fatal: Merge requires file-level merging
- merge: warning: conflicts during merge
- ERROR: Merge conflict in hello.
- fatal: merge program failed
+ Auto-merging hello
+ CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in hello
Automatic merge failed/prevented; fix up by hand
$ git show-branch master mybranch
-* [master] Merged "mybranch" changes.
+* [master] Merge work in mybranch
! [mybranch] Some work.
-+ [master] Merged "mybranch" changes.
++ [master] Merge work in mybranch
++ [mybranch] Some work.
$ git show-branch master mybranch
-! [master] Merged "mybranch" changes.
- * [mybranch] Merged "mybranch" changes.
+! [master] Merge work in mybranch
+ * [mybranch] Merge work in mybranch
-++ [master] Merged "mybranch" changes.
+++ [master] Merge work in mybranch
the "project lead" person does.
3. Copy over the packed files from "project lead" public
- repository to your public repository.
+ repository to your public repository, unless the "project
+ lead" repository lives on the same machine as yours. In the
+ latter case, you can use `objects/info/alternates` file to
+ point at the repository you are borrowing from.
4. Push into the public repository from your primary
repository. Run `git repack`, and possibly `git prune` if the