Subject: Re: sending changesets from the middle of a git tree
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 18:37:39 -0700
Abstract: In this article, JC talks about how he rebases the
- public "pu" branch using the core GIT tools when he updates
+ public "pu" branch using the core Git tools when he updates
the "master" branch, and how "rebase" works. Also discussed
is how this applies to individual developers who sends patches
+Content-type: text/asciidoc
+How to rebase from an internal branch
Petr Baudis <> writes:
> Dear diary, on Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 09:57:13AM CEST, I got a letter
>> > branch to the real branches.
> Actually, wouldn't this be also precisely for what StGIT is intended to?
Exactly my feeling. I was sort of waiting for Catalin to speak
up. With its basing philosophical ancestry on quilt, this is
the kind of task StGIT is designed to do.
I just have done a simpler one, this time using only the core
-GIT tools.
+Git tools.
-I had a handful commits that were ahead of master in pu, and I
+I had a handful of commits that were ahead of master in pu, and I
wanted to add some documentation bypassing my usual habit of
placing new things in pu first. At the beginning, the commit
ancestry graph looked like this:
can run "git prune" to get rid of those original three commits.
While I am talking about "git rebase", I should talk about how
-to do cherrypicking using only the core GIT tools.
+to do cherrypicking using only the core Git tools.
Let's go back to the earlier picture, with different labels.
$ git fetch upstream
This leaves the updated upstream head in .git/FETCH_HEAD but
-does not touch your .git/HEAD nor .git/refs/heads/master.
+does not touch your .git/HEAD or .git/refs/heads/master.
You run "git rebase" now.
$ git rebase FETCH_HEAD master
the #1' commit.
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