-'git-config-set' ( name [value [value_regex]] | --unset name [value_regex] )
+'git-config-set' name [value [value_regex]]
+'git-config-set' --replace-all name [value [value_regex]]
+'git-config-set' --get name [value_regex]
+'git-config-set' --get-all name [value_regex]
+'git-config-set' --unset name [value_regex]
+'git-config-set' --unset-all name [value_regex]
-You can set/replace/unset options with this command. The name is actually
-the section and the key separated by a dot, and the value will be escaped.
+You can query/set/replace/unset options with this command. The name is
+actually the section and the key separated by a dot, and the value will be
If you want to set/unset an option which can occor on multiple lines, you
-should provide a POSIX regex for the value.
+should provide a POSIX regex for the value. If you want to handle the lines
+*not* matching the regex, just prepend a single exlamation mark in front
+(see EXAMPLES).
This command will fail if
+ Default behaviour is to replace at most one line. This replaces
+ all lines matching the key (and optionally the value_regex)
+ Get the value for a given key (optionally filtered by a regex
+ matching the value).
+ Like get, but does not fail if the number of values for the key
+ is not exactly one.
- Remove the given option from .git/config
+ Remove the line matching the key from .git/config.
+ Remove all matching lines from .git/config.
command="ssh" for "ssh://"
command="proxy-command" for
command="myprotocol-command" for "my://"
+ command=default-proxy ; for all the rest
you can set the filemode to true with
% git config-set --unset diff.renames
-or just
+If you want to delete an entry for a multivar (like proxy.command above),
+you have to provide a regex matching the value of exactly one line.
+To query the value for a given key, do
-% git config-set diff.renames
+% git config-set --get core.filemode
-If you want to delete an entry for a multivar (like proxy.command above),
-you have to provide a regex matching the value of exactly one line.
+% git config-set core.filemode
+or, to query a multivar:
+% git config-set --get proxy.command "for$"
+If you want to know all the values for a multivar, do:
+% git config-set --get-all proxy.command
+If you like to live dangerous, you can replace *all* proxy.commands by a
+new one with
+% git config-set --replace-all proxy.command ssh
+However, if you really only want to replace the line for the default proxy,
+i.e. the one without a "for ..." postfix, do something like this:
+% git config-set proxy.command ssh '! for '
+To actually match only values with an exclamation mark, you have to
+% git config-set section.key value '[!]'