lappend badrev $line
- error_popup "Error parsing revisions: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error parsing revisions:"] $err"
return {}
set ret {}
if {[catch {
set str [exec sh -c $viewargscmd($view)]
} err]} {
- error_popup "Error executing --argscmd command: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error executing --argscmd command:"] $err"
return 0
set args [concat $args [split $str "\n"]]
set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
--boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r]
} err]} {
- error_popup "Error executing git log: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err"
if {$viewactive($view) == 0} {
bind . <Destroy> {stop_backends}
bind . <Button-1> "click %W"
bind $fstring <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
- bind $sha1entry <Key-Return> gotocommit
+ bind $sha1entry <Key-Return> {gotocommit; break}
bind $sha1entry <<PasteSelection>> clearsha1
bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <B1-Motion> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <ButtonRelease-1> {treeclick %W %x %y}
- bind $cflist <Button-3> {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ global ctxbut
+ bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
-command {flist_hl 1}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "External diff"] \
-command {external_diff}
+ $flist_menu add command -label [mc "Blame parent commit"] \
+ -command {external_blame 1}
# Windows sends all mouse wheel events to the current focused window, not
global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
global colors bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
- global autoselect extdifftool
+ global autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool]
+ puts $f [list set perfile_attrs $perfile_attrs]
puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
$w insert e:$ix $e [highlight_tag $de]
- $w mark gravity e:$ix left
+ $w mark gravity e:$ix right
$w conf -state disabled
set treediropen($dir) 1
set top [lindex [split [$w index @0,0] .] 0]
if {[string match "fatal: bad revision *" $err]} {
return $nullfile
- error_popup "Error getting \"$filename\" from $what: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:" $filename $what] $err"
return {}
return $output
set gitktmpdir [file join [file dirname $gitdir] \
[format ".gitk-tmp.%s" [pid]]]
if {[catch {file mkdir $gitktmpdir} err]} {
- error_popup "Error creating temporary directory $gitktmpdir: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $gitktmpdir] $err"
unset gitktmpdir
incr diffnum
set diffdir [file join $gitktmpdir $diffnum]
if {[catch {file mkdir $diffdir} err]} {
- error_popup "Error creating temporary directory $diffdir: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "Error creating temporary directory %s:" $diffdir] $err"
[list $difffromfile $difftofile]]
if {[catch {set fl [open $cmd r]} err]} {
file delete -force $diffdir
- error_popup [mc "$extdifftool: command failed: $err"]
+ error_popup "$extdifftool: [mc "command failed:"] $err"
} else {
fconfigure $fl -blocking 0
filerun $fl [list delete_at_eof $fl $diffdir]
+proc external_blame {parent_idx} {
+ global flist_menu_file
+ global nullid nullid2
+ global parentlist selectedline currentid
+ if {$parent_idx > 0} {
+ set base_commit [lindex $parentlist $selectedline [expr {$parent_idx-1}]]
+ } else {
+ set base_commit $currentid
+ }
+ if {$base_commit eq {} || $base_commit eq $nullid || $base_commit eq $nullid2} {
+ error_popup [mc "No such commit"]
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {exec git gui blame $base_commit $flist_menu_file &} err]} {
+ error_popup "[mc "git gui blame: command failed:"] $err"
+ }
# delete $dir when we see eof on $f (presumably because the child has exited)
proc delete_at_eof {f dir} {
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {}
if {[eof $f]} {
if {[catch {close $f} err]} {
- error_popup "External diff viewer failed: $err"
+ error_popup "[mc "External diff viewer failed:"] $err"
file delete -force $dir
return 0
global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs
global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline
global canvxmax boldrows boldnamerows fgcolor
- global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors
+ global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors ctxbut
# listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for negative, 3 for left, 4 for right
set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id)
set linehtag($row) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
-text $headline -font $font -tags text]
- $canv bind $linehtag($row) <Button-3> "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
+ $canv bind $linehtag($row) $ctxbut "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
set linentag($row) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
-text $name -font $nfont -tags text]
set linedtag($row) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
global linespc lthickness
- global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor
+ global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor ctxbut
set marks {}
set ntags 0
if {$ntags >= 0} {
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
} elseif {$nheads >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t <Button-3> [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
+ $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
return $xt
set treepending $id
set treefilelist($id) {}
set treeidlist($id) {}
- fconfigure $gtf -blocking 0
+ fconfigure $gtf -blocking 0 -encoding binary
filerun $gtf [list gettreeline $gtf $id]
} else {
set line [string range $line 0 [expr {$i-1}]]
if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
set sha1 [lindex $line 2]
- if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
- set fname [lindex $fname 0]
- }
lappend treeidlist($id) $sha1
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ }
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
lappend treefilelist($id) $fname
if {![eof $gtf]} {
- fconfigure $bf -blocking 0
+ fconfigure $bf -blocking 0 -encoding [get_path_encoding $f]
filerun $bf [list getblobline $bf $diffids]
$ctext config -state normal
clear_ctext $commentend
global diffids
global parents
global diffcontext
+ global diffencoding
global limitdiffs vfilelimit curview
set diffmergeid $id
error_popup "[mc "Error getting merge diffs:"] $err"
- fconfigure $mdf -blocking 0
+ fconfigure $mdf -blocking 0 -encoding binary
set mdifffd($id) $mdf
set np [llength $parents($curview,$id)]
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}]
settabs $np
filerun $mdf [list getmergediffline $mdf $id $np]
proc getmergediffline {mdf id np} {
global diffmergeid ctext cflist mergemax
global difffilestart mdifffd
+ global diffencoding
$ctext conf -state normal
set nr 0
if {[regexp {^diff --cc (.*)} $line match fname]} {
# start of a new file
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
$ctext insert end "\n"
set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
lappend difffilestart $here
add_flist [list $fname]
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding $fname]
set l [expr {(78 - [string length $fname]) / 2}]
set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
$ctext insert end "$pad $fname $pad\n" filesep
} elseif {[regexp {^@@} $line]} {
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
} elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $line] || [regexp {^index} $line]} {
# do nothing
} else {
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
# parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
set spaces {}
set minuses {}
set treepending $ids
set treediff {}
- fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0
+ fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0 -encoding binary
filerun $gdtf [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid
- global cmitmode vfilelimit curview limitdiffs
+ global cmitmode vfilelimit curview limitdiffs perfile_attrs
set nr 0
- while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $gdtf line] >= 0} {
+ set sublist {}
+ set max 1000
+ if {$perfile_attrs} {
+ # cache_gitattr is slow, and even slower on win32 where we
+ # have to invoke it for only about 30 paths at a time
+ set max 500
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} {
+ set max 120
+ }
+ }
+ while {[incr nr] <= $max && [gets $gdtf line] >= 0} {
set i [string first "\t" $line]
if {$i >= 0} {
set file [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
if {[string index $file 0] eq "\""} {
set file [lindex $file 0]
+ set file [encoding convertfrom $file]
lappend treediff $file
+ lappend sublist $file
+ if {$perfile_attrs} {
+ cache_gitattr encoding $sublist
+ }
if {![eof $gdtf]} {
- return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+ return [expr {$nr >= $max? 2: 1}]
close $gdtf
if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
global diffcontext
global ignorespace
global limitdiffs vfilelimit curview
+ global diffencoding
set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p -C --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"]
if {$ignorespace} {
set diffinhdr 0
- fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}]
+ fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0 -encoding binary
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
filerun $bdf [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdiffstart
global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
global diffinhdr treediffs
+ global diffencoding
set nr 0
$ctext conf -state normal
} else {
set fname [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]]
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding $fname]
makediffhdr $fname $ids
} elseif {[regexp {^@@ -([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)? \+([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)? @@(.*)} \
$line match f1l f1c f2l f2c rest]} {
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
set diffinhdr 0
if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
if {$i >= 0} {
setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ set fname [encoding convertfrom $fname]
+ set diffencoding [get_path_encoding $fname]
makediffhdr $fname $ids
} elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} {
# do nothing
$ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
} else {
+ set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
set x [string range $line 0 0]
if {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
set tag [expr {$x == "+"}]
grid $ $top.sha1 -sticky w
label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"]
entry $ -width 40
+ bind $ <Key-Return> "[list mkbrgo $top]"
grid $top.nlab $ -sticky w
frame $top.buts
button $top.buts.go -text [mc "Create"] -command [list mkbrgo $top]
global maxwidth maxgraphpct
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor
- global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect extdifftool
+ global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs
set top .gitkprefs
set prefstop $top
foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
- limitdiffs tabstop} {
+ limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs} {
set oldprefs($v) [set $v]
toplevel $top
checkbutton $top.ldiff.b -variable limitdiffs
pack $top.ldiff.b $top.ldiff.l -side left
grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w
+ frame $top.lattr
+ label $top.lattr.l -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] -font optionfont
+ checkbutton $top.lattr.b -variable perfile_attrs
+ pack $top.lattr.b $top.lattr.l -side left
+ grid x $top.lattr -sticky w
entry $top.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool
frame $top.extdifff
global oldprefs prefstop
foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
- limitdiffs tabstop} {
+ limitdiffs tabstop perfile_attrs} {
global $v
set $v $oldprefs($v)
global maxwidth maxgraphpct
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global fontpref mainfont textfont uifont
- global limitdiffs treediffs
+ global limitdiffs treediffs perfile_attrs
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
- if {$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
- # treediffs elements are limited by path
+ if {$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs) ||
+ ($perfile_attrs && !$oldprefs(perfile_attrs))} {
+ # treediffs elements are limited by path;
+ # won't have encodings cached if perfile_attrs was just turned on
catch {unset treediffs}
if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
{ ISO-8859-16 iso-ir-226 ISO_8859-16:2001 ISO_8859-16 latin10 l10 }
{ GBK CP936 MS936 windows-936 }
{ JIS_Encoding csJISEncoding }
- { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS }
+ { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS ShiftJIS Shift-JIS }
{ Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese csEUCPkdFmtJapanese
{ Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese csEUCFixWidJapanese }
proc tcl_encoding {enc} {
- global encoding_aliases
+ global encoding_aliases tcl_encoding_cache
+ if {[info exists tcl_encoding_cache($enc)]} {
+ return $tcl_encoding_cache($enc)
+ }
set names [encoding names]
set lcnames [string tolower $names]
set enc [string tolower $enc]
set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $enc]
if {$i < 0} {
# look for "isonnn" instead of "iso-nnn" or "iso_nnn"
- if {[regsub {^iso[-_]} $enc iso encx]} {
+ if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $enc {\1} encx]} {
set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $encx]
foreach e $ll {
set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $e]
if {$i < 0} {
- if {[regsub {^iso[-_]} $e iso ex]} {
+ if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $e {\1} ex]} {
set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $ex]
+ set tclenc {}
if {$i >= 0} {
- return [lindex $names $i]
+ set tclenc [lindex $names $i]
- return {}
+ set tcl_encoding_cache($enc) $tclenc
+ return $tclenc
+proc gitattr {path attr default} {
+ global path_attr_cache
+ if {[info exists path_attr_cache($attr,$path)]} {
+ set r $path_attr_cache($attr,$path)
+ } else {
+ set r "unspecified"
+ if {![catch {set line [exec git check-attr $attr -- $path]}]} {
+ regexp "(.*): encoding: (.*)" $line m f r
+ }
+ set path_attr_cache($attr,$path) $r
+ }
+ if {$r eq "unspecified"} {
+ return $default
+ }
+ return $r
+proc cache_gitattr {attr pathlist} {
+ global path_attr_cache
+ set newlist {}
+ foreach path $pathlist {
+ if {![info exists path_attr_cache($attr,$path)]} {
+ lappend newlist $path
+ }
+ }
+ set lim 1000
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} {
+ # windows has a 32k limit on the arguments to a command...
+ set lim 30
+ }
+ while {$newlist ne {}} {
+ set head [lrange $newlist 0 [expr {$lim - 1}]]
+ set newlist [lrange $newlist $lim end]
+ if {![catch {set rlist [eval exec git check-attr $attr -- $head]}]} {
+ foreach row [split $rlist "\n"] {
+ if {[regexp "(.*): encoding: (.*)" $row m path value]} {
+ if {[string index $path 0] eq "\""} {
+ set path [encoding convertfrom [lindex $path 0]]
+ }
+ set path_attr_cache($attr,$path) $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc get_path_encoding {path} {
+ global gui_encoding perfile_attrs
+ set tcl_enc $gui_encoding
+ if {$path ne {} && $perfile_attrs} {
+ set enc2 [tcl_encoding [gitattr $path encoding $tcl_enc]]
+ if {$enc2 ne {}} {
+ set tcl_enc $enc2
+ }
+ }
+ return $tcl_enc
# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough
puts stderr "Warning: encoding $gitencoding is not supported by Tcl/Tk"
+set gui_encoding [encoding system]
+catch {
+ set enc [exec git config --get gui.encoding]
+ if {$enc ne {}} {
+ set tclenc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$tclenc ne {}} {
+ set gui_encoding $tclenc
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "Warning: encoding $enc is not supported by Tcl/Tk"
+ }
+ }
set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set textfont {Courier 9}
set uifont {Helvetica 9 bold}
set limitdiffs 1
set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set autoselect 1
+set perfile_attrs 0
set extdifftool "meld"
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
+# button for popping up context menus
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ set ctxbut <Button-2>
+} else {
+ set ctxbut <Button-3>
## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.