#include "revision.h"
#include "commit-reach.h"
#include "rerere.h"
+#include "branch.h"
static char const * const builtin_rebase_usage[] = {
N_("git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] "
struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
- int ret;
+ int ret, env = git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_REBASE_USE_BUILTIN", -1);
+ if (env != -1)
+ return env;
"config", "--bool", "rebase.usebuiltin", NULL);
cp.git_cmd = 1;
if (capture_command(&cp, &out, 6)) {
- return 0;
+ return 1;
return ret;
-static int apply_autostash(void)
- warning("TODO");
- return 0;
struct rebase_options {
enum rebase_type type;
const char *state_dir;
const char *revisions;
const char *switch_to;
int root;
+ struct object_id *squash_onto;
struct commit *restrict_revision;
int dont_finish_rebase;
enum {
} flags;
- struct strbuf git_am_opt;
+ struct argv_array git_am_opts;
const char *action;
+ int signoff;
+ int allow_rerere_autoupdate;
+ int keep_empty;
+ int autosquash;
+ char *gpg_sign_opt;
+ int autostash;
+ char *cmd;
+ int allow_empty_message;
+ int rebase_merges, rebase_cousins;
+ char *strategy, *strategy_opts;
+ struct strbuf git_format_patch_opt;
static int is_interactive(struct rebase_options *opts)
+static void imply_interactive(struct rebase_options *opts, const char *option)
+ switch (opts->type) {
+ case REBASE_AM:
+ die(_("%s requires an interactive rebase"), option);
+ break;
+ break;
+ /* we silently *upgrade* --merge to --interactive if needed */
+ default:
+ opts->type = REBASE_INTERACTIVE; /* implied */
+ break;
+ }
/* Returns the filename prefixed by the state_dir */
static const char *state_dir_path(const char *filename, struct rebase_options *opts)
if (file_exists(state_dir_path("verbose", opts)))
opts->flags |= REBASE_VERBOSE;
+ if (file_exists(state_dir_path("signoff", opts))) {
+ opts->signoff = 1;
+ opts->flags |= REBASE_FORCE;
+ }
+ if (file_exists(state_dir_path("allow_rerere_autoupdate", opts))) {
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ if (read_one(state_dir_path("allow_rerere_autoupdate", opts),
+ &buf))
+ return -1;
+ if (!strcmp(buf.buf, "--rerere-autoupdate"))
+ opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate = 1;
+ else if (!strcmp(buf.buf, "--no-rerere-autoupdate"))
+ opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate = 0;
+ else
+ warning(_("ignoring invalid allow_rerere_autoupdate: "
+ "'%s'"), buf.buf);
+ } else
+ opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate = -1;
+ if (file_exists(state_dir_path("gpg_sign_opt", opts))) {
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ if (read_one(state_dir_path("gpg_sign_opt", opts),
+ &buf))
+ return -1;
+ free(opts->gpg_sign_opt);
+ opts->gpg_sign_opt = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+ }
+ if (file_exists(state_dir_path("strategy", opts))) {
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ if (read_one(state_dir_path("strategy", opts), &buf))
+ return -1;
+ free(opts->strategy);
+ opts->strategy = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+ }
+ if (file_exists(state_dir_path("strategy_opts", opts))) {
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ if (read_one(state_dir_path("strategy_opts", opts), &buf))
+ return -1;
+ free(opts->strategy_opts);
+ opts->strategy_opts = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+ }
return 0;
+static int apply_autostash(struct rebase_options *opts)
+ const char *path = state_dir_path("autostash", opts);
+ struct strbuf autostash = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct child_process stash_apply = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ if (!file_exists(path))
+ return 0;
+ if (read_one(path, &autostash))
+ return error(_("Could not read '%s'"), path);
+ /* Ensure that the hash is not mistaken for a number */
+ strbuf_addstr(&autostash, "^0");
+ argv_array_pushl(&stash_apply.args,
+ "stash", "apply", autostash.buf, NULL);
+ stash_apply.git_cmd = 1;
+ stash_apply.no_stderr = stash_apply.no_stdout =
+ stash_apply.no_stdin = 1;
+ if (!run_command(&stash_apply))
+ printf(_("Applied autostash.\n"));
+ else {
+ struct argv_array args = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
+ int res = 0;
+ argv_array_pushl(&args,
+ "stash", "store", "-m", "autostash", "-q",
+ autostash.buf, NULL);
+ if (run_command_v_opt(args.argv, RUN_GIT_CMD))
+ res = error(_("Cannot store %s"), autostash.buf);
+ argv_array_clear(&args);
+ strbuf_release(&autostash);
+ if (res)
+ return res;
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ _("Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
+ "Your changes are safe in the stash.\n"
+ "You can run \"git stash pop\" or \"git stash drop\" "
+ "at any time.\n"));
+ }
+ strbuf_release(&autostash);
+ return 0;
static int finish_rebase(struct rebase_options *opts)
struct strbuf dir = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *argv_gc_auto[] = { "gc", "--auto", NULL };
- apply_autostash();
+ apply_autostash(opts);
* We ignore errors in 'gc --auto', since the
+static const char *resolvemsg =
+N_("Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
+"\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
+"You can instead skip this commit: run \"git rebase --skip\".\n"
+"To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run "
+"\"git rebase --abort\".");
static int run_specific_rebase(struct rebase_options *opts)
const char *argv[] = { NULL, NULL };
- struct strbuf script_snippet = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct strbuf script_snippet = STRBUF_INIT, buf = STRBUF_INIT;
int status;
const char *backend, *backend_func;
+ if (opts->type == REBASE_INTERACTIVE) {
+ /* Run builtin interactive rebase */
+ struct child_process child = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.env_array, "GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP=%s",
+ resolvemsg);
+ if (!(opts->flags & REBASE_INTERACTIVE_EXPLICIT)) {
+ argv_array_push(&child.env_array, "GIT_EDITOR=:");
+ opts->autosquash = 0;
+ }
+ child.git_cmd = 1;
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "rebase--interactive");
+ if (opts->action)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--%s", opts->action);
+ if (opts->keep_empty)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--keep-empty");
+ if (opts->rebase_merges)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--rebase-merges");
+ if (opts->rebase_cousins)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--rebase-cousins");
+ if (opts->autosquash)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--autosquash");
+ if (opts->flags & REBASE_VERBOSE)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--verbose");
+ if (opts->flags & REBASE_FORCE)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--no-ff");
+ if (opts->restrict_revision)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args,
+ "--restrict-revision=^%s",
+ oid_to_hex(&opts->restrict_revision->object.oid));
+ if (opts->upstream)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--upstream=%s",
+ oid_to_hex(&opts->upstream->object.oid));
+ if (opts->onto)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--onto=%s",
+ oid_to_hex(&opts->onto->object.oid));
+ if (opts->squash_onto)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--squash-onto=%s",
+ oid_to_hex(opts->squash_onto));
+ if (opts->onto_name)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--onto-name=%s",
+ opts->onto_name);
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--head-name=%s",
+ opts->head_name ?
+ opts->head_name : "detached HEAD");
+ if (opts->strategy)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--strategy=%s",
+ opts->strategy);
+ if (opts->strategy_opts)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--strategy-opts=%s",
+ opts->strategy_opts);
+ if (opts->switch_to)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--switch-to=%s",
+ opts->switch_to);
+ if (opts->cmd)
+ argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--cmd=%s", opts->cmd);
+ if (opts->allow_empty_message)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--allow-empty-message");
+ if (opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate > 0)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--rerere-autoupdate");
+ else if (opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate == 0)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--no-rerere-autoupdate");
+ if (opts->gpg_sign_opt)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, opts->gpg_sign_opt);
+ if (opts->signoff)
+ argv_array_push(&child.args, "--signoff");
+ status = run_command(&child);
+ goto finished_rebase;
+ }
add_var(&script_snippet, "GIT_DIR", absolute_path(get_git_dir()));
add_var(&script_snippet, "state_dir", opts->state_dir);
oid_to_hex(&opts->restrict_revision->object.oid) : NULL);
add_var(&script_snippet, "GIT_QUIET",
opts->flags & REBASE_NO_QUIET ? "" : "t");
- add_var(&script_snippet, "git_am_opt", opts->git_am_opt.buf);
+ sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf, opts->git_am_opts.argv);
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "git_am_opt", buf.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
add_var(&script_snippet, "verbose",
opts->flags & REBASE_VERBOSE ? "t" : "");
add_var(&script_snippet, "diffstat",
if (opts->switch_to)
add_var(&script_snippet, "switch_to", opts->switch_to);
add_var(&script_snippet, "action", opts->action ? opts->action : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "signoff", opts->signoff ? "--signoff" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "allow_rerere_autoupdate",
+ opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate < 0 ? "" :
+ opts->allow_rerere_autoupdate ?
+ "--rerere-autoupdate" : "--no-rerere-autoupdate");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "keep_empty", opts->keep_empty ? "yes" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "autosquash", opts->autosquash ? "t" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "gpg_sign_opt", opts->gpg_sign_opt);
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "cmd", opts->cmd);
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "allow_empty_message",
+ opts->allow_empty_message ? "--allow-empty-message" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "rebase_merges",
+ opts->rebase_merges ? "t" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "rebase_cousins",
+ opts->rebase_cousins ? "t" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "strategy", opts->strategy);
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "strategy_opts", opts->strategy_opts);
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "rebase_root", opts->root ? "t" : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "squash_onto",
+ opts->squash_onto ? oid_to_hex(opts->squash_onto) : "");
+ add_var(&script_snippet, "git_format_patch_opt",
+ opts->git_format_patch_opt.buf);
+ if (is_interactive(opts) &&
+ strbuf_addstr(&script_snippet,
+ "GIT_EDITOR=:; export GIT_EDITOR; ");
+ opts->autosquash = 0;
+ }
switch (opts->type) {
backend = "git-rebase--am";
backend_func = "git_rebase__am";
- backend = "git-rebase--interactive";
- backend_func = "git_rebase__interactive";
- break;
backend = "git-rebase--merge";
backend_func = "git_rebase__merge";
argv[0] = script_snippet.buf;
status = run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_USING_SHELL);
if (opts->dont_finish_rebase)
; /* do nothing */
+ else if (opts->type == REBASE_INTERACTIVE)
+ ; /* interactive rebase cleans up after itself */
else if (status == 0) {
if (!file_exists(state_dir_path("stopped-sha", opts)))
} else if (status == 2) {
struct strbuf dir = STRBUF_INIT;
- apply_autostash();
+ apply_autostash(opts);
strbuf_addstr(&dir, opts->state_dir);
remove_dir_recursively(&dir, 0);
+#define RESET_HEAD_DETACH (1<<0)
+#define RESET_HEAD_HARD (1<<1)
static int reset_head(struct object_id *oid, const char *action,
- const char *switch_to_branch, int detach_head)
+ const char *switch_to_branch, unsigned flags,
+ const char *reflog_orig_head, const char *reflog_head)
+ unsigned detach_head = flags & RESET_HEAD_DETACH;
+ unsigned reset_hard = flags & RESET_HEAD_HARD;
struct object_id head_oid;
- struct tree_desc desc;
+ struct tree_desc desc[2] = { { NULL }, { NULL } };
struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
struct unpack_trees_options unpack_tree_opts;
struct tree *tree;
size_t prefix_len;
struct object_id *orig = NULL, oid_orig,
*old_orig = NULL, oid_old_orig;
- int ret = 0;
+ int ret = 0, nr = 0;
if (switch_to_branch && !starts_with(switch_to_branch, "refs/"))
BUG("Not a fully qualified branch: '%s'", switch_to_branch);
- if (hold_locked_index(&lock, LOCK_REPORT_ON_ERROR) < 0)
- return -1;
+ if (hold_locked_index(&lock, LOCK_REPORT_ON_ERROR) < 0) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto leave_reset_head;
+ }
- if (!oid) {
- if (get_oid("HEAD", &head_oid)) {
- rollback_lock_file(&lock);
- return error(_("could not determine HEAD revision"));
- }
- oid = &head_oid;
+ if ((!oid || !reset_hard) && get_oid("HEAD", &head_oid)) {
+ ret = error(_("could not determine HEAD revision"));
+ goto leave_reset_head;
+ if (!oid)
+ oid = &head_oid;
memset(&unpack_tree_opts, 0, sizeof(unpack_tree_opts));
setup_unpack_trees_porcelain(&unpack_tree_opts, action);
unpack_tree_opts.head_idx = 1;
unpack_tree_opts.src_index = the_repository->index;
unpack_tree_opts.dst_index = the_repository->index;
- unpack_tree_opts.fn = oneway_merge;
+ unpack_tree_opts.fn = reset_hard ? oneway_merge : twoway_merge;
unpack_tree_opts.update = 1;
unpack_tree_opts.merge = 1;
if (!detach_head)
unpack_tree_opts.reset = 1;
if (read_index_unmerged(the_repository->index) < 0) {
- rollback_lock_file(&lock);
- return error(_("could not read index"));
+ ret = error(_("could not read index"));
+ goto leave_reset_head;
- if (!fill_tree_descriptor(&desc, oid)) {
- error(_("failed to find tree of %s"), oid_to_hex(oid));
- rollback_lock_file(&lock);
- free((void *)desc.buffer);
- return -1;
+ if (!reset_hard && !fill_tree_descriptor(&desc[nr++], &head_oid)) {
+ ret = error(_("failed to find tree of %s"), oid_to_hex(oid));
+ goto leave_reset_head;
- if (unpack_trees(1, &desc, &unpack_tree_opts)) {
- rollback_lock_file(&lock);
- free((void *)desc.buffer);
- return -1;
+ if (!fill_tree_descriptor(&desc[nr++], oid)) {
+ ret = error(_("failed to find tree of %s"), oid_to_hex(oid));
+ goto leave_reset_head;
+ }
+ if (unpack_trees(nr, desc, &unpack_tree_opts)) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto leave_reset_head;
tree = parse_tree_indirect(oid);
prime_cache_tree(the_repository->index, tree);
- if (write_locked_index(the_repository->index, &lock, COMMIT_LOCK) < 0)
+ if (write_locked_index(the_repository->index, &lock, COMMIT_LOCK) < 0) {
ret = error(_("could not write index"));
- free((void *)desc.buffer);
- if (ret)
- return ret;
+ goto leave_reset_head;
+ }
reflog_action = getenv(GIT_REFLOG_ACTION_ENVIRONMENT);
strbuf_addf(&msg, "%s: ", reflog_action ? reflog_action : "rebase");
old_orig = &oid_old_orig;
if (!get_oid("HEAD", &oid_orig)) {
orig = &oid_orig;
- strbuf_addstr(&msg, "updating ORIG_HEAD");
- update_ref(msg.buf, "ORIG_HEAD", orig, old_orig, 0,
+ if (!reflog_orig_head) {
+ strbuf_addstr(&msg, "updating ORIG_HEAD");
+ reflog_orig_head = msg.buf;
+ }
+ update_ref(reflog_orig_head, "ORIG_HEAD", orig, old_orig, 0,
} else if (old_orig)
delete_ref(NULL, "ORIG_HEAD", old_orig, 0);
- strbuf_setlen(&msg, prefix_len);
- strbuf_addstr(&msg, "updating HEAD");
+ if (!reflog_head) {
+ strbuf_setlen(&msg, prefix_len);
+ strbuf_addstr(&msg, "updating HEAD");
+ reflog_head = msg.buf;
+ }
if (!switch_to_branch)
- ret = update_ref(msg.buf, "HEAD", oid, orig, REF_NO_DEREF,
+ ret = update_ref(reflog_head, "HEAD", oid, orig,
+ detach_head ? REF_NO_DEREF : 0,
else {
ret = create_symref("HEAD", switch_to_branch, msg.buf);
if (!ret)
- ret = update_ref(msg.buf, "HEAD", oid, NULL, 0,
+ ret = update_ref(reflog_head, "HEAD", oid, NULL, 0,
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock);
+ while (nr)
+ free((void *)desc[--nr].buffer);
return ret;
return 0;
+ if (!strcmp(var, "rebase.autosquash")) {
+ opts->autosquash = git_config_bool(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(var, "commit.gpgsign")) {
+ free(opts->gpg_sign_opt);
+ opts->gpg_sign_opt = git_config_bool(var, value) ?
+ xstrdup("-S") : NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(var, "rebase.autostash")) {
+ opts->autostash = git_config_bool(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
return git_default_config(var, value, data);
merge_bases = get_merge_bases(onto, head);
if (merge_bases && !merge_bases->next) {
oidcpy(merge_base, &merge_bases->item->object.oid);
- res = !oidcmp(merge_base, &onto->object.oid);
+ res = oideq(merge_base, &onto->object.oid);
} else {
oidcpy(merge_base, &null_oid);
res = 0;
return res && is_linear_history(onto, head);
+/* -i followed by -m is still -i */
+static int parse_opt_merge(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
+ struct rebase_options *opts = opt->value;
+ BUG_ON_OPT_NEG(unset);
+ BUG_ON_OPT_ARG(arg);
+ if (!is_interactive(opts))
+ opts->type = REBASE_MERGE;
+ return 0;
+/* -i followed by -p is still explicitly interactive, but -p alone is not */
+static int parse_opt_interactive(const struct option *opt, const char *arg,
+ int unset)
+ struct rebase_options *opts = opt->value;
+ BUG_ON_OPT_NEG(unset);
+ BUG_ON_OPT_ARG(arg);
+ opts->type = REBASE_INTERACTIVE;
+ return 0;
+static void NORETURN error_on_missing_default_upstream(void)
+ struct branch *current_branch = branch_get(NULL);
+ printf(_("%s\n"
+ "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against.\n"
+ "See git-rebase(1) for details.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " git rebase '<branch>'\n"
+ "\n"),
+ current_branch ? _("There is no tracking information for "
+ "the current branch.") :
+ _("You are not currently on a branch."));
+ if (current_branch) {
+ const char *remote = current_branch->remote_name;
+ if (!remote)
+ remote = _("<remote>");
+ printf(_("If you wish to set tracking information for this "
+ "branch you can do so with:\n"
+ "\n"
+ " git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
+ "\n"),
+ remote, current_branch->name);
+ }
+ exit(1);
int cmd_rebase(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct rebase_options options = {
- .git_am_opt = STRBUF_INIT,
+ .git_am_opts = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT,
+ .allow_rerere_autoupdate = -1,
+ .allow_empty_message = 1,
+ .git_format_patch_opt = STRBUF_INIT,
const char *branch_name;
int ret, flags, total_argc, in_progress = 0;
} action = NO_ACTION;
+ const char *gpg_sign = NULL;
+ struct string_list exec = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+ const char *rebase_merges = NULL;
+ int fork_point = -1;
+ struct string_list strategy_options = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+ struct object_id squash_onto;
+ char *squash_onto_name = NULL;
struct option builtin_rebase_options[] = {
OPT_STRING(0, "onto", &options.onto_name,
{OPTION_NEGBIT, 'n', "no-stat", &options.flags, NULL,
N_("do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "signoff", &options.signoff,
+ N_("add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit")),
+ OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV(0, "ignore-whitespace", &options.git_am_opts,
+ NULL, N_("passed to 'git am'"),
+ OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV(0, "committer-date-is-author-date",
+ &options.git_am_opts, NULL,
+ N_("passed to 'git am'"), PARSE_OPT_NOARG),
+ OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV(0, "ignore-date", &options.git_am_opts, NULL,
+ N_("passed to 'git am'"), PARSE_OPT_NOARG),
+ OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV('C', NULL, &options.git_am_opts, N_("n"),
+ N_("passed to 'git apply'"), 0),
+ OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV(0, "whitespace", &options.git_am_opts,
+ N_("action"), N_("passed to 'git apply'"), 0),
OPT_BIT('f', "force-rebase", &options.flags,
N_("cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"),
OPT_CMDMODE(0, "show-current-patch", &action,
N_("show the patch file being applied or merged"),
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 'm', "merge", &options, NULL,
+ N_("use merging strategies to rebase"),
+ parse_opt_merge },
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 'i', "interactive", &options, NULL,
+ N_("let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"),
+ parse_opt_interactive },
+ OPT_SET_INT('p', "preserve-merges", &options.type,
+ N_("try to recreate merges instead of ignoring "
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "rerere-autoupdate",
+ &options.allow_rerere_autoupdate,
+ N_("allow rerere to update index with resolved "
+ "conflict")),
+ OPT_BOOL('k', "keep-empty", &options.keep_empty,
+ N_("preserve empty commits during rebase")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "autosquash", &options.autosquash,
+ N_("move commits that begin with "
+ "squash!/fixup! under -i")),
+ { OPTION_STRING, 'S', "gpg-sign", &gpg_sign, N_("key-id"),
+ N_("GPG-sign commits"),
+ PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, NULL, (intptr_t) "" },
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "autostash", &options.autostash,
+ N_("automatically stash/stash pop before and after")),
+ OPT_STRING_LIST('x', "exec", &exec, N_("exec"),
+ N_("add exec lines after each commit of the "
+ "editable list")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "allow-empty-message",
+ &options.allow_empty_message,
+ N_("allow rebasing commits with empty messages")),
+ {OPTION_STRING, 'r', "rebase-merges", &rebase_merges,
+ N_("mode"),
+ N_("try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"),
+ PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, NULL, (intptr_t)""},
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "fork-point", &fork_point,
+ N_("use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream")),
+ OPT_STRING('s', "strategy", &options.strategy,
+ N_("strategy"), N_("use the given merge strategy")),
+ OPT_STRING_LIST('X', "strategy-option", &strategy_options,
+ N_("option"),
+ N_("pass the argument through to the merge "
+ "strategy")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "root", &options.root,
+ N_("rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)")),
+ int i;
* NEEDSWORK: Once the builtin rebase has been tested enough
string_list_clear(&merge_rr, 1);
- if (reset_head(NULL, "reset", NULL, 0) < 0)
+ if (reset_head(NULL, "reset", NULL, RESET_HEAD_HARD,
+ NULL, NULL) < 0)
die(_("could not discard worktree changes"));
+ remove_branch_state();
if (read_basic_state(&options))
goto run_rebase;
if (read_basic_state(&options))
if (reset_head(&options.orig_head, "reset",
- options.head_name, 0) < 0)
+ options.head_name, RESET_HEAD_HARD,
+ NULL, NULL) < 0)
die(_("could not move back to %s"),
+ remove_branch_state();
ret = finish_rebase(&options);
goto cleanup;
state_dir_base, cmd_live_rebase, buf.buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < options.git_am_opts.argc; i++) {
+ const char *option = options.git_am_opts.argv[i], *p;
+ if (!strcmp(option, "--committer-date-is-author-date") ||
+ !strcmp(option, "--ignore-date") ||
+ !strcmp(option, "--whitespace=fix") ||
+ !strcmp(option, "--whitespace=strip"))
+ options.flags |= REBASE_FORCE;
+ else if (skip_prefix(option, "-C", &p)) {
+ while (*p)
+ if (!isdigit(*(p++)))
+ die(_("switch `C' expects a "
+ "numerical value"));
+ } else if (skip_prefix(option, "--whitespace=", &p)) {
+ if (*p && strcmp(p, "warn") && strcmp(p, "nowarn") &&
+ strcmp(p, "error") && strcmp(p, "error-all"))
+ die("Invalid whitespace option: '%s'", p);
+ }
+ }
if (!(options.flags & REBASE_NO_QUIET))
- strbuf_addstr(&options.git_am_opt, " -q");
+ argv_array_push(&options.git_am_opts, "-q");
+ if (options.keep_empty)
+ imply_interactive(&options, "--keep-empty");
+ if (gpg_sign) {
+ free(options.gpg_sign_opt);
+ options.gpg_sign_opt = xstrfmt("-S%s", gpg_sign);
+ }
+ if (exec.nr) {
+ int i;
+ imply_interactive(&options, "--exec");
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < exec.nr; i++)
+ strbuf_addf(&buf, "exec %s\n", exec.items[i].string);
+ options.cmd = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+ }
+ if (rebase_merges) {
+ if (!*rebase_merges)
+ ; /* default mode; do nothing */
+ else if (!strcmp("rebase-cousins", rebase_merges))
+ options.rebase_cousins = 1;
+ else if (strcmp("no-rebase-cousins", rebase_merges))
+ die(_("Unknown mode: %s"), rebase_merges);
+ options.rebase_merges = 1;
+ imply_interactive(&options, "--rebase-merges");
+ }
+ if (strategy_options.nr) {
+ int i;
+ if (!options.strategy)
+ options.strategy = "recursive";
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < strategy_options.nr; i++)
+ strbuf_addf(&buf, " --%s",
+ strategy_options.items[i].string);
+ options.strategy_opts = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+ }
+ if (options.strategy) {
+ options.strategy = xstrdup(options.strategy);
+ switch (options.type) {
+ case REBASE_AM:
+ die(_("--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"));
+ /* compatible */
+ break;
+ options.type = REBASE_MERGE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BUG("unhandled rebase type (%d)", options.type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.root && !options.onto_name)
+ imply_interactive(&options, "--root without --onto");
+ if (isatty(2) && options.flags & REBASE_NO_QUIET)
+ strbuf_addstr(&options.git_format_patch_opt, " --progress");
switch (options.type) {
+ if (options.git_am_opts.argc) {
+ /* all am options except -q are compatible only with --am */
+ for (i = options.git_am_opts.argc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (strcmp(options.git_am_opts.argv[i], "-q"))
+ break;
+ if (is_interactive(&options) && i >= 0)
+ die(_("error: cannot combine interactive options "
+ "(--interactive, --exec, --rebase-merges, "
+ "--preserve-merges, --keep-empty, --root + "
+ "--onto) with am options (%s)"), buf.buf);
+ if (options.type == REBASE_MERGE && i >= 0)
+ die(_("error: cannot combine merge options (--merge, "
+ "--strategy, --strategy-option) with am options "
+ "(%s)"), buf.buf);
+ }
+ if (options.signoff) {
+ if (options.type == REBASE_PRESERVE_MERGES)
+ die("cannot combine '--signoff' with "
+ "'--preserve-merges'");
+ argv_array_push(&options.git_am_opts, "--signoff");
+ options.flags |= REBASE_FORCE;
+ }
+ if (options.type == REBASE_PRESERVE_MERGES)
+ /*
+ * Note: incompatibility with --signoff handled in signoff block above
+ * Note: incompatibility with --interactive is just a strong warning;
+ * git-rebase.txt caveats with "unless you know what you are doing"
+ */
+ if (options.rebase_merges)
+ die(_("error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with "
+ "'--rebase-merges'"));
+ if (options.rebase_merges) {
+ if (strategy_options.nr)
+ die(_("error: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with "
+ "'--strategy-option'"));
+ if (options.strategy)
+ die(_("error: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with "
+ "'--strategy'"));
+ }
if (!options.root) {
- if (argc < 1)
- die("TODO: handle @{upstream}");
- else {
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ struct branch *branch;
+ branch = branch_get(NULL);
+ options.upstream_name = branch_get_upstream(branch,
+ NULL);
+ if (!options.upstream_name)
+ error_on_missing_default_upstream();
+ if (fork_point < 0)
+ fork_point = 1;
+ } else {
options.upstream_name = argv[0];
if (!options.upstream)
die(_("invalid upstream '%s'"), options.upstream_name);
options.upstream_arg = options.upstream_name;
- } else
- die("TODO: upstream for --root");
+ } else {
+ if (!options.onto_name) {
+ if (commit_tree("", 0, the_hash_algo->empty_tree, NULL,
+ &squash_onto, NULL, NULL) < 0)
+ die(_("Could not create new root commit"));
+ options.squash_onto = &squash_onto;
+ options.onto_name = squash_onto_name =
+ xstrdup(oid_to_hex(&squash_onto));
+ }
+ options.upstream_name = NULL;
+ options.upstream = NULL;
+ if (argc > 1)
+ usage_with_options(builtin_rebase_usage,
+ builtin_rebase_options);
+ options.upstream_arg = "--root";
+ }
/* Make sure the branch to rebase onto is valid. */
if (!options.onto_name)
} else
BUG("unexpected number of arguments left to parse");
+ if (fork_point > 0) {
+ struct commit *head =
+ lookup_commit_reference(the_repository,
+ &options.orig_head);
+ options.restrict_revision =
+ get_fork_point(options.upstream_name, head);
+ }
if (read_index(the_repository->index) < 0)
die(_("could not read index"));
+ if (options.autostash) {
+ struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
+ int fd;
+ fd = hold_locked_index(&lock_file, 0);
+ refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET);
+ if (0 <= fd)
+ update_index_if_able(&the_index, &lock_file);
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock_file);
+ if (has_unstaged_changes(1) || has_uncommitted_changes(1)) {
+ const char *autostash =
+ state_dir_path("autostash", &options);
+ struct child_process stash = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ struct object_id oid;
+ struct commit *head =
+ lookup_commit_reference(the_repository,
+ &options.orig_head);
+ argv_array_pushl(&stash.args,
+ "stash", "create", "autostash", NULL);
+ stash.git_cmd = 1;
+ stash.no_stdin = 1;
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ if (capture_command(&stash, &buf, GIT_MAX_HEXSZ))
+ die(_("Cannot autostash"));
+ strbuf_trim_trailing_newline(&buf);
+ if (get_oid(buf.buf, &oid))
+ die(_("Unexpected stash response: '%s'"),
+ buf.buf);
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&buf, &oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+ if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(autostash))
+ die(_("Could not create directory for '%s'"),
+ options.state_dir);
+ write_file(autostash, "%s", oid_to_hex(&oid));
+ printf(_("Created autostash: %s\n"), buf.buf);
+ if (reset_head(&head->object.oid, "reset --hard",
+ die(_("could not reset --hard"));
+ printf(_("HEAD is now at %s"),
+ find_unique_abbrev(&head->object.oid,
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, head, &buf);
+ if (buf.len > 0)
+ printf(" %s", buf.buf);
+ putchar('\n');
+ if (discard_index(the_repository->index) < 0 ||
+ read_index(the_repository->index) < 0)
+ die(_("could not read index"));
+ }
+ }
if (require_clean_work_tree("rebase",
_("Please commit or stash them."), 1, 1)) {
ret = 1;
if (can_fast_forward(options.onto, &options.orig_head, &merge_base) &&
!is_interactive(&options) && !options.restrict_revision &&
+ options.upstream &&
!oidcmp(&options.upstream->object.oid, &options.onto->object.oid)) {
int flag;
strbuf_addf(&buf, "rebase: checkout %s",
if (reset_head(&oid, "checkout",
- options.head_name, 0) < 0) {
+ options.head_name, 0,
+ NULL, NULL) < 0) {
ret = !!error(_("could not switch to "
+ if (is_interactive(&options))
+ goto run_rebase;
/* Detach HEAD and reset the tree */
if (options.flags & REBASE_NO_QUIET)
printf(_("First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of "
strbuf_addf(&msg, "rebase: checkout %s", options.onto_name);
- if (reset_head(&options.onto->object.oid, "checkout", NULL, 1))
+ if (reset_head(&options.onto->object.oid, "checkout", NULL,
die(_("Could not detach HEAD"));
+ /*
+ * If the onto is a proper descendant of the tip of the branch, then
+ * we just fast-forwarded.
+ */
+ strbuf_reset(&msg);
+ if (!oidcmp(&merge_base, &options.orig_head)) {
+ printf(_("Fast-forwarded %s to %s. \n"),
+ branch_name, options.onto_name);
+ strbuf_addf(&msg, "rebase finished: %s onto %s",
+ options.head_name ? options.head_name : "detached HEAD",
+ oid_to_hex(&options.onto->object.oid));
+ reset_head(NULL, "Fast-forwarded", options.head_name, 0,
+ "HEAD", msg.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&msg);
+ ret = !!finish_rebase(&options);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
strbuf_addf(&revisions, "%s..%s",
options.root ? oid_to_hex(&options.onto->object.oid) :
(options.restrict_revision ?
+ free(options.gpg_sign_opt);
+ free(options.cmd);
+ free(squash_onto_name);
return ret;