-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This tool is copyright (c) 2005, Matthias Urlichs.
# It is released under the Gnu Public License, version 2.
# The head revision is on branch "origin" by default.
# You can change that with the '-o' option.
+use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# convert getopts specs for use by git config
+my %longmap = (
+ 'A:' => 'authors-file',
+ 'M:' => 'merge-regex',
+ 'P:' => undef,
+ 'R' => 'track-revisions',
+ 'S:' => 'ignore-paths',
sub read_repo_config {
# Split the string between characters, unless there is a ':'
# So "abc:de" becomes ["a", "b", "c:", "d", "e"]
$key =~ s/://g;
my $arg = 'git config';
$arg .= ' --bool' if ($o !~ /:$/);
- chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get cvsimport.$key`);
+ my $ckey = $key;
+ if (exists $longmap{$o}) {
+ # An uppercase option like -R cannot be
+ # expressed in the configuration, as the
+ # variable names are downcased.
+ $ckey = $longmap{$o};
+ next if (! defined $ckey);
+ $ckey =~ s/-//g;
+ }
+ chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get cvsimport.$ckey`);
if ($tmp && !($arg =~ /--bool/ && $tmp eq 'false')) {
no strict 'refs';
my $opt_name = "opt_" . $key;
return $self;
+sub find_password_entry {
+ my ($cvspass, @cvsroot) = @_;
+ my ($file, $delim) = @$cvspass;
+ my $pass;
+ local ($_);
+ if (open(my $fh, $file)) {
+ # :pserver:cvs@mea.tmt.tele.fi:/cvsroot/zmailer Ah<Z
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\/\d+\s+//;
+ my ($w, $p) = split($delim,$_,2);
+ for my $cvsroot (@cvsroot) {
+ if ($w eq $cvsroot) {
+ $pass = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ return $pass;
sub conn {
my $self = shift;
my $repo = $self->{'fullrep'};
if ($pass) {
$pass = $self->_scramble($pass);
} else {
- open(H,$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvspass") and do {
- # :pserver:cvs@mea.tmt.tele.fi:/cvsroot/zmailer Ah<Z
- while (<H>) {
- chomp;
- s/^\/\d+\s+//;
- my ($w,$p) = split(/\s/,$_,2);
- if ($w eq $rr or $w eq $rr2) {
- $pass = $p;
- last;
- }
+ my @cvspass = ([$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvspass", qr/\s/],
+ [$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvs/cvspass", qr/=/]);
+ my @loc = ();
+ foreach my $cvspass (@cvspass) {
+ my $p = find_password_entry($cvspass, $rr, $rr2);
+ if ($p) {
+ push @loc, $cvspass->[0];
+ $pass = $p;
- };
- $pass = "A" unless $pass;
+ }
+ if (1 < @loc) {
+ die("Multiple cvs password files have ".
+ "entries for CVSROOT $opt_d: @loc");
+ } elsif (!$pass) {
+ $pass = "A";
+ }
my ($s, $rep);
- chomp(my $rep=$self->readline());
+ my $rep=$self->readline();
+ die "Failed to read from server" unless defined $rep;
+ chomp($rep);
if ($rep !~ s/^Valid-requests\s*//) {
$rep="<unknown>" unless $rep;
die "Expected Valid-requests from server, but got: $rep\n";