# 2007 Trolltech ASA
# License: MIT <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
-# TODO: Add an option to sync/rebase to fetch and rebase from origin first.
import optparse, sys, os, marshal, popen2, subprocess, shelve
import tempfile, getopt, sha, os.path, time, platform
return True;
return False
+def parseRevision(ref):
+ return mypopen("git rev-parse %s" % ref).read()[:-1]
def system(cmd):
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
die("command failed: %s" % cmd)
print output
return True
-class P4CleanTags(Command):
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.options = [
-# optparse.make_option("--branch", dest="branch", default="refs/heads/master")
- ]
- self.description = "A tool to remove stale unused tags from incremental perforce imports."
- def run(self, args):
- branch = currentGitBranch()
- print "Cleaning out stale p4 import tags..."
- sout, sin, serr = popen2.popen3("git name-rev --tags `git rev-parse %s`" % branch)
- output = sout.read()
- try:
- tagIdx = output.index(" tags/p4/")
- except:
- print "Cannot find any p4/* tag. Nothing to do."
- sys.exit(0)
- try:
- caretIdx = output.index("^")
- except:
- caretIdx = len(output) - 1
- rev = int(output[tagIdx + 9 : caretIdx])
- allTags = mypopen("git tag -l p4/").readlines()
- for i in range(len(allTags)):
- allTags[i] = int(allTags[i][3:-1])
- allTags.sort()
- allTags.remove(rev)
- for rev in allTags:
- print mypopen("git tag -d p4/%s" % rev).read()
- print "%s tags removed." % len(allTags)
- return True
class P4Submit(Command):
def __init__(self):
optparse.make_option("--detect-branches", dest="detectBranches", action="store_true"),
optparse.make_option("--changesfile", dest="changesFile"),
optparse.make_option("--silent", dest="silent", action="store_true"),
- optparse.make_option("--known-branches", dest="knownBranches"),
- optparse.make_option("--data-cache", dest="dataCache", action="store_true"),
- optparse.make_option("--command-cache", dest="commandCache", action="store_true"),
- optparse.make_option("--detect-labels", dest="detectLabels", action="store_true")
+ optparse.make_option("--detect-labels", dest="detectLabels", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--with-origin", dest="syncWithOrigin", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true")
self.description = """Imports from Perforce into a git repository.\n
self.usage += " //depot/path[@revRange]"
- self.dataCache = False
- self.commandCache = False
self.silent = False
- self.knownBranches = Set()
self.createdBranches = Set()
self.committedChanges = Set()
self.branch = ""
self.detectBranches = False
self.detectLabels = False
self.changesFile = ""
+ self.syncWithOrigin = False
+ self.verbose = False
def p4File(self, depotPath):
return os.popen("p4 print -q \"%s\"" % depotPath, "rb").read()
fnum = fnum + 1
return files
- def isSubPathOf(self, first, second):
- if not first.startswith(second):
- return False
- if first == second:
- return True
- return first[len(second)] == "/"
- def branchesForCommit(self, files):
- branches = Set()
- for file in files:
- relativePath = file["path"][len(self.depotPath):]
- # strip off the filename
- relativePath = relativePath[0:relativePath.rfind("/")]
- # if len(branches) == 0:
- # branches.add(relativePath)
- # knownBranches.add(relativePath)
- # continue
- ###### this needs more testing :)
- knownBranch = False
- for branch in branches:
- if relativePath == branch:
- knownBranch = True
- break
- # if relativePath.startswith(branch):
- if self.isSubPathOf(relativePath, branch):
- knownBranch = True
- break
- # if branch.startswith(relativePath):
- if self.isSubPathOf(branch, relativePath):
- branches.remove(branch)
- break
+ def splitFilesIntoBranches(self, commit):
+ branches = {}
- if knownBranch:
+ fnum = 0
+ while commit.has_key("depotFile%s" % fnum):
+ path = commit["depotFile%s" % fnum]
+ if not path.startswith(self.depotPath):
+ # if not self.silent:
+ # print "\nchanged files: ignoring path %s outside of %s in change %s" % (path, self.depotPath, change)
+ fnum = fnum + 1
- for branch in self.knownBranches:
- #if relativePath.startswith(branch):
- if self.isSubPathOf(relativePath, branch):
- if len(branches) == 0:
- relativePath = branch
- else:
- knownBranch = True
- break
+ file = {}
+ file["path"] = path
+ file["rev"] = commit["rev%s" % fnum]
+ file["action"] = commit["action%s" % fnum]
+ file["type"] = commit["type%s" % fnum]
+ fnum = fnum + 1
- if knownBranch:
- continue
+ relPath = path[len(self.depotPath):]
- branches.add(relativePath)
- self.knownBranches.add(relativePath)
+ for branch in self.knownBranches.keys():
+ if relPath.startswith(branch):
+ if branch not in branches:
+ branches[branch] = []
+ branches[branch].append(file)
return branches
- def findBranchParent(self, branchPrefix, files):
- for file in files:
- path = file["path"]
- if not path.startswith(branchPrefix):
- continue
- action = file["action"]
- if action != "integrate" and action != "branch":
- continue
- rev = file["rev"]
- depotPath = path + "#" + rev
- log = p4CmdList("filelog \"%s\"" % depotPath)
- if len(log) != 1:
- print "eek! I got confused by the filelog of %s" % depotPath
- sys.exit(1);
- log = log[0]
- if log["action0"] != action:
- print "eek! wrong action in filelog for %s : found %s, expected %s" % (depotPath, log["action0"], action)
- sys.exit(1);
- branchAction = log["how0,0"]
- # if branchAction == "branch into" or branchAction == "ignored":
- # continue # ignore for branching
- if not branchAction.endswith(" from"):
- continue # ignore for branching
- # print "eek! file %s was not branched from but instead: %s" % (depotPath, branchAction)
- # sys.exit(1);
- source = log["file0,0"]
- if source.startswith(branchPrefix):
- continue
- lastSourceRev = log["erev0,0"]
- sourceLog = p4CmdList("filelog -m 1 \"%s%s\"" % (source, lastSourceRev))
- if len(sourceLog) != 1:
- print "eek! I got confused by the source filelog of %s%s" % (source, lastSourceRev)
- sys.exit(1);
- sourceLog = sourceLog[0]
- relPath = source[len(self.depotPath):]
- # strip off the filename
- relPath = relPath[0:relPath.rfind("/")]
- for branch in self.knownBranches:
- if self.isSubPathOf(relPath, branch):
- # print "determined parent branch branch %s due to change in file %s" % (branch, source)
- return branch
- # else:
- # print "%s is not a subpath of branch %s" % (relPath, branch)
- return ""
- def commit(self, details, files, branch, branchPrefix, parent = "", merged = ""):
+ def commit(self, details, files, branch, branchPrefix, parent = ""):
epoch = details["time"]
author = details["user"]
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "commit into %s" % branch
self.gitStream.write("commit %s\n" % branch)
# gitStream.write("mark :%s\n" % details["change"])
if len(parent) > 0:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "parent %s" % parent
self.gitStream.write("from %s\n" % parent)
- if len(merged) > 0:
- self.gitStream.write("merge %s\n" % merged)
for file in files:
path = file["path"]
if not path.startswith(branchPrefix):
change = int(details["change"])
- self.lastChange = change
- if change in self.labels:
+ if self.labels.has_key(change):
label = self.labels[change]
labelDetails = label[0]
labelRevisions = label[1]
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Change %s is labelled %s" % (change, labelDetails)
files = p4CmdList("files %s...@%s" % (branchPrefix, change))
if not self.silent:
print "Tag %s does not match with change %s: file count is different." % (labelDetails["label"], change)
- def extractFilesInCommitToBranch(self, files, branchPrefix):
- newFiles = []
- for file in files:
- path = file["path"]
- if path.startswith(branchPrefix):
- newFiles.append(file)
- return newFiles
- def findBranchSourceHeuristic(self, files, branch, branchPrefix):
- for file in files:
- action = file["action"]
- if action != "integrate" and action != "branch":
- continue
- path = file["path"]
- rev = file["rev"]
- depotPath = path + "#" + rev
- log = p4CmdList("filelog \"%s\"" % depotPath)
- if len(log) != 1:
- print "eek! I got confused by the filelog of %s" % depotPath
- sys.exit(1);
- log = log[0]
- if log["action0"] != action:
- print "eek! wrong action in filelog for %s : found %s, expected %s" % (depotPath, log["action0"], action)
- sys.exit(1);
- branchAction = log["how0,0"]
- if not branchAction.endswith(" from"):
- continue # ignore for branching
- # print "eek! file %s was not branched from but instead: %s" % (depotPath, branchAction)
- # sys.exit(1);
- source = log["file0,0"]
- if source.startswith(branchPrefix):
- continue
- lastSourceRev = log["erev0,0"]
- sourceLog = p4CmdList("filelog -m 1 \"%s%s\"" % (source, lastSourceRev))
- if len(sourceLog) != 1:
- print "eek! I got confused by the source filelog of %s%s" % (source, lastSourceRev)
- sys.exit(1);
- sourceLog = sourceLog[0]
- relPath = source[len(self.depotPath):]
- # strip off the filename
- relPath = relPath[0:relPath.rfind("/")]
- for candidate in self.knownBranches:
- if self.isSubPathOf(relPath, candidate) and candidate != branch:
- return candidate
- return ""
- def changeIsBranchMerge(self, sourceBranch, destinationBranch, change):
- sourceFiles = {}
- for file in p4CmdList("files %s...@%s" % (self.depotPath + sourceBranch + "/", change)):
- if file["action"] == "delete":
- continue
- sourceFiles[file["depotFile"]] = file
- destinationFiles = {}
- for file in p4CmdList("files %s...@%s" % (self.depotPath + destinationBranch + "/", change)):
- destinationFiles[file["depotFile"]] = file
- for fileName in sourceFiles.keys():
- integrations = []
- deleted = False
- integrationCount = 0
- for integration in p4CmdList("integrated \"%s\"" % fileName):
- toFile = integration["fromFile"] # yes, it's true, it's fromFile
- if not toFile in destinationFiles:
- continue
- destFile = destinationFiles[toFile]
- if destFile["action"] == "delete":
- # print "file %s has been deleted in %s" % (fileName, toFile)
- deleted = True
- break
- integrationCount += 1
- if integration["how"] == "branch from":
- continue
- if int(integration["change"]) == change:
- integrations.append(integration)
- continue
- if int(integration["change"]) > change:
- continue
- destRev = int(destFile["rev"])
- startRev = integration["startFromRev"][1:]
- if startRev == "none":
- startRev = 0
- else:
- startRev = int(startRev)
- endRev = integration["endFromRev"][1:]
- if endRev == "none":
- endRev = 0
- else:
- endRev = int(endRev)
- initialBranch = (destRev == 1 and integration["how"] != "branch into")
- inRange = (destRev >= startRev and destRev <= endRev)
- newer = (destRev > startRev and destRev > endRev)
- if initialBranch or inRange or newer:
- integrations.append(integration)
- if deleted:
- continue
- if len(integrations) == 0 and integrationCount > 1:
- print "file %s was not integrated from %s into %s" % (fileName, sourceBranch, destinationBranch)
- return False
- return True
def getUserMap(self):
self.users = {}
label = output["label"]
revisions = {}
newestChange = 0
- for file in p4CmdList("files //...@%s" % label):
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Querying files for label %s" % label
+ for file in p4CmdList("files %s...@%s" % (self.depotPath, label)):
revisions[file["depotFile"]] = file["rev"]
change = int(file["change"])
if change > newestChange:
self.labels[newestChange] = [output, revisions]
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Label changes: %s" % self.labels.keys()
+ def getBranchMapping(self):
+ self.projectName = self.depotPath[self.depotPath[:-1].rfind("/") + 1:]
+ for info in p4CmdList("branches"):
+ details = p4Cmd("branch -o %s" % info["branch"])
+ viewIdx = 0
+ while details.has_key("View%s" % viewIdx):
+ paths = details["View%s" % viewIdx].split(" ")
+ viewIdx = viewIdx + 1
+ # require standard //depot/foo/... //depot/bar/... mapping
+ if len(paths) != 2 or not paths[0].endswith("/...") or not paths[1].endswith("/..."):
+ continue
+ source = paths[0]
+ destination = paths[1]
+ if source.startswith(self.depotPath) and destination.startswith(self.depotPath):
+ source = source[len(self.depotPath):-4]
+ destination = destination[len(self.depotPath):-4]
+ if destination not in self.knownBranches:
+ self.knownBranches[destination] = source
+ if source not in self.knownBranches:
+ self.knownBranches[source] = source
+ def listExistingP4GitBranches(self):
+ self.p4BranchesInGit = []
+ for line in mypopen("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes").readlines():
+ if line.startswith("p4/") and line != "p4/HEAD\n":
+ branch = line[3:-1]
+ self.p4BranchesInGit.append(branch)
+ self.initialParents["refs/remotes/p4/" + branch] = parseRevision(line[:-1])
def run(self, args):
self.depotPath = ""
self.changeRange = ""
self.initialParent = ""
self.previousDepotPath = ""
+ # map from branch depot path to parent branch
+ self.knownBranches = {}
+ self.initialParents = {}
+ self.listExistingP4GitBranches()
+ if self.syncWithOrigin and gitBranchExists("origin") and gitBranchExists("refs/remotes/p4/master") and not self.detectBranches:
+ ### needs to be ported to multi branch import
+ print "Syncing with origin first as requested by calling git fetch origin"
+ system("git fetch origin")
+ [originPreviousDepotPath, originP4Change] = extractDepotPathAndChangeFromGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit("origin"))
+ [p4PreviousDepotPath, p4Change] = extractDepotPathAndChangeFromGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit("p4"))
+ if len(originPreviousDepotPath) > 0 and len(originP4Change) > 0 and len(p4Change) > 0:
+ if originPreviousDepotPath == p4PreviousDepotPath:
+ originP4Change = int(originP4Change)
+ p4Change = int(p4Change)
+ if originP4Change > p4Change:
+ print "origin (%s) is newer than p4 (%s). Updating p4 branch from origin." % (originP4Change, p4Change)
+ system("git update-ref refs/remotes/p4/master origin");
+ else:
+ print "Cannot sync with origin. It was imported from %s while remotes/p4 was imported from %s" % (originPreviousDepotPath, p4PreviousDepotPath)
if len(self.branch) == 0:
- self.branch = "p4"
+ self.branch = "refs/remotes/p4/master"
+ if gitBranchExists("refs/heads/p4"):
+ system("git update-ref %s refs/heads/p4" % self.branch)
+ system("git branch -D p4");
+ if not gitBranchExists("refs/remotes/p4/HEAD"):
+ system("git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/p4/HEAD %s" % self.branch)
if len(args) == 0:
- if not gitBranchExists(self.branch) and gitBranchExists("origin"):
+ if not gitBranchExists(self.branch) and gitBranchExists("origin") and not self.detectBranches:
+ ### needs to be ported to multi branch import
if not self.silent:
print "Creating %s branch in git repository based on origin" % self.branch
- system("git branch %s origin" % self.branch)
+ branch = self.branch
+ if not branch.startswith("refs"):
+ branch = "refs/heads/" + branch
+ system("git update-ref %s origin" % branch)
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "branches: %s" % self.p4BranchesInGit
+ p4Change = 0
+ for branch in self.p4BranchesInGit:
+ depotPath, change = extractDepotPathAndChangeFromGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit("refs/remotes/p4/" + branch))
- [self.previousDepotPath, p4Change] = extractDepotPathAndChangeFromGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(self.branch))
- if len(self.previousDepotPath) > 0 and len(p4Change) > 0:
- p4Change = int(p4Change) + 1
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "path %s change %s" % (depotPath, change)
+ if len(depotPath) > 0 and len(change) > 0:
+ change = int(change) + 1
+ p4Change = max(p4Change, change)
+ if len(self.previousDepotPath) == 0:
+ self.previousDepotPath = depotPath
+ else:
+ i = 0
+ l = min(len(self.previousDepotPath), len(depotPath))
+ while i < l and self.previousDepotPath[i] == depotPath[i]:
+ i = i + 1
+ self.previousDepotPath = self.previousDepotPath[:i]
+ if p4Change > 0:
self.depotPath = self.previousDepotPath
self.changeRange = "@%s,#head" % p4Change
- self.initialParent = self.branch
+ self.initialParent = parseRevision(self.branch)
if not self.silent:
print "Performing incremental import into %s git branch" % self.branch
- self.branch = "refs/heads/" + self.branch
+ if not self.branch.startswith("refs/"):
+ self.branch = "refs/heads/" + self.branch
if len(self.depotPath) != 0:
self.depotPath = self.depotPath[:-1]
self.revision = ""
self.users = {}
- self.lastChange = 0
if self.depotPath.find("@") != -1:
atIdx = self.depotPath.index("@")
if self.detectLabels:
- if len(self.changeRange) == 0:
- try:
- sout, sin, serr = popen2.popen3("git name-rev --tags `git rev-parse %s`" % self.branch)
- output = sout.read()
- if output.endswith("\n"):
- output = output[:-1]
- tagIdx = output.index(" tags/p4/")
- caretIdx = output.find("^")
- endPos = len(output)
- if caretIdx != -1:
- endPos = caretIdx
- self.rev = int(output[tagIdx + 9 : endPos]) + 1
- self.changeRange = "@%s,#head" % self.rev
- self.initialParent = mypopen("git rev-parse %s" % self.branch).read()[:-1]
- except:
- pass
+ if self.detectBranches:
+ self.getBranchMapping();
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "p4-git branches: %s" % self.p4BranchesInGit
+ print "initial parents: %s" % self.initialParents
+ for b in self.p4BranchesInGit:
+ if b != "master":
+ b = b[len(self.projectName):]
+ self.createdBranches.add(b)
self.tz = "%+03d%02d" % (- time.timezone / 3600, ((- time.timezone % 3600) / 60))
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Getting p4 changes for %s...%s" % (self.depotPath, self.changeRange)
output = mypopen("p4 changes %s...%s" % (self.depotPath, self.changeRange)).readlines()
for line in output:
cnt = cnt + 1
- files = self.extractFilesFromCommit(description)
if self.detectBranches:
- for branch in self.branchesForCommit(files):
- self.knownBranches.add(branch)
+ branches = self.splitFilesIntoBranches(description)
+ for branch in branches.keys():
branchPrefix = self.depotPath + branch + "/"
- filesForCommit = self.extractFilesInCommitToBranch(files, branchPrefix)
- merged = ""
parent = ""
- ########### remove cnt!!!
- if branch not in self.createdBranches and cnt > 2:
+ filesForCommit = branches[branch]
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "branch is %s" % branch
+ if branch not in self.createdBranches:
- parent = self.findBranchParent(branchPrefix, files)
+ parent = self.knownBranches[branch]
if parent == branch:
parent = ""
- # elif len(parent) > 0:
- # print "%s branched off of %s" % (branch, parent)
+ elif self.verbose:
+ print "parent determined through known branches: %s" % parent
- if len(parent) == 0:
- merged = self.findBranchSourceHeuristic(filesForCommit, branch, branchPrefix)
- if len(merged) > 0:
- print "change %s could be a merge from %s into %s" % (description["change"], merged, branch)
- if not self.changeIsBranchMerge(merged, branch, int(description["change"])):
- merged = ""
+ # main branch? use master
+ if branch == "main":
+ branch = "master"
+ else:
+ branch = self.projectName + branch
- branch = "refs/heads/" + branch
+ if parent == "main":
+ parent = "master"
+ elif len(parent) > 0:
+ parent = self.projectName + parent
+ branch = "refs/remotes/p4/" + branch
if len(parent) > 0:
- parent = "refs/heads/" + parent
- if len(merged) > 0:
- merged = "refs/heads/" + merged
- self.commit(description, files, branch, branchPrefix, parent, merged)
+ parent = "refs/remotes/p4/" + parent
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "looking for initial parent for %s; current parent is %s" % (branch, parent)
+ if len(parent) == 0 and branch in self.initialParents:
+ parent = self.initialParents[branch]
+ del self.initialParents[branch]
+ self.commit(description, filesForCommit, branch, branchPrefix, parent)
+ files = self.extractFilesFromCommit(description)
self.commit(description, files, self.branch, self.depotPath, self.initialParent)
self.initialParent = ""
except IOError:
+ if importProcess.wait() != 0:
+ die("fast-import failed: %s" % self.gitError.read())
- importProcess.wait()
return True
class P4Rebase(Command):
def __init__(self):
- self.options = [ ]
+ self.options = [ optparse.make_option("--with-origin", dest="syncWithOrigin", action="store_true") ]
self.description = "Fetches the latest revision from perforce and rebases the current work (branch) against it"
+ self.syncWithOrigin = False
def run(self, args):
sync = P4Sync()
+ sync.syncWithOrigin = self.syncWithOrigin
print "Rebasing the current branch"
oldHead = mypopen("git rev-parse HEAD").read()[:-1]
if not P4Sync.run(self, [depotPath]):
return False
if self.branch != "master":
- system("git branch master p4")
- system("git checkout -f")
+ if gitBranchExists("refs/remotes/p4/master"):
+ system("git branch master refs/remotes/p4/master")
+ system("git checkout -f")
+ else:
+ print "Could not detect main branch. No checkout/master branch created."
return True
class HelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
commands = {
"debug" : P4Debug(),
- "clean-tags" : P4CleanTags(),
"submit" : P4Submit(),
"sync" : P4Sync(),
"rebase" : P4Rebase(),