'sub' => sub { feature_bool('remote_heads', @_) },
'override' => 0,
'default' => [0]},
+ # Enable showing branches under other refs in addition to heads
+ # To set system wide extra branch refs have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'extra-branch-refs'}{'default'} = ['dirs', 'of', 'choice'];
+ # To have project specific config enable override in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'extra-branch-refs'}{'override'} = 1;
+ # and in project config gitweb.extrabranchrefs = dirs of choice
+ # Every directory is separated with whitespace.
+ 'extra-branch-refs' => {
+ 'sub' => \&feature_extra_branch_refs,
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => []},
sub gitweb_get_feature {
return @val ? @val : @_;
+sub feature_extra_branch_refs {
+ my (@branch_refs) = @_;
+ my $values = git_get_project_config('extrabranchrefs');
+ if ($values) {
+ $values = config_to_multi ($values);
+ @branch_refs = ();
+ foreach my $value (@{$values}) {
+ push @branch_refs, split /\s+/, $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return @branch_refs;
# checking HEAD file with -e is fragile if the repository was
# initialized long time ago (i.e. symlink HEAD) and was pack-ref'ed
# and then pruned.
!$known_snapshot_formats{$_}{'disabled'}} @fmts;
+sub filter_and_validate_refs {
+ my @refs = @_;
+ my %unique_refs = ();
+ foreach my $ref (@refs) {
+ die_error(500, "Invalid ref '$ref' in 'extra-branch-refs' feature") unless (is_valid_ref_format($ref));
+ # 'heads' are added implicitly in get_branch_refs().
+ $unique_refs{$ref} = 1 if ($ref ne 'heads');
+ }
+ return sort keys %unique_refs;
# If it is set to code reference, it is code that it is to be run once per
# request, allowing updating configurations that change with each request,
# while running other code in config file only once.
sub evaluate_and_validate_params {
our $action = $input_params{'action'};
if (defined $action) {
- if (!validate_action($action)) {
+ if (!is_valid_action($action)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid action parameter");
# parameters which are pathnames
our $project = $input_params{'project'};
if (defined $project) {
- if (!validate_project($project)) {
+ if (!is_valid_project($project)) {
undef $project;
die_error(404, "No such project");
our $project_filter = $input_params{'project_filter'};
if (defined $project_filter) {
- if (!validate_pathname($project_filter)) {
+ if (!is_valid_pathname($project_filter)) {
die_error(404, "Invalid project_filter parameter");
our $file_name = $input_params{'file_name'};
if (defined $file_name) {
- if (!validate_pathname($file_name)) {
+ if (!is_valid_pathname($file_name)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid file parameter");
our $file_parent = $input_params{'file_parent'};
if (defined $file_parent) {
- if (!validate_pathname($file_parent)) {
+ if (!is_valid_pathname($file_parent)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid file parent parameter");
# parameters which are refnames
our $hash = $input_params{'hash'};
if (defined $hash) {
- if (!validate_refname($hash)) {
+ if (!is_valid_refname($hash)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid hash parameter");
our $hash_parent = $input_params{'hash_parent'};
if (defined $hash_parent) {
- if (!validate_refname($hash_parent)) {
+ if (!is_valid_refname($hash_parent)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid hash parent parameter");
our $hash_base = $input_params{'hash_base'};
if (defined $hash_base) {
- if (!validate_refname($hash_base)) {
+ if (!is_valid_refname($hash_base)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid hash base parameter");
our $hash_parent_base = $input_params{'hash_parent_base'};
if (defined $hash_parent_base) {
- if (!validate_refname($hash_parent_base)) {
+ if (!is_valid_refname($hash_parent_base)) {
die_error(400, "Invalid hash parent base parameter");
our $git_dir = "$projectroot/$project" if $project;
-our (@snapshot_fmts, $git_avatar);
+our (@snapshot_fmts, $git_avatar, @extra_branch_refs);
sub configure_gitweb_features {
# list of supported snapshot formats
our @snapshot_fmts = gitweb_get_feature('snapshot');
} else {
$git_avatar = '';
+ our @extra_branch_refs = gitweb_get_feature('extra-branch-refs');
+ @extra_branch_refs = filter_and_validate_refs (@extra_branch_refs);
+sub get_branch_refs {
+ return ('heads', @extra_branch_refs);
# custom error handler: 'die <message>' is Internal Server Error
## ======================================================================
## validation, quoting/unquoting and escaping
-sub validate_action {
- my $input = shift || return undef;
+sub is_valid_action {
+ my $input = shift;
return undef unless exists $actions{$input};
- return $input;
+ return 1;
-sub validate_project {
- my $input = shift || return undef;
- if (!validate_pathname($input) ||
+sub is_valid_project {
+ my $input = shift;
+ return unless defined $input;
+ if (!is_valid_pathname($input) ||
!(-d "$projectroot/$input") ||
!check_export_ok("$projectroot/$input") ||
($strict_export && !project_in_list($input))) {
return undef;
} else {
- return $input;
+ return 1;
-sub validate_pathname {
- my $input = shift || return undef;
+sub is_valid_pathname {
+ my $input = shift;
- # no '.' or '..' as elements of path, i.e. no '.' nor '..'
+ return undef unless defined $input;
+ # no '.' or '..' as elements of path, i.e. no '.' or '..'
# at the beginning, at the end, and between slashes.
# also this catches doubled slashes
if ($input =~ m!(^|/)(|\.|\.\.)(/|$)!) {
if ($input =~ m!\0!) {
return undef;
- return $input;
+ return 1;
-sub validate_refname {
- my $input = shift || return undef;
+sub is_valid_ref_format {
+ my $input = shift;
- # textual hashes are O.K.
- if ($input =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
- return $input;
- }
- # it must be correct pathname
- $input = validate_pathname($input)
- or return undef;
+ return undef unless defined $input;
# restrictions on ref name according to git-check-ref-format
if ($input =~ m!(/\.|\.\.|[\000-\040\177 ~^:?*\[]|/$)!) {
return undef;
- return $input;
+ return 1;
+sub is_valid_refname {
+ my $input = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $input;
+ # textual hashes are O.K.
+ if ($input =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # it must be correct pathname
+ is_valid_pathname($input) or return undef;
+ # check git-check-ref-format restrictions
+ is_valid_ref_format($input) or return undef;
+ return 1;
# decode sequences of octets in utf8 into Perl's internal form,
sub get_feed_info {
my $format = shift || 'Atom';
my %res = (action => lc($format));
+ my $matched_ref = 0;
# feed links are possible only for project views
return unless (defined $project);
# or don't have specific feed yet (so they should use generic)
return if (!$action || $action =~ /^(?:tags|heads|forks|tag|search)$/x);
- my $branch;
- # branches refs uses 'refs/heads/' prefix (fullname) to differentiate
- # from tag links; this also makes possible to detect branch links
- if ((defined $hash_base && $hash_base =~ m!^refs/heads/(.*)$!) ||
- (defined $hash && $hash =~ m!^refs/heads/(.*)$!)) {
- $branch = $1;
+ my $branch = undef;
+ # branches refs uses 'refs/' + $get_branch_refs()[x] + '/' prefix
+ # (fullname) to differentiate from tag links; this also makes
+ # possible to detect branch links
+ for my $ref (get_branch_refs()) {
+ if ((defined $hash_base && $hash_base =~ m!^refs/\Q$ref\E/(.*)$!) ||
+ (defined $hash && $hash =~ m!^refs/\Q$ref\E/(.*)$!)) {
+ $branch = $1;
+ $matched_ref = $ref;
+ last;
+ }
# find log type for feed description (title)
my $type = 'log';
$res{-title} = $type;
- $res{'hash'} = (defined $branch ? "refs/heads/$branch" : undef);
+ $res{'hash'} = (defined $branch ? "refs/$matched_ref/$branch" : undef);
$res{'file_name'} = $file_name;
return %res;
- 'refs/heads') or return;
+ map { "refs/$_" } get_branch_refs ()) or return;
my $most_recent = <$fd>;
close $fd or return;
if (defined $most_recent &&
sub git_get_heads_list {
my ($limit, @classes) = @_;
- @classes = ('heads') unless @classes;
+ @classes = get_branch_refs() unless @classes;
my @patterns = map { "refs/$_" } @classes;
my @headslist;
my ($committer, $epoch, $tz) =
($committerinfo =~ /^(.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/);
$ref_item{'fullname'} = $name;
- $name =~ s!^refs/(?:head|remote)s/!!;
+ my $strip_refs = join '|', map { quotemeta } get_branch_refs();
+ $name =~ s!^refs/($strip_refs|remotes)/!!;
+ $ref_item{'name'} = $name;
+ # for refs neither in 'heads' nor 'remotes' we want to
+ # show their ref dir
+ my $ref_dir = (defined $1) ? $1 : '';
+ if ($ref_dir ne '' and $ref_dir ne 'heads' and $ref_dir ne 'remotes') {
+ $ref_item{'name'} .= ' (' . $ref_dir . ')';
+ }
- $ref_item{'name'} = $name;
$ref_item{'id'} = $hash;
$ref_item{'title'} = $title || '(no commit message)';
$ref_item{'epoch'} = $epoch;
$cgi->input({-name=>"h", -value=>$search_hash, -type=>"hidden"}) . "\n" .
$cgi->popup_menu(-name => 'st', -default => 'commit',
-values => ['commit', 'grep', 'author', 'committer', 'pickaxe']) .
- $cgi->sup($cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search_help")}, "?")) .
- " search:\n",
+ " " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search_help"),
+ -title => "search help" }, "?") . " search:\n",
$cgi->textfield(-name => "s", -value => $searchtext, -override => 1) . "\n" .
"<span title=\"Extended regular expression\">" .
$cgi->checkbox(-name => 'sr', -value => 1, -label => 're',
print "<div class=\"title\"> </div>\n";
print "<table class=\"projects_list\">\n" .
"<tr id=\"metadata_desc\"><td>description</td><td>" . esc_html($descr) . "</td></tr>\n";
- unless ($omit_owner) {
+ if ($owner and not $omit_owner) {
print "<tr id=\"metadata_owner\"><td>owner</td><td>" . esc_html($owner) . "</td></tr>\n";
if (defined $cd{'rfc2822'}) {
$hash_base, '--', $file_name
or die_error(500, "Open git-blame --porcelain failed");
+ binmode $fd, ':utf8';
# incremental blame data returns early
if ($format eq 'data') {
git_print_page_path($file_name, "blob", $hash_base);
print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
if ($mimetype =~ m!^image/!) {
- print qq!<img type="!.esc_attr($mimetype).qq!"!;
+ print qq!<img class="blob" type="!.esc_attr($mimetype).qq!"!;
if ($file_name) {
print qq! alt="!.esc_attr($file_name).qq!" title="!.esc_attr($file_name).qq!"!;
+sub sanitize_for_filename {
+ my $name = shift;
+ $name =~ s!/!-!g;
+ $name =~ s/[^[:alnum:]_.-]//g;
+ return $name;
sub snapshot_name {
my ($project, $hash) = @_;
# path/to/project/.git -> project
my $name = to_utf8($project);
$name =~ s,([^/])/*\.git$,$1,;
- $name = basename($name);
- # sanitize name
- $name =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/?/g;
+ $name = sanitize_for_filename(basename($name));
my $ver = $hash;
if ($hash =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) {
$ver = $1;
} else {
# branches and other need shortened SHA-1 hash
- if ($hash =~ m!^refs/(?:heads|remotes)/(.*)$!) {
- $ver = $1;
+ my $strip_refs = join '|', map { quotemeta } get_branch_refs();
+ if ($hash =~ m!^refs/($strip_refs|remotes)/(.*)$!) {
+ my $ref_dir = (defined $1) ? $1 : '';
+ $ver = $2;
+ $ref_dir = sanitize_for_filename($ref_dir);
+ # for refs neither in heads nor remotes we want to
+ # add a ref dir to archive name
+ if ($ref_dir ne '' and $ref_dir ne 'heads' and $ref_dir ne 'remotes') {
+ $ver = $ref_dir . '-' . $ver;
+ }
$ver .= '-' . git_get_short_hash($project, $hash);
+ # special case of sanitization for filename - we change
+ # slashes to dots instead of dashes
# in case of hierarchical branch names
$ver =~ s!/!.!g;
+ $ver =~ s/[^[:alnum:]_.-]//g;
# name = project-version_string
$name = "$name-$ver";