# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano.
-USAGE='<upstream> [<head>]'
+USAGE='[--onto <newbase>] <upstream> [<branch>]'
+LONG_USAGE='git-rebase replaces <branch> with a new branch of the
+same name. When the --onto option is provided the new branch starts
+out with a HEAD equal to <newbase>, otherwise it is equal to <upstream>
+It then attempts to create a new commit for each commit from the original
+<branch> that does not exist in the <upstream> branch.
+It is possible that a merge failure will prevent this process from being
+completely automatic. You will have to resolve any such merge failure
+and run git rebase --continue. Another option is to bypass the commit
+that caused the merge failure with git rebase --skip. To restore the
+original <branch> and remove the .dotest working files, use the command
+git rebase --abort instead.
+Note that if <branch> is not specified on the command line, the
+currently checked out branch is used. You must be in the top
+directory of your project to start (or continue) a rebase.
+Example: git-rebase master~1 topic
+ A---B---C topic A'\''--B'\''--C'\'' topic
+ / --> /
+ D---E---F---G master D---E---F---G master
. git-sh-setup
+When you have resolved this problem run \"git rebase --continue\".
+If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run \"git rebase --skip\".
+To restore the original branch and stop rebasing run \"git rebase --abort\".
+When you have resolved this problem run \"git rebase --continue\".
+To restore the original branch and stop rebasing run \"git rebase --abort\".
+unset newbase
+continue_merge () {
+ test -n "$prev_head" || die "prev_head must be defined"
+ test -d "$dotest" || die "$dotest directory does not exist"
+ unmerged=$(git-ls-files -u)
+ if test -n "$unmerged"
+ then
+ echo "You still have unmerged paths in your index"
+ echo "did you forget update-index?"
+ fi
+ if test -n "`git-diff-index HEAD`"
+ then
+ printf "Committed: %0${prec}d" $msgnum
+ git-commit -C "`cat $dotest/current`"
+ else
+ printf "Already applied: %0${prec}d" $msgnum
+ fi
+ echo ' '`git-rev-list --pretty=oneline -1 HEAD | \
+ sed 's/^[a-f0-9]\+ //'`
+ prev_head=`git-rev-parse HEAD^0`
+ # save the resulting commit so we can read-tree on it later
+ echo "$prev_head" > "$dotest/prev_head"
+ # onto the next patch:
+ msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1))
+ echo "$msgnum" >"$dotest/msgnum"
+call_merge () {
+ cmt="$(cat $dotest/cmt.$1)"
+ echo "$cmt" > "$dotest/current"
+ git-merge-$strategy "$cmt^" -- HEAD "$cmt"
+ rv=$?
+ case "$rv" in
+ 0)
+ return
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ test -d "$GIT_DIR/rr-cache" && git-rerere
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ echo "Strategy: $rv $strategy failed, try another" 1>&2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "Unknown exit code ($rv) from command:" \
+ "git-merge-$strategy $cmt^ -- HEAD $cmt"
+ ;;
+ esac
+finish_rb_merge () {
+ rm -r "$dotest"
+ echo "All done."
+while case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac
+ case "$1" in
+ --continue)
+ diff=$(git-diff-files)
+ case "$diff" in
+ ?*) echo "You must edit all merge conflicts and then"
+ echo "mark them as resolved using git update-index"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -d "$dotest"
+ then
+ prev_head="`cat $dotest/prev_head`"
+ end="`cat $dotest/end`"
+ msgnum="`cat $dotest/msgnum`"
+ onto="`cat $dotest/onto`"
+ continue_merge
+ while test "$msgnum" -le "$end"
+ do
+ call_merge "$msgnum"
+ continue_merge
+ done
+ finish_rb_merge
+ exit
+ fi
+ git am --resolved --3way --resolvemsg="$RESOLVEMSG"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ --skip)
+ if test -d "$dotest"
+ then
+ prev_head="`cat $dotest/prev_head`"
+ end="`cat $dotest/end`"
+ msgnum="`cat $dotest/msgnum`"
+ msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1))
+ onto="`cat $dotest/onto`"
+ while test "$msgnum" -le "$end"
+ do
+ call_merge "$msgnum"
+ continue_merge
+ done
+ finish_rb_merge
+ exit
+ fi
+ git am -3 --skip --resolvemsg="$RESOLVEMSG"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ --abort)
+ if test -d "$dotest"
+ then
+ rm -r "$dotest"
+ elif test -d .dotest
+ then
+ rm -r .dotest
+ else
+ die "No rebase in progress?"
+ fi
+ git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
+ exit
+ ;;
+ --onto)
+ test 2 -le "$#" || usage
+ newbase="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -M|-m|--m|--me|--mer|--merg|--merge)
+ do_merge=t
+ ;;
+ -s=*|--s=*|--st=*|--str=*|--stra=*|--strat=*|--strate=*|\
+ --strateg=*|--strategy=*|\
+ -s|--s|--st|--str|--stra|--strat|--strate|--strateg|--strategy)
+ case "$#,$1" in
+ *,*=*)
+ strategy=`expr "$1" : '-[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
+ 1,*)
+ usage ;;
+ *)
+ strategy="$2"
+ shift ;;
+ esac
+ do_merge=t
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
# Make sure we do not have .dotest
-if mkdir .dotest
+if test -z "$do_merge"
- rmdir .dotest
- echo >&2 '
+ if mkdir .dotest
+ then
+ rmdir .dotest
+ else
+ echo >&2 '
It seems that I cannot create a .dotest directory, and I wonder if you
are in the middle of patch application or another rebase. If that is not
the case, please rm -fr .dotest and run me again. I am stopping in case
you still have something valuable there.'
- exit 1
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if test -d "$dotest"
+ then
+ die "previous dotest directory $dotest still exists." \
+ 'try git-rebase < --continue | --abort >'
+ fi
-# The other head is given. Make sure it is valid.
-other=$(git-rev-parse --verify "$1^0") || usage
-# Make sure we have HEAD that is valid.
-head=$(git-rev-parse --verify "HEAD^0") || exit
# The tree must be really really clean.
git-update-index --refresh || exit
diff=$(git-diff-index --cached --name-status -r HEAD)
-case "$different" in
+case "$diff" in
?*) echo "$diff"
exit 1
+# The upstream head must be given. Make sure it is valid.
+upstream=`git rev-parse --verify "${upstream_name}^0"` ||
+ die "invalid upstream $upstream_name"
+# If a hook exists, give it a chance to interrupt
+if test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase"
+ "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase" ${1+"$@"} || {
+ echo >&2 "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
+ exit 1
+ }
# If the branch to rebase is given, first switch to it.
case "$#" in
+ branch_name="$2"
git-checkout "$2" || usage
+ ;;
+ branch_name=`git symbolic-ref HEAD` || die "No current branch"
+ branch_name=`expr "z$branch_name" : 'zrefs/heads/\(.*\)'`
+ ;;
+branch=$(git-rev-parse --verify "${branch_name}^0") || exit
-# If the HEAD is a proper descendant of $other, we do not even need
-# to rebase. Make sure we do not do needless rebase. In such a
-# case, merge-base should be the same as "$other".
-mb=$(git-merge-base "$other" "$head")
-if test "$mb" = "$other"
+# Make sure the branch to rebase onto is valid.
+onto=$(git-rev-parse --verify "${onto_name}^0") || exit
+# Now we are rebasing commits $upstream..$branch on top of $onto
+# Check if we are already based on $onto, but this should be
+# done only when upstream and onto are the same.
+if test "$upstream" = "$onto"
- echo >&2 "Current branch `git-symbolic-ref HEAD` is up to date."
+ mb=$(git-merge-base "$onto" "$branch")
+ if test "$mb" = "$onto"
+ then
+ echo >&2 "Current branch $branch_name is up to date."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+# Rewind the head to "$onto"; this saves our current head in ORIG_HEAD.
+git-reset --hard "$onto"
+# If the $onto is a proper descendant of the tip of the branch, then
+# we just fast forwarded.
+if test "$mb" = "$onto"
+ echo >&2 "Fast-forwarded $branch to $newbase."
exit 0
-# Rewind the head to "$other"
-git-reset --hard "$other"
-git-format-patch -k --stdout --full-index "$other" ORIG_HEAD |
-git am --binary -3 -k
+if test -z "$do_merge"
+ git-format-patch -k --stdout --full-index "$upstream"..ORIG_HEAD |
+ git am --binary -3 -k --resolvemsg="$RESOLVEMSG"
+ exit $?
+if test "@@NO_PYTHON@@" && test "$strategy" = "recursive"
+ die 'The recursive merge strategy currently relies on Python,
+which this installation of git was not configured with. Please consider
+a different merge strategy (e.g. octopus, resolve, stupid, ours)
+or install Python and git with Python support.'
+# start doing a rebase with git-merge
+# this is rename-aware if the recursive (default) strategy is used
+mkdir -p "$dotest"
+echo "$onto" > "$dotest/onto"
+prev_head=`git-rev-parse HEAD^0`
+echo "$prev_head" > "$dotest/prev_head"
+for cmt in `git-rev-list --no-merges "$upstream"..ORIG_HEAD \
+ | perl -e 'print reverse <>'`
+ msgnum=$(($msgnum + 1))
+ echo "$cmt" > "$dotest/cmt.$msgnum"
+echo 1 >"$dotest/msgnum"
+echo $msgnum >"$dotest/end"
+while test "$msgnum" -le "$end"
+ call_merge "$msgnum"
+ continue_merge