set nextisval 1
lappend glflags $arg
- "--not" {
- set notflag [expr {!$notflag}]
- lappend revargs $arg
- }
- "--all" {
+ "--not" - "--all" {
lappend revargs $arg
"--merge" {
proc splitvarc {p v} {
- global varcid varcstart varccommits varctok
+ global varcid varcstart varccommits varctok vtokmod
global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr vbackptr varcix varcrow vlastins
set oa $varcid($v,$p)
+ set otok [lindex $varctok($v) $oa]
set ac $varccommits($v,$oa)
set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$oa) $p]
if {$i <= 0} return
set na [llength $varctok($v)]
# "%" sorts before "0"...
- set tok "[lindex $varctok($v) $oa]%[strrep $i]"
+ set tok "$otok%[strrep $i]"
lappend varctok($v) $tok
lappend varcrow($v) {}
lappend varcix($v) {}
for {set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $na]} {$b != 0} {set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b]} {
lset vupptr($v) $b $na
+ if {[string compare $otok $vtokmod($v)] <= 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $oa
+ }
proc renumbervarc {a v} {
set header [string range $contents 0 [expr {$hdrend - 1}]]
set comment [string range $contents [expr {$hdrend + 2}] end]
foreach line [split $header "\n"] {
+ set line [split $line " "]
set tag [lindex $line 0]
if {$tag == "author"} {
set audate [lindex $line end-1]
- set auname [lrange $line 1 end-2]
+ set auname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
} elseif {$tag == "committer"} {
set comdate [lindex $line end-1]
- set comname [lrange $line 1 end-2]
+ set comname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
set headline {}
{mc "Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Meta1-F5}
{mc "Reread references" command rereadrefs}
{mc "List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2}
+ {xx "" separator}
+ {mc "Start git gui" command {exec git gui &}}
+ {xx "" separator}
{mc "Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q}
{mc "Edit" cascade {
bindkey b prevfile
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
- bindkey / {dofind 1 1}
+ bindkey / {focus $fstring}
bindkey <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
bindkey ? {dofind -1 1}
bindkey f nextfile
[mc "<%s-F> Find" $M1T]
[mc "<%s-G> Move to next find hit" $M1T]
[mc "<Return> Move to next find hit"]
-[mc "/ Move to next find hit, or redo find"]
+[mc "/ Focus the search box"]
[mc "? Move to previous find hit"]
[mc "f Scroll diff view to next file"]
[mc "<%s-S> Search for next hit in diff view" $M1T]
return {}
+# Turn an absolute path into one relative to the current directory
+proc make_relative {f} {
+ set elts [file split $f]
+ set here [file split [pwd]]
+ set ei 0
+ set hi 0
+ set res {}
+ foreach d $here {
+ if {$ei < $hi || $ei >= [llength $elts] || [lindex $elts $ei] ne $d} {
+ lappend res ".."
+ } else {
+ incr ei
+ }
+ incr hi
+ }
+ set elts [concat $res [lrange $elts $ei end]]
+ return [eval file join $elts]
proc external_blame {parent_idx {line {}}} {
- global flist_menu_file
+ global flist_menu_file gitdir
global nullid nullid2
global parentlist selectedline currentid
if {$line ne {} && $line > 1} {
lappend cmdline "--line=$line"
- lappend cmdline $base_commit $flist_menu_file
+ set f [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file]
+ # Unfortunately it seems git gui blame doesn't like
+ # being given an absolute path...
+ set f [make_relative $f]
+ lappend cmdline $base_commit $f
if {[catch {eval exec $cmdline &} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "git gui blame: command failed:"] $err"
error_popup [mc "Error reading index: %s" $err]
+ } else {
+ set id $parents($curview,$currentid)
} else {
set id [lindex $parents($curview,$currentid) $pi]
} else {
lappend blameargs $id
- lappend blameargs -- $flist_menu_file
+ lappend blameargs -- [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $flist_menu_file]
if {[catch {
set f [open $blameargs r]
} err]} {
error_popup [mc "Couldn't start git blame: %s" $err]
+ nowbusy blaming [mc "Searching"]
fconfigure $f -blocking 0
set i [reg_instance $f]
set blamestuff($i) {}
if {[info exists blameinst]} {
stop_instance $blameinst
unset blameinst
+ notbusy blaming
unset commfd($inst)
unset blameinst
+ notbusy blaming
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
error_popup [mc "Error running git blame: %s" $err]
proc hfiles_change {} {
global highlight_files filehighlight fhighlights fh_serial
- global highlight_paths gdttype
+ global highlight_paths
if {[info exists filehighlight]} {
# delete previous highlights
optimize_rows $ro1 0 $r2
if {$need_redisplay || $nrows_drawn > 2000} {
- drawvisible
# make the lines join to already-drawn rows either side
proc findselectline {l} {
global findloc commentend ctext findcurline markingmatches gdttype
- set markingmatches 1
+ set markingmatches [expr {$gdttype eq [mc "containing:"]}]
set findcurline $l
selectline $l 1
- if {$findloc == [mc "All fields"] || $findloc == [mc "Comments"]} {
+ if {$markingmatches &&
+ ($findloc eq [mc "All fields"] || $findloc eq [mc "Comments"])} {
# highlight the matches in the comments
set f [$ctext get 1.0 $commentend]
set matches [findmatches $f]
set treediffs($ids) $treediff
unset treepending
- if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree" && [llength $diffids] == 1} {
gettree $diffids
} elseif {$ids != $diffids} {
if {![info exists diffmergeid]} {
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
if {$mainhead ne {}} {
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead]
+ $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal
} else {
$menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
-font optionfont
spinbox $top.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
grid x $top.maxpctl $top.maxpct -sticky w
- frame $top.showlocal
- label $top.showlocal.l -text [mc "Show local changes"] -font optionfont
- checkbutton $top.showlocal.b -variable showlocalchanges
- pack $top.showlocal.b $top.showlocal.l -side left
+ checkbutton $top.showlocal -text [mc "Show local changes"] \
+ -font optionfont -variable showlocalchanges
grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w
- frame $top.autoselect
- label $top.autoselect.l -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1"] -font optionfont
- checkbutton $top.autoselect.b -variable autoselect
- pack $top.autoselect.b $top.autoselect.l -side left
+ checkbutton $top.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1"] \
+ -font optionfont -variable autoselect
grid x $top.autoselect -sticky w
label $top.ddisp -text [mc "Diff display options"]
label $top.tabstopl -text [mc "Tab spacing"] -font optionfont
spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w
- frame $top.ntag
- label $top.ntag.l -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] -font optionfont
- checkbutton $top.ntag.b -variable showneartags
- pack $top.ntag.b $top.ntag.l -side left
+ checkbutton $top.ntag -text [mc "Display nearby tags"] \
+ -font optionfont -variable showneartags
grid x $top.ntag -sticky w
- frame $top.ldiff
- label $top.ldiff.l -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] -font optionfont
- checkbutton $top.ldiff.b -variable limitdiffs
- pack $top.ldiff.b $top.ldiff.l -side left
+ checkbutton $top.ldiff -text [mc "Limit diffs to listed paths"] \
+ -font optionfont -variable limitdiffs
grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w
- frame $top.lattr
- label $top.lattr.l -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] -font optionfont
- checkbutton $top.lattr.b -variable perfile_attrs
- pack $top.lattr.b $top.lattr.l -side left
+ checkbutton $top.lattr -text [mc "Support per-file encodings"] \
+ -font optionfont -variable perfile_attrs
grid x $top.lattr -sticky w
entry $top.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool
grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
label $ -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
button $top.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $ background setbg]
+ -command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $ [mc "background"] setbg]
grid x $top.bgbut $ -sticky w
label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
button $top.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $top.fg foreground setfg]
+ -command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $top.fg [mc "foreground"] setfg]
grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w
label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
button $top.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold "diff old lines" \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold [mc "diff old lines"] \
[list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]]
grid x $top.diffoldbut $top.diffold -sticky w
label $top.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1]
button $top.diffnewbut -text [mc "Diff: new lines"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew "diff new lines" \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew [mc "diff new lines"] \
[list $ctext tag conf dresult -foreground]]
grid x $top.diffnewbut $top.diffnew -sticky w
label $top.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2]
button $top.hunksepbut -text [mc "Diff: hunk header"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $top.hunksep \
- "diff hunk header" \
+ [mc "diff hunk header"] \
[list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]]
grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w
label $top.markbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $markbgcolor
grid x $top.markbgbut $top.markbgsep -sticky w
label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
button $top.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] -font optionfont \
- -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $top.selbgsep background setselbg]
+ -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $top.selbgsep [mc "background"] setselbg]
grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w
label $top.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"]
addviewmenu $n
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
+ focus -force .
getcommits {}