use strict;
use MediaWiki::API;
+use Git;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
+use warnings;
# By default, use UTF-8 to communicate with Git and the user
-binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
-binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
+binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
+binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
use URI::Escape;
use IPC::Open2;
-use warnings;
# Mediawiki filenames can contain forward slashes. This variable decides by which pattern they should be replaced
use constant SLASH_REPLACEMENT => "%2F";
$fetch_strategy = "by_page";
+# Remember the timestamp corresponding to a revision id.
+my %basetimestamps;
# Dumb push: don't update notes and mediawiki ref to reflect the last push.
# Configurable with mediawiki.dumbPush, or per-remote with
########################## Functions ##############################
-## credential API management (generic functions)
-sub credential_read {
- my %credential;
- my $reader = shift;
- my $op = shift;
- while (<$reader>) {
- my ($key, $value) = /([^=]*)=(.*)/;
- if (not defined $key) {
- die "ERROR receiving response from git credential $op:\n$_\n";
- }
- $credential{$key} = $value;
- }
- return %credential;
-sub credential_write {
- my $credential = shift;
- my $writer = shift;
- # url overwrites other fields, so it must come first
- print $writer "url=$credential->{url}\n" if exists $credential->{url};
- while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$credential) ) {
- if (length $value && $key ne 'url') {
- print $writer "$key=$value\n";
- }
- }
-sub credential_run {
- my $op = shift;
- my $credential = shift;
- my $pid = open2(my $reader, my $writer, "git credential $op");
- credential_write($credential, $writer);
- print $writer "\n";
- close($writer);
- if ($op eq "fill") {
- %$credential = credential_read($reader, $op);
- } else {
- if (<$reader>) {
- die "ERROR while running git credential $op:\n$_";
- }
- }
- close($reader);
- waitpid($pid, 0);
- my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8;
- if ($child_exit_status != 0) {
- die "'git credential $op' failed with code $child_exit_status.";
- }
# MediaWiki API instance, created lazily.
my $mediawiki;
$mediawiki = MediaWiki::API->new;
$mediawiki->{config}->{api_url} = "$url/api.php";
if ($wiki_login) {
- my %credential = (url => $url);
- $credential{username} = $wiki_login;
- $credential{password} = $wiki_passwd;
- credential_run("fill", \%credential);
+ my %credential = (
+ 'url' => $url,
+ 'username' => $wiki_login,
+ 'password' => $wiki_passwd
+ );
+ Git::credential(\%credential);
my $request = {lgname => $credential{username},
lgpassword => $credential{password},
lgdomain => $wiki_domain};
if ($mediawiki->login($request)) {
- credential_run("approve", \%credential);
+ Git::credential(\%credential, 'approve');
print STDERR "Logged in mediawiki user \"$credential{username}\".\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to log in mediawiki user \"$credential{username}\" on $url\n";
print STDERR " (error " .
$mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' .
$mediawiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n";
- credential_run("reject", \%credential);
+ Git::credential(\%credential, 'reject');
exit 1;
+ return;
+sub fatal_mw_error {
+ my $action = shift;
+ print STDERR "fatal: could not $action.\n";
+ print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
+ if ($url =~ /^https/) {
+ print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page\n";
+ print STDERR "fatal: and the SSL certificate is correct.\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "fatal: (error " .
+ $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' .
+ $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n";
+ exit 1;
## Functions for listing pages on the remote wiki
sub get_mw_tracked_pages {
my $pages = shift;
get_mw_page_list(\@tracked_pages, $pages);
+ return;
sub get_mw_page_list {
get_mw_first_pages(\@slice, $pages);
@some_pages = @some_pages[51..$#some_pages];
+ return;
sub get_mw_tracked_categories {
$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
+ return;
sub get_mw_all_pages {
aplimit => 'max'
if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
- print STDERR "fatal: could not get the list of wiki pages.\n";
- print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
- print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
- exit 1;
+ fatal_mw_error("get the list of wiki pages");
foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
+ return;
# queries the wiki for a set of pages. Meant to be used within a loop
titles => $titles,
if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
- print STDERR "fatal: could not query the list of wiki pages.\n";
- print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
- print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
- exit 1;
+ fatal_mw_error("query the list of wiki pages");
while (my ($id, $page) = each(%{$mw_pages->{query}->{pages}})) {
if ($id < 0) {
$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
+ return;
# Get the list of pages to be fetched according to configuration.
foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
+ return;
sub get_linked_mediafiles {
my $pages = shift;
- my @titles = map $_->{title}, values(%{$pages});
+ my @titles = map { $_->{title} } values(%{$pages});
# The query is split in small batches because of the MW API limit of
# the number of links to be returned (500 links max).
while (my ($id, $page) = each(%{$result->{query}->{pages}})) {
my @media_titles;
if (defined($page->{links})) {
- my @link_titles = map $_->{title}, @{$page->{links}};
+ my @link_titles
+ = map { $_->{title} } @{$page->{links}};
push(@media_titles, @link_titles);
if (defined($page->{images})) {
- my @image_titles = map $_->{title}, @{$page->{images}};
+ my @image_titles
+ = map { $_->{title} } @{$page->{images}};
push(@media_titles, @image_titles);
if (@media_titles) {
@titles = @titles[($batch+1)..$#titles];
+ return;
sub get_mw_mediafile_for_page_revision {
return $lastrevision_number;
-# Remember the timestamp corresponding to a revision id.
-my %basetimestamps;
# Get the last remote revision without taking in account which pages are
# tracked or not. This function makes a single request to the wiki thus
# avoid a loop onto all tracked pages. This is useful for the fetch-by-rev
sub literal_data {
my ($content) = @_;
print STDOUT "data ", bytes::length($content), "\n", $content;
+ return;
sub literal_data_raw {
binmode STDOUT, ":raw";
print STDOUT "data ", bytes::length($content), "\n", $content;
- binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
+ binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
+ return;
sub mw_capabilities {
print STDOUT "list\n";
print STDOUT "push\n";
print STDOUT "\n";
+ return;
sub mw_list {
print STDOUT "? refs/heads/master\n";
print STDOUT "\@refs/heads/master HEAD\n";
print STDOUT "\n";
+ return;
sub mw_option {
print STDERR "remote-helper command 'option $_[0]' not yet implemented\n";
print STDOUT "unsupported\n";
+ return;
sub fetch_mw_revisions_for_page {
print STDOUT "N inline :$n\n";
literal_data("mediawiki_revision: " . $commit{mw_revision});
print STDOUT "\n\n";
+ return;
# parse a sequence of
my @refs;
while (1) {
my $line = <STDIN>;
- if ($line =~ m/^$cmd (.*)$/) {
+ if ($line =~ /^$cmd (.*)$/) {
push(@refs, $1);
} elsif ($line eq "\n") {
return @refs;
die("Invalid command in a '$cmd' batch: ". $_);
+ return;
sub mw_import {
print STDOUT "done\n";
+ return;
sub mw_import_ref {
# thrown saying that HEAD is referring to unknown object 0000000000000000000
# and the clone fails.
+ return;
sub mw_import_ref_by_pages {
my ($n, @revisions) = fetch_mw_revisions(\@pages, $fetch_from);
@revisions = sort {$a->{revid} <=> $b->{revid}} @revisions;
- my @revision_ids = map $_->{revid}, @revisions;
+ my @revision_ids = map { $_->{revid} } @revisions;
return mw_import_revids($fetch_from, \@revision_ids, \%pages_hash);
print STDERR " git pull --rebase\n";
print STDERR "\n";
+ return;
sub mw_push_revision {
my @local_ancestry = split(/\n/, run_git("rev-list --boundary --parents $local ^$parsed_sha1"));
my %local_ancestry;
foreach my $line (@local_ancestry) {
- if (my ($child, $parents) = $line =~ m/^-?([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9 ]+)/) {
- foreach my $parent (split(' ', $parents)) {
+ if (my ($child, $parents) = $line =~ /^-?([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9 ]+)/) {
+ foreach my $parent (split(/ /, $parents)) {
$local_ancestry{$parent} = $child;
- } elsif (!$line =~ m/^([a-f0-9]+)/) {
+ } elsif (!$line =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)/) {
die "Unexpected output from git rev-list: $line";
# history (linearized with --first-parent)
print STDERR "Warning: no common ancestor, pushing complete history\n";
my $history = run_git("rev-list --first-parent --children $local");
- my @history = split('\n', $history);
+ my @history = split(/\n/, $history);
@history = @history[1..$#history];
foreach my $line (reverse @history) {
my @commit_info_split = split(/ |\n/, $line);
siprop => 'fileextensions'
my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
- my @file_extensions= map $_->{ext},@{$result->{query}->{fileextensions}};
- my %hashFile = map {$_ => 1}@file_extensions;
+ my @file_extensions = map { $_->{ext}} @{$result->{query}->{fileextensions}};
+ my %hashFile = map { $_ => 1 } @file_extensions;
return %hashFile;
sub get_mw_namespace_id_for_page {
- if (my ($namespace) = $_[0] =~ /^([^:]*):/) {
+ my $namespace = shift;
+ if ($namespace =~ /^([^:]*):/) {
return get_mw_namespace_id($namespace);
} else {