"Set the state of a file info."
(unless (eq (git-fileinfo->state info) state)
(setf (git-fileinfo->state info) state
- (git-fileinfo->old-perm info) 0
- (git-fileinfo->new-perm info) 0
+ (git-fileinfo->new-perm info) (git-fileinfo->old-perm info)
(git-fileinfo->rename-state info) nil
(git-fileinfo->orig-name info) nil
(git-fileinfo->needs-refresh info) t)))
(?A 'added)
(?D 'deleted)
(?U 'unmerged)
+ (?T 'modified)
(t nil)))
(defun git-status-code-as-string (code)
('ignored (propertize "Ignored " 'face 'git-ignored-face))
(t "? ")))
+(defun git-file-type-as-string (old-perm new-perm)
+ "Return a string describing the file type based on its permissions."
+ (let* ((old-type (lsh (or old-perm 0) -9))
+ (new-type (lsh (or new-perm 0) -9))
+ (str (case new-type
+ (?\100 ;; file
+ (case old-type
+ (?\100 nil)
+ (?\120 " (type change symlink -> file)")
+ (?\160 " (type change subproject -> file)")))
+ (?\120 ;; symlink
+ (case old-type
+ (?\100 " (type change file -> symlink)")
+ (?\160 " (type change subproject -> symlink)")
+ (t " (symlink)")))
+ (?\160 ;; subproject
+ (case old-type
+ (?\100 " (type change file -> subproject)")
+ (?\120 " (type change symlink -> subproject)")
+ (t " (subproject)")))
+ (?\000 ;; deleted or unknown
+ (case old-type
+ (?\120 " (symlink)")
+ (?\160 " (subproject)")))
+ (t (format " (unknown type %o)" new-type)))))
+ (if str (propertize str 'face 'git-status-face) "")))
(defun git-rename-as-string (info)
"Return a string describing the copy or rename associated with INFO, or an empty string if none."
(let ((state (git-fileinfo->rename-state info)))
(defun git-fileinfo-prettyprint (info)
"Pretty-printer for the git-fileinfo structure."
- (insert (concat " " (if (git-fileinfo->marked info) (propertize "*" 'face 'git-mark-face) " ")
- " " (git-status-code-as-string (git-fileinfo->state info))
- " " (git-permissions-as-string (git-fileinfo->old-perm info) (git-fileinfo->new-perm info))
- " " (git-escape-file-name (git-fileinfo->name info))
- (git-rename-as-string info))))
+ (let ((old-perm (git-fileinfo->old-perm info))
+ (new-perm (git-fileinfo->new-perm info)))
+ (insert (concat " " (if (git-fileinfo->marked info) (propertize "*" 'face 'git-mark-face) " ")
+ " " (git-status-code-as-string (git-fileinfo->state info))
+ " " (git-permissions-as-string old-perm new-perm)
+ " " (git-escape-file-name (git-fileinfo->name info))
+ (git-file-type-as-string old-perm new-perm)
+ (git-rename-as-string info)))))
(defun git-insert-info-list (status infolist)
"Insert a list of file infos in the status buffer, replacing existing ones if any."
(let ((info (pop infolist))
(node (ewoc-nth status 0)))
(while info
- (setf (git-fileinfo->needs-refresh info) t)
(cond ((not node)
- (ewoc-enter-last status info)
+ (setq node (ewoc-enter-last status info))
(setq info (pop infolist)))
((string-lessp (git-fileinfo->name (ewoc-data node))
(git-fileinfo->name info))
(git-fileinfo->name info))
;; preserve the marked flag
(setf (git-fileinfo->marked info) (git-fileinfo->marked (ewoc-data node)))
+ (setf (git-fileinfo->needs-refresh info) t)
(setf (ewoc-data node) info)
(setq info (pop infolist)))
- (ewoc-enter-before status node info)
+ (setq node (ewoc-enter-before status node info))
(setq info (pop infolist)))))))
(defun git-run-diff-index (status files)
"Run git-diff-index on FILES and parse the results into STATUS.
Return the list of files that haven't been handled."
- (let (infolist)
+ (let ((remaining (copy-sequence files))
+ infolist)
(apply #'git-call-process-env t nil "diff-index" "-z" "-M" "HEAD" "--" files)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
- ":\\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) \\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} \\(\\([ADMU]\\)\0\\([^\0]+\\)\\|\\([CR]\\)[0-9]*\0\\([^\0]+\\)\0\\([^\0]+\\)\\)\0"
+ ":\\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) \\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} \\(\\([ADMUT]\\)\0\\([^\0]+\\)\\|\\([CR]\\)[0-9]*\0\\([^\0]+\\)\0\\([^\0]+\\)\\)\0"
nil t 1)
(let ((old-perm (string-to-number (match-string 1) 8))
(new-perm (string-to-number (match-string 2) 8))
(push (git-create-fileinfo 'deleted name 0 0 'rename new-name) infolist)
(push (git-create-fileinfo 'added new-name old-perm new-perm 'rename name) infolist))
(push (git-create-fileinfo (git-state-code state) name old-perm new-perm) infolist))
- (setq files (delete name files))
- (when new-name (setq files (delete new-name files))))))
+ (setq remaining (delete name remaining))
+ (when new-name (setq remaining (delete new-name remaining))))))
(git-insert-info-list status infolist)
- files))
+ remaining))
(defun git-find-status-file (status file)
"Find a given file in the status ewoc and return its node."
(defun git-run-ls-files-cached (status files default-state)
"Run git-ls-files -c on FILES and parse the results into STATUS.
Return the list of files that haven't been handled."
- (let (infolist)
+ (let ((remaining (copy-sequence files))
+ infolist)
(apply #'git-call-process-env t nil "ls-files" "-z" "-s" "-c" "--" files)
(goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "\\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} [0-3]\t\\([^\0]+\\)\0" nil t)
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\([0-7]\\{6\\}\\) [0-9a-f]\\{40\\} 0\t\\([^\0]+\\)\0" nil t)
(let* ((new-perm (string-to-number (match-string 1) 8))
(old-perm (if (eq default-state 'added) 0 new-perm))
(name (match-string 2)))
(push (git-create-fileinfo default-state name old-perm new-perm) infolist)
- (setq files (delete name files)))))
+ (setq remaining (delete name remaining)))))
(git-insert-info-list status infolist)
- files))
+ remaining))
(defun git-run-ls-unmerged (status files)
"Run git-ls-files -u on FILES and parse the results into STATUS."
(defun git-update-status-files (files &optional default-state)
"Update the status of FILES from the index."
(unless git-status (error "Not in git-status buffer."))
- (unless files
- (when git-show-uptodate (git-run-ls-files-cached git-status nil 'uptodate)))
+ (when (or git-show-uptodate files)
+ (git-run-ls-files-cached git-status files 'uptodate))
(let* ((remaining-files
(if (git-empty-db-p) ; we need some special handling for an empty db
(git-run-ls-files-cached git-status files 'added)
(condition-case nil (delete-file ".git/MERGE_HEAD") (error nil))
(condition-case nil (delete-file ".git/MERGE_MSG") (error nil))
(with-current-buffer buffer (erase-buffer))
- (dolist (info files) (git-set-fileinfo-state info 'uptodate))
+ (git-update-status-files (git-get-filenames files) 'uptodate)
(git-call-process-env nil nil "rerere")
(git-call-process-env nil nil "gc" "--auto")