DF: a special case, where A makes a directory and B makes a file.
. ./test-lib.sh
+. ../lib-read-tree-m-3way.sh
-# Original tree.
-mkdir Z
-for a in N D M
- for b in N D M
- do
- p=$a$b
- echo This is $p from the original tree. >$p
- echo This is Z/$p from the original tree. >Z/$p
- test_expect_success \
- "adding test file $p and Z/$p" \
- 'git-update-cache --add $p &&
- git-update-cache --add Z/$p'
- done
-echo This is SS from the original tree. >SS
-test_expect_success \
- 'adding test file SS' \
- 'git-update-cache --add SS'
-cat >TT <<\EOF
-This is a trivial merge sample text.
-Branch A is expected to upcase this word, here.
-There are some filler lines to avoid diff context
-conflicts here,
-like this one,
-and this one,
-and this one is yet another one of them.
-At the very end, here comes another line, that is
-the word, expected to be upcased by Branch B.
-This concludes the trivial merge sample file.
-test_expect_success \
- 'adding test file TT' \
- 'git-update-cache --add TT'
-test_expect_success \
- 'prepare initial tree' \
- 'tree_O=$(git-write-tree)'
+# Trivial "majority when 3 stages exist" merge plus #2ALT, #3ALT
+# and #5ALT trivial merges.
-test_expect_success \
- 'commit initial tree' \
- 'commit_O=$(echo "Original tree for the merge test." |
- git-commit-tree $tree_O)'
-echo $commit_O >.git/HEAD-O
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+100644 X 2 AA
+100644 X 3 AA
+100644 X 0 AN
+100644 X 1 DD
+100644 X 3 DF
+100644 X 2 DF/DF
+100644 X 1 DM
+100644 X 3 DM
+100644 X 1 DN
+100644 X 3 DN
+100644 X 0 LL
+100644 X 1 MD
+100644 X 2 MD
+100644 X 1 MM
+100644 X 2 MM
+100644 X 3 MM
+100644 X 0 MN
+100644 X 0 NA
+100644 X 1 ND
+100644 X 2 ND
+100644 X 0 NM
+100644 X 0 NN
+100644 X 0 SS
+100644 X 1 TT
+100644 X 2 TT
+100644 X 3 TT
+100644 X 2 Z/AA
+100644 X 3 Z/AA
+100644 X 0 Z/AN
+100644 X 1 Z/DD
+100644 X 1 Z/DM
+100644 X 3 Z/DM
+100644 X 1 Z/DN
+100644 X 3 Z/DN
+100644 X 1 Z/MD
+100644 X 2 Z/MD
+100644 X 1 Z/MM
+100644 X 2 Z/MM
+100644 X 3 Z/MM
+100644 X 0 Z/MN
+100644 X 0 Z/NA
+100644 X 1 Z/ND
+100644 X 2 Z/ND
+100644 X 0 Z/NM
+100644 X 0 Z/NN
-# Branch A and B makes the changes according to the above matrix.
-# Branch A
+check_result () {
+ git-ls-files --stage | sed -e 's/ '"$_x40"' / X /' >current &&
+ diff -u expected current
-to_remove=$(echo D? Z/D?)
-rm -f $to_remove
+# This is done on an empty work directory, which is the normal
+# merge person behaviour.
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (removal)' \
- 'git-update-cache --remove $to_remove'
-for p in M? Z/M?
- echo This is modified $p in the branch A. >$p
- test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (modification)' \
- "git-update-cache $p"
-for p in AN AA Z/AN Z/AA
- echo This is added $p in the branch A. >$p
- test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (addition)' \
- "git-update-cache --add $p"
-echo This is SS from the modified tree. >SS
-echo This is LL from the modified tree. >LL
+ '3-way merge with git-read-tree -m, empty cache' \
+ "rm -fr [NDMALTS][NDMALTSF] Z &&
+ rm .git/index &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+# This starts out with the first head, which is the normal
+# patch submitter behaviour.
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (addition)' \
- 'git-update-cache --add LL &&
- git-update-cache SS'
-mv TT TT-
-sed -e '/Branch A/s/word/WORD/g' <TT- >TT
-rm -f TT-
-test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (edit)' \
- 'git-update-cache TT'
+ '3-way merge with git-read-tree -m, match H' \
+ "rm -fr [NDMALTS][NDMALTSF] Z &&
+ rm .git/index &&
+ git-read-tree $tree_A &&
+ git-checkout-index -f -u -a &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+We have so far tested only empty index and clean-and-matching-A index
+case which are trivial. Make sure index requirements are also
+checked. The table also lists alternative semantics which is not
+currently implemented.
+"git-diff-tree -m O A B"
+ O A B result index requirements
+ 1 missing missing missing - must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 2 missing missing exists no merge must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) take B* must match B, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 3 missing exists missing no merge must match A and be
+ up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) take A* must match A, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 4 missing exists A!=B no merge must match A and be
+ up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 5 missing exists A==B no merge must match A and be
+ up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) take A must match A, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 6 exists missing missing no merge must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) remove must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 7 exists missing O!=B no merge must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 8 exists missing O==B no merge must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) remove must not exist.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 9 exists O!=A missing no merge must match A and be
+ up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 10 exists O==A missing no merge must match A and be
+ up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) remove ditto
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 11 exists O!=A O!=B no merge must match A and be
+ A!=B up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 12 exists O!=A O!=B take A must match A, if exists.
+ A==B
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 13 exists O!=A O==B take A must match A, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 14 exists O==A O!=B take B must match A and be
+ be up-to-date, if exists.
+ ------------------------------------
+ (ALT) take B if exists, must either (1)
+ match A and be up-to-date,
+ or (2) match B.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 15 exists O==A O==B take B must match A if exists.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 16 exists O==A O==B barf must match A if exists.
+ *multi* in one in another
+Note: if we want to implement 2ALT and 3ALT we need to be careful.
+The tree A may contain DF (file) when tree B require DF to be a
+directory by having DF/DF (file).
+test_expect_failure \
+ '1 - must not have an entry not in A.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index XX &&
+ echo XX >XX &&
+ git-update-index --add XX &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-mkdir DF
-echo Branch A makes a file at DF/DF, creating a directory DF. >DF/DF
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch A (change file to directory)' \
- 'git-update-cache --add DF/DF'
+ '2 - must match B in !O && !A && B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NA &&
+ cp .orig-B/NA NA &&
+ git-update-index --add NA &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
test_expect_success \
- 'recording branch A tree' \
- 'tree_A=$(git-write-tree)'
+ '2 - matching B alone is OK in !O && !A && B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NA &&
+ cp .orig-B/NA NA &&
+ git-update-index --add NA &&
+ echo extra >>NA &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
test_expect_success \
- 'committing branch A changes' \
- 'commit_A=$(echo "Branch A for the merge test." |
- git-commit-tree $tree_A -p $commit_O)'
-echo $commit_A >.git/HEAD-A
-# Branch B
-# Start from O
+ '3 - must match A in !O && A && !B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AN &&
+ cp .orig-A/AN AN &&
+ git-update-index --add AN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
-mkdir Z
test_expect_success \
- 'reading original tree and checking out' \
- 'git-read-tree $tree_O &&
- git-checkout-cache -a'
+ '3 - matching A alone is OK in !O && A && !B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AN &&
+ cp .orig-A/AN AN &&
+ git-update-index --add AN &&
+ echo extra >>AN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '3 (fail) - must match A in !O && A && !B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AN &&
+ cp .orig-A/AN AN &&
+ echo extra >>AN &&
+ git-update-index --add AN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-to_remove=$(echo ?D Z/?D)
-rm -f $to_remove
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (removal)' \
- "git-update-cache --remove $to_remove"
-for p in ?M Z/?M
- echo This is modified $p in the branch B. >$p
- test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (modification)' \
- "git-update-cache $p"
-for p in NA AA Z/NA Z/AA
- echo This is added $p in the branch B. >$p
- test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (addition)' \
- "git-update-cache --add $p"
-echo This is SS from the modified tree. >SS
-echo This is LL from the modified tree. >LL
+ '4 - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AA &&
+ cp .orig-A/AA AA &&
+ git-update-index --add AA &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '4 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AA &&
+ cp .orig-A/AA AA &&
+ git-update-index --add AA &&
+ echo extra >>AA &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '4 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index AA &&
+ cp .orig-A/AA AA &&
+ echo extra >>AA &&
+ git-update-index --add AA &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (addition and modification)' \
- 'git-update-cache --add LL &&
- git-update-cache SS'
-mv TT TT-
-sed -e '/Branch B/s/word/WORD/g' <TT- >TT
-rm -f TT-
+ '5 - must match in !O && A && B && A==B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index LL &&
+ cp .orig-A/LL LL &&
+ git-update-index --add LL &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (modification)' \
- 'git-update-cache TT'
+ '5 - must match in !O && A && B && A==B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index LL &&
+ cp .orig-A/LL LL &&
+ git-update-index --add LL &&
+ echo extra >>LL &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '5 (fail) - must match A in !O && A && B && A==B case.' \
+ "rm -f .git/index LL &&
+ cp .orig-A/LL LL &&
+ echo extra >>LL &&
+ git-update-index --add LL &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '6 - must not exist in O && !A && !B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index DD &&
+ echo DD >DD
+ git-update-index --add DD &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '7 - must not exist in O && !A && B && O!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index DM &&
+ cp .orig-B/DM DM &&
+ git-update-index --add DM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '8 - must not exist in O && !A && B && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index DN &&
+ cp .orig-B/DN DN &&
+ git-update-index --add DN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-echo Branch B makes a file at DF. >DF
test_expect_success \
- 'change in branch B (addition of a file to conflict with directory)' \
- 'git-update-cache --add DF'
+ '9 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MD &&
+ cp .orig-A/MD MD &&
+ git-update-index --add MD &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '9 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MD &&
+ cp .orig-A/MD MD &&
+ git-update-index --add MD &&
+ echo extra >>MD &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '9 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MD &&
+ cp .orig-A/MD MD &&
+ echo extra >>MD &&
+ git-update-index --add MD &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
test_expect_success \
- 'recording branch B tree' \
- 'tree_B=$(git-write-tree)'
+ '10 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index ND &&
+ cp .orig-A/ND ND &&
+ git-update-index --add ND &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '10 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index ND &&
+ cp .orig-A/ND ND &&
+ git-update-index --add ND &&
+ echo extra >>ND &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '10 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index ND &&
+ cp .orig-A/ND ND &&
+ echo extra >>ND &&
+ git-update-index --add ND &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
test_expect_success \
- 'committing branch B changes' \
- 'commit_B=$(echo "Branch B for the merge test." |
- git-commit-tree $tree_B -p $commit_O)'
-echo $commit_B >.git/HEAD-B
+ '11 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MM &&
+ cp .orig-A/MM MM &&
+ git-update-index --add MM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '11 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MM &&
+ cp .orig-A/MM MM &&
+ git-update-index --add MM &&
+ echo extra >>MM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '11 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MM &&
+ cp .orig-A/MM MM &&
+ echo extra >>MM &&
+ git-update-index --add MM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-# Done preparation.
+test_expect_success \
+ '12 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index SS &&
+ cp .orig-A/SS SS &&
+ git-update-index --add SS &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
-test_debug '
- for T in O A B
- do
- echo "# $T $(eval git-cat-file commit \$commit_$T | sed -e 1q)"
- done
+test_expect_success \
+ '12 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index SS &&
+ cp .orig-A/SS SS &&
+ git-update-index --add SS &&
+ echo extra >>SS &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '12 (fail) - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index SS &&
+ cp .orig-A/SS SS &&
+ echo extra >>SS &&
+ git-update-index --add SS &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-# Try merging and showing the various diffs
+test_expect_success \
+ '13 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MN &&
+ cp .orig-A/MN MN &&
+ git-update-index --add MN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
test_expect_success \
- '3-way merge with git-read-tree -m' \
- "git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+ '13 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index MN &&
+ cp .orig-A/MN MN &&
+ git-update-index --add MN &&
+ echo extra >>MN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
-strip_object_id='s/^\([0-7]*\) [0-9a-f]* \([0-3].*\)$/\1 \2/'
+test_expect_success \
+ '14 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NM &&
+ cp .orig-A/NM NM &&
+ git-update-index --add NM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
test_expect_success \
- 'git-ls-files --stage of the merge result' \
- 'git-ls-files --stage >current- &&
- sed -e "$strip_object_id" <current- >current'
+ '14 - may match B in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NM &&
+ cp .orig-B/NM NM &&
+ git-update-index --add NM &&
+ echo extra >>NM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '14 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NM &&
+ cp .orig-A/NM NM &&
+ git-update-index --add NM &&
+ echo extra >>NM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '14 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NM &&
+ cp .orig-A/NM NM &&
+ echo extra >>NM &&
+ git-update-index --add NM &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-100644 2 AA
-100644 3 AA
-100644 2 AN
-100644 1 DD
-100644 3 DF
-100644 2 DF/DF
-100644 1 DM
-100644 3 DM
-100644 1 DN
-100644 3 DN
-100644 2 LL
-100644 3 LL
-100644 1 MD
-100644 2 MD
-100644 1 MM
-100644 2 MM
-100644 3 MM
-100644 0 MN
-100644 3 NA
-100644 1 ND
-100644 2 ND
-100644 0 NM
-100644 0 NN
-100644 0 SS
-100644 1 TT
-100644 2 TT
-100644 3 TT
-100644 2 Z/AA
-100644 3 Z/AA
-100644 2 Z/AN
-100644 1 Z/DD
-100644 1 Z/DM
-100644 3 Z/DM
-100644 1 Z/DN
-100644 3 Z/DN
-100644 1 Z/MD
-100644 2 Z/MD
-100644 1 Z/MM
-100644 2 Z/MM
-100644 3 Z/MM
-100644 0 Z/MN
-100644 3 Z/NA
-100644 1 Z/ND
-100644 2 Z/ND
-100644 0 Z/NM
-100644 0 Z/NN
+test_expect_success \
+ '15 - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NN &&
+ cp .orig-A/NN NN &&
+ git-update-index --add NN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
test_expect_success \
- 'validate merge result' \
- 'diff current expected'
+ '15 - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NN &&
+ cp .orig-A/NN NN &&
+ git-update-index --add NN &&
+ echo extra >>NN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B &&
+ check_result"
+test_expect_failure \
+ '15 (fail) - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case' \
+ "rm -f .git/index NN &&
+ cp .orig-A/NN NN &&
+ echo extra >>NN &&
+ git-update-index --add NN &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree_O $tree_A $tree_B"
+# #16
+test_expect_success \
+ '16 - A matches in one and B matches in another.' \
+ 'rm -f .git/index F16 &&
+ echo F16 >F16 &&
+ git-update-index --add F16 &&
+ tree0=`git-write-tree` &&
+ echo E16 >F16 &&
+ git-update-index F16 &&
+ tree1=`git-write-tree` &&
+ git-read-tree -m $tree0 $tree1 $tree1 $tree0 &&
+ git-ls-files --stage'