickaxe']) .
+ -values => ['commit', 'author', 'committer', 'pickaxe']) .
$cgi->sup($cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search_help")}, "?")) .
" search:\n",
$cgi->textfield(-name => "s", -value => $searchtext) . "\n" .
my %arg = map { $_ => {action=>$_} } @navs;
if (defined $head) {
for (qw(commit commitdiff)) {
- $arg{$_}{hash} = $head;
+ $arg{$_}{'hash'} = $head;
if ($current =~ m/^(tree | log | shortlog | commit | commitdiff | search)$/x) {
for (qw(shortlog log)) {
- $arg{$_}{hash} = $head;
+ $arg{$_}{'hash'} = $head;
- $arg{tree}{hash} = $treehead if defined $treehead;
- $arg{tree}{hash_base} = $treebase if defined $treebase;
+ $arg{'tree'}{'hash'} = $treehead if defined $treehead;
+ $arg{'tree'}{'hash_base'} = $treebase if defined $treebase;
print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n" .
(join " | ",
my ($action, $title, $hash, $hash_base) = @_;
my %args = ();
- $args{action} = $action;
- $args{hash} = $hash if $hash;
- $args{hash_base} = $hash_base if $hash_base;
+ $args{'action'} = $action;
+ $args{'hash'} = $hash if $hash;
+ $args{'hash_base'} = $hash_base if $hash_base;
print "<div class=\"header\">\n" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(%args), -class => "title"},
$fullname .= ($fullname ? '/' : '') . $dir;
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$fullname,
- -title => esc_html($fullname)}, esc_path($dir));
+ -title => $fullname}, esc_path($dir));
print " / ";
if (defined $type && $type eq 'blob') {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", file_name=>$file_name,
- -title => esc_html($name)}, esc_path($basename));
+ -title => $name}, esc_path($basename));
} elsif (defined $type && $type eq 'tree') {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$file_name,
- -title => esc_html($name)}, esc_path($basename));
+ -title => $name}, esc_path($basename));
print " / ";
} else {
print esc_path($basename);
git_project_list_body(\@forklist, undef, 0, 15,
$#forklist <= 15 ? undef :
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"forks")}, "..."),
- 'noheader');
+ 'noheader');
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
if ($ftype !~ "blob") {
- die_error("400 Bad Request", "Object is not a blob");
+ die_error('400 Bad Request', "Object is not a blob");
open ($fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p', '--',
$file_name, $hash_base)
my $rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
my $author = $meta->{'author'};
my %date = parse_date($meta->{'author-time'},
- $meta->{'author-tz'});
+ $meta->{'author-tz'});
my $date = $date{'iso-tz'};
if ($group_size) {
$current_color = ++$current_color % $num_colors;
print " rowspan=\"$group_size\"" if ($group_size > 1);
print ">";
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit",
- hash=>$full_rev,
- file_name=>$file_name)},
- esc_html($rev));
+ hash=>$full_rev,
+ file_name=>$file_name)},
+ esc_html($rev));
print "</td>\n";
open (my $dd, "-|", git_cmd(), "rev-parse", "$full_rev^")
- or die_error("could not open git-rev-parse");
+ or die_error(undef, "Open git-rev-parse failed");
my $parent_commit = <$dd>;
close $dd;
my $blamed = href(action => 'blame',
- file_name => $meta->{'filename'},
- hash_base => $parent_commit);
+ file_name => $meta->{'filename'},
+ hash_base => $parent_commit);
print "<td class=\"linenr\">";
print $cgi->a({ -href => "$blamed#l$orig_lineno",
- -id => "l$lineno",
- -class => "linenr" },
- esc_html($lineno));
+ -id => "l$lineno",
+ -class => "linenr" },
+ esc_html($lineno));
print "</td>";
print "<td class=\"pre\">" . esc_html($data) . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
my $name = $project;
$name =~ s/\047/\047\\\047\047/g;
open my $fd, "-|",
- "$git archive --format=tar --prefix=\'$name\'/ $hash | $command"
- or die_error(undef, "Execute git-tar-tree failed.");
+ "$git archive --format=tar --prefix=\'$name\'/ $hash | $command"
+ or die_error(undef, "Execute git-tar-tree failed");
binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
print <$fd>;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # as set at the beginning of gitweb.cgi
# difftree output is not printed for merges
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', "--no-commit-id",
@diff_opts, $parent, $hash, "--"
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
@difftree = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
close $fd or die_error(undef, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
# read raw output
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
$hash_parent_base, $hash_base,
- "--", $file_name
+ "--", (defined $file_parent ? $file_parent : ()), $file_name
or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
@difftree = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
close $fd
# open patch output
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
- '-p', $hash_parent_base, $hash_base,
- "--", $file_name
+ '-p', ($format eq 'html' ? "--full-index" : ()),
+ $hash_parent_base, $hash_base,
+ "--", (defined $file_parent ? $file_parent : ()), $file_name
or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
# open patch output
- open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff", '-p', @diff_opts,
+ open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff", @diff_opts,
+ '-p', ($format eq 'html' ? "--full-index" : ()),
$hash_parent, $hash, "--"
or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff failed");
} else {
if ($page > 0) {
$paging_nav .=
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
- searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype)},
- "first");
+ searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype)},
+ "first");
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
- searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
- page=>$page-1),
- -accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
+ searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
+ page=>$page-1),
+ -accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
} else {
$paging_nav .= "first";
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ prev";
if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
- searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
- page=>$page+1),
- -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
+ searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
+ page=>$page+1),
+ -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
} else {
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ next";
if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
$next_link =
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
- searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
- page=>$page+1),
- -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
+ searchtext=>$searchtext, searchtype=>$searchtype,
+ page=>$page+1),
+ -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash, $paging_nav);