Spaces in both project path and project owner have to be encoded as either
'%20' or '+'.
+ Other characters that have to be url-encoded, i.e. replaced by '%'
+ followed by two-digit character number in octal, are: other whitespace
+ characters (because they are field separator in a record), plus sign '+'
+ (because it can be used as replacement for spaces), and percent sign '%'
+ (which is used for encoding / escaping).
You can generate the projects list index file using the project_index
action (the 'TXT' link on projects list page) directly from gitweb.
shows repositories only if this file exists in its object database
(if directory has the magic file named $export_ok).
+- Finally, it is possible to specify an arbitrary perl subroutine that
+ will be called for each project to determine if it can be exported.
+ The subroutine receives an absolute path to the project as its only
+ parameter.
+ For example, if you use mod_perl to run the script, and have dumb
+ http protocol authentication configured for your repositories, you
+ can use the following hook to allow access only if the user is
+ authorized to read the files:
+ $export_auth_hook = sub {
+ use Apache2::SubRequest ();
+ use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(HTTP_OK);
+ my $path = "$_[0]/HEAD";
+ my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
+ my $sub = $r->lookup_file($path);
+ return $sub->filename eq $path
+ && $sub->status == Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK;
+ };
Generating projects list using gitweb