-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2002,2005 Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com>
# Copyright 2005 Ryan Anderson <ryan@michonline.com>
# and second line is the subject of the message.
+use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadLine;
--envelope-sender <str> * Email envelope sender.
--smtp-server <str:int> * Outgoing SMTP server to use. The port
is optional. Default 'localhost'.
+ --smtp-server-option <str> * Outgoing SMTP server option to use.
--smtp-server-port <int> * Outgoing SMTP server port.
--smtp-user <str> * Username for SMTP-AUTH.
--smtp-pass <str> * Password for SMTP-AUTH; not necessary.
--identity <str> * Use the sendemail.<id> options.
+ --to-cmd <str> * Email To: via `<str> \$patch_path`
--cc-cmd <str> * Email Cc: via `<str> \$patch_path`
--suppress-cc <str> * author, self, sob, cc, cccmd, body, bodycc, all.
--[no-]signed-off-by-cc * Send to Signed-off-by: addresses. Default on.
my $auth;
# Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting:
-my (@to,$no_to,@cc,$no_cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,$no_bcc,@xh,
+my (@to,$no_to,@initial_to,@cc,$no_cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,$no_bcc,@xh,
# Variables with corresponding config settings
-my ($thread, $chain_reply_to, $suppress_from, $signed_off_by_cc, $cc_cmd);
-my ($smtp_server, $smtp_server_port, $smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption);
-my ($identity, $aliasfiletype, @alias_files, @smtp_host_parts, $smtp_domain);
+my ($thread, $chain_reply_to, $suppress_from, $signed_off_by_cc);
+my ($to_cmd, $cc_cmd);
+my ($smtp_server, $smtp_server_port, @smtp_server_options);
+my ($smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption);
+my ($identity, $aliasfiletype, @alias_files, $smtp_domain);
my ($validate, $confirm);
my (@suppress_cc);
my ($auto_8bit_encoding);
my %config_settings = (
"smtpserver" => \$smtp_server,
"smtpserverport" => \$smtp_server_port,
+ "smtpserveroption" => \@smtp_server_options,
"smtpuser" => \$smtp_authuser,
"smtppass" => \$smtp_authpass,
- "smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain,
- "to" => \@to,
+ "smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain,
+ "to" => \@initial_to,
+ "tocmd" => \$to_cmd,
"cc" => \@initial_cc,
"cccmd" => \$cc_cmd,
"aliasfiletype" => \$aliasfiletype,
my $rc = GetOptions("sender|from=s" => \$sender,
"in-reply-to=s" => \$initial_reply_to,
"subject=s" => \$initial_subject,
- "to=s" => \@to,
+ "to=s" => \@initial_to,
+ "to-cmd=s" => \$to_cmd,
"no-to" => \$no_to,
"cc=s" => \@initial_cc,
"no-cc" => \$no_cc,
"no-bcc" => \$no_bcc,
"chain-reply-to!" => \$chain_reply_to,
"smtp-server=s" => \$smtp_server,
+ "smtp-server-option=s" => \@smtp_server_options,
"smtp-server-port=s" => \$smtp_server_port,
"smtp-user=s" => \$smtp_authuser,
"smtp-pass:s" => \$smtp_authpass,
# Verify the user input
-foreach my $entry (@to) {
+foreach my $entry (@initial_to) {
die "Comma in --to entry: $entry'\n" unless $entry !~ m/,/;
-if (!@to) {
+if (!@initial_to && !defined $to_cmd) {
my $to = ask("Who should the emails be sent to? ");
- push @to, parse_address_line($to) if defined $to; # sanitized/validated later
+ push @initial_to, parse_address_line($to) if defined $to; # sanitized/validated later
return $aliases{$alias} ? expand_aliases(@{$aliases{$alias}}) : $alias;
-@to = expand_aliases(@to);
-@to = (map { sanitize_address($_) } @to);
+@initial_to = expand_aliases(@initial_to);
+@initial_to = (map { sanitize_address($_) } @initial_to);
@initial_cc = expand_aliases(@initial_cc);
@bcclist = expand_aliases(@bcclist);
sub extract_valid_address {
my $address = shift;
- my $local_part_regexp = '[^<>"\s@]+';
- my $domain_regexp = '[^.<>"\s@]+(?:\.[^.<>"\s@]+)+';
+ my $local_part_regexp = qr/[^<>"\s@]+/;
+ my $domain_regexp = qr/[^.<>"\s@]+(?:\.[^.<>"\s@]+)+/;
# check for a local address:
return $address if ($address =~ /^($local_part_regexp)$/);
+ unshift (@sendmail_parameters, @smtp_server_options);
if ($dry_run) {
# We don't want to send the email.
} elsif ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) {
my $author_encoding;
my $has_content_type;
my $body_encoding;
+ @to = ();
@cc = ();
@xh = ();
my $input_format = undef;
$1, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $1;
+ elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/) {
+ foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
+ printf("(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n",
+ $addr, $_) unless $quiet;
+ push @to, sanitize_address($addr);
+ }
+ }
elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/) {
foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
if (unquote_rfc2047($addr) eq $sender) {
close $fh;
- if (defined $cc_cmd && !$suppress_cc{'cccmd'}) {
- open my $fh, "$cc_cmd \Q$t\E |"
- or die "(cc-cmd) Could not execute '$cc_cmd'";
- while(my $c = <$fh>) {
- chomp $c;
- $c =~ s/^\s*//g;
- next if ($c eq $sender and $suppress_from);
- push @cc, $c;
- printf("(cc-cmd) Adding cc: %s from: '%s'\n",
- $c, $cc_cmd) unless $quiet;
- }
- close $fh
- or die "(cc-cmd) failed to close pipe to '$cc_cmd'";
- }
+ push @to, recipients_cmd("to-cmd", "to", $to_cmd, $t)
+ if defined $to_cmd;
+ push @cc, recipients_cmd("cc-cmd", "cc", $cc_cmd, $t)
+ if defined $cc_cmd && !$suppress_cc{'cccmd'};
if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !$has_content_type) {
$has_content_type = 1;
($confirm =~ /^(?:auto|compose)$/ && $compose && $message_num == 1));
$needs_confirm = "inform" if ($needs_confirm && $confirm_unconfigured && @cc);
+ @to = (@initial_to, @to);
@cc = (@initial_cc, @cc);
my $message_was_sent = send_message();
# set up for the next message
if ($thread && $message_was_sent &&
- (chain_reply_to() || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0)) {
+ (chain_reply_to() || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0 ||
+ $message_num == 1)) {
$reply_to = $message_id;
if (length $references > 0) {
$references .= "\n $message_id";
$message_id = undef;
+# Execute a command (e.g. $to_cmd) to get a list of email addresses
+# and return a results array
+sub recipients_cmd {
+ my ($prefix, $what, $cmd, $file) = @_;
+ my $sanitized_sender = sanitize_address($sender);
+ my @addresses = ();
+ open my $fh, "$cmd \Q$file\E |"
+ or die "($prefix) Could not execute '$cmd'";
+ while (my $address = <$fh>) {
+ $address =~ s/^\s*//g;
+ $address =~ s/\s*$//g;
+ $address = sanitize_address($address);
+ next if ($address eq $sanitized_sender and $suppress_from);
+ push @addresses, $address;
+ printf("($prefix) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n",
+ $what, $address, $cmd) unless $quiet;
+ }
+ close $fh
+ or die "($prefix) failed to close pipe to '$cmd'";
+ return @addresses;
sub cleanup_compose_files {