$_version, $_fetch_all, $_no_rebase,
$_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_local,
$_prefix, $_no_checkout, $_url, $_verbose,
- $_git_format);
+ $_git_format, $_commit_url);
$Git::SVN::_follow_parent = 1;
my %remote_opts = ( 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username,
'config-dir=s' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::config_dir,
'verbose|v' => \$_verbose,
'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run,
'fetch-all|all' => \$_fetch_all,
+ 'commit-url=s' => \$_commit_url,
+ 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision,
'no-rebase' => \$_no_rebase,
%cmt_opts, %fc_opts } ],
'set-tree' => [ \&cmd_set_tree,
'color' => \$Git::SVN::Log::color,
'pager=s' => \$Git::SVN::Log::pager
} ],
- 'find-rev' => [ \&cmd_find_rev, "Translate between SVN revision numbers and tree-ish",
+ 'find-rev' => [ \&cmd_find_rev,
+ "Translate between SVN revision numbers and tree-ish",
{} ],
'rebase' => [ \&cmd_rebase, "Fetch and rebase your working directory",
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
my %opts = %{$cmd{$cmd}->[2]} if (defined $cmd);
-Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through') if ($cmd && ($cmd eq 'log' || $cmd eq 'blame'));
+if ($cmd && ($cmd eq 'log' || $cmd eq 'blame')) {
+ Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
my $rv = GetOptions(%opts, 'help|H|h' => \$_help, 'version|V' => \$_version,
'minimize-connections' => \$Git::SVN::Migration::_minimize,
'id|i=s' => \$Git::SVN::default_ref_id,
$head ||= 'HEAD';
my @refs;
my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info($head, \@refs);
- if ($url) {
- print "Committing to $url ...\n";
- }
unless ($gs) {
die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ",
"$head history.\nPerhaps the repository is empty.";
- my $last_rev;
+ $url = defined $_commit_url ? $_commit_url : $gs->full_url;
+ my $last_rev = $_revision if defined $_revision;
+ if ($url) {
+ print "Committing to $url ...\n";
+ }
my ($linear_refs, $parents) = linearize_history($gs, \@refs);
if ($_no_rebase && scalar(@$linear_refs) > 1) {
warn "Attempting to commit more than one change while ",
"If these changes depend on each other, re-running ",
"without --no-rebase may be required."
+ my $expect_url = $url;
+ Git::SVN::remove_username($expect_url);
while (1) {
my $d = shift @$linear_refs or last;
unless (defined $last_rev) {
my $cmt_rev;
my %ed_opts = ( r => $last_rev,
log => get_commit_entry($d)->{log},
- ra => Git::SVN::Ra->new($gs->full_url),
+ ra => Git::SVN::Ra->new($url),
config => SVN::Core::config_get_config(
"\nBefore dcommitting";
- if ($url_ ne $url) {
+ if ($url_ ne $expect_url) {
fatal "URL mismatch after rebase: ",
- "$url_ != $url";
+ "$url_ != $expect_url";
if ($uuid_ ne $uuid) {
fatal "uuid mismatch after rebase: ",
+sub escape_uri_only {
+ my ($uri) = @_;
+ my @tmp;
+ foreach (split m{/}, $uri) {
+ s/([^\w.%+-]|%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2}))/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg;
+ push @tmp, $_;
+ }
+ join('/', @tmp);
+sub escape_url {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ if ($url =~ m#^([^:]+)://([^/]*)(.*)$#) {
+ my ($scheme, $domain, $uri) = ($1, $2, escape_uri_only($3));
+ $url = "$scheme://$domain$uri";
+ }
+ $url;
sub cmd_info {
- my $path = canonicalize_path(shift or ".");
- unless (scalar(@_) == 0) {
+ my $path = canonicalize_path(defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ".");
+ my $fullpath = canonicalize_path($cmd_dir_prefix . $path);
+ if (exists $_[1]) {
die "Too many arguments specified\n";
my ($file_type, $diff_status) = find_file_type_and_diff_status($path);
if (!$file_type && !$diff_status) {
- print STDERR "$path: (Not a versioned resource)\n\n";
- return;
+ print STDERR "svn: '$path' is not under version control\n";
+ exit 1;
my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info('HEAD');
die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ",
"working tree history\n";
- my $full_url = $url . ($path eq "." ? "" : "/$path");
+ # canonicalize_path() will return "" to make libsvn 1.5.x happy,
+ $path = "." if $path eq "";
+ my $full_url = $url . ($fullpath eq "" ? "" : "/$fullpath");
if ($_url) {
- print $full_url, "\n";
+ print escape_url($full_url), "\n";
my $result = "Path: $path\n";
$result .= "Name: " . basename($path) . "\n" if $file_type ne "dir";
- $result .= "URL: " . $full_url . "\n";
+ $result .= "URL: " . escape_url($full_url) . "\n";
eval {
my $repos_root = $gs->repos_root;
- $result .= "Repository Root: $repos_root\n";
+ $result .= "Repository Root: " . escape_url($repos_root) . "\n";
if ($@) {
$result .= "Repository Root: (offline)\n";
my ($lc_author, $lc_rev, $lc_date_utc);
- my @args = Git::SVN::Log::git_svn_log_cmd($rev, $rev, "--", $path);
+ my @args = Git::SVN::Log::git_svn_log_cmd($rev, $rev, "--", $fullpath);
my $log = command_output_pipe(@args);
my $esc_color = qr/(?:\033\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d*)?m)*/;
while (<$log>) {
if (length $pfx && $pfx !~ m#/$#) {
die "--prefix='$pfx' must have a trailing slash '/'\n";
- command_noisy('config', "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.$n",
- "$remote_path:refs/remotes/$pfx*");
+ command_noisy('config',
+ "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.$n",
+ "$remote_path:refs/remotes/$pfx*" .
+ ('/*' x (($remote_path =~ tr/*/*/) - 1)) );
sub verify_ref {
my $arg = shift;
my $ref = ref $arg;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
- if ($ref eq 'GLOB' || $ref eq 'IO::File') {
+ if ($ref eq 'GLOB' || $ref eq 'IO::File' || $ref eq 'File::Temp') {
$md5->addfile($arg) or croak $!;
} elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
$md5->add($$arg) or croak $!;
unlink keys %LOCKFILES if %LOCKFILES;
sub apply_textdelta {
my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_;
- my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
- $fh->autoflush(1);
+ my $fh = Git::temp_acquire('svn_delta');
# $fh gets auto-closed() by SVN::TxDelta::apply(),
# (but $base does not,) so dup() it for reading in close_file
open my $dup, '<&', $fh or croak $!;
- my $base = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
- $base->autoflush(1);
+ my $base = Git::temp_acquire('git_blob');
if ($fb->{blob}) {
print $base 'link ' if ($fb->{mode_a} == 120000);
my $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($fb->{blob}, $base);
seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!;
- $fb->{fh} = $dup;
+ $fb->{fh} = $fh;
$fb->{base} = $base;
- [ SVN::TxDelta::apply($base, $fh, undef, $fb->{path}, $fb->{pool}) ];
+ [ SVN::TxDelta::apply($base, $dup, undef, $fb->{path}, $fb->{pool}) ];
sub close_file {
"expected: $exp\n got: $got\n";
- sysseek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
if ($fb->{mode_b} == 120000) {
- eval {
- sysread($fh, my $buf, 5) == 5 or croak $!;
- $buf eq 'link ' or die "$path has mode 120000",
- " but is not a link";
- };
- if ($@) {
- warn "$@\n";
- sysseek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
- }
- }
+ sysseek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
+ sysread($fh, my $buf, 5) == 5 or croak $!;
- my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
- my $result;
- while ($result = sysread($fh, my $string, 1024)) {
- my $wrote = syswrite($tmp_fh, $string, $result);
- defined($wrote) && $wrote == $result
- or croak("write $tmp_filename: $!\n");
- }
- defined $result or croak $!;
- close $tmp_fh or croak $!;
+ unless ($buf eq 'link ') {
+ warn "$path has mode 120000",
+ " but is not a link\n";
+ } else {
+ my $tmp_fh = Git::temp_acquire('svn_hash');
+ my $res;
+ while ($res = sysread($fh, my $str, 1024)) {
+ my $out = syswrite($tmp_fh, $str, $res);
+ defined($out) && $out == $res
+ or croak("write ",
+ Git::temp_path($tmp_fh),
+ ": $!\n");
+ }
+ defined $res or croak $!;
- close $fh or croak $!;
+ ($fh, $tmp_fh) = ($tmp_fh, $fh);
+ Git::temp_release($tmp_fh, 1);
+ }
+ }
- $hash = $::_repository->hash_and_insert_object($tmp_filename);
- unlink($tmp_filename);
+ $hash = $::_repository->hash_and_insert_object(
+ Git::temp_path($fh));
$hash =~ /^[a-f\d]{40}$/ or die "not a sha1: $hash\n";
- close $fb->{base} or croak $!;
+ Git::temp_release($fb->{base}, 1);
+ Git::temp_release($fh, 1);
} else {
$hash = $fb->{blob} or die "no blob information\n";
while (<$diff_fh>) {
chomp $_; # this gets rid of the trailing "\0"
if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s
- $::sha1\s($::sha1)\s
+ ($::sha1)\s($::sha1)\s
([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) {
push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2,
- sha1_b => $3, chg => $4 };
- if ($4 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ sha1_a => $3, sha1_b => $4,
+ chg => $5 };
+ if ($5 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
$state = 'file_a';
} else {
$state = 'file_b';
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
$self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat);
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
$self->SUPER::change_file_prop($fbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool});
-sub chg_file {
- my ($self, $fbat, $m) = @_;
- if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
- $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable','*');
- } elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
- $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable',undef);
- }
- my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
- if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/) {
+sub _chg_file_get_blob ($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $fbat, $m, $which) = @_;
+ my $fh = Git::temp_acquire("git_blob_$which");
+ if ($m->{"mode_$which"} =~ /^120/) {
print $fh 'link ' or croak $!;
- } elsif ($m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_b} !~ /^120/) {
+ } elsif ($m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/ && $m->{"mode_$which"} !~ /^120/) {
- my $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($m->{sha1_b}, $fh);
- croak "Failed to read object $m->{sha1_b}" if ($size < 0);
+ my $blob = $m->{"sha1_$which"};
+ return ($fh,) if ($blob =~ /^0{40}$/);
+ my $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($blob, $fh);
+ croak "Failed to read object $blob" if ($size < 0);
$fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
my $exp = ::md5sum($fh);
seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ return ($fh, $exp);
+sub chg_file {
+ my ($self, $fbat, $m) = @_;
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable','*');
+ } elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable',undef);
+ }
+ my ($fh_a, $exp_a) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'a';
+ my ($fh_b, $exp_b) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'b';
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
- my $atd = $self->apply_textdelta($fbat, undef, $pool);
- my $got = SVN::TxDelta::send_stream($fh, @$atd, $pool);
- die "Checksum mismatch\nexpected: $exp\ngot: $got\n" if ($got ne $exp);
+ my $atd = $self->apply_textdelta($fbat, $exp_a, $pool);
+ if (-s $fh_a) {
+ my $txstream = SVN::TxDelta::new ($fh_a, $fh_b, $pool);
+ my $res = SVN::TxDelta::send_txstream($txstream, @$atd, $pool);
+ if (defined $res) {
+ die "Unexpected result from send_txstream: $res\n",
+ "(SVN::Core::VERSION: $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $got = SVN::TxDelta::send_stream($fh_b, @$atd, $pool);
+ die "Checksum mismatch\nexpected: $exp_b\ngot: $got\n"
+ if ($got ne $exp_b);
+ }
+ Git::temp_release($fh_b, 1);
+ Git::temp_release($fh_a, 1);
- close $fh or croak $!;
sub D {
my $old_url = $full_url;
$full_url .= '/' . escape_uri_only($path) if length $path;
my ($ra, $reparented);
- if ($old_url ne $full_url) {
- if ($old_url !~ m#^svn(\+ssh)?://#) {
- SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent($self->{session}, $full_url,
- $pool);
- $self->{url} = $full_url;
- $reparented = 1;
- } else {
- $_[0] = undef;
- $self = undef;
- $RA = undef;
- $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($full_url);
- $ra_invalid = 1;
- }
+ if ($old_url =~ m#^svn(\+ssh)?://#) {
+ $_[0] = undef;
+ $self = undef;
+ $RA = undef;
+ $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($full_url);
+ $ra_invalid = 1;
+ } elsif ($old_url ne $full_url) {
+ SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent($self->{session}, $full_url, $pool);
+ $self->{url} = $full_url;
+ $reparented = 1;
$ra ||= $self;
+ $url_b = escape_url($url_b);
my $reporter = $ra->do_switch($rev_b, '', 1, $url_b, $editor, $pool);
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
$reporter->set_path('', $rev_a, 0, @lock, $pool);
+sub get_dir_globbed {
+ my ($self, $left, $depth, $r) = @_;
+ my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($left, $r) };
+ return unless scalar @x == 3;
+ my $dirents = $x[0];
+ my @finalents;
+ foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) {
+ next if $dirents->{$de}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
+ if ($depth > 1) {
+ my @args = ("$left/$de", $depth - 1, $r);
+ foreach my $dir ($self->get_dir_globbed(@args)) {
+ push @finalents, "$de/$dir";
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @finalents, $de;
+ }
+ }
+ @finalents;
sub match_globs {
my ($self, $exists, $paths, $globs, $r) = @_;
sub get_dir_check {
my ($self, $exists, $g, $r) = @_;
- my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($g->{path}->{left}, $r) };
- return unless scalar @x == 3;
- my $dirents = $x[0];
- foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) {
- next if $dirents->{$de}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
+ my @dirs = $self->get_dir_globbed($g->{path}->{left},
+ $g->{path}->{depth},
+ $r);
+ foreach my $de (@dirs) {
my $p = $g->{path}->full_path($de);
next if $exists->{$p};
next if (length $g->{path}->{right} &&
sub run_pager {
return unless -t *STDOUT && defined $pager;
- pipe my $rfd, my $wfd or return;
+ pipe my ($rfd, $wfd) or return;
defined(my $pid = fork) or ::fatal "Can't fork: $!";
if (!$pid) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $wfd or
my ($class, $glob) = @_;
my $re = $glob;
$re =~ s!/+$!!g; # no need for trailing slashes
- my $nr = ($re =~ s!^(.*)\*(.*)$!\(\[^/\]+\)!g);
- my ($left, $right) = ($1, $2);
- if ($nr > 1) {
- die "Only one '*' wildcard expansion ",
- "is supported (got $nr): '$glob'\n";
- } elsif ($nr == 0) {
+ $re =~ m!^([^*]*)(\*(?:/\*)*)([^*]*)$!;
+ my $temp = $re;
+ my ($left, $right) = ($1, $3);
+ $re = $2;
+ my $depth = $re =~ tr/*/*/;
+ if ($depth != $temp =~ tr/*/*/) {
+ die "Only one set of wildcard directories " .
+ "(e.g. '*' or '*/*/*') is supported: '$glob'\n";
+ }
+ if ($depth == 0) {
die "One '*' is needed for glob: '$glob'\n";
- $re = quotemeta($left) . $re . quotemeta($right);
+ $re =~ s!\*!\[^/\]*!g;
+ $re = quotemeta($left) . "($re)" . quotemeta($right);
if (length $left && !($left =~ s!/+$!!g)) {
die "Missing trailing '/' on left side of: '$glob' ($left)\n";
my $left_re = qr/^\/\Q$left\E(\/|$)/;
bless { left => $left, right => $right, left_regex => $left_re,
- regex => qr/$re/, glob => $glob }, $class;
+ regex => qr/$re/, glob => $glob, depth => $depth }, $class;
sub full_path {