$_limit, $_verbose, $_incremental, $_oneline, $_l_fmt, $_show_commit,
$_version, $_upgrade, $_authors, $_branch_all_refs, @_opt_m,
$_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_ignore_nodate, $_non_recursive,
- $_username, $_config_dir, $_no_auth_cache, $_xfer_delta,
- $_pager, $_color);
+ $_username, $_config_dir, $_no_auth_cache,
+ $_pager, $_color, $_prefix);
my (@_branch_from, %tree_map, %users, %rusers, %equiv);
my ($_svn_can_do_switch);
my @repo_path_split_cache;
my %cmd = (
- fetch => [ \&fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN",
+ fetch => [ \&cmd_fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN",
{ 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, %fc_opts } ],
init => [ \&init, "Initialize a repo for tracking" .
" (requires URL argument)",
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
'strategy|s=s' => \$_strategy,
'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run,
- %cmt_opts } ],
+ %cmt_opts, %fc_opts } ],
'set-tree' => [ \&commit, "Set an SVN repository to a git tree-ish",
{ 'stdin|' => \$_stdin, %cmt_opts, %fc_opts, } ],
'show-ignore' => [ \&show_ignore, "Show svn:ignore listings",
'username=s' => \$_username,
'config-dir=s' => \$_config_dir,
'no-auth-cache' => \$_no_auth_cache,
+ 'prefix=s' => \$_prefix,
} ],
'multi-fetch' => [ \&multi_fetch,
'Fetch multiple trees (like git-svnimport)',
sub version {
- print "git-svn version $VERSION\n";
+ print "git-svn version $VERSION (svn $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n";
exit 0;
$SVN_URL = $url;
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
- my @init_db = ('init-db');
+ my @init_db = ('init');
push @init_db, "--template=$_template" if defined $_template;
push @init_db, "--shared" if defined $_shared;
+sub cmd_fetch {
+ fetch_child_id($GIT_SVN, @_);
sub fetch {
$SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_SVN_DIR/info/url");
return if $_dry_run;
- my @diff = command('diff-tree', $head, $gs, '--');
+ my @diff = command('diff-tree', 'HEAD', $gs, '--');
my @finish;
if (@diff) {
@finish = qw/rebase/;
push @finish, qw/--merge/ if $_merge;
push @finish, "--strategy=$_strategy" if $_strategy;
- print STDERR "W: $head and $gs differ, using @finish:\n", @diff;
+ print STDERR "W: HEAD and $gs differ, using @finish:\n", @diff;
} else {
- print "No changes between current $head and $gs\n",
+ print "No changes between current HEAD and $gs\n",
"Resetting to the latest $gs\n";
@finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
my $repo;
$SVN ||= libsvn_connect($SVN_URL);
my $r = defined $_revision ? $_revision : $SVN->get_latest_revnum;
- libsvn_traverse_ignore(\*STDOUT, $SVN->{svn_path}, $r);
+ libsvn_traverse_ignore(\*STDOUT, '', $r);
sub graft_branches {
sub multi_init {
my $url = shift;
- $_trunk ||= 'trunk';
- $_trunk =~ s#/+$##;
- $url =~ s#/+$## if $url;
- if ($_trunk !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
- $_trunk = '/' . $_trunk if ($_trunk !~ m#^/#);
- unless ($url) {
- print STDERR "E: '$_trunk' is not a complete URL ",
- "and a separate URL is not specified\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $_trunk = $url . $_trunk;
+ unless (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags) {
+ usage(1);
- my $ch_id;
- if ($GIT_SVN eq 'git-svn') {
- $ch_id = 1;
- $GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = 'trunk';
- }
- init_vars();
- unless (-d $GIT_SVN_DIR) {
- print "GIT_SVN_ID set to 'trunk' for $_trunk\n" if $ch_id;
- init($_trunk);
- command_noisy('repo-config', 'svn.trunk', $_trunk);
+ if (defined $_trunk) {
+ my $trunk_url = complete_svn_url($url, $_trunk);
+ my $ch_id;
+ if ($GIT_SVN eq 'git-svn') {
+ $ch_id = 1;
+ $GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = 'trunk';
+ }
+ init_vars();
+ unless (-d $GIT_SVN_DIR) {
+ if ($ch_id) {
+ print "GIT_SVN_ID set to 'trunk' for ",
+ "$trunk_url ($_trunk)\n";
+ }
+ init($trunk_url);
+ command_noisy('repo-config', 'svn.trunk', $trunk_url);
+ }
- complete_url_ls_init($url, $_branches, '--branches/-b', '');
- complete_url_ls_init($url, $_tags, '--tags/-t', 'tags/');
+ $_prefix = '' unless defined $_prefix;
+ complete_url_ls_init($url, $_branches, '--branches/-b', $_prefix);
+ complete_url_ls_init($url, $_tags, '--tags/-t', $_prefix . 'tags/');
sub multi_fetch {
my $ref = "$GIT_DIR/refs/remotes/$id";
defined(my $pid = open my $fh, '-|') or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
- $_repack = undef;
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = $id;
while (<$fh>) {
print $_;
- check_repack() if (/^r\d+ = $sha1/);
+ check_repack() if (/^r\d+ = $sha1/o);
close $fh or croak $?;
+sub complete_svn_url {
+ my ($url, $path) = @_;
+ $path =~ s#/+$##;
+ $url =~ s#/+$## if $url;
+ if ($path !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
+ $path = '/' . $path if ($path !~ m#^/#);
+ if (!defined $url || $url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
+ fatal("E: '$path' is not a complete URL ",
+ "and a separate URL is not specified\n");
+ }
+ $path = $url . $path;
+ }
+ return $path;
sub complete_url_ls_init {
- my ($url, $var, $switch, $pfx) = @_;
- unless ($var) {
+ my ($url, $path, $switch, $pfx) = @_;
+ unless ($path) {
print STDERR "W: $switch not specified\n";
- $var =~ s#/+$##;
- if ($var !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
- $var = '/' . $var if ($var !~ m#^/#);
- unless ($url) {
- print STDERR "E: '$var' is not a complete URL ",
- "and a separate URL is not specified\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $var = $url . $var;
- }
- my @ls = libsvn_ls_fullurl($var);
- my $old = $GIT_SVN;
+ my $full_url = complete_svn_url($url, $path);
+ my @ls = libsvn_ls_fullurl($full_url);
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
- foreach my $u (map { "$var/$_" } (grep m!/$!, @ls)) {
+ foreach my $u (map { "$full_url/$_" } (grep m!/$!, @ls)) {
$u =~ s#/+$##;
- if ($u !~ m!\Q$var\E/(.+)$!) {
+ if ($u !~ m!\Q$full_url\E/(.+)$!) {
print STDERR "W: Unrecognized URL: $u\n";
die "This should never happen\n";
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
my ($n) = ($switch =~ /^--(\w+)/);
- command_noisy('repo-config', "svn.$n", $var);
+ command_noisy('repo-config', "svn.$n", $full_url);
sub common_prefix {
my ($grafts, $l_map, $u, $p, @re) = @_;
my $x = $l_map->{$u}->{$p};
- my $rl = rev_list_raw($x);
+ my $rl = rev_list_raw("refs/remotes/$x");
while (my $c = next_rev_list_entry($rl)) {
foreach my $re (@re) {
my (@br) = ($c->{m} =~ /$re/g);
sub verify_ref {
my ($ref) = @_;
- eval { command_oneline([ 'rev-parse', $ref ], { STDERR => 0 }) };
+ eval { command_oneline([ 'rev-parse', '--verify', $ref ],
+ { STDERR => 0 }); };
sub repo_path_split {
# this output is read via pipe, do not change:
print "r$log_msg->{revision} = $commit\n";
- check_repack();
return $commit;
config => $config,
pool => SVN::Pool->new,
auth_provider_callbacks => $callbacks);
- if (defined $df) {
- $_xfer_delta = $df;
- } else {
- $_xfer_delta = ($url =~ m#^file://#) ? undef : 1;
- }
$ra->{svn_path} = $url;
$ra->{repos_root} = $ra->get_repos_root;
$ra->{svn_path} =~ s#^\Q$ra->{repos_root}\E/*##;
auth auth_provider_callbacks repos_root svn_path/);
-sub libsvn_get_file {
- my ($gui, $f, $rev, $chg, $untracked) = @_;
- $f =~ s#^/##;
- print "\t$chg\t$f\n" unless $_q;
- my ($hash, $pid, $in, $out);
- my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- defined($pid = open3($in, $out, '>&STDERR',
- qw/git-hash-object -w --stdin/)) or croak $!;
- # redirect STDOUT for SVN 1.1.x compatibility
- open my $stdout, '>&', \*STDOUT or croak $!;
- open STDOUT, '>&', $in or croak $!;
- my ($r, $props) = $SVN->get_file($f, $rev, \*STDOUT, $pool);
- $in->flush == 0 or croak $!;
- open STDOUT, '>&', $stdout or croak $!;
- close $in or croak $!;
- close $stdout or croak $!;
- $pool->clear;
- chomp($hash = do { local $/; <$out> });
- close $out or croak $!;
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- $hash =~ /^$sha1$/o or die "not a sha1: $hash\n";
- my $mode = exists $props->{'svn:executable'} ? '100755' : '100644';
- if (exists $props->{'svn:special'}) {
- $mode = '120000';
- my $link = `git-cat-file blob $hash`; # no chomping symlinks
- $link =~ s/^link // or die "svn:special file with contents: <",
- $link, "> is not understood\n";
- defined($pid = open3($in, $out, '>&STDERR',
- qw/git-hash-object -w --stdin/)) or croak $!;
- print $in $link;
- $in->flush == 0 or croak $!;
- close $in or croak $!;
- chomp($hash = do { local $/; <$out> });
- close $out or croak $!;
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- $hash =~ /^$sha1$/o or die "not a sha1: $hash\n";
- }
- %{$untracked->{file_prop}->{$f}} = %$props;
- print $gui $mode,' ',$hash,"\t",$f,"\0" or croak $!;
sub uri_encode {
my ($f) = @_;
$f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))#eg;
sub libsvn_fetch {
- $_xfer_delta ? libsvn_fetch_delta(@_) : libsvn_fetch_full(@_);
-sub libsvn_fetch_delta {
my ($last_commit, $paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({ c => $last_commit, q => $_q });
libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [$last_commit], $ed);
-sub libsvn_fetch_full {
- my ($last_commit, $paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
- my ($gui, $ctx) = command_input_pipe(qw/update-index -z --index-info/);
- my %amr;
- my $ut = { empty => {}, dir_prop => {}, file_prop => {} };
- my $p = $SVN->{svn_path};
- foreach my $f (keys %$paths) {
- my $m = $paths->{$f}->action();
- if (length $p) {
- $f =~ s#^/\Q$p\E/##;
- next if $f =~ m#^/#;
- } else {
- $f =~ s#^/##;
- }
- if ($m =~ /^[DR]$/) {
- my $t = process_rm($gui, $last_commit, $f, $_q);
- if ($m eq 'D') {
- $ut->{empty}->{$f} = 0 if $t == $SVN::Node::dir;
- next;
- }
- # 'R' can be file replacements, too, right?
- }
- my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- my $t = $SVN->check_path($f, $rev, $pool);
- if ($t == $SVN::Node::file) {
- if ($m =~ /^[AMR]$/) {
- $amr{$f} = $m;
- } else {
- die "Unrecognized action: $m, ($f r$rev)\n";
- }
- } elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::dir && $m =~ /^[AR]$/) {
- my @traversed = ();
- libsvn_traverse($gui, '', $f, $rev, \@traversed, $ut);
- if (@traversed) {
- foreach (@traversed) {
- $amr{$_} = $m;
- }
- } else {
- my ($dir, $file) = ($f =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
- delete $ut->{empty}->{$dir};
- $ut->{empty}->{$f} = 1;
- }
- }
- $pool->clear;
- }
- foreach (keys %amr) {
- libsvn_get_file($gui, $_, $rev, $amr{$_}, $ut);
- my ($d) = ($_ =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
- delete $ut->{empty}->{$d};
- }
- unless (exists $ut->{dir_prop}->{''}) {
- my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- my (undef, undef, $props) = $SVN->get_dir('', $rev, $pool);
- %{$ut->{dir_prop}->{''}} = %$props;
- $pool->clear;
- }
- command_close_pipe($gui, $ctx);
- libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [$last_commit], $ut);
sub svn_grab_base_rev {
my $c = eval { command_oneline([qw/rev-parse --verify/,
"Try using the command-line svn client instead\n";
-sub libsvn_traverse {
- my ($gui, $pfx, $path, $rev, $files, $untracked) = @_;
- my $cwd = length $pfx ? "$pfx/$path" : $path;
- my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- $cwd =~ s#^\Q$SVN->{svn_path}\E##;
- my $nr = 0;
- my ($dirent, $r, $props) = $SVN->get_dir($cwd, $rev, $pool);
- %{$untracked->{dir_prop}->{$cwd}} = %$props;
- foreach my $d (keys %$dirent) {
- my $t = $dirent->{$d}->kind;
- if ($t == $SVN::Node::dir) {
- my $i = libsvn_traverse($gui, $cwd, $d, $rev,
- $files, $untracked);
- if ($i) {
- $nr += $i;
- } else {
- $untracked->{empty}->{"$cwd/$d"} = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::file) {
- $nr++;
- my $file = "$cwd/$d";
- if (defined $files) {
- push @$files, $file;
- } else {
- libsvn_get_file($gui, $file, $rev, 'A',
- $untracked);
- my ($dir) = ($file =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
- delete $untracked->{empty}->{$dir};
- }
- }
- }
- $pool->clear;
- $nr;
sub libsvn_traverse_ignore {
my ($fh, $path, $r) = @_;
$path =~ s#^/+##g;
print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($GIT_SVN) $parent\n";
command_noisy('read-tree', $parent);
unless (libsvn_can_do_switch()) {
- return libsvn_fetch_full($parent, $paths, $rev,
- $author, $date, $msg);
+ return _libsvn_new_tree($paths, $rev, $author, $date,
+ $msg, [$parent]);
# do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that is not
# included with SVN 1.4.2 (the latest version at the moment),
sub libsvn_get_log {
my ($ra, @args) = @_;
- $args[4]-- if $args[4] && $_xfer_delta && ! $_follow_parent;
+ $args[4]-- if $args[4] && ! $_follow_parent;
if ($SVN::Core::VERSION le '1.2.0') {
splice(@args, 3, 1);
if (my $log_entry = libsvn_find_parent_branch(@_)) {
return $log_entry;
- my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
- my $ut;
- if ($_xfer_delta) {
- my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({q => $_q});
- my $reporter = $SVN->do_update($rev, '', 1, $ed, $pool);
- my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
- $reporter->set_path('', $rev, 1, @lock, $pool);
- $reporter->finish_report($pool);
- $pool->clear;
- unless ($ed->{git_commit_ok}) {
- die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
- }
- $ut = $ed;
- } else {
- $ut = { empty => {}, dir_prop => {}, file_prop => {} };
- my ($gui, $ctx) = command_input_pipe(qw/update-index
- -z --index-info/);
- libsvn_traverse($gui, '', $SVN->{svn_path}, $rev, undef, $ut);
- command_close_pipe($gui, $ctx);
+ my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_; # $pool is last
+ _libsvn_new_tree($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, []);
+sub _libsvn_new_tree {
+ my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, $parents) = @_;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({q => $_q});
+ my $reporter = $SVN->do_update($rev, '', 1, $ed, $pool);
+ my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
+ $reporter->set_path('', $rev, 1, @lock, $pool);
+ $reporter->finish_report($pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ unless ($ed->{git_commit_ok}) {
+ die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
- libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [], $ut);
+ libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, $parents, $ed);
sub find_graft_path_commit {
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $r = defined $_revision ? $_revision : $ra->get_latest_revnum;
my ($dirent, undef, undef) = $ra->get_dir('', $r, $pool);
- foreach my $d (keys %$dirent) {
+ foreach my $d (sort keys %$dirent) {
if ($dirent->{$d}->kind == $SVN::Node::dir) {
push @ret, "$d/"; # add '/' for compat with cli svn