. ./test-lib.sh
-test -f .git/config && rm .git/config
-git config core.penguin "little blue"
+test_expect_success 'clear default config' '
+ rm -f .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
-test_expect_success 'initial' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config Core.Movie BadPhysics
+test_expect_success 'initial' '
+ git config core.penguin "little blue" &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
-test_expect_success 'mixed case' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config Cores.WhatEver Second
+test_expect_success 'mixed case' '
+ git config Core.Movie BadPhysics &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
WhatEver = Second
-test_expect_success 'similar section' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config CORE.UPPERCASE true
+test_expect_success 'similar section' '
+ git config Cores.WhatEver Second
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
WhatEver = Second
-test_expect_success 'similar section' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'uppercase section' '
+ git config CORE.UPPERCASE true &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'replace with non-match' \
'git config core.penguin kingpin !blue'
WhatEver = Second
-test_expect_success 'non-match result' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'non-match result' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
+test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by canonical name' '
+ echo Second >expect &&
+ git config cores.whatever >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by non-canonical name' '
+ echo Second >expect &&
+ git config CoReS.WhAtEvEr >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'subsections are not canonicalized by git-config' '
+ cat >>.git/config <<-\EOF &&
+ [section.SubSection]
+ key = one
+ [section "SubSection"]
+ key = two
+ echo one >expect &&
+ git config section.subsection.key >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ echo two >expect &&
+ git config section.SubSection.key >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
cat > .git/config <<\EOF
-test_expect_success 'unset with cont. lines is correct' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'unset with cont. lines is correct' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
cat > .git/config << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch
-test_expect_success 'multiple unset is correct' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'multiple unset is correct' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
cp .git/config2 .git/config
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch
-test_expect_success 'all replaced' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config beta.haha alpha
+test_expect_success 'all replaced' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
haha = alpha
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch
-test_expect_success 'really mean test' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config nextsection.nonewline wow
+test_expect_success 'really mean test' '
+ git config beta.haha alpha &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
nonewline = wow
-test_expect_success 'really really mean test' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'really really mean test' '
+ git config nextsection.nonewline wow &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'get value' 'test alpha = $(git config beta.haha)'
-git config --unset beta.haha
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
nonewline = wow
-test_expect_success 'unset' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config nextsection.NoNewLine "wow2 for me" "for me$"
+test_expect_success 'unset' '
+ git config --unset beta.haha &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
nonewline = wow
NoNewLine = wow2 for me
-test_expect_success 'multivar' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'multivar' '
+ git config nextsection.NoNewLine "wow2 for me" "for me$" &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'non-match' \
'git config --get nextsection.nonewline !for'
test_expect_success 'get multivar' \
'git config --get-all nextsection.nonewline'
-git config nextsection.nonewline "wow3" "wow$"
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment
nonewline = wow3
NoNewLine = wow2 for me
-test_expect_success 'multivar replace' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'multivar replace' '
+ git config nextsection.nonewline "wow3" "wow$" &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'ambiguous value' '
test_must_fail git config nextsection.nonewline
test_must_fail git config --unset somesection.nonewline
-git config --unset nextsection.nonewline "wow3$"
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment
NoNewLine = wow2 for me
-test_expect_success 'multivar unset' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'multivar unset' '
+ git config --unset nextsection.nonewline "wow3$" &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'invalid key' 'test_must_fail git config inval.2key blabla'
Alpha = beta
-test_expect_success 'hierarchical section value' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'hierarchical section value' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
cat > expect << EOF
test_expect_success '--get-regexp' \
'git config --get-regexp in > output && cmp output expect'
-git config --add nextsection.nonewline "wow4 for you"
cat > expect << EOF
wow2 for me
wow4 for you
-test_expect_success '--add' \
- 'git config --get-all nextsection.nonewline > output && cmp output expect'
+test_expect_success '--add' '
+ git config --add nextsection.nonewline "wow4 for you" &&
+ git config --get-all nextsection.nonewline > output &&
+ test_cmp expect output
cat > .git/config << EOF
'git config --get-regexp novalue > output &&
cmp output expect'
+echo 'novalue.variable true' > expect
+test_expect_success 'get-regexp --bool variable with no value' \
+ 'git config --bool --get-regexp novalue > output &&
+ cmp output expect'
echo 'emptyvalue.variable ' > expect
test_expect_success 'get-regexp variable with empty value' \
c = d
-git config a.x y
cat > expect << EOF
c = d
x = y
-test_expect_success 'new section is partial match of another' 'cmp .git/config expect'
-git config b.x y
-git config a.b c
+test_expect_success 'new section is partial match of another' '
+ git config a.x y &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
x = y
-test_expect_success 'new variable inserts into proper section' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'new variable inserts into proper section' '
+ git config b.x y &&
+ git config a.b c &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'alternative GIT_CONFIG (non-existing file should fail)' \
'test_must_fail git config --file non-existing-config -l'
-GIT_CONFIG=other-config git config -l > output
-test_expect_success 'alternative GIT_CONFIG' 'cmp output expect'
+test_expect_success 'alternative GIT_CONFIG' '
+ GIT_CONFIG=other-config git config -l >output &&
+ test_cmp expect output
test_expect_success 'alternative GIT_CONFIG (--file)' \
'git config --file other-config -l > output && cmp output expect'
-GIT_CONFIG=other-config git config anwohner.park ausweis
cat > expect << EOF
bahn = strasse
park = ausweis
-test_expect_success '--set in alternative GIT_CONFIG' 'cmp other-config expect'
+test_expect_success '--set in alternative GIT_CONFIG' '
+ GIT_CONFIG=other-config git config anwohner.park ausweis &&
+ test_cmp expect other-config
cat > .git/config << EOF
# Hallo
git config gitcvs.enabled true &&
git config gitcvs.ext.dbname %Ggitcvs1.%a.%m.sqlite &&
git config gitcvs.dbname %Ggitcvs2.%a.%m.sqlite &&
- cmp .git/config expect
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_cmp expect result
-rm .git/config
-git config quote.leading " test"
-git config quote.ending "test "
-git config quote.semicolon "test;test"
-git config quote.hash "test#test"
cat > expect << EOF
leading = " test"
semicolon = "test;test"
hash = "test#test"
-test_expect_success 'quoting' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+test_expect_success 'quoting' '
+ rm .git/config &&
+ git config quote.leading " test" &&
+ git config quote.ending "test " &&
+ git config quote.semicolon "test;test" &&
+ git config quote.hash "test#test" &&
+ test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'key with newline' '
test_must_fail git config "key.with
-git config --list > result
-test_expect_success 'value continued on next line' 'cmp result expect'
+test_expect_success 'value continued on next line' '
+ git config --list > result &&
+ cmp result expect
cat > .git/config <<\EOF
[section "sub=section"]
+test_expect_success '--null --list' '
+ git config --null --list | nul_to_q >result &&
+ echo >>result &&
+ test_cmp expect result
-git config --null --list | perl -pe 'y/\000/Q/' > result
-echo >>result
-test_expect_success '--null --list' 'cmp result expect'
-git config --null --get-regexp 'val[0-9]' | perl -pe 'y/\000/Q/' > result
-echo >>result
-test_expect_success '--null --get-regexp' 'cmp result expect'
+test_expect_success '--null --get-regexp' '
+ git config --null --get-regexp "val[0-9]" | nul_to_q >result &&
+ echo >>result &&
+ test_cmp expect result
test_expect_success 'inner whitespace kept verbatim' '
git config section.val "foo bar" &&
git config foo."ba =z".bar false
+test_expect_success 'git -c works with aliases of builtins' '
+ git config alias.checkconfig "-c foo.check=bar config foo.check" &&
+ echo bar >expect &&
+ git checkconfig >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git -c does not split values on equals' '
+ echo "value with = in it" >expect &&
+ git -c core.foo="value with = in it" config core.foo >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git -c dies on bogus config' '
+ test_must_fail git -c core.bare=foo rev-parse
+test_expect_success 'git -c complains about empty key' '
+ test_must_fail git -c "=foo" rev-parse
+test_expect_success 'git -c complains about empty key and value' '
+ test_must_fail git -c "" rev-parse