foreach v {tagids idtags headids idheads otherrefids idotherrefs} {
catch {unset $v}
- set refd [open [list | git-ls-remote [gitdir]] r]
+ set refd [open [list | git ls-remote [gitdir]] r]
while {0 <= [set n [gets $refd line]]} {
if {![regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40}) refs/([^^]*)$} $line \
match id path]} {
proc makewindow {rargs} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist textfont
+ global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist textfont mainfont uifont
global findtype findtypemenu findloc findstring fstring geometry
global entries sha1entry sha1string sha1but
global maincursor textcursor curtextcursor
menu .bar
.bar add cascade -label "File" -menu .bar.file
+ .bar configure -font $uifont
menu .bar.file
.bar.file add command -label "Update" -command [list updatecommits $rargs]
.bar.file add command -label "Reread references" -command rereadrefs
.bar.file add command -label "Quit" -command doquit
+ .bar.file configure -font $uifont
menu .bar.edit
.bar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .bar.edit
.bar.edit add command -label "Preferences" -command doprefs
+ .bar.edit configure -font $uifont
.bar add cascade -label "Help" -menu add command -label "About gitk" -command about add command -label "Key bindings" -command keys
+ configure -font $uifont
. configure -menu .bar
if {![info exists geometry(canv1)]} {
set entries $sha1entry
set sha1but
button $sha1but -text "SHA1 ID: " -state disabled -relief flat \
- -command gotocommit -width 8
+ -command gotocommit -width 8 -font $uifont
$sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground]
pack -side left
entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font $textfont -textvariable sha1string
-state disabled -width 26
pack -side left -fill y
- button -text "Find" -command dofind
+ button -text "Find" -command dofind -font $uifont
pack -side left
set findstring {}
set fstring
lappend entries $fstring
- entry $fstring -width 30 -font $textfont -textvariable findstring
+ entry $fstring -width 30 -font $textfont -textvariable findstring -font $textfont
pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
set findtype Exact
set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu \
findtype Exact IgnCase Regexp]
+ configure -font $uifont
+ configure -font $uifont
set findloc "All fields"
tk_optionMenu findloc "All fields" Headline \
Comments Author Committer Files Pickaxe
+ configure -font $uifont
+ configure -font $uifont
pack -side right
pack -side right
# for making sure type==Exact whenever loc==Pickaxe
frame .ctop.cdet.right
set cflist .ctop.cdet.right.cfiles
listbox $cflist -bg white -selectmode extended -width $geometry(cflistw) \
- -yscrollcommand " set"
+ -yscrollcommand " set" -font $mainfont
scrollbar -command "$cflist yview"
pack -side right -fill y
pack $cflist -side left -fill both -expand 1
bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
bindall <2> "canvscan mark %W %x %y"
bindall <B2-Motion> "canvscan dragto %W %x %y"
+ bindkey <Home> selfirstline
+ bindkey <End> sellastline
bind . <Key-Up> "selnextline -1"
bind . <Key-Down> "selnextline 1"
- bind . <Key-Right> "goforw"
- bind . <Key-Left> "goback"
- bind . <Key-Prior> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 pages"
- bind . <Key-Next> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 pages"
+ bindkey <Key-Right> "goforw"
+ bindkey <Key-Left> "goback"
+ bind . <Key-Prior> "selnextpage -1"
+ bind . <Key-Next> "selnextpage 1"
+ bind . <Control-Home> "allcanvs yview moveto 0.0"
+ bind . <Control-End> "allcanvs yview moveto 1.0"
+ bind . <Control-Key-Up> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 units"
+ bind . <Control-Key-Down> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 units"
+ bind . <Control-Key-Prior> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 pages"
+ bind . <Control-Key-Next> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 pages"
bindkey <Key-Delete> "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey <Key-BackSpace> "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey <Key-space> "$ctext yview scroll 1 pages"
proc savestuff {w} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 ctext cflist mainfont textfont
+ global canv canv2 canv3 ctext cflist mainfont textfont uifont
global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct
global maxwidth
set f [open "~/.gitk-new" w]
puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont]
puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
+ puts $f [list set uifont $uifont]
puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles]
puts $f [list set maxgraphpct $maxgraphpct]
puts $f [list set maxwidth $maxwidth]
Gitk key bindings:
<Ctrl-Q> Quit
+<Home> Move to first commit
+<End> Move to last commit
<Up>, p, i Move up one commit
<Down>, n, k Move down one commit
<Left>, z, j Go back in history list
<Right>, x, l Go forward in history list
-<Page up> Scroll commit list up one page
-<Page down> Scroll commit list down one page
+<PageUp> Move up one page in commit list
+<PageDown> Move down one page in commit list
+<Ctrl-Home> Scroll to top of commit list
+<Ctrl-End> Scroll to bottom of commit list
+<Ctrl-Up> Scroll commit list up one line
+<Ctrl-Down> Scroll commit list down one line
+<Ctrl-PageUp> Scroll commit list up one page
+<Ctrl-PageDown> Scroll commit list down one page
<Delete>, b Scroll diff view up one page
<Backspace> Scroll diff view up one page
<Space> Scroll diff view down one page
proc addextraid {id row} {
global displayorder commitrow commitinfo
- global commitidx
+ global commitidx commitlisted
global parentlist childlist children
incr commitidx
lappend displayorder $id
+ lappend commitlisted 0
lappend parentlist {}
set commitrow($id) $row
readcommit $id
proc drawcmitrow {row} {
global displayorder rowidlist
global idrowranges idrangedrawn iddrawn
- global commitinfo commitlisted parentlist numcommits
+ global commitinfo parentlist numcommits
if {$row >= $numcommits} return
foreach id [lindex $rowidlist $row] {
-proc findcont {id} {
+proc findcont {} {
global findid treediffs parentlist
global ffileline findstartline finddidsel
global displayorder numcommits matchinglines findinprogress
$ctext tag bind link <Leave> { %W configure -cursor $curtextcursor }
+proc viewnextline {dir} {
+ global canv linespc
+ $canv delete hover
+ set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
+ set wnow [$canv yview]
+ set wtop [expr {[lindex $wnow 0] * $ymax}]
+ set newtop [expr {$wtop + $dir * $linespc}]
+ if {$newtop < 0} {
+ set newtop 0
+ } elseif {$newtop > $ymax} {
+ set newtop $ymax
+ }
+ allcanvs yview moveto [expr {$newtop * 1.0 / $ymax}]
proc selectline {l isnew} {
global canv canv2 canv3 ctext commitinfo selectedline
global displayorder linehtag linentag linedtag
+proc selfirstline {} {
+ unmarkmatches
+ selectline 0 1
+proc sellastline {} {
+ global numcommits
+ unmarkmatches
+ set l [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
+ selectline $l 1
proc selnextline {dir} {
global selectedline
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
selectline $l 1
+proc selnextpage {dir} {
+ global canv linespc selectedline numcommits
+ set lpp [expr {([winfo height $canv] - 2) / $linespc}]
+ if {$lpp < 1} {
+ set lpp 1
+ }
+ allcanvs yview scroll [expr {$dir * $lpp}] units
+ if {![info exists selectedline]} return
+ set l [expr {$selectedline + $dir * $lpp}]
+ if {$l < 0} {
+ set l 0
+ } elseif {$l >= $numcommits} {
+ set l [expr $numcommits - 1]
+ }
+ unmarkmatches
+ selectline $l 1
proc unselectline {} {
global selectedline
incr nextupdate 100
fileevent $mdf readable {}
- fileevent $mdf readable [list getmergediffline $mdf $id]
+ fileevent $mdf readable [list getmergediffline $mdf $id $np]
set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set textfont {Courier 9}
+set uifont {Helvetica 9 bold}
set findmergefiles 0
set maxgraphpct 50
set maxwidth 16