git-repo-config core.penguin "little blue"
cat > expect << EOF
-# This is the config file
penguin = little blue
git-repo-config Core.Movie BadPhysics
cat > expect << EOF
-# This is the config file
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
git-repo-config Cores.WhatEver Second
cat > expect << EOF
-# This is the config file
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
git-repo-config CORE.UPPERCASE true
cat > expect << EOF
-# This is the config file
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
'git-repo-config core.penguin "very blue" !kingpin'
cat > expect << EOF
-# This is the config file
penguin = very blue
Movie = BadPhysics
test_expect_success 'correct key' 'git-repo-config 123456.a123 987'
test_expect_success 'hierarchical section' \
- 'git-repo-config 1.2.3.alpha beta'
+ 'git-repo-config Version.1.2.3eX.Alpha beta'
cat > expect << EOF
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
NoNewLine = wow2 for me
a123 = 987
- alpha = beta
+[Version "1.2.3eX"]
+ Alpha = beta
test_expect_success 'hierarchical section value' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+cat > expect << EOF
+nextsection.nonewline=wow2 for me
+test_expect_success 'working --list' \
+ 'git-repo-config --list > output && cmp output expect'
+cat > expect << EOF
+beta.noindent sillyValue
+nextsection.nonewline wow2 for me
+test_expect_success '--get-regexp' \
+ 'git-repo-config --get-regexp in > output && cmp output expect'
+git-repo-config --add nextsection.nonewline "wow4 for you"
+cat > expect << EOF
+wow2 for me
+wow4 for you
+test_expect_success '--add' \
+ 'git-repo-config --get-all nextsection.nonewline > output && cmp output expect'
+cat > .git/config << EOF
+ variable
+test_expect_success 'get variable with no value' \
+ 'git-repo-config --get novalue.variable ^$'
+git-repo-config > output 2>&1
+test_expect_success 'no arguments, but no crash' \
+ "test $? = 129 && grep usage output"
+cat > .git/config << EOF
+ c = d
+git-repo-config a.x y
+cat > expect << EOF
+ c = d
+ x = y
+test_expect_success 'new section is partial match of another' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+git-repo-config b.x y
+git-repo-config a.b c
+cat > expect << EOF
+ c = d
+ x = y
+ b = c
+ x = y
+test_expect_success 'new variable inserts into proper section' 'cmp .git/config expect'
+cat > other-config << EOF
+ bahn = strasse
+cat > expect << EOF
+GIT_CONFIG=other-config git-repo-config -l > output
+test_expect_success 'alternative GIT_CONFIG' 'cmp output expect'
+GIT_CONFIG=other-config git-repo-config anwohner.park ausweis
+cat > expect << EOF
+ bahn = strasse
+ park = ausweis
+test_expect_success '--set in alternative GIT_CONFIG' 'cmp other-config expect'
+cat > .git/config << EOF
+# Hallo
+ #Bello
+[branch "eins"]
+ x = 1
+ y = 1
+ [branch "1 234 blabl/a"]
+test_expect_success "rename section" \
+ "git-repo-config --rename-section branch.eins branch.zwei"
+cat > expect << EOF
+# Hallo
+ #Bello
+[branch "zwei"]
+ x = 1
+[branch "zwei"]
+ y = 1
+ [branch "1 234 blabl/a"]
+test_expect_success "rename succeeded" "diff -u expect .git/config"
+test_expect_failure "rename non-existing section" \
+ 'git-repo-config --rename-section branch."world domination" branch.drei'
+test_expect_success "rename succeeded" "diff -u expect .git/config"
+test_expect_success "rename another section" \
+ 'git-repo-config --rename-section branch."1 234 blabl/a" branch.drei'
+cat > expect << EOF
+# Hallo
+ #Bello
+[branch "zwei"]
+ x = 1
+[branch "zwei"]
+ y = 1
+[branch "drei"]
+test_expect_success "rename succeeded" "diff -u expect .git/config"