-#! /usr/bin/env python2
+#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Matthieu Moy and others
+__version__ = '1.5.0'
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Matthieu Moy and others
# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Michael Haggerty and others
# Derived from contrib/hooks/post-receive-email, which is
# Copyright (c) 2007 Andy Parkins
import subprocess
import shlex
import optparse
+import logging
import smtplib
+ import ssl
+except ImportError:
+ # Python < 2.6 do not have ssl, but that's OK if we don't use it.
+ pass
import time
+import uuid
+import base64
+PYTHON3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
+if sys.version_info <= (2, 5):
+ def all(iterable):
+ for element in iterable:
+ if not element:
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_ascii(s):
+ return all(ord(c) < 128 and ord(c) > 0 for c in s)
+if PYTHON3:
+ def is_string(s):
+ return isinstance(s, str)
+ def str_to_bytes(s):
+ return s.encode(ENCODING)
+ def bytes_to_str(s, errors='strict'):
+ return s.decode(ENCODING, errors)
+ unicode = str
+ def write_str(f, msg):
+ # Try outputing with the default encoding. If it fails,
+ # try UTF-8.
+ try:
+ f.buffer.write(msg.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding()))
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ f.buffer.write(msg.encode(ENCODING))
+ def read_line(f):
+ # Try reading with the default encoding. If it fails,
+ # try UTF-8.
+ out = f.buffer.readline()
+ try:
+ return out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return out.decode(ENCODING)
+ import html
+ def html_escape(s):
+ return html.escape(s)
+ def is_string(s):
+ try:
+ return isinstance(s, basestring)
+ except NameError: # Silence Pyflakes warning
+ raise
+ def str_to_bytes(s):
+ return s
+ def bytes_to_str(s, errors='strict'):
+ return s
+ def write_str(f, msg):
+ f.write(msg)
+ def read_line(f):
+ return f.readline()
+ def next(it):
+ return it.next()
+ import cgi
+ def html_escape(s):
+ return cgi.escape(s, True)
+ from email.charset import Charset
from email.utils import make_msgid
from email.utils import getaddresses
from email.utils import formataddr
from email.header import Header
except ImportError:
# Prior to Python 2.5, the email module used different names:
+ from email.Charset import Charset
from email.Utils import make_msgid
from email.Utils import getaddresses
from email.Utils import formataddr
To: %(recipients)s
Subject: %(subject)s
MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: %(msgid)s
From: %(fromaddr)s
Reply-To: %(reply_to)s
+Thread-Index: %(thread_index)s
X-Git-Host: %(fqdn)s
X-Git-Repo: %(repo_shortname)s
X-Git-Refname: %(refname)s
X-Git-Reftype: %(refname_type)s
X-Git-Oldrev: %(oldrev)s
X-Git-Newrev: %(newrev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: ref_changed
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
O -- O -- O (%(oldrev_short)s)
-Any revisions marked "omits" are not gone; other references still
-refer to them. Any revisions marked "discards" are gone forever.
+Any revisions marked "omit" are not gone; other references still
+refer to them. Any revisions marked "discard" are gone forever.
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.
-Any revisions marked "omits" are not gone; other references still
-refer to them. Any revisions marked "discards" are gone forever.
+Any revisions marked "omit" are not gone; other references still
+refer to them. Any revisions marked "discard" are gone forever.
The %(tot)s revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
-listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
+listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
- at %(newrev_short)-9s (%(newrev_type)s)
+ at %(newrev_short)-8s (%(newrev_type)s)
*** WARNING: tag %(short_refname)s was modified! ***
- from %(oldrev_short)-9s (%(oldrev_type)s)
- to %(newrev_short)-9s (%(newrev_type)s)
+ from %(oldrev_short)-8s (%(oldrev_type)s)
+ to %(newrev_short)-8s (%(newrev_type)s)
# The template used in summary tables. It looks best if this uses the
-%(action)10s %(rev_short)-9s %(text)s
+%(action)8s %(rev_short)-8s %(text)s
Cc: %(cc_recipients)s
Subject: %(emailprefix)s%(num)02d/%(tot)02d: %(oneline)s
MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
From: %(fromaddr)s
Reply-To: %(reply_to)s
In-Reply-To: %(reply_to_msgid)s
References: %(reply_to_msgid)s
+Thread-Index: %(thread_index)s
X-Git-Host: %(fqdn)s
X-Git-Repo: %(repo_shortname)s
X-Git-Refname: %(refname)s
X-Git-Reftype: %(refname_type)s
X-Git-Rev: %(rev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: diff
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+View the commit online:
+<p><a href="%(browse_url)s">View the commit online</a>.</p>
To: %(recipients)s
Subject: %(subject)s
MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: %(msgid)s
From: %(fromaddr)s
X-Git-Oldrev: %(oldrev)s
X-Git-Newrev: %(newrev)s
X-Git-Rev: %(rev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: ref_changed_plus_diff
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
def read_output(cmd, input=None, keepends=False, **kw):
if input:
stdin = subprocess.PIPE
+ input = str_to_bytes(input)
stdin = None
+ errors = 'strict'
+ if 'errors' in kw:
+ errors = kw['errors']
+ del kw['errors']
p = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kw
+ tuple(str_to_bytes(w) for w in cmd),
+ stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kw
(out, err) = p.communicate(input)
+ out = bytes_to_str(out, errors=errors)
retcode = p.wait()
if retcode:
raise CommandError(cmd, retcode)
def header_encode(text, header_name=None):
"""Encode and line-wrap the value of an email header field."""
- try:
- if isinstance(text, str):
- text = text.decode(ENCODING, 'replace')
- return Header(text, header_name=header_name).encode()
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=CHARSET,
- errors='replace').encode()
+ # Convert to unicode, if required.
+ if not isinstance(text, unicode):
+ text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
+ if is_ascii(text):
+ charset = 'ascii'
+ else:
+ charset = 'utf-8'
+ return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=Charset(charset)).encode()
def addr_header_encode(text, header_name=None):
"""Encode and line-wrap the value of an email header field containing
email addresses."""
- return Header(
- ', '.join(
- formataddr((header_encode(name), emailaddr))
- for name, emailaddr in getaddresses([text])
- ),
- header_name=header_name
- ).encode()
+ # Convert to unicode, if required.
+ if not isinstance(text, unicode):
+ text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
+ text = ', '.join(
+ formataddr((header_encode(name), emailaddr))
+ for name, emailaddr in getaddresses([text])
+ )
+ if is_ascii(text):
+ charset = 'ascii'
+ else:
+ charset = 'utf-8'
+ return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=Charset(charset)).encode()
class Config(object):
assert words[-1] == ''
return words[:-1]
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_config_parameters(c):
+ """Add configuration parameters to Git.
+ c is either an str or a list of str, each element being of the
+ form 'var=val' or 'var', with the same syntax and meaning as
+ the argument of 'git -c var=val'.
+ """
+ if isinstance(c, str):
+ c = (c,)
+ parameters = os.environ.get('GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS', '')
+ if parameters:
+ parameters += ' '
+ # git expects GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS to be of the form
+ # "'name1=value1' 'name2=value2' 'name3=value3'"
+ # including everything inside the double quotes (but not the double
+ # quotes themselves). Spacing is critical. Also, if a value contains
+ # a literal single quote that quote must be represented using the
+ # four character sequence: '\''
+ parameters += ' '.join("'" + x.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" for x in c)
+ os.environ['GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS'] = parameters
def get(self, name, default=None):
values = self._split(read_git_output(
['config', '--get-all', '--null', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name)],
env=self.env, keepends=True,
- except CommandError, e:
+ except CommandError:
+ t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
if e.retcode == 1:
# "the section or key is invalid"; i.e., there is no
# value for the specified key.
- def get_recipients(self, name, default=None):
- """Read a recipients list from the configuration.
- Return the result as a comma-separated list of email
- addresses, or default if the option is unset. If the setting
- has multiple values, concatenate them with comma separators."""
- lines = self.get_all(name, default=None)
- if lines is None:
- return default
- return ', '.join(line.strip() for line in lines)
def set(self, name, value):
['config', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name), value],
['config', '--unset-all', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name)],
- except CommandError, e:
+ except CommandError:
+ t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
if e.retcode == 5:
# The name doesn't exist, which is what we wanted anyway...
if not self.sha1:
raise ValueError('Empty commit has no summary')
- return iter(generate_summaries('--no-walk', self.sha1)).next()
+ return next(iter(generate_summaries('--no-walk', self.sha1)))
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, GitObject) and self.sha1 == other.sha1
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.sha1)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.sha1)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ """Python 2 backward compatibility"""
+ return self.__nonzero__()
def __str__(self):
return self.sha1 or ZEROS
def __init__(self, environment):
self.environment = environment
self._values = None
+ self._contains_html_diff = False
+ def _contains_diff(self):
+ # We do contain a diff, should it be rendered in HTML?
+ if self.environment.commit_email_format == "html":
+ self._contains_html_diff = True
def _compute_values(self):
"""Return a dictionary {keyword: expansion} for this Change.
get_values(). The return value should always be a new
- return self.environment.get_values()
+ values = self.environment.get_values()
+ fromaddr = self.environment.get_fromaddr(change=self)
+ if fromaddr is not None:
+ values['fromaddr'] = fromaddr
+ values['multimail_version'] = get_version()
+ return values
+ # Aliases usable in template strings. Tuple of pairs (destination,
+ # source).
+ ("id", "newrev"),
+ )
def get_values(self, **extra_values):
"""Return a dictionary {keyword: expansion} for this Change.
values = self._values.copy()
if extra_values:
+ for alias, val in self.VALUES_ALIAS:
+ values[alias] = values[val]
return values
def expand(self, template, **extra_values):
return template % self.get_values(**extra_values)
- def expand_lines(self, template, **extra_values):
+ def expand_lines(self, template, html_escape_val=False, **extra_values):
"""Break template into lines and expand each line."""
values = self.get_values(**extra_values)
+ if html_escape_val:
+ for k in values:
+ if is_string(values[k]):
+ values[k] = html_escape(values[k])
for line in template.splitlines(True):
yield line % values
skip lines that contain references to unknown variables."""
values = self.get_values(**extra_values)
+ if self._contains_html_diff:
+ self._content_type = 'html'
+ else:
+ self._content_type = 'plain'
+ values['contenttype'] = self._content_type
for line in template.splitlines():
- (name, value) = line.split(':', 1)
+ (name, value) = line.split(': ', 1)
value = value % values
- except KeyError, e:
+ except KeyError:
+ t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
'Warning: unknown variable %r in the following line; line skipped:\n'
raise NotImplementedError()
- def generate_email_intro(self):
+ def generate_browse_link(self, base_url):
+ """Generate a link to an online repository browser."""
+ return iter(())
+ def generate_email_intro(self, html_escape_val=False):
"""Generate the email intro for this Change, a line at a time.
The output will be used as the standard boilerplate at the top
raise NotImplementedError()
- def generate_email_body(self):
+ def generate_email_body(self, push):
"""Generate the main part of the email body, a line at a time.
The text in the body might be truncated after a specified
raise NotImplementedError()
- def generate_email_footer(self):
+ def generate_email_footer(self, html_escape_val):
"""Generate the footer of the email, a line at a time.
The footer is always included, irrespective of
raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _wrap_for_html(self, lines):
+ """Wrap the lines in HTML <pre> tag when using HTML format.
+ Escape special HTML characters and add <pre> and </pre> tags around
+ the given lines if we should be generating HTML as indicated by
+ self._contains_html_diff being set to true.
+ """
+ if self._contains_html_diff:
+ yield "<pre style='margin:0'>\n"
+ for line in lines:
+ yield html_escape(line)
+ yield '</pre>\n'
+ else:
+ for line in lines:
+ yield line
def generate_email(self, push, body_filter=None, extra_header_values={}):
"""Generate an email describing this change.
for line in self.generate_email_header(**extra_header_values):
yield line
yield '\n'
- for line in self.generate_email_intro():
+ html_escape_val = (self.environment.html_in_intro and
+ self._contains_html_diff)
+ intro = self.generate_email_intro(html_escape_val)
+ if not self.environment.html_in_intro:
+ intro = self._wrap_for_html(intro)
+ for line in intro:
yield line
+ if self.environment.commitBrowseURL:
+ for line in self.generate_browse_link(self.environment.commitBrowseURL):
+ yield line
body = self.generate_email_body(push)
if body_filter is not None:
body = body_filter(body)
+ diff_started = False
+ if self._contains_html_diff:
+ # "white-space: pre" is the default, but we need to
+ # specify it again in case the message is viewed in a
+ # webmail which wraps it in an element setting white-space
+ # to something else (Zimbra does this and sets
+ # white-space: pre-line).
+ yield '<pre style="white-space: pre; background: #F8F8F8">'
for line in body:
- yield line
+ if self._contains_html_diff:
+ # This is very, very naive. It would be much better to really
+ # parse the diff, i.e. look at how many lines do we have in
+ # the hunk headers instead of blindly highlighting everything
+ # that looks like it might be part of a diff.
+ bgcolor = ''
+ fgcolor = ''
+ if line.startswith('--- a/'):
+ diff_started = True
+ bgcolor = 'e0e0ff'
+ elif line.startswith('diff ') or line.startswith('index '):
+ diff_started = True
+ fgcolor = '808080'
+ elif diff_started:
+ if line.startswith('+++ '):
+ bgcolor = 'e0e0ff'
+ elif line.startswith('@@'):
+ bgcolor = 'e0e0e0'
+ elif line.startswith('+'):
+ bgcolor = 'e0ffe0'
+ elif line.startswith('-'):
+ bgcolor = 'ffe0e0'
+ elif line.startswith('commit '):
+ fgcolor = '808000'
+ elif line.startswith(' '):
+ fgcolor = '404040'
+ # Chop the trailing LF, we don't want it inside <pre>.
+ line = html_escape(line[:-1])
+ if bgcolor or fgcolor:
+ style = 'display:block; white-space:pre;'
+ if bgcolor:
+ style += 'background:#' + bgcolor + ';'
+ if fgcolor:
+ style += 'color:#' + fgcolor + ';'
+ # Use a <span style='display:block> to color the
+ # whole line. The newline must be inside the span
+ # to display properly both in Firefox and in
+ # text-based browser.
+ line = "<span style='%s'>%s\n</span>" % (style, line)
+ else:
+ line = line + '\n'
- for line in self.generate_email_footer():
+ yield line
+ if self._contains_html_diff:
+ yield '</pre>'
+ html_escape_val = (self.environment.html_in_footer and
+ self._contains_html_diff)
+ footer = self.generate_email_footer(html_escape_val)
+ if not self.environment.html_in_footer:
+ footer = self._wrap_for_html(footer)
+ for line in footer:
yield line
+ def get_specific_fromaddr(self):
+ """For kinds of Changes which specify it, return the kind-specific
+ From address to use."""
+ return None
class Revision(Change):
"""A Change consisting of a single git commit."""
self.author = read_git_output(['log', '--no-walk', '--format=%aN <%aE>', self.rev.sha1])
self.recipients = self.environment.get_revision_recipients(self)
+ # -s is short for --no-patch, but -s works on older git's (e.g. 1.7)
+ self.parents = read_git_lines(['show', '-s', '--format=%P',
+ self.rev.sha1])[0].split()
self.cc_recipients = ''
if self.environment.get_scancommitforcc():
self.cc_recipients = ', '.join(to.strip() for to in self._cc_recipients())
if self.cc_recipients:
- 'Add %s to CC for %s\n' % (self.cc_recipients, self.rev.sha1))
+ 'Add %s to CC for %s' % (self.cc_recipients, self.rev.sha1))
def _cc_recipients(self):
cc_recipients = []
['log', '--format=%s', '--no-walk', self.rev.sha1]
+ max_subject_length = self.environment.get_max_subject_length()
+ if max_subject_length > 0 and len(oneline) > max_subject_length:
+ oneline = oneline[:max_subject_length - 6] + ' [...]'
values['rev'] = self.rev.sha1
+ values['parents'] = ' '.join(self.parents)
values['rev_short'] = self.rev.short
values['change_type'] = self.change_type
values['refname'] = self.refname
+ values['newrev'] = self.rev.sha1
values['short_refname'] = self.reference_change.short_refname
values['refname_type'] = self.reference_change.refname_type
values['reply_to_msgid'] = self.reference_change.msgid
+ values['thread_index'] = self.reference_change.thread_index
values['num'] = self.num
values['tot'] = self.tot
values['recipients'] = self.recipients
yield line
- def generate_email_intro(self):
- for line in self.expand_lines(REVISION_INTRO_TEMPLATE):
+ def generate_browse_link(self, base_url):
+ if '%(' not in base_url:
+ base_url += '%(id)s'
+ url = "".join(self.expand_lines(base_url))
+ if self._content_type == 'html':
+ for line in self.expand_lines(LINK_HTML_TEMPLATE,
+ html_escape_val=True,
+ browse_url=url):
+ yield line
+ elif self._content_type == 'plain':
+ for line in self.expand_lines(LINK_TEXT_TEMPLATE,
+ html_escape_val=False,
+ browse_url=url):
+ yield line
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Content-type %s unsupported. Please report it as a bug.")
+ def generate_email_intro(self, html_escape_val=False):
+ for line in self.expand_lines(REVISION_INTRO_TEMPLATE,
+ html_escape_val=html_escape_val):
yield line
def generate_email_body(self, push):
"""Show this revision."""
- return read_git_lines(
- ['log'] + self.environment.commitlogopts + ['-1', self.rev.sha1],
- keepends=True,
- )
+ for line in read_git_lines(
+ ['log'] + self.environment.commitlogopts + ['-1', self.rev.sha1],
+ keepends=True,
+ errors='replace'):
+ if line.startswith('Date: ') and self.environment.date_substitute:
+ yield self.environment.date_substitute + line[len('Date: '):]
+ else:
+ yield line
+ def generate_email_footer(self, html_escape_val):
+ return self.expand_lines(REVISION_FOOTER_TEMPLATE,
+ html_escape_val=html_escape_val)
+ def generate_email(self, push, body_filter=None, extra_header_values={}):
+ self._contains_diff()
+ return Change.generate_email(self, push, body_filter, extra_header_values)
- def generate_email_footer(self):
- return self.expand_lines(REVISION_FOOTER_TEMPLATE)
+ def get_specific_fromaddr(self):
+ return self.environment.from_commit
class ReferenceChange(Change):
# Tracking branch:
'*** Push-update of tracking branch %r\n'
- '*** - incomplete email generated.\n'
+ '*** - incomplete email generated.'
% (refname,)
klass = OtherReferenceChange
# Some other reference namespace:
'*** Push-update of strange reference %r\n'
- '*** - incomplete email generated.\n'
+ '*** - incomplete email generated.'
% (refname,)
klass = OtherReferenceChange
# Anything else (is there anything else?)
'*** Unknown type of update to %r (%s)\n'
- '*** - incomplete email generated.\n'
+ '*** - incomplete email generated.'
% (refname, rev.type,)
klass = OtherReferenceChange
old=old, new=new, rev=rev,
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_thread_index():
+ """Return a string appropriate for the Thread-Index header,
+ needed by MS Outlook to get threading right.
+ The format is (base64-encoded):
+ - 1 byte must be 1
+ - 5 bytes encode a date (hardcoded here)
+ - 16 bytes for a globally unique identifier
+ FIXME: Unfortunately, even with the Thread-Index field, MS
+ Outlook doesn't seem to do the threading reliably (see
+ https://github.com/git-multimail/git-multimail/pull/194).
+ """
+ thread_index = b'\x01\x00\x00\x12\x34\x56' + uuid.uuid4().bytes
+ return base64.standard_b64encode(thread_index).decode('ascii')
def __init__(self, environment, refname, short_refname, old, new, rev):
Change.__init__(self, environment)
self.change_type = {
self.new = new
self.rev = rev
self.msgid = make_msgid()
+ self.thread_index = self.make_thread_index()
self.diffopts = environment.diffopts
self.graphopts = environment.graphopts
self.logopts = environment.logopts
values['refname'] = self.refname
values['short_refname'] = self.short_refname
values['msgid'] = self.msgid
+ values['thread_index'] = self.thread_index
values['recipients'] = self.recipients
values['oldrev'] = str(self.old)
values['oldrev_short'] = self.old.short
yield line
- def generate_email_intro(self):
- for line in self.expand_lines(self.intro_template):
+ def generate_email_intro(self, html_escape_val=False):
+ for line in self.expand_lines(self.intro_template,
+ html_escape_val=html_escape_val):
yield line
def generate_email_body(self, push):
for line in self.generate_revision_change_summary(push):
yield line
- def generate_email_footer(self):
- return self.expand_lines(self.footer_template)
+ def generate_email_footer(self, html_escape_val):
+ return self.expand_lines(self.footer_template,
+ html_escape_val=html_escape_val)
def generate_revision_change_graph(self, push):
if self.showgraph:
yield '\n'
yield 'Detailed log of new commits:\n\n'
for line in read_git_lines(
- ['log', '--no-walk']
- + self.logopts
- + new_commits_list
- + ['--'],
+ ['log', '--no-walk'] +
+ self.logopts +
+ new_commits_list +
+ ['--'],
yield line
if discards and adds:
for (sha1, subject) in discards:
if sha1 in discarded_commits:
- action = 'discards'
+ action = 'discard'
- action = 'omits'
+ action = 'omit'
yield self.expand(
rev_short=sha1, text=subject,
if sha1 in new_commits:
action = 'new'
- action = 'adds'
+ action = 'add'
yield self.expand(
rev_short=sha1, text=subject,
elif discards:
for (sha1, subject) in discards:
if sha1 in discarded_commits:
- action = 'discards'
+ action = 'discard'
- action = 'omits'
+ action = 'omit'
yield self.expand(
rev_short=sha1, text=subject,
if sha1 in new_commits:
action = 'new'
- action = 'adds'
+ action = 'add'
yield self.expand(
rev_short=sha1, text=subject,
yield '\n'
yield 'Summary of changes:\n'
for line in read_git_lines(
- ['diff-tree']
- + self.diffopts
- + ['%s..%s' % (self.old.commit_sha1, self.new.commit_sha1,)],
+ ['diff-tree'] +
+ self.diffopts +
+ ['%s..%s' % (self.old.commit_sha1, self.new.commit_sha1,)],
yield line
for r in discarded_revisions:
(sha1, subject) = r.rev.get_summary()
yield r.expand(
- BRIEF_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE, action='discards', text=subject,
+ BRIEF_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE, action='discard', text=subject,
for line in self.generate_revision_change_graph(push):
yield line
yield '\n'
+ def get_specific_fromaddr(self):
+ return self.environment.from_refchange
class BranchChange(ReferenceChange):
refname_type = 'branch'
# commit is a non-merge commit, though it may make sense to
# combine if it is a merge as well.
if not (
- len(new_commits) == 1
- and len(new_commits[0][1]) == 1
- and new_commits[0][0] in known_added_sha1s
+ len(new_commits) == 1 and
+ len(new_commits[0][1]) == 1 and
+ new_commits[0][0] in known_added_sha1s
return None
values['subject'] = self.expand(COMBINED_REFCHANGE_REVISION_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE, **values)
self._single_revision = revision
+ self._contains_diff()
self.header_template = COMBINED_HEADER_TEMPLATE
self.intro_template = COMBINED_INTRO_TEMPLATE
self.footer_template = COMBINED_FOOTER_TEMPLATE
+ def revision_gen_link(base_url):
+ # revision is used only to generate the body, and
+ # _content_type is set while generating headers. Get it
+ # from the BranchChange object.
+ revision._content_type = self._content_type
+ return revision.generate_browse_link(base_url)
+ self.generate_browse_link = revision_gen_link
for line in self.generate_email(push, body_filter, values):
yield line
except CommandError:
prevtag = None
if prevtag:
- yield ' replaces %s\n' % (prevtag,)
+ yield ' replaces %s\n' % (prevtag,)
prevtag = None
- yield ' length %s bytes\n' % (read_git_output(['cat-file', '-s', tagobject]),)
+ yield ' length %s bytes\n' % (read_git_output(['cat-file', '-s', tagobject]),)
- yield ' tagged by %s\n' % (tagger,)
- yield ' on %s\n' % (tagged,)
+ yield ' by %s\n' % (tagger,)
+ yield ' on %s\n' % (tagged,)
yield '\n'
# Show the content of the tag message; this might contain a
class Mailer(object):
"""An object that can send emails."""
+ def __init__(self, environment):
+ self.environment = environment
+ def close(self):
+ pass
def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
"""Send an email consisting of lines.
'Try setting multimailhook.sendmailCommand.'
- def __init__(self, command=None, envelopesender=None):
+ def __init__(self, environment, command=None, envelopesender=None):
"""Construct a SendMailer instance.
command should be the command and arguments used to invoke
sendmail, as a list of strings. If an envelopesender is
provided, it will also be passed to the command, via '-f
+ super(SendMailer, self).__init__(environment)
if command:
self.command = command[:]
def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
p = subprocess.Popen(self.command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- except OSError, e:
- sys.stderr.write(
- '*** Cannot execute command: %s\n' % ' '.join(self.command)
- + '*** %s\n' % str(e)
- + '*** Try setting multimailhook.mailer to "smtp"\n'
+ except OSError:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Cannot execute command: %s\n' % ' '.join(self.command) +
+ '*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1] +
+ '*** Try setting multimailhook.mailer to "smtp"\n' +
'*** to send emails without using the sendmail command.\n'
+ lines = (str_to_bytes(line) for line in lines)
- except Exception, e:
- sys.stderr.write(
+ except Exception:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
'*** Error while generating commit email\n'
'*** - mail sending aborted.\n'
- try:
+ if hasattr(p, 'terminate'):
# subprocess.terminate() is not available in Python 2.4
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- raise e
+ else:
+ import signal
+ os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ raise
retcode = p.wait()
class SMTPMailer(Mailer):
"""Send emails using Python's smtplib."""
- def __init__(self, envelopesender, smtpserver,
+ def __init__(self, environment,
+ envelopesender, smtpserver,
smtpservertimeout=10.0, smtpserverdebuglevel=0,
smtpuser='', smtppass='',
+ smtpcacerts=''
+ super(SMTPMailer, self).__init__(environment)
if not envelopesender:
- sys.stderr.write(
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
'fatal: git_multimail: cannot use SMTPMailer without a sender address.\n'
'please set either multimailhook.envelopeSender or user.email\n'
self.security = smtpencryption
self.username = smtpuser
self.password = smtppass
+ self.smtpcacerts = smtpcacerts
+ self.loggedin = False
def call(klass, server, timeout):
if self.security == 'none':
self.smtp = call(smtplib.SMTP, self.smtpserver, timeout=self.smtpservertimeout)
elif self.security == 'ssl':
+ if self.smtpcacerts:
+ raise smtplib.SMTPException(
+ "Checking certificate is not supported for ssl, prefer starttls"
+ )
self.smtp = call(smtplib.SMTP_SSL, self.smtpserver, timeout=self.smtpservertimeout)
elif self.security == 'tls':
+ if 'ssl' not in sys.modules:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Your Python version does not have the ssl library installed\n'
+ '*** smtpEncryption=tls is not available.\n'
+ '*** Either upgrade Python to 2.6 or later\n'
+ ' or use git_multimail.py version 1.2.\n')
if ':' not in self.smtpserver:
self.smtpserver += ':587' # default port for TLS
self.smtp = call(smtplib.SMTP, self.smtpserver, timeout=self.smtpservertimeout)
+ # start: ehlo + starttls
+ # equivalent to
+ # self.smtp.ehlo()
+ # self.smtp.starttls()
+ # with acces to the ssl layer
- self.smtp.starttls()
+ if not self.smtp.has_extn("starttls"):
+ raise smtplib.SMTPException("STARTTLS extension not supported by server")
+ resp, reply = self.smtp.docmd("STARTTLS")
+ if resp != 220:
+ raise smtplib.SMTPException("Wrong answer to the STARTTLS command")
+ if self.smtpcacerts:
+ self.smtp.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
+ self.smtp.sock,
+ ca_certs=self.smtpcacerts,
+ cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
+ )
+ else:
+ self.smtp.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
+ self.smtp.sock,
+ cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE
+ )
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Warning, the server certificat is not verified (smtp) ***\n'
+ '*** set the option smtpCACerts ***\n'
+ )
+ if not hasattr(self.smtp.sock, "read"):
+ # using httplib.FakeSocket with Python 2.5.x or earlier
+ self.smtp.sock.read = self.smtp.sock.recv
+ self.smtp.file = smtplib.SSLFakeFile(self.smtp.sock)
+ self.smtp.helo_resp = None
+ self.smtp.ehlo_resp = None
+ self.smtp.esmtp_features = {}
+ self.smtp.does_esmtp = 0
+ # end: ehlo + starttls
sys.stdout.write('*** Error: Control reached an invalid option. ***')
"*** Setting debug on for SMTP server connection (%s) ***\n"
% self.smtpserverdebuglevel)
- except Exception, e:
- sys.stderr.write(
+ except Exception:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
'*** Error establishing SMTP connection to %s ***\n'
- % self.smtpserver)
- sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % str(e))
+ '*** %s\n'
+ % (self.smtpserver, sys.exc_info()[1]))
- def __del__(self):
+ def close(self):
if hasattr(self, 'smtp'):
+ del self.smtp
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
if self.username or self.password:
- sys.stderr.write("*** Authenticating as %s ***\n" % self.username)
- self.smtp.login(self.username, self.password)
+ if not self.loggedin:
+ self.smtp.login(self.username, self.password)
+ self.loggedin = True
msg = ''.join(lines)
# turn comma-separated list into Python list if needed.
- if isinstance(to_addrs, basestring):
+ if is_string(to_addrs):
to_addrs = [email for (name, email) in getaddresses([to_addrs])]
self.smtp.sendmail(self.envelopesender, to_addrs, msg)
- except Exception, e:
- sys.stderr.write('*** Error sending email ***\n')
- sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % str(e))
- self.smtp.quit()
+ except socket.timeout:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Error sending email ***\n'
+ '*** SMTP server timed out (timeout is %s)\n'
+ % self.smtpservertimeout)
+ except smtplib.SMTPResponseException:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Error sending email ***\n'
+ '*** Error %d: %s\n'
+ % (err.smtp_code, bytes_to_str(err.smtp_error)))
+ try:
+ smtp = self.smtp
+ # delete the field before quit() so that in case of
+ # error, self.smtp is deleted anyway.
+ del self.smtp
+ smtp.quit()
+ except:
+ self.environment.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Error closing the SMTP connection ***\n'
+ '*** Exiting anyway ... ***\n'
+ '*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
SEPARATOR = '=' * 75 + '\n'
- def __init__(self, f):
+ def __init__(self, f, environment=None):
+ super(OutputMailer, self).__init__(environment=environment)
self.f = f
def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
- self.f.write(self.SEPARATOR)
- self.f.writelines(lines)
- self.f.write(self.SEPARATOR)
+ write_str(self.f, self.SEPARATOR)
+ for line in lines:
+ write_str(self.f, line)
+ write_str(self.f, self.SEPARATOR)
def get_git_dir():
Return the address to be used as the 'From' email address
in the email envelope.
- get_fromaddr()
+ get_fromaddr(change=None)
Return the 'From' email address used in the email 'From:'
- headers. (May be a full RFC 2822 email address like 'Joe
- User <user@example.com>'.)
+ headers. If the change is known when this function is
+ called, it is passed in as the 'change' parameter. (May
+ be a full RFC 2822 email address like 'Joe User
+ <user@example.com>'.)
get_reply_to_commit() is used for individual commit
+ get_ref_filter_regex()
+ Return a tuple -- a compiled regex, and a boolean indicating
+ whether the regex picks refs to include (if False, the regex
+ matches on refs to exclude).
+ get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+ Return a regex that should be ignored for both what emails
+ to send and when computing what commits are considered new
+ to the repository. Default is "^refs/notes/".
+ get_max_subject_length()
+ Return an int giving the maximal length for the subject
+ (git log --oneline).
They should also define the following attributes:
announce_show_shortlog (bool)
True iff announce emails should include a shortlog.
+ commit_email_format (string)
+ If "html", generate commit emails in HTML instead of plain text
+ used by default.
+ html_in_intro (bool)
+ html_in_footer (bool)
+ When generating HTML emails, the introduction (respectively,
+ the footer) will be HTML-escaped iff html_in_intro (respectively,
+ the footer) is true. When false, only the values used to expand
+ the template are escaped.
refchange_showgraph (bool)
True iff refchanges emails should include a detailed graph.
commit mail. The value should be a list of strings
representing words to be passed to the command.
+ date_substitute (string)
+ String to be used in substitution for 'Date:' at start of
+ line in the output of 'git log'.
quiet (bool)
On success do not write to stderr
True if a combined email should be produced when a single
new commit is pushed to a branch, False otherwise.
+ from_refchange, from_commit (strings)
+ Addresses to use for the From: field for refchange emails
+ and commit emails respectively. Set from
+ multimailhook.fromRefchange and multimailhook.fromCommit
+ by ConfigEnvironmentMixin.
+ log_file, error_log_file, debug_log_file (string)
+ Name of a file to which logs should be sent.
+ verbose (int)
+ How verbose the system should be.
+ - 0 (default): show info, errors, ...
+ - 1 : show basic debug info
REPO_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>.+?)(?:\.git)$')
def __init__(self, osenv=None):
self.osenv = osenv or os.environ
self.announce_show_shortlog = False
+ self.commit_email_format = "text"
+ self.html_in_intro = False
+ self.html_in_footer = False
+ self.commitBrowseURL = None
self.maxcommitemails = 500
+ self.excludemergerevisions = False
self.diffopts = ['--stat', '--summary', '--find-copies-harder']
self.graphopts = ['--oneline', '--decorate']
self.logopts = []
self.refchange_showgraph = False
self.refchange_showlog = False
self.commitlogopts = ['-C', '--stat', '-p', '--cc']
+ self.date_substitute = 'AuthorDate: '
self.quiet = False
self.stdout = False
self.combine_when_single_commit = True
+ self.logger = None
- 'fromaddr',
self._values = None
+ def get_logger(self):
+ """Get (possibly creates) the logger associated to this environment."""
+ if self.logger is None:
+ self.logger = Logger(self)
+ return self.logger
def get_repo_shortname(self):
"""Use the last part of the repo path, with ".git" stripped off if present."""
def get_pusher_email(self):
return None
- def get_fromaddr(self):
+ def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
config = Config('user')
fromname = config.get('name', default='')
fromemail = config.get('email', default='')
The return value is always a new dictionary."""
if self._values is None:
- values = {}
+ values = {'': ''} # %()s expands to the empty string.
for key in self.COMPUTED_KEYS:
value = getattr(self, 'get_%s' % (key,))()
def get_reply_to_commit(self, revision):
return revision.author
+ def get_default_ref_ignore_regex(self):
+ # The commit messages of git notes are essentially meaningless
+ # and "filenames" in git notes commits are an implementational
+ # detail that might surprise users at first. As such, we
+ # would need a completely different method for handling emails
+ # of git notes in order for them to be of benefit for users,
+ # which we simply do not have right now.
+ return "^refs/notes/"
+ def get_max_subject_length(self):
+ """Return the maximal subject line (git log --oneline) length.
+ Longer subject lines will be truncated."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
def filter_body(self, lines):
"""Filter the lines intended for an email body.
"""Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ self.get_logger().info(msg)
def log_warning(self, msg):
"""Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ self.get_logger().warning(msg)
def log_error(self, msg):
"""Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ self.get_logger().error(msg)
+ def check(self):
+ pass
class ConfigEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
class ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin(ConfigEnvironmentMixin):
"""An Environment that reads most of its information from "git config"."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def forbid_field_values(name, value, forbidden):
+ for forbidden_val in forbidden:
+ if value is not None and value.lower() == forbidden:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ '"%s" is not an allowed setting for %s' % (value, name)
+ )
def __init__(self, config, **kw):
super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(
config=config, **kw
if val is not None:
setattr(self, var, val)
+ commit_email_format = config.get('commitEmailFormat')
+ if commit_email_format is not None:
+ if commit_email_format != "html" and commit_email_format != "text":
+ self.log_warning(
+ '*** Unknown value for multimailhook.commitEmailFormat: %s\n' %
+ commit_email_format +
+ '*** Expected either "text" or "html". Ignoring.\n'
+ )
+ else:
+ self.commit_email_format = commit_email_format
+ html_in_intro = config.get_bool('htmlInIntro')
+ if html_in_intro is not None:
+ self.html_in_intro = html_in_intro
+ html_in_footer = config.get_bool('htmlInFooter')
+ if html_in_footer is not None:
+ self.html_in_footer = html_in_footer
+ self.commitBrowseURL = config.get('commitBrowseURL')
+ self.excludemergerevisions = config.get('excludeMergeRevisions')
maxcommitemails = config.get('maxcommitemails')
if maxcommitemails is not None:
self.maxcommitemails = int(maxcommitemails)
except ValueError:
- '*** Malformed value for multimailhook.maxCommitEmails: %s\n' % maxcommitemails
- + '*** Expected a number. Ignoring.\n'
+ '*** Malformed value for multimailhook.maxCommitEmails: %s\n'
+ % maxcommitemails +
+ '*** Expected a number. Ignoring.\n'
diffopts = config.get('diffopts')
if commitlogopts is not None:
self.commitlogopts = shlex.split(commitlogopts)
+ date_substitute = config.get('dateSubstitute')
+ if date_substitute == 'none':
+ self.date_substitute = None
+ elif date_substitute is not None:
+ self.date_substitute = date_substitute
reply_to = config.get('replyTo')
self.__reply_to_refchange = config.get('replyToRefchange', default=reply_to)
- if (
- self.__reply_to_refchange is not None
- and self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'author'
- ):
- raise ConfigurationException(
- '"author" is not an allowed setting for replyToRefchange'
- )
+ self.forbid_field_values('replyToRefchange',
+ self.__reply_to_refchange,
+ ['author'])
self.__reply_to_commit = config.get('replyToCommit', default=reply_to)
+ self.from_refchange = config.get('fromRefchange')
+ self.forbid_field_values('fromRefchange',
+ self.from_refchange,
+ ['author', 'none'])
+ self.from_commit = config.get('fromCommit')
+ self.forbid_field_values('fromCommit',
+ self.from_commit,
+ ['none'])
combine = config.get_bool('combineWhenSingleCommit')
if combine is not None:
self.combine_when_single_commit = combine
+ self.log_file = config.get('logFile', default=None)
+ self.error_log_file = config.get('errorLogFile', default=None)
+ self.debug_log_file = config.get('debugLogFile', default=None)
+ if config.get_bool('Verbose', default=False):
+ self.verbose = 1
+ else:
+ self.verbose = 0
def get_administrator(self):
return (
- self.config.get('administrator')
- or self.get_sender()
- or super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_administrator()
+ self.config.get('administrator') or
+ self.get_sender() or
+ super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_administrator()
def get_repo_shortname(self):
return (
- self.config.get('reponame')
- or super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
+ self.config.get('reponame') or
+ super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
def get_emailprefix(self):
if emailprefix is not None:
emailprefix = emailprefix.strip()
if emailprefix:
- return emailprefix + ' '
- else:
- return ''
+ emailprefix += ' '
- return '[%s] ' % (self.get_repo_shortname(),)
+ emailprefix = '[%(repo_shortname)s] '
+ short_name = self.get_repo_shortname()
+ try:
+ return emailprefix % {'repo_shortname': short_name}
+ except:
+ self.get_logger().error(
+ '*** Invalid multimailhook.emailPrefix: %s\n' % emailprefix +
+ '*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1] +
+ "*** Only the '%(repo_shortname)s' placeholder is allowed\n"
+ )
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ '"%s" is not an allowed setting for emailPrefix' % emailprefix
+ )
def get_sender(self):
return self.config.get('envelopesender')
- def get_fromaddr(self):
+ def process_addr(self, addr, change):
+ if addr.lower() == 'author':
+ if hasattr(change, 'author'):
+ return change.author
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif addr.lower() == 'pusher':
+ return self.get_pusher_email()
+ elif addr.lower() == 'none':
+ return None
+ else:
+ return addr
+ def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
fromaddr = self.config.get('from')
+ if change:
+ specific_fromaddr = change.get_specific_fromaddr()
+ if specific_fromaddr:
+ fromaddr = specific_fromaddr
+ if fromaddr:
+ fromaddr = self.process_addr(fromaddr, change)
if fromaddr:
return fromaddr
- return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr()
+ return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
def get_reply_to_refchange(self, refchange):
if self.__reply_to_refchange is None:
return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_reply_to_refchange(refchange)
- elif self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'pusher':
- return self.get_pusher_email()
- elif self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'none':
- return None
- return self.__reply_to_refchange
+ return self.process_addr(self.__reply_to_refchange, refchange)
def get_reply_to_commit(self, revision):
if self.__reply_to_commit is None:
return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_reply_to_commit(revision)
- elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'author':
- return revision.author
- elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'pusher':
- return self.get_pusher_email()
- elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'none':
- return None
- return self.__reply_to_commit
+ return self.process_addr(self.__reply_to_commit, revision)
def get_scancommitforcc(self):
return self.config.get('scancommitforcc')
class FilterLinesEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
"""Handle encoding and maximum line length of body lines.
- emailmaxlinelength (int or None)
+ email_max_line_length (int or None)
The maximum length of any single line in the email body.
Longer lines are truncated at that length with ' [...]'
- def __init__(self, strict_utf8=True, emailmaxlinelength=500, **kw):
+ def __init__(self, strict_utf8=True,
+ email_max_line_length=500, max_subject_length=500,
+ **kw):
super(FilterLinesEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
self.__strict_utf8 = strict_utf8
- self.__emailmaxlinelength = emailmaxlinelength
+ self.__email_max_line_length = email_max_line_length
+ self.__max_subject_length = max_subject_length
def filter_body(self, lines):
lines = super(FilterLinesEnvironmentMixin, self).filter_body(lines)
if self.__strict_utf8:
- lines = (line.decode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
+ if not PYTHON3:
+ lines = (line.decode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
# Limit the line length in Unicode-space to avoid
# splitting characters:
- if self.__emailmaxlinelength:
- lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__emailmaxlinelength)
- lines = (line.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
- elif self.__emailmaxlinelength:
- lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__emailmaxlinelength)
+ if self.__email_max_line_length > 0:
+ lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__email_max_line_length)
+ if not PYTHON3:
+ lines = (line.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
+ elif self.__email_max_line_length:
+ lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__email_max_line_length)
return lines
+ def get_max_subject_length(self):
+ return self.__max_subject_length
class ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin(
if strict_utf8 is not None:
kw['strict_utf8'] = strict_utf8
- emailmaxlinelength = config.get('emailmaxlinelength')
- if emailmaxlinelength is not None:
- kw['emailmaxlinelength'] = int(emailmaxlinelength)
+ email_max_line_length = config.get('emailmaxlinelength')
+ if email_max_line_length is not None:
+ kw['email_max_line_length'] = int(email_max_line_length)
+ max_subject_length = config.get('subjectMaxLength', default=email_max_line_length)
+ if max_subject_length is not None:
+ kw['max_subject_length'] = int(max_subject_length)
super(ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(
config=config, **kw
def filter_body(self, lines):
lines = super(MaxlinesEnvironmentMixin, self).filter_body(lines)
- if self.__emailmaxlines:
+ if self.__emailmaxlines > 0:
lines = limit_lines(lines, self.__emailmaxlines)
return lines
# actual *contents* of the change being reported, we only
# choose based on the *type* of the change. Therefore we can
# compute them once and for all:
- if not (refchange_recipients
- or announce_recipients
- or revision_recipients
- or scancommitforcc):
- raise ConfigurationException('No email recipients configured!')
self.__refchange_recipients = refchange_recipients
self.__announce_recipients = announce_recipients
self.__revision_recipients = revision_recipients
+ def check(self):
+ if not (self.get_refchange_recipients(None) or
+ self.get_announce_recipients(None) or
+ self.get_revision_recipients(None) or
+ self.get_scancommitforcc()):
+ raise ConfigurationException('No email recipients configured!')
+ super(StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin, self).check()
def get_refchange_recipients(self, refchange):
+ if self.__refchange_recipients is None:
+ return super(StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_refchange_recipients(refchange)
return self.__refchange_recipients
def get_announce_recipients(self, annotated_tag_change):
+ if self.__announce_recipients is None:
+ return super(StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_refchange_recipients(annotated_tag_change)
return self.__announce_recipients
def get_revision_recipients(self, revision):
+ if self.__revision_recipients is None:
+ return super(StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_refchange_recipients(revision)
return self.__revision_recipients
+class CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+ """Mixin storing recipients information coming from the
+ command-line."""
+ def __init__(self, cli_recipients=None, **kw):
+ super(CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+ self.__cli_recipients = cli_recipients
+ def get_refchange_recipients(self, refchange):
+ if self.__cli_recipients is None:
+ return super(CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_refchange_recipients(refchange)
+ return self.__cli_recipients
+ def get_announce_recipients(self, annotated_tag_change):
+ if self.__cli_recipients is None:
+ return super(CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_announce_recipients(annotated_tag_change)
+ return self.__cli_recipients
+ def get_revision_recipients(self, revision):
+ if self.__cli_recipients is None:
+ return super(CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ self).get_revision_recipients(revision)
+ return self.__cli_recipients
class ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin(
found, raise a ConfigurationException."""
for name in names:
- retval = config.get_recipients(name)
- if retval is not None:
- return retval
+ lines = config.get_all(name)
+ if lines is not None:
+ lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
+ # Single "none" is a special value equivalen to empty string.
+ if lines == ['none']:
+ lines = ['']
+ return ', '.join(lines)
return ''
+class StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+ """Set branch filter statically based on constructor parameters."""
+ def __init__(self, ref_filter_incl_regex, ref_filter_excl_regex,
+ ref_filter_do_send_regex, ref_filter_dont_send_regex,
+ **kw):
+ super(StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+ if ref_filter_incl_regex and ref_filter_excl_regex:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Cannot specify both a ref inclusion and exclusion regex.")
+ self.__is_inclusion_filter = bool(ref_filter_incl_regex)
+ default_exclude = self.get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+ if ref_filter_incl_regex:
+ ref_filter_regex = ref_filter_incl_regex
+ elif ref_filter_excl_regex:
+ ref_filter_regex = ref_filter_excl_regex + '|' + default_exclude
+ else:
+ ref_filter_regex = default_exclude
+ try:
+ self.__compiled_regex = re.compile(ref_filter_regex)
+ except Exception:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ 'Invalid Ref Filter Regex "%s": %s' % (ref_filter_regex, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ if ref_filter_do_send_regex and ref_filter_dont_send_regex:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Cannot specify both a ref doSend and dontSend regex.")
+ self.__is_do_send_filter = bool(ref_filter_do_send_regex)
+ if ref_filter_do_send_regex:
+ ref_filter_send_regex = ref_filter_do_send_regex
+ elif ref_filter_dont_send_regex:
+ ref_filter_send_regex = ref_filter_dont_send_regex
+ else:
+ ref_filter_send_regex = '.*'
+ self.__is_do_send_filter = True
+ try:
+ self.__send_compiled_regex = re.compile(ref_filter_send_regex)
+ except Exception:
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ 'Invalid Ref Filter Regex "%s": %s' %
+ (ref_filter_send_regex, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ def get_ref_filter_regex(self, send_filter=False):
+ if send_filter:
+ return self.__send_compiled_regex, self.__is_do_send_filter
+ else:
+ return self.__compiled_regex, self.__is_inclusion_filter
+class ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin(
+ ConfigEnvironmentMixin,
+ StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin
+ ):
+ """Determine branch filtering statically based on config."""
+ def _get_regex(self, config, key):
+ """Get a list of whitespace-separated regex. The refFilter* config
+ variables are multivalued (hence the use of get_all), and we
+ allow each entry to be a whitespace-separated list (hence the
+ split on each line). The whole thing is glued into a single regex."""
+ values = config.get_all(key)
+ if values is None:
+ return values
+ items = []
+ for line in values:
+ for i in line.split():
+ items.append(i)
+ if items == []:
+ return None
+ return '|'.join(items)
+ def __init__(self, config, **kw):
+ super(ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(
+ config=config,
+ ref_filter_incl_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterInclusionRegex'),
+ ref_filter_excl_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterExclusionRegex'),
+ ref_filter_do_send_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterDoSendRegex'),
+ ref_filter_dont_send_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterDontSendRegex'),
+ **kw
+ )
class ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
"""Make a "projectdesc" value available for templates.
return self.osenv.get('USER', self.osenv.get('USERNAME', 'unknown user'))
-class GenericEnvironment(
- ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
- ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
- PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
- GenericEnvironmentMixin,
- Environment,
- ):
- pass
+class GitoliteEnvironmentHighPrecMixin(Environment):
+ def get_pusher(self):
+ return self.osenv.get('GL_USER', 'unknown user')
-class GitoliteEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+class GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin(
+ ConfigEnvironmentMixin,
+ Environment):
def get_repo_shortname(self):
# The gitolite environment variable $GL_REPO is a pretty good
# repo_shortname (though it's probably not as good as a value
# the user might have explicitly put in his config).
return (
- self.osenv.get('GL_REPO', None)
- or super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
+ self.osenv.get('GL_REPO', None) or
+ super(GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
- def get_pusher(self):
- return self.osenv.get('GL_USER', 'unknown user')
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compile_regex(re_template):
+ return (
+ re.compile(re_template % x)
+ for x in (
+ r'([^\s]+)\s+(.*)',
+ ))
- def get_fromaddr(self):
+ def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
GL_USER = self.osenv.get('GL_USER')
if GL_USER is not None:
# Find the path to gitolite.conf. Note that gitolite v3
GL_CONF = self.osenv.get(
os.path.join(GL_ADMINDIR, 'conf', 'gitolite.conf'))
+ mailaddress_map = self.config.get('MailaddressMap')
+ # If relative, consider relative to GL_CONF:
+ if mailaddress_map:
+ mailaddress_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(GL_CONF),
+ mailaddress_map)
+ if os.path.isfile(mailaddress_map):
+ f = open(mailaddress_map, 'rU')
+ try:
+ # Leading '#' is optional
+ re_begin, re_user, re_end = self._compile_regex(
+ r'^(?:\s*#)?\s*%s\s*$')
+ for l in f:
+ l = l.rstrip('\n')
+ if re_begin.match(l) or re_end.match(l):
+ continue # Ignore these lines
+ m = re_user.match(l)
+ if m:
+ if m.group(1) == GL_USER:
+ return m.group(2)
+ else:
+ continue # Not this user, but not an error
+ raise ConfigurationException(
+ "Syntax error in mail address map.\n"
+ "Check file {}.\n"
+ "Line: {}".format(mailaddress_map, l))
+ finally:
+ f.close()
if os.path.isfile(GL_CONF):
f = open(GL_CONF, 'rU')
in_user_emails_section = False
- re_template = r'^\s*#\s*{}\s*$'
- re_begin, re_user, re_end = (
- re.compile(re_template.format(x))
- for x in (
- re.escape(GL_USER) + r'\s+(.*)',
- ))
+ re_begin, re_user, re_end = self._compile_regex(
+ r'^\s*#\s*%s\s*$')
for l in f:
l = l.rstrip('\n')
if not in_user_emails_section:
if re_end.match(l):
m = re_user.match(l)
- if m:
- return m.group(1)
+ if m and m.group(1) == GL_USER:
+ return m.group(2)
- return super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr()
+ return super(GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
class IncrementalDateTime(object):
def __init__(self):
self.time = time.time()
+ self.next = self.__next__ # Python 2 backward compatibility
- def next(self):
+ def __next__(self):
formatted = formatdate(self.time, True)
self.time += 1
return formatted
-class GitoliteEnvironment(
- ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
- ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
- PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
- GitoliteEnvironmentMixin,
- Environment,
- ):
- pass
+class StashEnvironmentHighPrecMixin(Environment):
+ def __init__(self, user=None, repo=None, **kw):
+ super(StashEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,
+ self).__init__(user=user, repo=repo, **kw)
+ self.__user = user
+ self.__repo = repo
+ def get_pusher(self):
+ return re.match(r'(.*?)\s*<', self.__user).group(1)
+ def get_pusher_email(self):
+ return self.__user
+class StashEnvironmentLowPrecMixin(Environment):
+ def __init__(self, user=None, repo=None, **kw):
+ super(StashEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+ self.__repo = repo
+ self.__user = user
+ def get_repo_shortname(self):
+ return self.__repo
+ def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
+ return self.__user
+class GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin(Environment):
+ def __init__(self, project=None, submitter=None, update_method=None, **kw):
+ super(GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,
+ self).__init__(submitter=submitter, project=project, **kw)
+ self.__project = project
+ self.__submitter = submitter
+ self.__update_method = update_method
+ "Make an 'update_method' value available for templates."
+ self.COMPUTED_KEYS += ['update_method']
+ def get_pusher(self):
+ if self.__submitter:
+ if self.__submitter.find('<') != -1:
+ # Submitter has a configured email, we transformed
+ # __submitter into an RFC 2822 string already.
+ return re.match(r'(.*?)\s*<', self.__submitter).group(1)
+ else:
+ # Submitter has no configured email, it's just his name.
+ return self.__submitter
+ else:
+ # If we arrive here, this means someone pushed "Submit" from
+ # the gerrit web UI for the CR (or used one of the programmatic
+ # APIs to do the same, such as gerrit review) and the
+ # merge/push was done by the Gerrit user. It was technically
+ # triggered by someone else, but sadly we have no way of
+ # determining who that someone else is at this point.
+ return 'Gerrit' # 'unknown user'?
+ def get_pusher_email(self):
+ if self.__submitter:
+ return self.__submitter
+ else:
+ return super(GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin, self).get_pusher_email()
+ def get_default_ref_ignore_regex(self):
+ default = super(GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin, self).get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+ return default + '|^refs/changes/|^refs/cache-automerge/|^refs/meta/'
+ def get_revision_recipients(self, revision):
+ # Merge commits created by Gerrit when users hit "Submit this patchset"
+ # in the Web UI (or do equivalently with REST APIs or the gerrit review
+ # command) are not something users want to see an individual email for.
+ # Filter them out.
+ committer = read_git_output(['log', '--no-walk', '--format=%cN',
+ revision.rev.sha1])
+ if committer == 'Gerrit Code Review':
+ return []
+ else:
+ return super(GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin, self).get_revision_recipients(revision)
+ def get_update_method(self):
+ return self.__update_method
+class GerritEnvironmentLowPrecMixin(Environment):
+ def __init__(self, project=None, submitter=None, **kw):
+ super(GerritEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+ self.__project = project
+ self.__submitter = submitter
+ def get_repo_shortname(self):
+ return self.__project
+ def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
+ if self.__submitter and self.__submitter.find('<') != -1:
+ return self.__submitter
+ else:
+ return super(GerritEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
class Push(object):
- def __init__(self, changes, ignore_other_refs=False):
+ def __init__(self, environment, changes, ignore_other_refs=False):
self.changes = sorted(changes, key=self._sort_key)
self.__other_ref_sha1s = None
self.__cached_commits_spec = {}
+ self.environment = environment
if ignore_other_refs:
self.__other_ref_sha1s = set()
'%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(refname)\n'
'%(*objectname) %(*objecttype) %(refname)'
+ ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = \
+ self.environment.get_ref_filter_regex()
for line in read_git_lines(
['for-each-ref', '--format=%s' % (fmt,)]):
(sha1, type, name) = line.split(' ', 2)
- if sha1 and type == 'commit' and name not in updated_refs:
+ if (sha1 and type == 'commit' and
+ name not in updated_refs and
+ include_ref(name, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter)):
self.__other_ref_sha1s = sha1s
if not change.recipients:
'*** no recipients configured so no email will be sent\n'
- '*** for %r update %s->%s\n'
+ '*** for %r update %s->%s'
% (change.refname, change.old.sha1, change.new.sha1,)
if not change.environment.quiet:
- 'Sending notification emails to: %s\n' % (change.recipients,))
- extra_values = {'send_date': send_date.next()}
+ 'Sending notification emails to: %s' % (change.recipients,))
+ extra_values = {'send_date': next(send_date)}
rev = change.send_single_combined_email(sha1s)
if rev:
max_emails = change.environment.maxcommitemails
if max_emails and len(sha1s) > max_emails:
- '*** Too many new commits (%d), not sending commit emails.\n' % len(sha1s)
- + '*** Try setting multimailhook.maxCommitEmails to a greater value\n'
- + '*** Currently, multimailhook.maxCommitEmails=%d\n' % max_emails
+ '*** Too many new commits (%d), not sending commit emails.\n' % len(sha1s) +
+ '*** Try setting multimailhook.maxCommitEmails to a greater value\n' +
+ '*** Currently, multimailhook.maxCommitEmails=%d' % max_emails
for (num, sha1) in enumerate(sha1s):
rev = Revision(change, GitObject(sha1), num=num + 1, tot=len(sha1s))
+ if len(rev.parents) > 1 and change.environment.excludemergerevisions:
+ # skipping a merge commit
+ continue
if not rev.recipients and rev.cc_recipients:
- change.environment.log_msg('*** Replacing Cc: with To:\n')
+ change.environment.log_msg('*** Replacing Cc: with To:')
rev.recipients = rev.cc_recipients
rev.cc_recipients = None
if rev.recipients:
- extra_values = {'send_date': send_date.next()}
+ extra_values = {'send_date': next(send_date)}
rev.generate_email(self, body_filter, extra_values),
if unhandled_sha1s:
'ERROR: No emails were sent for the following new commits:\n'
- ' %s\n'
+ ' %s'
% ('\n '.join(sorted(unhandled_sha1s)),)
+def include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+ does_match = bool(ref_filter_regex.search(refname))
+ if is_inclusion_filter:
+ return does_match
+ else: # exclusion filter -- we include the ref if the regex doesn't match
+ return not does_match
def run_as_post_receive_hook(environment, mailer):
+ environment.check()
+ send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)
+ ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(False)
changes = []
- for line in sys.stdin:
+ while True:
+ line = read_line(sys.stdin)
+ if line == '':
+ break
(oldrev, newrev, refname) = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
+ environment.get_logger().debug(
+ "run_as_post_receive_hook: oldrev=%s, newrev=%s, refname=%s" %
+ (oldrev, newrev, refname))
+ if not include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+ continue
+ if not include_ref(refname, send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter):
+ continue
ReferenceChange.create(environment, oldrev, newrev, refname)
- push = Push(changes)
- push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
+ if not changes:
+ mailer.close()
+ return
+ push = Push(environment, changes)
+ try:
+ push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
+ finally:
+ mailer.close()
def run_as_update_hook(environment, mailer, refname, oldrev, newrev, force_send=False):
+ environment.check()
+ send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)
+ ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(False)
+ if not include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+ return
+ if not include_ref(refname, send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter):
+ return
changes = [
- push = Push(changes, force_send)
- push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
+ if not changes:
+ mailer.close()
+ return
+ push = Push(environment, changes, force_send)
+ try:
+ push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
+ finally:
+ mailer.close()
+def check_ref_filter(environment):
+ send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)
+ ref_filter_regex, ref_is_inclusion = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(False)
+ def inc_exc_lusion(b):
+ if b:
+ return 'inclusion'
+ else:
+ return 'exclusion'
+ if send_filter_regex:
+ sys.stdout.write("DoSend/DontSend filter regex (" +
+ (inc_exc_lusion(send_is_inclusion)) +
+ '): ' + send_filter_regex.pattern +
+ '\n')
+ if send_filter_regex:
+ sys.stdout.write("Include/Exclude filter regex (" +
+ (inc_exc_lusion(ref_is_inclusion)) +
+ '): ' + ref_filter_regex.pattern +
+ '\n')
+ sys.stdout.write(os.linesep)
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "Refs marked as EXCLUDE are excluded by either refFilterInclusionRegex\n"
+ "or refFilterExclusionRegex. No emails will be sent for commits included\n"
+ "in these refs.\n"
+ "Refs marked as DONT-SEND are excluded by either refFilterDoSendRegex or\n"
+ "refFilterDontSendRegex, but not by either refFilterInclusionRegex or\n"
+ "refFilterExclusionRegex. Emails will be sent for commits included in these\n"
+ "refs only when the commit reaches a ref which isn't excluded.\n"
+ "Refs marked as DO-SEND are not excluded by any filter. Emails will\n"
+ "be sent normally for commits included in these refs.\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(os.linesep)
+ for refname in read_git_lines(['for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname)']):
+ sys.stdout.write(refname)
+ if not include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, ref_is_inclusion):
+ sys.stdout.write(' EXCLUDE')
+ elif not include_ref(refname, send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion):
+ sys.stdout.write(' DONT-SEND')
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(' DO-SEND')
+ sys.stdout.write(os.linesep)
+def show_env(environment, out):
+ out.write('Environment values:\n')
+ for (k, v) in sorted(environment.get_values().items()):
+ if k: # Don't show the {'' : ''} pair.
+ out.write(' %s : %r\n' % (k, v))
+ out.write('\n')
+ # Flush to avoid interleaving with further log output
+ out.flush()
+def check_setup(environment):
+ environment.check()
+ show_env(environment, sys.stdout)
+ sys.stdout.write("Now, checking that git-multimail's standard input "
+ "is properly set ..." + os.linesep)
+ sys.stdout.write("Please type some text and then press Return" + os.linesep)
+ stdin = sys.stdin.readline()
+ sys.stdout.write("You have just entered:" + os.linesep)
+ sys.stdout.write(stdin)
+ sys.stdout.write("git-multimail seems properly set up." + os.linesep)
def choose_mailer(config, environment):
smtpencryption = config.get('smtpencryption', default='none')
smtpuser = config.get('smtpuser', default='')
smtppass = config.get('smtppass', default='')
+ smtpcacerts = config.get('smtpcacerts', default='')
mailer = SMTPMailer(
+ environment,
envelopesender=(environment.get_sender() or environment.get_fromaddr()),
smtpserver=smtpserver, smtpservertimeout=smtpservertimeout,
+ smtpcacerts=smtpcacerts
elif mailer == 'sendmail':
command = config.get('sendmailcommand')
if command:
command = shlex.split(command)
- mailer = SendMailer(command=command, envelopesender=environment.get_sender())
+ mailer = SendMailer(environment,
+ command=command, envelopesender=environment.get_sender())
- 'fatal: multimailhook.mailer is set to an incorrect value: "%s"\n' % mailer
- + 'please use one of "smtp" or "sendmail".\n'
+ 'fatal: multimailhook.mailer is set to an incorrect value: "%s"\n' % mailer +
+ 'please use one of "smtp" or "sendmail".'
return mailer
- 'generic': GenericEnvironmentMixin,
- 'gitolite': GitoliteEnvironmentMixin,
+ 'generic': {'highprec': GenericEnvironmentMixin},
+ 'gitolite': {'highprec': GitoliteEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,
+ 'lowprec': GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin},
+ 'stash': {'highprec': StashEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,
+ 'lowprec': StashEnvironmentLowPrecMixin},
+ 'gerrit': {'highprec': GerritEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,
+ 'lowprec': GerritEnvironmentLowPrecMixin},
-def choose_environment(config, osenv=None, env=None, recipients=None):
+def choose_environment(config, osenv=None, env=None, recipients=None,
+ hook_info=None):
+ env_name = choose_environment_name(config, env, osenv)
+ environment_klass = build_environment_klass(env_name)
+ env = build_environment(environment_klass, env_name, config,
+ osenv, recipients, hook_info)
+ return env
+def choose_environment_name(config, env, osenv):
if not osenv:
osenv = os.environ
- environment_mixins = [
- ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
- ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
- PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
- ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
- ]
- environment_kw = {
- 'osenv': osenv,
- 'config': config,
- }
if not env:
env = config.get('environment')
env = 'gitolite'
env = 'generic'
- environment_mixins.append(KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env])
- if recipients:
- environment_mixins.insert(0, StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin)
- environment_kw['refchange_recipients'] = recipients
- environment_kw['announce_recipients'] = recipients
- environment_kw['revision_recipients'] = recipients
- environment_kw['scancommitforcc'] = config.get('scancommitforcc')
- else:
- environment_mixins.insert(0, ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin)
+ return env
+ ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ CLIRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+ ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
+ ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
+ ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
+ ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
+ ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
+ PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
+ ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
+ ]
+def build_environment_klass(env_name):
+ if 'class' in KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env_name]:
+ return KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env_name]['class']
+ environment_mixins = []
+ known_env = KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env_name]
+ if 'highprec' in known_env:
+ high_prec_mixin = known_env['highprec']
+ environment_mixins.append(high_prec_mixin)
+ environment_mixins = environment_mixins + COMMON_ENVIRONMENT_MIXINS
+ if 'lowprec' in known_env:
+ low_prec_mixin = known_env['lowprec']
+ environment_mixins.append(low_prec_mixin)
+ environment_mixins.append(Environment)
+ klass_name = env_name.capitalize() + 'Environment'
environment_klass = type(
- 'EffectiveEnvironment',
- tuple(environment_mixins) + (Environment,),
+ klass_name,
+ tuple(environment_mixins),
+ KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env_name]['class'] = environment_klass
+ return environment_klass
+GerritEnvironment = build_environment_klass('gerrit')
+StashEnvironment = build_environment_klass('stash')
+GitoliteEnvironment = build_environment_klass('gitolite')
+GenericEnvironment = build_environment_klass('generic')
+def build_environment(environment_klass, env, config,
+ osenv, recipients, hook_info):
+ environment_kw = {
+ 'osenv': osenv,
+ 'config': config,
+ }
+ if env == 'stash':
+ environment_kw['user'] = hook_info['stash_user']
+ environment_kw['repo'] = hook_info['stash_repo']
+ elif env == 'gerrit':
+ environment_kw['project'] = hook_info['project']
+ environment_kw['submitter'] = hook_info['submitter']
+ environment_kw['update_method'] = hook_info['update_method']
+ environment_kw['cli_recipients'] = recipients
return environment_klass(**environment_kw)
+def get_version():
+ oldcwd = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ try:
+ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ git_version = read_git_output(['describe', '--tags', 'HEAD'])
+ if git_version == __version__:
+ return git_version
+ else:
+ return '%s (%s)' % (__version__, git_version)
+ except:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(oldcwd)
+ return __version__
+def compute_gerrit_options(options, args, required_gerrit_options,
+ raw_refname):
+ if None in required_gerrit_options:
+ raise SystemExit("Error: Specify all of --oldrev, --newrev, --refname, "
+ "and --project; or none of them.")
+ if options.environment not in (None, 'gerrit'):
+ raise SystemExit("Non-gerrit environments incompatible with --oldrev, "
+ "--newrev, --refname, and --project")
+ options.environment = 'gerrit'
+ if args:
+ raise SystemExit("Error: Positional parameters not allowed with "
+ "--oldrev, --newrev, and --refname.")
+ # Gerrit oddly omits 'refs/heads/' in the refname when calling
+ # ref-updated hook; put it back.
+ git_dir = get_git_dir()
+ if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(git_dir, raw_refname)) and
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(git_dir, 'refs', 'heads',
+ raw_refname))):
+ options.refname = 'refs/heads/' + options.refname
+ # New revisions can appear in a gerrit repository either due to someone
+ # pushing directly (in which case options.submitter will be set), or they
+ # can press "Submit this patchset" in the web UI for some CR (in which
+ # case options.submitter will not be set and gerrit will not have provided
+ # us the information about who pressed the button).
+ #
+ # Note for the nit-picky: I'm lumping in REST API calls and the ssh
+ # gerrit review command in with "Submit this patchset" button, since they
+ # have the same effect.
+ if options.submitter:
+ update_method = 'pushed'
+ # The submitter argument is almost an RFC 2822 email address; change it
+ # from 'User Name (email@domain)' to 'User Name <email@domain>' so it is
+ options.submitter = options.submitter.replace('(', '<').replace(')', '>')
+ else:
+ update_method = 'submitted'
+ # Gerrit knew who submitted this patchset, but threw that information
+ # away when it invoked this hook. However, *IF* Gerrit created a
+ # merge to bring the patchset in (project 'Submit Type' is either
+ # "Always Merge", or is "Merge if Necessary" and happens to be
+ # necessary for this particular CR), then it will have the committer
+ # of that merge be 'Gerrit Code Review' and the author will be the
+ # person who requested the submission of the CR. Since this is fairly
+ # likely for most gerrit installations (of a reasonable size), it's
+ # worth the extra effort to try to determine the actual submitter.
+ rev_info = read_git_lines(['log', '--no-walk', '--merges',
+ '--format=%cN%n%aN <%aE>', options.newrev])
+ if rev_info and rev_info[0] == 'Gerrit Code Review':
+ options.submitter = rev_info[1]
+ # We pass back refname, oldrev, newrev as args because then the
+ # gerrit ref-updated hook is much like the git update hook
+ return (options,
+ [options.refname, options.oldrev, options.newrev],
+ {'project': options.project, 'submitter': options.submitter,
+ 'update_method': update_method})
+def check_hook_specific_args(options, args):
+ raw_refname = options.refname
+ # Convert each string option unicode for Python3.
+ if PYTHON3:
+ opts = ['environment', 'recipients', 'oldrev', 'newrev', 'refname',
+ 'project', 'submitter', 'stash_user', 'stash_repo']
+ for opt in opts:
+ if not hasattr(options, opt):
+ continue
+ obj = getattr(options, opt)
+ if obj:
+ enc = obj.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')
+ dec = enc.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ setattr(options, opt, dec)
+ # First check for stash arguments
+ if (options.stash_user is None) != (options.stash_repo is None):
+ raise SystemExit("Error: Specify both of --stash-user and "
+ "--stash-repo or neither.")
+ if options.stash_user:
+ options.environment = 'stash'
+ return options, args, {'stash_user': options.stash_user,
+ 'stash_repo': options.stash_repo}
+ # Finally, check for gerrit specific arguments
+ required_gerrit_options = (options.oldrev, options.newrev, options.refname,
+ options.project)
+ if required_gerrit_options != (None,) * 4:
+ return compute_gerrit_options(options, args, required_gerrit_options,
+ raw_refname)
+ # No special options in use, just return what we started with
+ return options, args, {}
+class Logger(object):
+ def parse_verbose(self, verbose):
+ if verbose > 0:
+ return logging.DEBUG
+ else:
+ return logging.INFO
+ def create_log_file(self, environment, name, path, verbosity):
+ log_file = logging.getLogger(name)
+ file_handler = logging.FileHandler(path)
+ log_fmt = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s")
+ file_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt)
+ log_file.addHandler(file_handler)
+ log_file.setLevel(verbosity)
+ return log_file
+ def __init__(self, environment):
+ self.environment = environment
+ self.loggers = []
+ stderr_log = logging.getLogger('git_multimail.stderr')
+ class EncodedStderr(object):
+ def write(self, x):
+ write_str(sys.stderr, x)
+ def flush(self):
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(EncodedStderr())
+ stderr_log.addHandler(stderr_handler)
+ stderr_log.setLevel(self.parse_verbose(environment.verbose))
+ self.loggers.append(stderr_log)
+ if environment.debug_log_file is not None:
+ debug_log_file = self.create_log_file(
+ environment, 'git_multimail.debug', environment.debug_log_file, logging.DEBUG)
+ self.loggers.append(debug_log_file)
+ if environment.log_file is not None:
+ log_file = self.create_log_file(
+ environment, 'git_multimail.file', environment.log_file, logging.INFO)
+ self.loggers.append(log_file)
+ if environment.error_log_file is not None:
+ error_log_file = self.create_log_file(
+ environment, 'git_multimail.error', environment.error_log_file, logging.ERROR)
+ self.loggers.append(error_log_file)
+ def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ for l in self.loggers:
+ l.info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
+ def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ for l in self.loggers:
+ l.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)
+ def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ for l in self.loggers:
+ l.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs)
+ def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ for l in self.loggers:
+ l.error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def main(args):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
'--environment', '--env', action='store', type='choice',
- choices=['generic', 'gitolite'], default=None,
+ choices=list(KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS.keys()), default=None,
'Choose type of environment is in use. Default is taken from '
'multimailhook.environment if set; otherwise "generic".'
'--show-env', action='store_true', default=False,
'Write to stderr the values determined for the environment '
- '(intended for debugging purposes).'
+ '(intended for debugging purposes), then proceed normally.'
'detection in this mode.'
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-c', metavar="<name>=<value>", action='append',
+ help=(
+ 'Pass a configuration parameter through to git. The value given '
+ 'will override values from configuration files. See the -c option '
+ 'of git(1) for more details. (Only works with git >= 1.7.3)'
+ ),
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ '--version', '-v', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help=(
+ "Display git-multimail's version"
+ ),
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ '--python-version', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help=(
+ "Display the version of Python used by git-multimail"
+ ),
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ '--check-ref-filter', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help=(
+ 'List refs and show information on how git-multimail '
+ 'will process them.'
+ )
+ )
+ # The following options permit this script to be run as a gerrit
+ # ref-updated hook. See e.g.
+ # code.google.com/p/gerrit/source/browse/Documentation/config-hooks.txt
+ # We suppress help for these items, since these are specific to gerrit,
+ # and we don't want users directly using them any way other than how the
+ # gerrit ref-updated hook is called.
+ parser.add_option('--oldrev', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ parser.add_option('--newrev', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ parser.add_option('--refname', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ parser.add_option('--project', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ parser.add_option('--submitter', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ # The following allow this to be run as a stash asynchronous post-receive
+ # hook (almost identical to a git post-receive hook but triggered also for
+ # merges of pull requests from the UI). We suppress help for these items,
+ # since these are specific to stash.
+ parser.add_option('--stash-user', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ parser.add_option('--stash-repo', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ (options, args, hook_info) = check_hook_specific_args(options, args)
+ if options.version:
+ sys.stdout.write('git-multimail version ' + get_version() + '\n')
+ return
+ if options.python_version:
+ sys.stdout.write('Python version ' + sys.version + '\n')
+ return
+ if options.c:
+ Config.add_config_parameters(options.c)
config = Config('multimailhook')
+ environment = None
environment = choose_environment(
config, osenv=os.environ,
+ hook_info=hook_info,
if options.show_env:
- sys.stderr.write('Environment values:\n')
- for (k, v) in sorted(environment.get_values().items()):
- sys.stderr.write(' %s : %r\n' % (k, v))
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
+ show_env(environment, sys.stderr)
if options.stdout or environment.stdout:
- mailer = OutputMailer(sys.stdout)
+ mailer = OutputMailer(sys.stdout, environment)
mailer = choose_mailer(config, environment)
+ must_check_setup = os.environ.get('GIT_MULTIMAIL_CHECK_SETUP')
+ if must_check_setup == '':
+ must_check_setup = False
+ if options.check_ref_filter:
+ check_ref_filter(environment)
+ elif must_check_setup:
+ check_setup(environment)
# Dual mode: if arguments were specified on the command line, run
# like an update hook; otherwise, run as a post-receive hook.
- if args:
+ elif args:
if len(args) != 3:
parser.error('Need zero or three non-option arguments')
(refname, oldrev, newrev) = args
+ environment.get_logger().debug(
+ "run_as_update_hook: refname=%s, oldrev=%s, newrev=%s, force_send=%s" %
+ (refname, oldrev, newrev, options.force_send))
run_as_update_hook(environment, mailer, refname, oldrev, newrev, options.force_send)
run_as_post_receive_hook(environment, mailer)
- except ConfigurationException, e:
- sys.exit(str(e))
+ except ConfigurationException:
+ sys.exit(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ except SystemExit:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ t, e, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ import traceback
+ sys.stderr.write('\n') # Avoid mixing message with previous output
+ msg = (
+ 'Exception \'' + t.__name__ +
+ '\' raised. Please report this as a bug to\n'
+ 'https://github.com/git-multimail/git-multimail/issues\n'
+ 'with the information below:\n\n'
+ 'git-multimail version ' + get_version() + '\n'
+ 'Python version ' + sys.version + '\n' +
+ traceback.format_exc())
+ try:
+ environment.get_logger().error(msg)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':