eval $cmd
+proc warn_popup {msg} {
+ global gitdir appname
+ set title $appname
+ if {$gitdir ne {}} {
+ append title { (}
+ append title [lindex \
+ [file split [file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
+ end]
+ append title {)}
+ }
+ set cmd [list tk_messageBox \
+ -icon warning \
+ -type ok \
+ -title "$title: warning" \
+ -message $msg]
+ if {[winfo ismapped .]} {
+ lappend cmd -parent .
+ }
+ eval $cmd
proc info_popup {msg} {
global gitdir appname
tk_messageBox \
-parent . \
- -icon error \
+ -icon info \
-type ok \
-title $title \
-message $msg
wm title . "$appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
focus -force $ui_comm
+# -- Warn the user about environmental problems.
+# Cygwin's Tcl does *not* pass its env array
+# onto any processes it spawns. This means
+# that the git processes get none of our
+# environment. That may not work...
+if {[is_Windows]} {
+ set ignored_env 0
+ set suggest_user {}
+ set msg "Possible environment issues exist.
+The following environment variables are probably
+going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run
+by $appname:
+ foreach name [array names env] {
+ switch -regexp -- $name {
+ {^GIT_PAGER$} -
+ {^GIT_TRACE$} -
+ {^GIT_CONFIG$} -
+ append msg " - $name\n"
+ incr ignored_env
+ }
+ append msg " - $name\n"
+ incr ignored_env
+ set suggest_user $name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ignored_env > 0} {
+ append msg "
+This is due to a known issue with the
+Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."
+ if {$suggest_user ne {}} {
+ append msg "
+A good replacement for $suggest_user
+is placing values for the user.name and
+user.email settings into your personal
+~/.gitconfig file.
+ }
+ warn_popup $msg
+ }
+ unset ignored_env msg suggest_user name
if {!$single_commit} {
populate_fetch_menu .mbar.fetch