. ./test.config
+wiki_upload_file () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl upload_file "$@"
+wiki_getpage () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl get_page "$@"
+wiki_delete_page () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl delete_page "$@"
+wiki_editpage () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl edit_page "$@"
+die () {
+ die_with_status 1 "$@"
+die_with_status () {
+ status=$1
+ shift
+ echo >&2 "$*"
+ exit "$status"
+# Check the preconditions to run git-remote-mediawiki's tests
+test_check_precond () {
+ if ! test_have_prereq PERL
+ then
+ skip_all='skipping gateway git-mw tests, perl not available'
+ test_done
+ fi
+ GIT_EXEC_PATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && cd "../.." && pwd)
+ PATH="$GIT_EXEC_PATH"'/bin-wrapper:'"$PATH"
+ if [ ! -d "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME" ];
+ then
+ skip_all='skipping gateway git-mw tests, no mediawiki found'
+ test_done
+ fi
+# test_diff_directories <dir_git> <dir_wiki>
+# Compare the contents of directories <dir_git> and <dir_wiki> with diff
+# and errors if they do not match. The program will
+# not look into .git in the process.
+# Warning: the first argument MUST be the directory containing the git data
+test_diff_directories () {
+ rm -rf "$1_tmp"
+ mkdir -p "$1_tmp"
+ cp "$1"/*.mw "$1_tmp"
+ diff -r -b "$1_tmp" "$2"
+# $1=<dir>
+# $2=<N>
+# Check that <dir> contains exactly <N> files
+test_contains_N_files () {
+ if test `ls -- "$1" | wc -l` -ne "$2"; then
+ echo "directory $1 should contain $2 files"
+ echo "it contains these files:"
+ ls "$1"
+ false
+ fi
+# wiki_check_content <file_name> <page_name>
+# Compares the contents of the file <file_name> and the wiki page
+# <page_name> and exits with error 1 if they do not match.
+wiki_check_content () {
+ mkdir -p wiki_tmp
+ wiki_getpage "$2" wiki_tmp
+ # replacement of forbidden character in file name
+ page_name=$(printf "%s\n" "$2" | sed -e "s/\//%2F/g")
+ diff -b "$1" wiki_tmp/"$page_name".mw
+ if test $? -ne 0
+ then
+ rm -rf wiki_tmp
+ error "ERROR: file $2 not found on wiki"
+ fi
+ rm -rf wiki_tmp
+# wiki_page_exist <page_name>
+# Check the existence of the page <page_name> on the wiki and exits
+# with error if it is absent from it.
+wiki_page_exist () {
+ mkdir -p wiki_tmp
+ wiki_getpage "$1" wiki_tmp
+ page_name=$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | sed "s/\//%2F/g")
+ if test -f wiki_tmp/"$page_name".mw ; then
+ rm -rf wiki_tmp
+ else
+ rm -rf wiki_tmp
+ error "test failed: file $1 not found on wiki"
+ fi
+# wiki_getallpagename
+# Fetch the name of each page on the wiki.
+wiki_getallpagename () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl getallpagename
+# wiki_getallpagecategory <category>
+# Fetch the name of each page belonging to <category> on the wiki.
+wiki_getallpagecategory () {
+ "$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl getallpagename "$@"
+# wiki_getallpage <dest_dir> [<category>]
+# Fetch all the pages from the wiki and place them in the directory
+# <dest_dir>.
+# If <category> is define, then wiki_getallpage fetch the pages included
+# in <category>.
+wiki_getallpage () {
+ if test -z "$2";
+ then
+ wiki_getallpagename
+ else
+ wiki_getallpagecategory "$2"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ while read -r line; do
+ wiki_getpage "$line" $1;
+ done < all.txt
# ================= Install part =================
error () {
# Fetch MediaWiki's archive if not already present in the TMP directory
cd "$TMP"
- if [ ! -f "$MW_VERSION.tar.gz" ] ; then
- echo "Downloading $MW_VERSION sources ..."
- wget "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.19/mediawiki-1.19.0.tar.gz" ||
+ if [ ! -f $MW_FILENAME ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading $MW_VERSION_MAJOR.$MW_VERSION_MINOR sources ..."
+ wget "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/$MW_VERSION_MAJOR/$MW_FILENAME" ||
error "Unable to download "\
- "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.19/"\
- "mediawiki-1.19.0.tar.gz. "\
+ "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/$MW_VERSION_MAJOR/"\
"Please fix your connection and launch the script again."
- echo "$MW_VERSION.tar.gz downloaded in `pwd`. "\
+ echo "$MW_FILENAME downloaded in `pwd`. "\
"You can delete it later if you want."
- echo "Reusing existing $MW_VERSION.tar.gz downloaded in `pwd`."
+ echo "Reusing existing $MW_FILENAME downloaded in `pwd`."
- archive_abs_path=$(pwd)/"$MW_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ archive_abs_path=$(pwd)/$MW_FILENAME
error "can't cd to $WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME/"
tar xzf "$archive_abs_path" --strip-components=1 ||
# Delete the wiki's SQLite database
rm -f "$TMP/$DB_FILE" || error "Database $TMP/$DB_FILE could not be deleted."
- rm -rf "$TMP/$MW_VERSION"
+ rm -rf "$TMP/mediawiki-$MW_VERSION_MAJOR.$MW_VERSION_MINOR.tar.gz"