switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
A? {set new _O}
M? {set new _M}
+ D_ {set new _D}
D? {set new _?}
?? {continue}
{_D i question "Missing"}
{DD i removed "Removed by commit"}
+ {D_ i removed "Removed by commit"}
{DO i removed "Removed (still exists)"}
{DM i removed "Removed (but modified)"}
-proc do_repack {} {
- set w [new_console {repack} \
- {Repacking the object database}]
- set cmd [list git repack]
- lappend cmd -a
- lappend cmd -d
- console_exec $w $cmd
+proc do_gc {} {
+ set w [new_console {gc} {Compressing the object database}]
+ console_exec $w {git gc}
proc do_fsck_objects {} {
set reply [tk_dialog \
.confirm_revert \
"$appname ($reponame)" \
- "Revert unincluded changes in $s?
+ "Revert changes in $s?
-Any unincluded changes will be permanently lost by the revert." \
+Any unadded changes will be permanently lost by the revert." \
question \
1 \
{Do Nothing} \
.mbar.repository add separator
if {!$single_commit} {
- .mbar.repository add command -label {Repack Database} \
- -command do_repack \
+ .mbar.repository add command -label {Compress Database} \
+ -command do_gc \
-font font_ui
.mbar.repository add command -label {Verify Database} \